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Chapter 75: One Hundred Eight Thousand Hell Knives

Eighty thousand years ago, the South China Sea was dominated by the Shui Tribe, who changed the use of Xiaochongwen. However, the rule of the Shui Tribe was short-lived, lasting only a thousand years. Xiaochongwen only flourished in the South China Sea for a period of time, and other areas were not involved. Years passed.

, Nanhai currently uses the common script of mainland China, Xiao Chong Wen has disappeared, and only a few people know the existence of Xiao Chong Wen and understand Xiao Chong Wen.

Xiao Chong Wen represents an era, which was the era when the Nanhai tribe dominated the other four regions. At that time, there were countless strong men in the South China Sea, and any one of them was a strong man with terrifying cultivation. Even the great families in the Holy Land did not dare to defeat him.


Now, a purple gold book with small insect inscriptions engraved on it appeared in Gu Dao's hand. Looking at the small insect inscriptions on the purple gold, Gu Dao's body trembled involuntarily. Others may not understand the small insect inscriptions, but Gu Dao understands the meaning of "One Hundred Thousand Years".

Gu Dao can recognize all the ancient characters in it and every little insect on Zijin.

"Master Gu Dao, I remember that you seem to know Xiaochongwen!" Liushou looked at Gu Dao who was extremely excited, and seemed to remember that Gu Dao was an expert in ancient writing.

"I really found a treasure! This is more precious than anything else!"

Gu Dao couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and his voice trembled slightly, "This is exactly what I need!"

Liushou was stunned for a moment and said, "What is recorded in the Purple Gold Book?"

Gu Dao was speechless. After reading all the small insects on the front and back of the Zijin Book, he took a few deep breaths. This excitement made his heart beat faster and his breathing almost stagnated. After a while, Gu Dao said: "It is recorded above

It is a holy art of killing, and it is an unparalleled art of the Water Tribe Emperor! One hundred and eighty thousand hell knives!"


Hearing this, Liushou couldn't help but gasp, his little eyes widened. He was also shocked by the magic that Gu Dao said. Liushou could not control his shocked mood and stammered:

"No...it can't be the one hundred and eighty thousand hell knives that have been hailed as the most powerful offensive and killing technique in the South China Sea so far, but have disappeared for tens of thousands of years!"

"That's it!" Gu Dao couldn't hide his joy.

Hell's swords come out, with hundreds and thousands of them, to dominate the world and obliterate everything!

One hundred and eight thousand hell knives are like the coming of hell. Its evil reputation is better than all the killing techniques that shocked the past and the present. The emperor of the water tribe relied on this technique to dominate the world. He was unparalleled in the world and unified the entire South China Sea with one person's power.

All the powerful people in the mainland stayed away and were in awe.

In the four major regions of Western Region, Dongzhou, Central District, and North Island, for more than 300,000 years, no one force has been able to unify the entire land. Even if the Holy Land is the force with the longest inheritance at present, it cannot do so.

When we unified an area, we can imagine how terrifying the cultivation level of the Water Tribe Emperor at that time was.

Gu Dao's unintentional move was to obtain this holy technique, the Eight Thousand Hell Knives, this peerless killing technique that allowed the Emperor of the Water Tribe to create miracles and history. In Gu Dao's hands, I wonder if he can continue to perform miracles.

Gu Dao has been immersed in joy. He no longer cares about what he bought in the auction below. With such holy skills, Gu Dao has nothing else to ask for. After that, Gu Dao took pictures of a few rare plants and got up and left. After leaving the private room

At that time, he looked at the pitiful service lady. She was holding a small book in her hand. Gu Dao knew what it meant and wrote two words in big words, praise!

After Gu Dao left the Tianlong Auction House, he didn't know what kind of agitation there was. People from the Jin family blocked the entire auction house, and everyone checked one by one. Anyone who could do anything was taken away. Jin Yan, the son of the three heads of the Jin family, was arrested.

To kill someone in public is a huge event.

The Jin family issued a wanted order and tried their best to capture "Mainland's No. 1 slut, Li Sao." Anyone who provided clues would be rewarded with a reward of 1 million yuan. If the report was meritorious, the reward would be 10 million yuan.

"It's great... hurry up, hurry up, I'm going..."

At the same time, Jin Yuan, the third head of the Jin family, was having sex with his new favorite concubine on the big bed. The new favorite concubine's moans and gasps made Jin Yuan unable to extricate himself, and he quickly twisted his fat body to ride on his beloved concubine.

"Three heads of the family! Something bad has happened!" the housekeeper said anxiously outside the door.

"If you fart, let it go. I'm having a great time!"

Jin Yuan's voice was heard mixed with the moans of his beloved concubine.

"Master Jin Yan was killed outside!" The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, and although it was difficult to speak, he still said it.

"Who is Jin Yan?"

"Your eldest son..."

"Oh, that loser, if he dies, he will die! Get out of here!"

Jin Yuan didn't care at all about Jin Yan's death. Jin Yuan himself didn't treat Jin Yan as a son. He had more than a hundred sons, so how could he care about a waste with extremely poor cultivation talent.

"...Yes!" The butler left silently.

The reason why the Jin family went all out to arrest the murderer was because the murderer provoked the status and majesty of the four major families of the Jin family. This must not be indulged. As for Jin Yan's death, apart from making no contribution, he only brought insult to the Jin family.

Gu Dao returned to Tianfu without stopping, and when he returned to his room, Gu Dao immediately took out the Purple Gold Book and began to study the Hundred and Eight Thousand Hell Knives. The ancient small insect inscriptions quietly highlighted on the Purple Gold Book, and an indescribable domineering force quietly appeared.

It spreads out silently, seeming to promote the many glories and miracles of the past.

After studying it many times, Gu Dao gained some understanding of the Eighteen Thousand Hell Knives. At the same time, he also understood the extraordinary features of the Hundred and Eighty Thousand Hell Knives. If you want to practice this technique, you need to open up the unique knives in your body.

It takes a lot of effort to run the meridians. Secondly, what makes Gu Dao a little confused is that the one hundred and eight thousand hell knives require huge murderous aura to activate. This technique is a sure-kill technique, and it must crush the opponent.

With such ferocious energy that it turns into pieces and ashes, once this technique is used, it is sure to kill. However, the murderous aura is ethereal, just a feeling, not a real power. How to activate it with murderous aura?

"Grandpa Liushou, do you know how to activate divine magic with murderous aura?"

Gu Dao asked Liushou. Liushou had been with the Overlord for so many years. He was experienced and well-informed. He might know the murderous aura that the Hundred and Eight Thousand Hell Knives mentioned.

"murderous look?"

Liushou was a little confused, and after thinking for a while, he said: "When a person is angry, or is stimulated by some kind of stimulus, the terrible aura that appears only at that moment is called murderous aura. Murderous aura does not exist at all, it is just

It’s just a feeling that arises with people’s emotional fluctuations.”

"One hundred and eighty thousand hell knives require murderous aura to activate them."

Gu Dao told Rokushou the source of his doubts.

Liushou shook his head and said: "How is this possible? Murderous aura is not a divine power. Let alone stimulating it, you can't even capture it."

"Is it possible that one hundred and eight thousand hell knives can only be used when one has the intention to kill someone?"

Gu Dao felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured from head to toe, and the impatience and passion he had before disappeared.

"I suddenly remembered someone..."

After Liushou pondered for a moment, he said: "The great elder of the Immortal Mansion seems to have entered the Tao through killing. His murderous aura is like substance, more terrifying than divine power. Perhaps, such illusory things as murderous aura can really be turned into substance! Don't worry, if

You won the championship in the Battle of the Four Palaces, and you will naturally have a place to join the Immortal Palace. When the time comes, ask the Great Elder how to control the murderous aura. Don’t be impatient, otherwise the murderous aura may go too far, and you will be in trouble!"

Gu Dao nodded and said: "How to activate the one hundred and eight thousand hell knives with murderous aura? You can release this first to open up the meridians required for the holy technique!"

After that, Gu Dao sat cross-legged, imprinted in his mind the meridians that the Eighteen Thousand Hell Knives needed to open, and then began to explore bit by bit according to the technique.

Xiao Erdian was like a flower bathing in the spring breeze. He was proud of the spring breeze. He touched the storage bag in his arms and looked at the horizon. A smile spread across his cheeks. The bare midsection of his head seemed to have a smile as well. Then there was a smile.

As time went by, the smile on Xiao Erdiao's face only grew stronger. He was finally able to rescue his childhood sweetheart who had been waiting for a long time and who often appeared in his dreams from the falling water pavilion. The faith he had always relied on to survive could finally be fulfilled.

Xiao Erdian rushed to Luoshui Pavilion as fast as possible without stopping.

Xiao Erdian had no other expression except his smile. He had never forgotten Xiaohua's words, "I only like the way your smile spreads across your cheeks." Xiao Erdian also remembered his reply to Xiaohua at that time, "I look forward to your appearance without clothes."


Every breath, every blink, every minute of Xiao Erdian's life was reminiscing about the past. Before, he didn't dare to touch the past to prevent his calm heart from ripples again. Now, Xiao Erdian gathered enough Yuan stones and raised his head.

He held his chest high and was full of confidence, just waiting for the happiness of Xiaohua being released from the shackles and falling into his arms tightly.

At this moment, Xiao Erdian had been waiting for three years, and he could finally shout loudly, Xiaohua, I'm here to pick you up!

Luoshui Pavilion was right in front of him. With a smile on his face, Xiao Erdiao and other flower guests entered Luoshui Pavilion, which is known as a man's paradise.

Luoshui Pavilion is very big, as big as countless palaces spliced ​​together. The decoration is luxurious and indescribable, just like heaven and earth. Compared with ordinary brothels, Luoshui Pavilion is serious, high-end, and has an elegant environment. It is surrounded by the sound of pianos and flutes, and you can only listen to its sound.

It makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"This is not the place for you to come!"

Xiao Erdian was dressed in coarse linen clothes and looked ugly, which was incompatible with the beauty of Luoshui Pavilion. He was stopped by the guard before he could enter. A discerning person could tell at a glance that Xiao Erdian was a bumpkin from the mountains, and those who came to Luoshui Pavilion were all high-ranking officials.

Noble man, Xiao Erdian is several levels behind in terms of status.

"Uncle is rich!"

Xiao Erdian threw a few yuan stones to the guard, and the guard stopped blocking him. As soon as he entered the Luoshui Pavilion, the fragrance hit his face. Xiao Erdian looked at the extremely luxurious lobby and opened his mouth. He never thought that it was like this inside the Luoshui Pavilion.

Magnificent, this is just the lobby, there are also pavilions and courtyards inside. People of different status have different places to go, and their consumption is also very different.

The madam in the lobby saw the rustic Xiao Erdian from a distance, and a flash of displeasure flashed across his eyes. The madam also has professional ethics, but everyone who comes is a guest. He is unhappy in his heart, but he does an impeccable job on the surface.

She came over, smiled very kindly, and said: "Brother! This is your first time coming to Luoshui Pavilion. You and I come here. The girls here are very beautiful, and their kung fu is even better. They will definitely make you ecstasy."

Want to die."

"Where is Hua Luoyan? I will redeem her life!"

Xiao Erdian turned his head, looked at the old bustard and asked directly.

The old bustard's expression changed and he said: "Hua Luoyan has left Luoshui Pavilion. You are late!"

"What? What do you mean?" Xiao Erdian was stunned.

The madam sighed and shook her head, saying: "Just now, she was bought at a high price."

There was a bang in Xiao Erdian's mind, his body trembled, and he asked: "Who is it?"

The old bustard replied: "We only recognize Yuan Shi here, and we don't care about the identity of the flower customer."

Xiao Erdiao looked at the old bustard and laughed. He laughed once, and again, and again, making the madam's whole body hairy with laughter. Yes, only yuan stones are recognized here, and anyone who is willing to pay a lot of money can buy any girl. Missed it,


The madam took a step back slightly. The breath coming from Xiao Erdian made her tremble, "Brother, you don't have to be like this. There is no grass anywhere in the world. As long as you have the Yuan Stone, the girls here are free to play with you!"

"It's different, it's different..."

Xiao Erdian shook his head, repeated these three words feebly, then turned around and walked out of Luoshui Pavilion like a soulless puppet.

"Xiaohua, I kept you waiting for a year and never came to see you or even wrote you a letter. Are you so disheartened and hating me? I have not forgotten you, not even for a moment!

I just don’t want to see you forcing a smile, I don’t want to see you burst into tears when you turn around, and I don’t want you to know my powerlessness. I have been working hard, just as I said at the beginning, we are strong. I fulfilled my promise but came late.

I have taken a step forward, and this step has made the distance between us even further, so far away that I cannot find you. My miss has made you change from a sea of ​​suffering to a sea of ​​death. I understand your feelings and situation, and I only hope you can persevere.

Hold on until I come to you, no matter where I am, I will find you. Even if your youth is gone and your appearance is ruined, my heart for you will never change, as long as you wait for me to come..."

Xiao Erdian missed Hua Luoyan, and the sky that supported him fell down, and the world became gray and white without color. However, Xiao Erdian did not surrender or give up on himself. He held up his chest, his momentum remained unchanged, and his eyes watched the changes in the wind and clouds.

In the sky, his fists were clenched tightly, "Xiaohua, you must wait for me! I will take you back as a strong man and make up for everything you are missing!" (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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