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Chapter 223: Battle of Kings Five Years Later

Time is like quicksand, five years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past five years, Gu Dao seemed to have disappeared from the world and never appeared again. Even if the ghost organization searched every corner of the continent, they could not find any news about Gu Dao. Similarly, with the disappearance of Gu Dao, Huang Ti, the

The frightening physique is gradually forgotten by people like a shell swept into the sea by the waves.

In the past five years, the mainland has been in turmoil and chaos, wars have broken out frequently, and the people have been in dire straits, all caused by the struggle between forces.

The former Immortal Mansion lost a large number of disciples and was no longer what it used to be, so it had no choice but to retreat to the second line. Hell Pavilion replaced it and became the veritable number one force in the mainland. However, Hell Pavilion was not satisfied and continued to expand at an alarming rate. Ninety percent of the territory of the Western Region became

With the influence of the Hell Pavilion gone, only the West Palace of the ninety-nine palaces has remained intact. The glory of the four great families is no longer there. The Holy Land of Immortality is led by the new Holy Lord but can only rely on the Hell Pavilion to survive.

The four major regions of Dongzhou, Beidao, Nanhai, and Central District are also in turmoil. Conflicts continue, and wars between forces occur every day. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last. Many new forces are like the blazing sun.

rise like this, not only occupying a position, but also completely outlawing some veteran forces.

With the rise of new forces, new kings will naturally appear. Four geniuses as dazzling as stars emerged from the sky, with outstanding talents and great fame. They became the "Four Little Kings" of the new era. Within a few years, the former overlord, King Luo,

, Lou Wang and Lei Wang will also be replaced.

In the past five years, the mainland has entered a new situation, with undercurrents surging beneath the surface of prosperity.

Many people call the current situation the "beginning of a new era" and a new era is about to come.

At the same time, the ghost organization no longer condescends to the underground world. It establishes its power openly and announces its rise to the world in the name of "ghost organization". There are huge ghost organizations in the four major regions of Dongzhou, Beidao, Nanhai, and Central District.

In the base, all the forces seek their own blessings, ignoring the ghost organization and fearing it at the same time. The ghost organization is like a tiger, unscrupulous and arrogant, blatantly conducting research and expansion, but no one dares to resist it, because the ghost organization

After countless years of dormancy, the organization has become an unshakable super existence.

As various forces competed for territory and control of power, a large number of ancient races appeared out of thin air on the mainland. The number was beyond imagination. They occupied the ocean and some regional territories. These ancient races seemed to be commanded by kings.

It caused large-scale turmoil when it first appeared, but it returned to calm after occupying some territory. It seems that it wants to be on an equal footing with others and become a "force" in another sense.

Of course, humans and beasts cannot coexist peacefully. Forces continue to attack the ancient races, but every time the battle ends with the destruction of the entire army. Since then, no force dares to act alone. It is worth mentioning that there are also aliens in the ghost organization.

The beast army can compete with the ancient races in terms of combat power, but the numerical gap makes the ghost organization even flinch.

In addition to the power disputes, there are also some strange phenomena in the mainland. Some people who usually keep their peace suddenly go crazy on the night of the full moon, transforming into half-human and half-animal "human demons", and then kill wantonly and trample the corpses.

, coating the night with bright red blood. However, no one focused on this phenomenon and ignored it as a matter of course.

The intersection of the Western Region, Dongzhou, Beidao, and the Central District is called the "no man's land". This land is very vast, but in order to prevent conflicts among the four regions over the territory, no forces have settled here and no people live there.

, I don’t know, it has been empty for many years, but not long ago, an empty city landed, occupying an area of ​​millions of miles.

At the same time, news spread across the mainland that no one will hold a "War of Kings", either in their own name or in the name of power. As long as cultivators have reached the realm of the Pure Land of Destiny, they can participate.

.This war was initiated by the Nanhai Tiangong, the former first dynasty of the South China Sea. Its purpose was to select a king with the strongest cultivation level, and then command all the forces on the mainland, and gather all human power to destroy the extremely threatening ancient race.

The champion of the battle of kings is the king. All forces obey orders unconditionally. The forces do not need to participate, but they must obey absolutely. Otherwise, the forces led by the king will all attack to destroy them. Here, there is an additional condition. Before participating in the battle,

People or forces need to sign an agreement, obey the results and fulfill the agreement in the name of the individual or force. No matter who is vying for the position of king, they cannot dispute or refuse to obey.

In a sense, this battle is also an attempt to bring the fragmented human race together and end the pattern of strife and internal strife.

After this news spread across the continent, there was an uproar. Many forces sneered at it and dismissed it. However, many people with ulterior motives and pursuit of status were very interested. How supreme it was for one person to rule the entire continent.

Power can be said to be the king of the continent. Not only is he famous, he is also powerful. It is simply a status that most people dream of.

Fame and fortune are what most make greedy humans tempted. In order to seek the name of the king, one, two, and more and more forces signed the agreement. Until later, in addition to the ghost organization, the two major forces of the Immortal Mansion, and some real

There are no small forces that can participate in the competition, and almost all the forces that can be named on the mainland participated in the "War of Kings".

Today is the opening ceremony of the "War of Kings".

At a glance, the huge arena is filled with spectators, a sea of ​​people. These people are all elites under the influence. Even so, the arena that can accommodate millions of people is still overcrowded, and the scene is noisy.

They all look forward to the beginning of the battle of kings, and also hope that the masters of their respective forces can win the title of king.

The host was a woman in her twenties, handsome, dressed in blue, and walked up. She glanced at the millions of viewers in the stands, feeling a little timid. After taking a deep breath, she said in the loudest voice: "Please be quiet.

one time!"

The elite and strong people from various forces were relatively qualified. After hearing this, they all closed their mouths and the scene slowly became quiet. The female host said: "Welcome everyone to come from thousands of miles away. I would like to express my sincere gratitude in advance. Nonsense.

Without further ado, the opening ceremony of the Battle of Kings officially begins, with the organizer Nanhai Tiangong Holy King delivering a speech."

After the Saint King of the South China Sea came out, he looked at the stands that were densely packed with black spots. He cleared his throat and said: "An ancient race appeared out of thin air on the mainland. This is a threat. This is a test from God to the human race. We cannot ignore it and cannot sit back and wait.

The difference between an ancient race initiating a disaster and then taking action is a world of difference. If the situation gets out of hand, it will be too late to work together to eradicate the ancient race."

"We have no hesitation in protecting the integrity of the continent and protecting the safety of the human race. However, we are competing for fame and wealth, and the forces are constantly conflicting. It is simply a mess. There are thousands of trees in the world, and it is extremely easy to cut down a big tree, but I want to

It is simply impossible to cut through tens of millions of trees tied together with one blow."

"We need to unite, we need to condense into one force and become a big tree that cannot be cut off. However, an army without generals, no matter how powerful the soldiers are, is still a wooden army that can be defeated in one strike. For this reason, the emperor launched the War of Kings.

Select the most powerful and outstanding king, let him lead the human army, and completely eliminate the ancient race from the continent in one breath!"

"Nanhai Tiangong is the organizer. For the sake of fairness and justice, Nanhai voluntarily withdraws. No matter who is elected as the king, Nanhai will do everything possible for him without any hesitation."

"Okay, that's all I have to say."

After the Holy King of Nanhai finished speaking, the audience burst into applause, and then the Holy King strode away.

The female host came over and said: "The crisis is ahead and there is no need to delay. Today's opening ceremony is also a formal competition. Now, I will read out the list of participants. The list of duels will be released later. The list of participants for the Central District."

"Dark Dynasty: Dark Holy King, Black Impermanence."

"Louwang Divine Cult: Unknown leader."

"Thunder Dynasty: Thunder Holy King, Lei Litian."

Basically, only one person from each force participates, and they are all the strongest members of their force. Every time a force is mentioned, the members of the force in the audience will cheer.

"Potian: Grain and meat are connected!"

However, when a name was read, the whole place fell into silence.

Grain and flesh are connected. This name emerged three years ago. He led a new force to break through the sky. He rose up in the Central District like a force to break the sky. He was ruthless and destroyed many forces. No one would survive from any force that was destroyed by him.

Not to mention the young, old, women, and children, even the chickens, ducks, pigs, and dogs raised by the forces were all killed. Although Guroulian was known for his ruthlessness, his talent was shocking. At only twenty years old, he was already a strong man on the ninth level of the Heaven Ladder Realm.

The tyrant is revered as one of the four little kings of the new era.

Guroulian also has another identity. He is the son of the Overlord of the Valley. He stood out in the Overlord test three years ago and became the strongest among the Overlord's many descendants. In the process of hunting alone, he killed more than 300 Overlord's sons.

, had he not been allowed to kill his opponents during the test, all the sons of the Overlord who participated would have died at his hands.

Later, Overlord fought with Gu and Rou for three days and three nights with the cultivation level of Heaven Ladder Realm. They were evenly matched. Overlord was overjoyed and saw the hope of breakthrough. Then he gave all the fifty-six Overlord's sons who survived the test to Gu.

Flesh connected.

Gu Roulian led his brothers to create the Skybreaking Force, and then began bloody killings.

"Tyrant... the grain and flesh are connected!!!"

When millions of viewers hear this name, they are more afraid than when they hear the name Overlord. He is a truly ruthless person.

"Now announce the list of Dongzhou contestants."

"The Dynasty of Heavenly Kings: Heavenly Kings and Holy Kings, God-given."

"Kowloon Dynasty: Kowloon Holy King, Nine Levels"

"The power of handsome men..."

The female host recited the names of each force with an expressionless face. When she read a new force, she suddenly stopped. It was not that something happened, but that it was difficult to speak. When she thought of that face that was so ugly that it was indescribable.

, the female host felt like vomiting. She suppressed the discomfort in her stomach and said with difficulty, "The most handsome man in mainland China... the flower boy!"

As soon as this statement came out, the stage was agitated again.

The name of Flower Boy is famous all over the world. The first is his extremely strong fighting power, and the second is his inhuman appearance. At the same time, Flower Boy is one of the four little kings, and his title is King of Beauty.

This chapter has been completed!
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