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Chapter 79 Murder

As time went by, all the students' patience was worn away, and one student was so anxious that he had the cultivation of the Great Perfection of the Yin-Yang Secret Realm and was extremely talented. With his cultivation alone, he had a great chance of getting the title of the Four Palaces.

However, such a clueless special training, he was puzzled and could not find any jade tokens that gave any clues, which made him restless. He did not want to be eliminated, and did not want to lose his place in the Battle of Four Prefectures. In the end, he

He almost roared: "We can't wait any longer!"

After saying that, the student rushed towards the darkness. Since entering this dark space, no one has explored it. Perhaps the special training is hidden in the darkness.

This student's behavior aroused other students' desire for discovery and hope of destruction, and sixteen people ran in different directions.

Among the remaining students, a few still firmly believe that as long as they wait, the jade tablet will prompt them sooner or later, while others gather together, meditate hard, and come up with unique tricks, as if they want to dig out all the ideas in their minds.

"Try the water manifestation method!"

"no water!"

"Who wants to pee!"

"I...but she is a girl..."

"There are no distinctions between men and women at this time, hurry up and pee, we won't even look!"


"We are checking to see if the jade tablet reacts. What if you get the hint from the jade tablet and keep it privately?"

"no response……"

The water manifestation method had no effect, and a student who looked very smart said again: "Perhaps, this jade tablet is a magic weapon, let's give it a try by dripping blood to identify its owner!"

These words were very recognized. The students bitten their fingers and dripped blood on their jade plaques. However, there was still no reaction.

“It’s not possible to shed blood to identify the Lord, so let’s find another way!”

"Then burn it with fire!"

"Yes! Burn with fire!"

The fire method immediately gave this group of students hope. Some students practiced fire magic. After raising their hands to light a ball of fire, they threw the jade token in. Unfortunately, the jade token shattered when it touched the fire, so it was not feasible at all.


"Think of other ways..."

This group of "resourceful" students continue to think of ways to crack the jade card's prompts.

After Xiao Erdian beat Wang Ze violently for a while, he felt much better. He looked at the valley where he was practicing cross-legged. He didn't bother him. He didn't know what to do. He took the jade sign and looked left and right.

Suddenly, Xiao Erdian was startled. There seemed to be a small character on the flawless white jade plaque. The character was only as big as a grain of rice. The color of the character was not much different from the color of the jade plaque. If you don't calm down and look carefully,

, the existence of the words would not be discovered at all. Xiao Erdian only discovered the existence of the words when he accidentally saw this area, "Jie..."

Xiao Erdian continued to search above and below the word. After a long time, Xiao Erdian finally found three more words. The intervals between each of these four words were very long, and it was impossible to read them without spending a lot of effort.

After coming out, after learning the clues on the jade plaque, Xiao Erdian threw the jade plaque aside, glanced at the worried students who were struggling to find the clues, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said secretly, "A bunch of blind people! I won't tell.

You guys, there are words on the jade plaque, I’m going to kill you!”

Xiao Erdian lay down on his side and fell asleep leisurely.

There are words on the jade tablet, and you need to calm down, search carefully, and search carefully to find it. However, these students are impetuous and make things more complicated. Their methods will only pollute the jade tablet and make the words on it difficult to find.

be found.

"Why is there still no prompt!"

The group of students tried almost every method they could think of, but still couldn't find any clues. Everyone's expressions were extremely sad. They couldn't find a way to crack the jade token, so they had to give up.

"When will the jade sign's reminder appear?"

Those few students who were waiting for the jade card prompt to appear automatically couldn't wait any longer.


Suddenly, a desperate and unwilling scream came from behind. The student who ran out to explore came back again. He scratched his hair with both hands and was going crazy, "How could this be! Why did you come back again!"

Immediately afterwards, other students came back from different directions, and they found that they were back at the starting point. Some people collapsed on the ground, some bared their teeth and claws and lost their temper, and some clenched their fists and roared.

"What on earth is special training!!!"

This is the voice of all the students except Gu Dao and Xiao Erdao. Each of them is quite outstanding. Everyone has great confidence in the battle of the Four Prefectures, but is it going to end here?

"Go in! I hope you can pass the special training, and you will have unexpected benefits in the future. However, this special training is very difficult to pass, so be prepared and don't die in it!"

The great elder's words lingered in their minds from time to time, reminding them that this special training was not simple and was definitely not a waste of time just standing here.

Time passed, about three days passed.

In three days, even the monks were hungry. Fortunately, they were prepared and took out the food and started eating. However, with the reminder of the jade tablet in their hearts, even the most delicious food was as hard to swallow as chaff.

Gu Dao also woke up from training and made good progress. Of the sixty-four subtle meridians, Gu Dao successfully broke through forty, and almost all of them will be broken through in two days.

"Gu Dao..."

When Xiao Erdian saw Gu Dao waking up, he walked up to Gu Dao and whispered in Gu Dao's ear: "I know what the jade sign means..."

"I already knew it."

Gu Dao smiled and said, "I didn't tell you when I saw you were unconscious. I was afraid that you might accidentally say it out loud."

All students present are competitors, and the secret of the jade medal cannot be revealed at will.

Afterwards, Xiao Erdian took out the game he caught on the road, lit a bonfire, and had a barbecue with Gu Dao.

"Beautiful man, are you okay? I'm so hungry!"

Liushou came out of Gu Dao's ear. He had not disturbed Gudao's practice for the past three days. When he saw Xiao Erdian cooking a barbecue, he shed tears. When Xiao Erdian learned about the existence of Liushou at first, he was surprised.

It was the first time he saw a talking flea, and he was amazed again and again. Liushou and Xiao Erdian hit it off immediately. Although they knew Xiao Erdian was extremely ugly, the temptation of food made Liushou's little mouth so sweet that every bite turned into a beautiful man, making him scream.

Xiao Erdian was so elated that his mouth was split to the base of his ears with laughter.

"It'll be ready soon!"

Xiao Erdian was so proud that he was almost confused as he was shouted at by the beautiful man with six hands.

Soon, the game was roasted, and Gu Dao and the others ate it deliciously, chatting and laughing, which really made a group of students envious.

"They actually want to have barbecue!"

Those students couldn't calm down and couldn't swallow the food in their mouths. Seeing Gu Dao and the others' happy faces, they wanted to get angry for no reason.

"That bastard!"

Wang Ze stared at Xiao Erdian with stern eyes. His entire face was now flat, and he who used to be so handsome had turned into an ugly creature. This made him uncontrollably want to kill Xiao Erdian.

"Can't wait any longer, really can't wait any longer..."

One student was on the verge of collapse. He threw away the food in his hands, stood up, and roared.

"The special training may be a test of our endurance. Everyone, please calm down and forget about the jade card reminder. There are so many people accompanying you. One person cannot pass the test, and everyone cannot pass the test. You must have a normal heart...

"A student said.

The student said with a distorted face: "That's enough! You are just entering the secret realm of Yin and Yang for the first time, you are not qualified to talk about this at all!"

"What did you say!"

The student who had agreed before stood up, threw away the food, looked at him angrily, and said, "My good intentions turned out to be the liver and lungs of a donkey!"

"What the hell do you mean!"

"Do you want to fight?"


"Boom boom boom!"

Immediately afterwards, a roar that echoed throughout the sky erupted, and the two students attacked each other.

The two people who had previously supported each other and worked together to find clues to the jade plaque, now turned into enemies and attacked each other, while other students watched indifferently. If before, they would have pulled apart from each other, but now their appearance has completely changed.

Within a quarter of an hour, both of them were injured. The student with weak cultivation was seriously injured and lay motionless on the ground.


The student kicked the student who fell to the ground, his face was as ferocious as a ghost, "You don't know your own abilities!"

After another three days, these students all looked a little haggard. They looked for clues about the jade plaque every day but found no clues. They became almost completely different from before. Each of them had a violent temper and would attack at every turn. They were no longer confident, trustful, and dependent before.

, all disappeared, and now they are forming independent camps, each of them is silent and sitting in four directions.

"Finally broke through all the meridians!"

Gu Dao woke up from training and took a long breath. All the meridians needed for the Eight Thousand Hell Swords were opened. Gu Dao tried to use it but there was no response at all. Do you really need murderous aura to activate it?

"You are the only one here who practices every day. There are several people who have been sleeping all the time. They have been sleeping for several days!"

When Xiao Erdian saw that Gu Dao was not practicing, he opened his mouth and said.

"How many days have you slept?"

Gu Dao had a bad premonition and whispered to Liushou: "Grandpa Liushou, go and see if those people are still alive?"

"What do you mean..." Xiao Erdao looked surprised.

Liushou jumped over, paused for a moment on the students, and then returned. His eyes were wide open, with a look of disbelief and inexplicable fear on his face.

"Is he dead?"

Gu Dao knew just by looking at Liushou's expression that he had guessed correctly, these students were already dead.

Liushou nodded and said: "They have all been dead for a long time, and one of them died not long ago...how could this happen!"

Gu Dao glanced at the faces of other students, turned to Xiao Erdian and said: "Let's be more vigilant, some of these people must have murderous intentions!"

Gu Dao guessed that maybe it was because the jade card did not indicate that special training could be carried out, which caused someone to have evil thoughts in order to get a place in the Battle of the Four Prefectures, and began to remove obstacles to move forward in order to get a place.

Three days later, there were actually twelve students sleeping on the ground. This made Gu Dao unable to calm down. He killed people just for a spot. How could this person be so cruel and ruthless?

Gu Dao stood up, his eyes were cold and stern, he glanced over the faces of the students, fixed on one person's face, and said: "I know what the jade tablet means!"

Hearing this, all the sluggish students' faces suddenly lit up, including the person Gu Dao was staring at.

"I apologize for my selfishness. I knew what the jade sign meant from the beginning, but I didn't say it, which led to someone killing innocent people indiscriminately and causing twelve innocent students to die at his hands."

"What is the hint of the jade card!"

"Tell us quickly!"

Gu Dao's words immediately made all the students stand up. They didn't care who the dead students were, they only cared about the jade tablet's reminder.

"The jade card's prompt is very simple, just wait until it's over!"

Gu Dao paused and said: "You don't need to do anything for this special training, just wait for the time to end!"

"Why did you say that!" Xiao Erdian couldn't understand Gu Dao's behavior.

"How can it be so simple! If you just wait, what kind of special training is it?"

The students suspected that Gu Dao's words were false.

"I am telling you the tips of the jade plaque just to warn someone not to kill innocent people again! If you lose your humanity for a quota, what is the difference between you and an animal!"

Gu Dao's eyes did not leave the student's face. Although Gu Dao was not sure, he was the most suspicious because his eyes were always filled with murderous intent. There was no murderous intent in the other students' eyes except despair and irritation. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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