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Chapter 1 Valley Road

The cold winter disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the desolation turned into the beautiful spring scenery, and everything was glowing with long-lost vitality. On the Tianfu training ground, tens of thousands of students worked hard to practice martial arts. It seemed that when spring awakened vitality, it also inspired

Their fighting spirit.

Compared with the students in the training ground, Gu Dao seemed too lazy. He was lying on the roof near the training ground, with his hands on the back of his head, his legs crossed high, enjoying the sunshine idly. His face was thin.

There are still rice grains from breakfast, and the long red ones are greasy and have not been washed for an unknown period of time. The whole body is surrounded by the smell of decadence.

"I don't know how long it's been since I saw Brother Dao practicing. Has he really given up?"

"He is no longer the Gu Dao who was blessed with all kinds of auras half a year ago! In less than half a year, his cultivation has already declined to the third level of the body refining stage. If I had committed suicide long ago!"

"Even if he is extremely talented, after his cultivation has deteriorated, he will just be a piece of garbage that will be looked down upon by others! Now he is at the third level of the body refining stage, and he may be back to his original form in another month!"

"Five days later there will be a trial and assessment, and the one hundred people with the worst scores will be eliminated. Gu Dao's current state is extremely dangerous. If they are eliminated from Tianfu, Gu Dao will probably become the biggest laughing stock in the history of Tianfu!"

The young men practicing in the training ground glanced at the valley path on the roof from time to time. Some expressed regret, some laughed at it, and some were not even interested in looking at the valley path.

Half a year ago, Gu Dao was only fifteen years old, but his cultivation had reached the ninth level of the body refining stage, and he was only one step away from the secret realm of the Divine Sea that everyone yearned for. Gu Dao was recognized as a rare talent that was not seen in a thousand years, and his fame shocked the entire Western Region.

I don’t know how many geniuses have been made to feel ashamed of themselves. Maybe it’s because things must be reversed, or maybe God is jealous of talented people. The path of the valley has gone downhill inexplicably, and their cultivation has been declining day by day.

Before, Gu Dao was the pride of heaven and a highly respected idol in the eyes of everyone, but now he is just a decadent and down-and-out young man.

Once the halo of genius faded, no one took Gu Dao seriously anymore.

As for why Gu Dao's cultivation level has declined, it has also been a problem that has troubled the top management of Tianfu for a long time. Allowing a genius to fall is like digging into their hearts, which is unspeakably painful.

"The valley road was so charming back then, but now..."

When the girls saw the sluggish Gu Dao, they felt sorry in their hearts. Every time they thought of Gu Dao, who was full of energy in the past, their faces would get hot for no reason. That rare fiery red hair, those eyes as deep as the stars, those eyes as bright as the sun

The dazzling confident smile is as vivid as yesterday. At that time, I don’t know how many girls were confused and fascinated by Gu Dao. They could laugh for many days in their dreams about Gu Dao, but now they are even better than passersby A, B, B, D.


"If you continue to give up on yourself and become decadent, Gu Dao will really be ruined!"

Tianqiu sighed and shook his head on the edge of the training ground. As a mentor to the students, he couldn't bear to see Gu Dao sink so willingly.

At this time, the training ground suddenly became agitated. All the young people's eyes were burning, and they all looked at the roof where Gu Dao was lying. The girls' eyes also had a bit of jealousy. On the roof, a beautiful shadow appeared at some point.

Standing next to the valley road, it is like a breathtaking scenery, making the monotonous training ground instantly full of color.

This is a tall girl with a graceful figure. Her long hair as black as night is spread casually on her back. The hair fluttering in the breeze is unique and unique. Her loose white training clothes can't hide her suffocating beauty.

The concave and convex curves, in the movement, those straight and slender legs are like small sticks supporting everyone's eyelids, even if the eyes are sore, they can't blink.

Shumimi is revered as one of the three beauties in Tianfu. She is an out-and-out goddess in the hearts of all young people. She has countless suitors. She has always been the most popular figure in Tianfu. Because of her excellent talent, her reputation is even higher than

Two other beauties.

Gradually, the training ground became quiet, with only frozen eyes and silent breathing.

"Get up, what do you look like like this!"

Facing the countless glances directed at her, Shumimi turned a blind eye. She looked at Gu Dao and frowned, with anger in her eyes. Without any explanation, she kicked Gu Dao hard on the waist with one of her beautiful legs.

"Sister Shu, your leg strength has improved."

Gu Dao opened his eyes in pain, glanced at Shu Mimi, and replied casually.


Hearing Gu Dao's desperate reply, Shu Mimi was so angry that she gritted her teeth. The curve of her chest was obviously enlarged due to her violent breathing. Her beautiful eyes stared at Gu Dao and said: "How long will you be lazy?

! If your cultivation level regresses, you can cultivate it again. Who can show you that you are so decadent? No one will accept this!"

"I know Sister Shu's eyes are pretty. You don't need to make them so big, right?"

Gu Dao closed his eyes again, but his tone did not change.

"You bastard!"

Seeing that her persuasion was ineffective, Shu Mimi was so angry that she kicked Gu Dao again and said angrily: "Chu Yu officially disclosed her relationship with Wang Huatian, and you are completely a thing of the past!"

Hearing this, Gu Dao's body suddenly trembled, and his raised legs fell down weakly.

Gu Dao did not open his eyes. Countless memories were blown in his mind like a strong wind, segments of joy, laughter, and sweetness of happiness. In each scene, there was a beautiful girl. Her beauty was not weaker than Shumimi. She

It is Chu Yu, one of the three beauties in Tianfu, who was also Gu Dao's former lover.

Gu Dao and Chu Yu were once known as "a match made in heaven", and they were envied by many men and women. However, Chu Yu left a month after Gu Dao's cultivation declined, and began to have an affair with Wang Huatian, the second talented man in Tianfu. Now

, the ambiguity became a reality and was made public. It was as if a big hand crushed Gu Dao's heart and gave Gu Dao a hard slap in the face.

For Gu Dao, this is an insult that cannot be ignored and goes deep into the heart!

"You don't have to pretend, I know you feel uncomfortable. Your former lover left because of your weakened cultivation, but he fell in love with your enemy Wang Huatian. This is a huge humiliation for you. However, as long as you

It’s never too late to stand up again!”

Shumimi looked at Gu Dao, who was trembling slightly, and her tone softened.

Shumimi and Gudao are childhood sweethearts and have played together since they were children. The two families are family friends and have a close relationship. Gudao has always called Shumimi his sister, and Shumimi is also very concerned about Gudao's affairs, and will always help in all matters big and small.

Ichiban, Shumimi was also the only person who did not stay away from Gu Dao after his cultivation level declined. People who were close to Gu Dao before could not withstand the reality of Gu Dao's weakening cultivation and gradually became alienated.

"Thank you, Sister Shu!"

Gu Dao opened his eyes, his deep eyes filled with tears. He slowly stood up and jumped off the roof after speaking.

A man's injury is an indescribable pain.

"I hope you can stand up again. You were really charming then..."

Shumimi looked at the figure gradually receding along the valley road, with a hint of sadness in her beautiful eyes, which seemed to be entangled with other thoughts.

"If I can say a word to the goddess, I will die without regrets!"

"Being able to be kicked by a goddess and indirectly feel the tenderness of her little feet is simply a gift from God!"

"What else can I do except look at her back from a distance? I really envy Death Valley Road."

"The one I envy now is Wang Huatian, he actually hooked up with Chu Yu!"

When Shu Mimi left the training ground, the teenagers withdrew their somewhat sore eyes. While they envied Gu Dao, they were also extremely jealous of Wang Huatian. Of these two people, one was a top genius in the past, and the other was currently no one in Tianfu Outer Court.

A transcendent genius, they could only look at their backs and sigh.

"What are you doing in a daze!"

Tianqiu saw the boys and girls who had stopped practicing and yelled: "If you want to get the one you love, you must at least have admirable cultivation. If you have nothing, you will always live in a fictional dream that will collapse without being touched."


After hearing this, the boys and girls seemed to have some enlightenment and began to practice hard.

"Chu Yu, why did you choose him..."

Gu Dao seemed to have lost his soul, walking on the road of the academy step by step. What lingered in his mind was Chu Yu's voice and smile. Her glances and smiles were so profound, as if they were engraved in his heart.

It's the same in life, it can't be cut, it can't be erased, it can't be forgotten.

In order to bring Chu Yu back, Gu Dao never stopped practicing, even when he was sleeping, but the result still could not stop his gradually weakening cultivation. In the eyes of others, Gu Dao was completely different since his cultivation retreated.

He had been depressed and decadent all day. In fact, this was just a disguise used by Gu Dao to confuse others. He didn't want others to see that the result of hard work was still continued decline, and he didn't want Chu Yu to see his weakness.

Now, Chu Yu, whom Gu Dao had always wanted to win back, has openly become Wang Huatian's lover. This blow is far more painful than destroying Gu Dao.

"If you can't accept the worst of me, you don't deserve the best of me! If you leave when I'm at my lowest, don't come back when I'm at my best!"

Now, Gu Dao only has deep hatred for Chu Yu.

Gu Dao and Wang Huatian have always been hostile. During these years of tit-for-tat confrontation between the two, Wang Huatian has been overwhelmed by Gu Dao. All the halo surrounds Gu Dao. Although Wang Huatian is a genius, he has become Gu Dao's foil. This has always been Wang Huatian's hatred.

Gu Dao's reason, and the hostility between Gu Dao and Wang Huatian is due to the conflict between the two families.

Gu Dao's mother is the lord of the West Palace, one of the ninety-nine palaces in the Western Region, and Wang Huatian's father is the lord of the Nan Palace. The two have constant territorial disputes. The original conflict of forces has nothing to do with Gu Dao, but Gu Dao does not allow anyone to bully him.

His mother. When Gu Dao grew up, he only met his father once. He was raised only by his mother from childhood to adulthood. His love for his mother could not be destroyed by anything. Anyone who did harm to his mother would be punished by Gu Dao.

"Isn't this a genius who was once arrogant and arrogant? Why are you so lost?"

As Gu Dao was walking aimlessly on the street, a strange and sinister taunt suddenly came from the front. Gu Dao raised his head and looked over, and it was Wang Huatian who spoke.

Wang Huatian is tall and burly, with a gorgeous purple and gold shirt that makes him look extremely luxurious. His slender eyes are staring at the valley path with evil intentions, and there is a hint of joking in the corner of his mouth. Standing next to him is a man in red.

For a woman, any words of praise pale in comparison to her beauty.

She just stood there, like an orchid in an empty valley, blooming quietly with its bewildering beauty.

"Chu Yu!"

Gu Dao's eyes suddenly widened. Looking at the familiar but extremely cold face, a sound that seemed to be tearing his body spread out from Gu Dao's body. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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