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Chapter 89 Bantu Clan

Hearing this, Bai Chi stopped vomiting, Xiao Nai closed his mouth, and even the scarecrow followed Gu Dao's gaze.

This primitive jungle is unfamiliar. The appearance of human beings may be an opportunity for Gu Dao and others to leave here. However, it is not clear whether the human beings appearing in an unknown environment are enemies or friends, so they still need to be careful.

Gu Dao signaled silence to Xiao Nai, then picked her up and walked towards the direction of the footsteps, with Bai Chi and the Scarecrow following behind.

As they approached the footsteps, the footsteps were also approaching. When they were still more than ten meters away from the footsteps, Gu Dao and the others hid behind a three-meter-thick tree, staring at the approaching humans with only their eyes exposed.

"So hungry..."

A powerful female voice came over first, her voice was clear and beautiful, like a hungry kitten. Judging from the voice, the woman was no more than twenty years old.

"We will arrive at the clearing of the herd soon. When the time comes, my brother will hunt a lion-faced elephant for you!"

A burly young man who was two meters tall walked over. His strong muscles seemed to be brewing with terrifying power. He was almost naked, and his skin was bronze. Only his private parts were covered with leaves. Only a strand of hair was left in the middle, which was whipped.

He had no braids and the rest of his hair was shaved off, which seemed to be the dress of primitive tribesmen.

"Wow...brother is so nice!"[

The woman appeared immediately after the young man. When Gu Dao saw her, the first thing he noticed was the saliva that kept pouring out of her mouth, and her eyes that were as bright as gems.

The woman's skin was as white as snow, gleaming white, even brighter than the young man's bronze skin. Her appearance seemed to light up the dark world, and even a blind man could not escape the brilliance reflected by her skin.

Because she is so white that it dazzles the eyes.

She is the tallest woman Gu Dao has ever seen. She is roughly estimated to be 1.75 meters tall. Her long black hair like a waterfall covers her back, and the tips of her hair are dragging to the ground. In contrast to her tightly covered head.

Compared to the back, the front has very little cover.

Therefore, the woman's tall and graceful curves are exposed, giving people an unprecedented visual impact.

Her chest was wrapped in a belt woven from leaves, and her plump and round breasts were as tall as peaks. A seductive flesh groove split her breasts, otherwise the pair of too magnificent meat balls would be squeezed together.

Looking through the leaf belt on her chest, you can faintly see the white flesh squeezed out from the gaps. After taking a look at it, you can't help but want to pick off all the green leaves and expose the covered parts.

Under the smooth and attractive belly is the most mysterious and alluring part of a woman.

The leaves were also used as cover here. As her slender legs swayed, Gu Dao had the illusion that the things woven with leaves would not fall down?

Because of the temptation of the woman's figure, Gu Dao ignored her appearance. When he finally looked over, Gu Dao's eyes widened. It was as if the world had disappeared at this moment, except for the woman who exuded a halo like a fairy.

No words can be used to describe her appearance. Even if all the adjectives in the world were gathered together, it would be difficult to describe the tip of the iceberg of her beauty.

She is such a beautiful woman. She is so beautiful in the mist of a dream that it is too unrealistic.

The most beautiful moment when thousands of flowers bloom together is not as beautiful as the moment when she blinks her beautiful eyes.

It is said that the most beautiful night is when the stars gather together. Compared with her, it is just a patch of darkness.

It is said that the sunset is the most beautiful at dusk. Compared with her, it is just a chaotic cloud.

Before, Gu Dao thought Luo was the most beautiful, but now, a woman who surpassed Luo's beauty appeared.[

A woman with a charming figure and appearance, but her only shortcoming is that her drooling look can erase her beauty...

"Youjia, your drool has turned into rice noodles. If you don't wipe it off quickly, a woman who drools will not be able to marry!"

The woman's name is You Jia, and the young man is her brother, Tetsuo. At this moment, Tetsuo saw You Jia drooling, and said angrily and lovingly.

"I am the ugliest girl in the family, no one dares to marry me..."

Youjia quickly wiped away her saliva, pursed her fresh and flowery mouth, and smiled.

Tetsuo and Youjia are both members of the Bantu tribe who live on the tallest tree in the primitive jungle. They have completely different aesthetic values ​​​​for women here. Ugliness is regarded as beauty, so that Youjia's shocking beauty is the ugliest among the tribe.

, no one has proposed marriage at the age of eighteen. Among the Bantu tribe, a woman can get married and have children at the age of fourteen. At Youjia's age, she is considered an older leftover girl. Youjia's marriage problem has become a worry for Tetsuo and his parents. Zeng

He made a condition that whoever marries You Jia would be given ten alien creatures, but no one took notice. Tetsuo was so angry that he wanted to capture a man for his sister to marry. This incident caused the men in the clan to stay in seclusion for three days.

Although Youjia is a little "ugly", it is not the reason why she cannot get married. What makes the men in the tribe dare not propose marriage is that Youjia eats a lot. To fill her stomach, it would take a whole lion-faced elephant.

The lion-faced elephant is a huge alien creature that is thirty meters long and ten meters high. Among the younger generation, except Tetsuo who can hunt and kill it alone, it is difficult for other young people to do it. A lion-faced elephant can feed the Bantu tribe for a month.

But it's just a meal.

Just imagine, how could such an "ugly" woman with a big appetite get married among the Bantu tribe?

When Tetsuo heard Youjia's words, he frowned and said: "Youjia, don't feel inferior. When my elder brother reaches a breakthrough in strength, I will give you a hundred lion-faced elephants as your dowry. I will also take care of your food intake."


"My brother is the best to me..."

Youjia's beautiful eyes were shining, and her mouth was drooling uncontrollably.

"Wipe up your saliva..."


"They seem to be the indigenous people living here."

After Gu Dao heard what they said, he whispered.

"That sister is so beautiful, my little tits are so jealous!"

Xiao Nai pouted and said in Gu Dao's arms.


Tetsuo heard the voices of Gu Dao and the others, turned around and looked over. With his bare feet on the ground, he came towards the big tree where Gu Dao and the others were hiding. His speed was as fast as a black panther running at full speed. His fist hit the big tree.

Up, the fist exploded violently, and the tree broke with a bang.

"What a strong force!"

Gu Dao was startled and ran away while hugging Xiao Nai.

Bai Chi pulled out his bleeding sword and chopped the big tree into several small pieces, but was still knocked to the ground by the wooden pieces.

The scarecrow had already been hiding aside and said: "Hey! Let's play with building blocks!"

"You are not from my clan!"

Tetsuo looked at Gu Dao and others with a cold face.

Youjia ran over and glanced at everyone with her beautiful eyes. Her eyes stayed on Gu Dao's face for a moment, with a blush on her cheeks. Compared with the men from the Bantu tribe, Gu Dao was really incredibly beautiful. As an "ugly monster" that everyone avoided

"Naturally she was particularly attracted to the handsome man, but the blush on her face was fleeting because she felt that she was not worthy of Gu Dao.

"Don't be nervous, we are not bad people and have no ill intentions towards you."

Gu Dao smiled kindly at his iron boyfriend.

"Don't get too close to me! You are dressed like those people!"

The people Tetsuo was talking about were people who lived in another place. They all wore black robes and ghost masks. However, the Bantu people had always been on good terms with these people, and the two had never crossed paths.

"Those people? Are there people like us here?"

Gu Dao was a little surprised.

"This territory belongs to us, leave immediately!" Tetsuo issued an expulsion order to Tanichi and others.

"It's okay to leave, please tell us how to get out of here!"

Gudao nodded. Gudao didn't know where he was now, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. As long as Tetsuo told him how to leave, Gudao would never stay.

"The exit is right with your group of people, go find them!" Tetsuo didn't have a good look on Gu Dao and the others, and his words were extremely rude.

"Okay!" Gu Dao said, "Where are those people?"


Tetsuo pointed in the direction of his right hand. After saying this, Tetsuo turned around and walked towards the empty space with Yu Jia.

"His back..."

The moment Tetsuo turned around, Gu Dao's eyes were startled. There was a picture on Tetsuo's back. This was not a ghost or a totem, but a map. It seemed that it was not tattooed on purpose. This kind of picture

The formation of the pattern is very similar to a birthmark.

After a while, Gu Dao said: "Let's go and see who those people are!"

This primitive jungle has a very strange phenomenon. There are no living creatures in the forest, only alien creatures appear constantly in the open space. These alien creatures do not live here. They come from nowhere. The Bantu tribe has lived here for tens of thousands of years.

, have always made a living by hunting strange creatures, but a group of people suddenly appeared thousands of years ago, and they transported the alien creatures away through other means. Sometimes, hundreds of alien creatures were transported away, causing the Bantu tribe's

The prey continues to decrease, threatening the survival of the Bantu tribe.

The Bantu tribe once launched an attack on these people, but it ended in failure. There were extremely powerful beings in this group of people, which the Bantu tribe could not compete with. Fortunately, the purpose of that group of people was just to transport the alien creatures away, and there was no way to deal with them.

The Bantu tribe launched a retaliatory attack, and the two parties finally reached an agreement.

The Bantu people and that group of people used the central open space as a point to divide the boundaries in the east and west directions. The prey in the central open space was shared by both parties, and no one infringed on the other's territory. However, the Bantu people had always been hostile to that group of people, so,

Tanichi and others appeared, Tetsuo regarded Tanichi as an accomplice of that group of people, and his attitude was cold and full of hostility.

On the way, Tetsuo said angrily: "These people are so disgusting, they dare to come to our clan's territory!"

"Brother, I don't think he is a bad person..."

Youjia followed Tetsuo and whispered.

Tetsuo said coldly: "As long as you are with that group of people, there will be no good people!"

"Hmm..." Youjia nodded slightly, and then said nothing more.

Arriving at the edge of the clearing, Tetsuo took a look at the alien creatures here and became furious, "There were sphinxes yesterday, but there are none today! Those people took away the sphinxes again!"

"Brother, don't be angry." Youjia said from the side.

Tetsuo said angrily: "Youjia loves to eat lion-faced elephants the most, and I promised to hunt them for you, but now they are gone!"

"I'm not picky about food, as long as I can eat."

Youjia looked at the alien creature in the clearing, her eyes glowing like gold, and her saliva dragged a long line to her chest.

"Then which one do you want to eat?"

Tetsuo let out a long sigh, looked at Yujia who was drooling, and asked.

"That one! It looks like there's a lot of meat..."

Youjia pointed at a large black pig about fifty meters long with eight legs and wiped his saliva.


Tetsuo followed Yujia's instructions and looked over. After locking his eyes on the huge eight-legged black pig, he used both feet to rush forward like a bolt of bronze lightning.


The big black pig found Tetsuo, roared low, and ran with eight legs at the same time, rushing towards him like a moving black hill. But Tetsuo did not dodge, and when he approached the big black pig, the pattern on his back suddenly lit up.

He stood up, and the pattern extended from his back to his fists, and his entire arm seemed to be thicker. He flashed and came to the side of the big black pig, and punched out with a simple and graceful movement, and the huge black pig screamed.

He flew out, his body rolling in the air.


The big black pig fell down and died.

Youjia ran over with tears streaming down her face, grabbed the big black pig's tail and ran back, wiping her saliva and shouting: "Brother, I can't help it anymore, I'm going to light a fire to roast it!"


Tetsuo looked at Yu Jia who was dragging the big black pig and running happily, Tetsuo chuckled softly.

This chapter has been completed!
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