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Chapter 92 Physical Combat

Standing outside the tree hole was a burly man. He was even taller than Tetsuo, standing two and a half meters tall. His bulging muscles gave people an unreal feeling. He was the same as Tetsuo. He had pigtails on his head and his lower body was covered with leaves, but

The patterns on his back were obviously much more complicated. Judging from his domineering aura, this person should be the high-ranking tribesman Tetsuo mentioned.

"Kui Nan is causing trouble for Tetsuo again!"

Those tribesmen who wanted to send food to Gu Dao and the others stayed away from Kui Nan when they saw him, and looked at Kui Nan with extreme fear. As middle-class tribesmen, they did not dare to provoke the higher-level tribesmen, and Kui Nan was favored by the tribe leader.

The son-in-law will soon marry the eldest daughter, and may even become the clan leader in the future. It is unwise to provoke Ku Nan at this time.

Kui Nan and Tetsuo have always been unfriendly because they were love rivals and they constantly clashed over the Bantu tribe's most beautiful girl. Ever since Kui Nan and Tieno got engaged, the disputes between Kui Nan and Tietou have become much less frequent.

Now, Kui Nan suddenly came to cause trouble again.

"What do you want!"

Tetsuo did not show any weakness after he appeared. He raised his head and looked directly at Kuei Nan coldly. The level gap between the middle clan members and the high class people did not make him bow down to Kui Nan.

"You actually brought outsiders into the Bantu tribe without permission. Do you know your crime?"

Kui Nan had a condescending and aggressive attitude, as if he wanted to punish Tetsuo for his sins.

Tetsu Nan looked at Kui Nan coldly and said in a deep voice: "They are my friends. I can bring them if I want. It's none of your business! Besides, who do you think you dare to point fingers at me? Even if I'm guilty, I'm afraid it won't be my turn."

Let’s talk about it, shall we?”[


Kui Nan laughed and said, "You treat outsiders as your friends, but the Bantu people are still your friends?"

"If you want to find an excuse to fight with me, just say so. Don't talk so much about useless things!"

Tetsuo could tell the reason for Tetsuo's visit at a glance. He was just looking for trouble. He wanted to use the excuse of being an outsider to fight Tetsuo and then humiliate him. Because of the difference in level, the power of the patterns also differed. Tetsuo's

His strength is not as strong as that of Tetsuo. Every time he takes action, Tetsuo ends up failing.

Gu Dao walked out of the tree hole at this time, and one look at the tit-for-tat atmosphere between the two knew that they had already had conflicts.

"Is he your so-called friend?"

When Kuai Nan saw Gu Dao, he gave him a very contemptuous look. In his opinion, a man should be as tall and burly as him, and Gu Dao's skinny appearance was not worthy of him.

"Your eyes are insulting to my friend!"

Tetsuo was furious. He was the one who brought Gu Dao into the Bantu tribe. Now that Kui Nan looks down on Gu Dao, he despises him. He even loses his face. He lost to Kui Nan in pursuing the first girl. He must not lose to Kui Nan in this momentum.


"Brother, calm down!"

Youjia ran over, pulled Tetsuo's arm, and said worriedly.

"Hey! The ugly monster finally dares to show up!"

Kui Nan said brazenly that in the Bantu tribe, as long as he did not take action first, the lower and middle tribesmen would be found guilty if they took the lead, so Kui Nan had nothing to worry about in terms of words. Moreover, his future father-in-law

He is the leader of the Bantu tribe, what else does he have to fear?


Tetsuo was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and his little braid seemed to stand on end.[

When Kui Nan said this, Yu Jia's expression changed. Although it was true that she was ugly, but she shouted out loud in front of so many people, Yu Jia felt very sad, and her eyesight could not help but be wiped with tears.

"Tetsuo seems to be having trouble surviving today's calamity!"

"Kui Nan relies on the clan leader's future son-in-law to be so arrogant! If one day he is made the clan leader, that would be great!"

"Outsiders are our friends, how can we treat our friends like this!"

The people watching from a distance and the tribesmen who poked their heads out of the tree holes were whispering to each other.

"So arrogant!"

Gu Dao was disgusted by Kui Nan's arrogance and recklessness. When he saw the tears in Yu Jia's eyes, a surge of anger immediately surged into his heart.

"Hey! Tetsuo's little friend, there are rules for outsiders entering our Bantu clan!"

Kui Nan turned his attention to Gu Dao, and then strode over. He was half a body taller than Gu Dao, looking down at Gu Dao from a high position.

"What rules?"

Gu Dao asked calmly.

"We, the Bantu tribe, are born with fighting prowess, and are born with unparalleled power. If you want to be a friend of the Bantu tribe and join the Bantu tribe, you must naturally have the power to match it!"

When Kui Nan talked about strength, the muscles in his chest could not help but beat, as if he was showing off something to Gu Dao.

"The purpose of a man's chest is to protect a woman, not to tremble like a woman to show off!"

Gu Dao sneered and said sarcastically.

"Oh my God! How dare he say that the handsome man is coquettish!"

"Don't he know how powerful Kui Nan is! If Kui Nan gets angry, even Tetsuo can't stop him!"

"He wants to be killed! It's impossible to kill him by mocking Kui Nan directly like this!"

Hearing this, all the Bantu tribesmen who were watching were stunned.

You Jia's eyes widened in surprise and she covered her slightly opened mouth with her small hands. She had no idea that Gu Dao would dare to contradict Kui Nan in person and speak so harshly.

Tetsuo was stunned, knowing that Tanichi would get into trouble by doing this, but Tanichi's tough attitude made him look at Tanichi with admiration.


After what Gu Dao said, Kui Nan's face changed drastically, and anger spread across his face instantly, "You, a little outsider, really don't know whether to live or die!"

Gu Dao chuckled and said, "Hey, do you feel so proud just because you have a pair of big breasts?"

"court death!"

Kui Nan was already furious. He said to Gu Dao, "outsider, I admire your courage, but if you want to stay in the Bantu tribe, you must fight me physically! If you are afraid, get out immediately!"

"Physical combat!"

Hearing these four words, everyone gasped.

For a moment, the entire area was as quiet as death, and no one spoke anymore.

The Bantu tribe respects strength, and the highest form of male duel is physical combat. As the name suggests, this is a physical combat. The two parties attack each other with their fists, and cannot dodge. They attack back and forth until one party falls. Watch physical combat.

It seems simple but is extremely cruel. Generally, both sides suffer losses. Even if they win, they will stay in bed for a month or two. This is for two Bantu tribesmen with similar bodies. Looking at the current situation, Gu Dao's weakness is obvious.

He is not as strong as Kui Nan. Just one look at Kui Nan's granite-like muscles will tell you that his body is extremely strong.

"Physical fighting, Kui Nan obviously wants to bully others!"

"There are very few Bantu tribesmen who can engage in one-on-one physical combat with him!"

"Even Tetsuo can't stand a few rounds!"

"Don't agree! Our Bantu tribe is not a tribe that kills foreign friends!"

The Bantu tribe members whispered in low voices.

"You are so mean!"

Tetsuo glared at Kui Nan and said angrily: "You actually challenged a weak outsider to a physical fight, shame!"

"He doesn't have to accept it, as long as he gets out of here!"

Kui Nan crossed his hands on his chest, as if he was confident of winning. In Kui Nan's view, Gu Dao didn't dare to accept this challenge. He could kill Gu Dao with one punch.

"I'll fight you physically!"

Tetsuo took a step forward, stood in front of Kui Nan, and said with burning eyes.

"I'm not interested in you today!"

Kui Nan originally wanted to use an outsider to cause trouble for Tetsuo, but he didn't expect that the outsider was a reckless guy who angered him again and again. With Kui Nan's character, he would not let Gu Dao off easily.

"Okay, I agree!"

Gu Dao almost didn't hesitate and agreed wholeheartedly.

"What! He actually agreed!"

At this moment, the tribesmen did not believe their own ears. The outsider agreed to a physical fight with Kui Nan. This was asking for death!

Hearing this, Kui Nan looked shocked. He thought Gu Dao would be scared to death and get out of the Bantu tribe immediately. Such a happy agreement was completely beyond his expectation.

"Do you want to die!"

Tetsuo screamed at Tanichi. "Do you know what physical fighting is?"

"have no idea!"

Gu Dao answered simply.

"He agreed without even knowing what physical fighting is..."

The Bantu people felt that Gu Dao was too stupid.

"Ah...why did he agree?"

You Jia's charming face showed surprise, her little hands clasped her lips at a loss.


Kui Nan raised his head and laughed, saying: "Outsiders are so stupid! Let me tell you, physical fighting means attacking each other, and you can't dodge until one party falls!"

"I see!"

Gu Dao smiled in his heart.

With his body fighting against him, who would Gu Dao be afraid of? The body that has been transformed by Zang energy already has one million kilograms of strength in terms of pure strength. Plus the increase in physical strength, it is at least two million kilograms of strength. This does not include the killing fist trajectory.

When blasted out, the concentrated burst of power is even more terrifying. As for defense, Gu Dao's body is comparable to a holy weapon, indestructible. If Kui Nan can hurt Gu Dao, he is already considered powerful.

The news that Gu Dao was going to have a physical fight with Kui Nan spread throughout the middle tribe area, and more than 2,000 people gathered around here.

Gu Dao smiled and said: "It's just that this competition is a bit monotonous, how about adding some bonuses?"

"Haha, what kind of bonus do you want to add?"

Kui Nan laughed again. In his opinion, Gu Dao had no chance of winning, and now he wanted to add bonuses, which was simply self-destruction.

"If I win, you kowtow to me three times! If I lose, I kneel down and kowtow to you three times!"

"Yes! However, this is not enough. The loser not only has to kowtow, but also has to crawl under the winner's crotch!"

"Exactly what I want!"

Gu Dao agreed wholeheartedly.

"The outsider is crazy, he is really crazy!"

The Bantu clan members were in an uproar, and their voices resounded like thunder.

Soon, the leader of the Bantu tribe, his daughter Tou Nu, and senior tribesmen appeared one after another.

"The patriarch is here!"

The Bantu tribesmen exclaimed.

The leader of the Bantu tribe is a middle-aged man, tall and strong as an ox. His hairstyle is different from that of other Bantu tribesmen. It is not a small braid, but a full head of long braids made of red clay.

His chiseled cheeks give people a sense of majesty and solemnity.

Next to the patriarch, stood a woman who was so fat that she could hardly walk. It seemed that if she fell, she could roll hundreds of meters away. Her face was like a millstone, her eyes were like sesame seeds, and she had dense freckles. She looked extremely ugly.


This is the legendary number one beauty of the Bantu tribe... the woman who makes the men of the Bantu tribe crazy. As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of several men of the Bantu tribe. Some tribesmen with poor concentration even had stick-like objects.

Peeking out from among the leaves.

Tetsuo looked at the first girl with fiery eyes, filled with a mixture of love and jealousy.

The other high-level tribesmen are all arrogant and have eyes above their heads. Most people can only see their nostrils but not their eyes.

"What are you doing?"

When the clan leader saw that Gu Dao was an outsider, he frowned and asked Kui Nan.

"This outsider wants to fight me physically. I want him to know the power of the Bantu tribe!"

Kui Nan spoke in a sonorous and forceful tone, completely different from his previous tone, as if Gu Dao was looking for trouble first. "The patriarch came here as proof. I made a bet with him. The loser must kowtow to the winner three times.

And you have to get under his crotch."

"Are you a willing outsider?"

After hearing what Kui Nan said, the clan leader asked Gu Dao.

Gu Dao nodded.

"Then let's compete!"

The clan leader is very aware of Kui Nan's character. He has always used his status to oppress others. He originally thought that Gu Dao was forced to compete. If he said it was not voluntary, the clan leader would seek justice for Gu Dao. But according to Gu Dao's words, the clan leader could not stop the competition.

.As long as both parties are willing, the clan leader is not allowed to interfere. This is the rule of physical fighting.

"Kui Nan, come on, beat him!"

The head girl's voice, as thick as a broken bellows, suddenly came over.

Gu Dao broke out in a cold sweat. The Bantu tribe's aesthetics were not distorted. Such an ugly creature was actually the most beautiful woman. Yu Jia's stunning appearance turned into a leftover girl who was too ugly to marry.

"My beauty, watch intently as I swing my fist!"

Kui Nan bent his arms, his biceps were pulsing like hills, and his chest muscles were shaking up and down.

"Oh!~ It's so charming, so exciting, I can't stand it anymore, I want you! I want you!"

After seeing the tall man's muscles, the first girl screamed crazily.

At this time, Kui Nan proudly showed off to Tetsuo, showing off nakedly.

"Let's get started! Show off your coquettish big tits!"

Gu Dao couldn't wait to beat up Kui Nan.

This chapter has been completed!
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