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Chapter eight hundred and eighty third infighting

"I think you are confused!" Laoshu immediately pretended to touch Ling Tian's forehead: "Come and let me see if you are sick. If you are sick, you must take medicine quickly, otherwise you will have to take medicine in the future.

You’re just lazy about being sick!”

"Don't make trouble!" Ling Tian waved his hand and said, "What I'm telling you is the truth. This has been confirmed by Zixia herself. The higher the level of cultivation of people in a region, the easier it is for them to come into contact with Zixia. These

People are followers of Zixia, and now Zixia has conveyed the news of the cleansing of the fairy world to these believers, and also given them an order to unify the entire ocean area and welcome my arrival!"

When everyone heard this, they all exclaimed in unison: "Doesn't that mean that civil strife has broken out in the ocean area now? Maybe after we control the four domains, we can then go to the ocean area and control it without spending a single soldier.

The power of the entire ocean area?”

"You have a beautiful thought!" Ling Tian shook his head helplessly, with an expression as if he had been defeated by Zhang Tianxing: "Those are followers of Zixia Star, not her slaves. Just like these followers of mine, after that

So they will trust me. It’s simply because first, I’m stronger than them, and second, I can bring benefits to them. If you can’t do these two basic things, who will trust you?”

Jiang Mengzhu couldn't help but frowned and said: "Ling Tian, ​​do you mean that when we pass through the ocean area, it is very likely that we will usher in a war between Zixia believers?"

"It won't be a big war!" Ling Tian shook his head: "But the necessary competition is probably indispensable. Unless our power can crush them and make them dare not compete at all, it is possible to escape this competition.


"Escape?" Lao Shu suddenly blew his beard and said with eyes wide open: "In my world, Lao Shu, there is no such word as escape. Just do it, no matter who you are afraid of. Anyway, I have reached the critical point recently, and I will soon."

If we take this final step, our power will be doubled, and it will be easy to defeat the Mahayana period!"

Ling Tian knew that Lao Shu was not bragging in this sentence. Although he had lost the guidance of the foodie, the arrival of Zixia made up for this very well.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand that the old tree has made rapid progress in this short period of time.

What's more, Laoshu and Ling Tian are truly from the same camp. The stronger he is, the happier Ling Tian will be.

A few people chatted and laughed, and lightly proposed various plans for the future. Although everything was very big and scary, they looked like they didn't take it to heart at all. It could be said that they were extremely calm.

There is no need to explain why Ling Tian has such emotions. It is related to the various experiences he has had along the way. The reason why the rest of the people are so calm is also because they have been with Ling Tian along the way.

related to various experiences.

It seems that as long as Ling Tian is around, no matter how bizarre things happen, they can accept it. By now, they have become accustomed to it.

At this time, the situation below has changed again. More and more disciples are participating in this change, and they have changed from waiting and watching to being part of it.

But without exception, these disciples all stood by Zhiruo.

In particular, many of the scheming disciples finally made up their minds to stand on Zhiruo's side. Although the disciples with other surnames had a lower status in the Jin Tong sect, as the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Disciples with foreign surnames also have their own small circles. They have groups and teams. Some powerful disciple groups with foreign surnames even number tens of thousands, which is very terrifying.

The moment Zhiruo opened her mouth, those who immediately chose to join him were basically "loners" who were single and did not involve any disciples with foreign surnames.

But now as more and more groups join, almost tens of thousands of people join Zhiruo's side in waves.

The situation in the field suddenly became a little strange.

But at this time, Zhiruo was too lazy to wait any longer, and instead cupped her hands towards Zhihong and said, "Please give the master an order to arrest and punish all these rebellious elders!"

After hearing Zhiruo's words, everyone reacted in unison. It's true, the new leader has not been elected yet, and now Zhihong is actually the leader of Jin Tongmen.

Zhihong also nodded, with a flat expression on his face. He had a posture of not being surprised when the mountain collapsed. However, he did not make any decision, but put the leader's seal and token together.

He put it in Zhiruo's hand and said: "You have seen the current situation. Almost all the disciples have chosen to support you. In this way, there is no suspense in the competition. I now declare that you, Zhiruo

, he is the new generation leader of our Jin Tongmen!"

"This old man is quite naughty!" Ling Tian couldn't help but smile when he saw this, "I don't know if it's right or wrong to let him go this time!"

In fact, the situation has stabilized now, and it is only an honorable thing for Zhihong or Zhiruo to issue orders, not a bad thing.

But Zhihong left this opportunity to Zhiruo.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhihong is humble and low-key. It means that he has already thought about what will happen next.

To put it bluntly, these heavenly elders cannot escape death, but it depends on who will lift the butcher's knife. Naturally, Zhihong is not willing to be this evil person.

Because Ling Tian has agreed to let him take the Zhi family out of here and find a private place to found a family. If he kills all these supreme elders,

Who among the Zhi family would listen to him? These supreme elders are all "ancestor" level figures. Each of them has thousands of descendants. When gathered together, it is a huge sum.

If they really hate Zhihong, then Zhihong may consider abandoning the Zhi family and create a country of his own with many treasures.

But in that case, although it can ensure that everyone is loyal to him, there is no point in being a mere commander, especially when he is carrying many treasures.

It's like a fat pig swaggering among wolves. Even though he has many magic weapons and many methods, there are so many people who can't stand his ideas.

Moreover, if this kind of thing is spread to ten, then more and more people will know about it. By then, even if he cannot be beaten to death, he will be annoyed to death.

The most ideal situation is for him to take away all the people of the Zhi family. He was originally the leader, but now that he has many magic weapons and resources, it will not be easy to conquer these people of the same clan.

Zhiruo didn't care what Zhihong was planning. Zhihong was his grandfather. He didn't kill his father. From this point of view, there was no life-or-death hatred between the two and they were relatives, so they could stay together.

A little kindness is still good.

But these ancient elders are full of evil.

In the past, Zhiruo hated them with all her heart. In addition, their descendants, relying on the favor they received were superior to Zhiruo, often bullied her.

This hatred must be vented now.

Zhiruo immediately waved his hand and said: "If someone commits rebellion, the three clans will be punished according to the crime!"

When the Supreme Elders heard this, their feet went weak, and they almost fell into a coma. Although what Zhiruo said was the system and rules of the sect, it was true, but when she said it now, it would be a real break-up without leaving a trace.

The way back.

If we slow down the matter a little, bring it up to suppress them, or lock them up, there won't be any problems.

However, at the end, they came up with the same method used by the sect to deal with traitors, which was to destroy all three of their clans. This was simply to wipe out all of their lineage, and the methods were so ruthless that it was shocking.

"But!" Just when their hearts were filled with despair, when Zhiruo opened her mouth, the whole thing suddenly had room for reversal. These supreme elders only felt their hearts tightening. Looking at Zhiruo, they felt that they had just

The feeling of despair has actually passed.

One thing is the difference between heaven and earth. Before, they all had to die. But after, they can live directly.

"However, they have contributed a lot to the sect, and this has to be taken into consideration!" Zhiruo indeed said some words of mercy for them.

Several people suddenly felt happy and quickly begged for mercy: "We know we were wrong, we know we were wrong. We will fully support the leader's reforms. Everyone is equal. We support everyone's equality!"

Of course, she said that she is more beautiful than anyone else. But in private, what she needs in her heart is room for change. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the Zhi family in the entire sect.

When the time comes to gather them all together to fight against her, it is still unclear who will win. Especially since these Zhi family members are all pampered, and the magic weapons in their hands are much better than those of the disciples with the Wan surname.

If a sudden attack is launched, it is absolutely impossible for those disciples with foreign surnames to resist.

The majesty of the Zhi family was not built up in a day or two. It was erected over many years and over a long period of time.

It could be seen when Zhiruo just swore an oath and signed the contract with the Heart Demon King. Although Zhiruo had done her best, it was of no use. Most of these disciples still chose to wait and see.

It's not that they don't believe in the contract signed by Zhiruo, but because they don't believe that Zhiruo can succeed. The Zhiruo family is really too powerful and dominates all the resources of the entire sect.

Almost no one can imagine what would happen if the Jin family members of the Zhi family were removed.

It was not until Luo Shen and Yue Lou stood up, representing their respective sects, and chose to support Zhi Ruo that those disciples finally saw some hope and came to seek refuge one after another.

From this point, we can see that in the eyes of these disciples, only the three major forces combined can shake the position of the Zhi family in their minds.

This is very terrifying. Once there is another conflict, these disciples with foreign surnames will probably collapse mentally first.

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