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Chapter 103 Everything in the world can be discussed!

The sky was getting slightly brighter, but the light rain was still falling continuously.

Cheng Shiming lost too much blood and had already fainted. Liu Zeqing was left alone, holding the wound on his thigh and screaming miserably.

Seven or eight soldiers rushed forward and tied him up. Just when Liu Zeqing was about to speak, Xu Xianhui kicked him hard in the face, "I told you to run, I told you to run!"

Liu Zeqing was furious. He was a high-ranking deputy general and a noble figure in the army. How could he have been so abused? But Xu Xianhui's kick was so powerful that he broke several of his teeth. Blood flowed from his mouth and nose. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak.

I couldn't speak at all, I could only scream in pain.

Liu Ruyi walked up to Liu Zeqing with a cold face, waved her hand to stop the soldiers from venting abuse on him, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

As early as in the melee just now, Liu Ruyi had discovered him. This was not because of anything else, but because he was also a soldier. Liu Ruyi was very familiar with his temperament and had an instinctive vigilance. Just now, Liu Zeqing panicked and chose the road.

He cut off Cheng Shiming's arms with a knife, which impressed Liu Ruyi even more. He was cruel and ruthless!

"Bah!" Liu Zeqing spat out a mouthful of bloody teeth and gasped for air. He stared into Liu Ruyi's eyes and asked: "Boy, who are you?"

Things go both ways. While Liu Ruyi was frightened by the fighting power of Liu Zeqing's servants, why was Liu Zeqing not the same?

"Haha!" Liu Ruyi suddenly laughed, "It doesn't matter who I am! I respect you as a man, and I don't want you to be an unknown ghost!"

"You——!" Liu Zeqing was furious, like a sick tiger about to attack, but despite the restrictions of the seven or eight strong men around him, he had no choice but to retract his harsh words, lowered his head angrily, and said angrily: "

The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit! I won’t tell you! Just kill me!”

"Oh!" Liu Ruyi nodded and picked up his saber on the ground.

This sword is quite luxurious. The scabbard is engraved with exquisite gold-rimmed patterns, including lions and tigers, which are lifelike. The buckle of the scabbard is inlaid with a ruby ​​the size of a thumb. Next to it are a few small words, 'Cao County Liu'!

Liu Ruyi was startled, and she had vaguely guessed the identity of the person in front of her.

In the late Ming Dynasty, there were indeed several "generals" in Shandong. One was Zuo Liangyu, who was known as the "Pingthief General". The other was King Fu in the late Ming Dynasty, one of the four towns in Jiangbei, and was named "Dong Ping Bo".

Liu Zeqing, the chief military officer of Shandong! Although the combat effectiveness of these two men was not very good and they did not play a positive role in the battle against the Manchu and Qing Eight Banners cavalry, they were two relatively influential warlords in the late Ming Dynasty.


Needless to say, Zuo Liangyu was named "Liangyu" and was dubbed "Ping Thief General", but the people removed the word "Ping" in front of him and called him "Thief General".

When people were suppressing the refugee armies such as Li Chuang and Xian Thief, the red land he killed in Henan and Hubei was deserted for thousands of miles. It was like locusts passing through the border. The destructive power they caused was probably as much as that of Li Chuang and Xian Thief!

Liu Zeqing, on the other hand, is more shrewd! From the 13th year of Chongzhen, when he was promoted to the rank of Shandong General Soldier, until he was in the small court of King Fu of the Southern Ming Dynasty, he had always had a prosperous official career and occupied an important position.

Too much!

"Master Liu, am I right to call you that?" Liu Ruyi fiercely pulled out the sword from the scabbard. The blood inside was still wet and slowly dripped down the tip of the sword to the ground!

"You!" Liu Zeqing glanced at Liu Ruyi angrily, as if he was trying to keep up his momentum, but for a moment, he seemed to be deflated and said feebly: "Now that you know, why do you want to humiliate someone?"

?Come on, give grandpa a good knife. If grandpa wrinkles his head, he is not a man with swords!"

Although he said this, Liu Ruyi saw a strong unwillingness in his eyes. He didn't want to die! It was just that he couldn't lose face after being defeated at the hands of a nobody like himself.

"Master Liu, General Liu! You and I are from the same family and are fellow Shandong people. I have no intention of becoming your enemy!" Liu Ruyi said lightly.

"Well?" Liu Zeqing was stunned and quickly reacted. What a shrewd person he was, he guessed what Liu Ruyi meant in a moment. "Little brother, what happened today was purely a misunderstanding! Someone is

I was bewitched by that traitor Cheng Shiming, so I was pulled over by him! Little brother, since we are all a family, this..."

Liu Ruyi winked at the military men next to him, and the two military men hurriedly helped Liu Zeqing up. Liu Ruyi looked at the messy battlefield around him and murmured: "Although it was unintentional, I must pay tribute to my brother who died in the battle."

Let’s all explain it together!”

"Come here, send Mr. Liu on his way!" Liu Ruyi shouted.

Two military men drove Liu Zeqing's body and dragged him aside. Xu Xianhui picked up a steel knife from the ground and walked towards him with a sinister smile.

"Ah!" Liu Zeqing was shocked. He didn't expect that the young man in front of him would fall out at any time. He shouted loudly: "Little brother, I have something to say! I have something to say! There is still money here, how much do you want, little brother?

Tell me the number!"

"Master Liu, you are a smart man! At this time, do you still have any room for bargaining?" Liu Ruyi smiled coldly. This kind of person is like a money-eating bug who can only get in and out. He will never leave until the last moment.

You won’t spit out the real thing easily.

Liu Zeqing looked at the handsome face in front of him, who was more than ten years younger than him, and suddenly laughed, "Little brother, you are more ruthless than XX! Our Liu family is full of talents! Just for tonight's battle, XX is not as good as you!"

In his previous life, although Liu Zeqing was not a famous person, he was still a figure who left his name in history. Liu Ruyi also knew a little bit about his life!

He was originally a domestic slave of a large family in Cao County, and later served as a robber and archer in Cao County. At the end of Tianqi, the activities of the Wenxiang Sect were rampant in Shandong. Liu Zeqing was not only a robber archer in the county, but also secretly ambiguous with the Wenxiang Sect.

, please both sides, but he got promoted and made a fortune! Starting from the Chongzhen period, Liu Zeqing participated in many eradication of bandits and cult rebellions, but he really became successful when he was quelling the rebellion of Kong Youde. From being a domestic slave, he was finally able to get into the world.

The ability of this person to seal the territory is evident from this!


Liu Ruyi smiled softly, looked at Liu Zeqing and said: "Master Liu, you are a smart man, and you can be regarded as someone's elder! We wise people don't tell secrets! One hundred thousand taels of silver, I will buy your life! Otherwise..."

Speaking of the last few words, Liu Ruyi's tone was like a thousand years of ice!

"One hundred thousand taels, you, you kill me!" Liu Zeqing looked at Liu Ruyi in disbelief and turned his head angrily!

Liu Ruyi's eyes turned cold, and she suddenly slashed at his head with a knife!


Liu Zeqing screamed in pain, but after a while he realized that he was not dead. He touched his head with both hands and felt hot blood pouring out. Most of his hair and scalp had been cut off!

"Master Liu, I ask you one last time! Do you want to live or die?" Liu Ruyi pointed the tip of the knife towards his throat and asked loudly.

Liu Zeqing looked at Liu Ruyi's cold eyes and understood that this young man was definitely not just talking, and his methods had no effect on him at all!

He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "A true man, I promise you a thousand pieces of gold! One hundred thousand taels, buy someone's life! Can you do what you say?"

"What? You don't believe me?" Liu Ruyi's eyes turned cold!

"Okay! Okay! They're just some yellow and white things. If you don't bring them alive, you won't take them with you even if you die! What's the point of giving them to you? Little brother, you are a man! Liu admits defeat!" After he finished speaking, he got out of his arms.

He took out a handful of banknotes and handed them to Liu Ruyi, "This is 70,000 taels. The rest, I will ask my family to give it to my little brother. How about it?"

"Haha, it was like this! Why should Mr. Liu suffer all this in vain?" Liu Ruyi took the banknote and her tone became gentler.

Liu Zeqing was a general in the border town, far beyond comparison with others. Liu Ruyi really didn’t dare to kill him right here! However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime is unforgivable! After killing so many of his brothers, how could he not be allowed to go out?

Some blood?

After tonight's battle, Liu Ruyi's mind is clearer! Liu Zeqing's servants alone are so brave. If they encounter the Manchu Tatars who swept away the Ming army in the future, what kind of fighting strength will they have?

Although the losses were heavy tonight, it also allowed these soldiers to truly experience the test of blood. For Liu Ruyi to form a new army in the future, it will definitely be wealth that one hundred thousand taels of silver cannot buy!

Liu Ruyi smiled and helped Liu Zeqing up, "Master Liu, Uncle Liu! We are born from the same roots, why are we so anxious to fight each other? We really don't know each other until we fight! By the way, what's going on with these two big men?"

Liu Ruyi pointed to the two old men lying not far away.

Liu Zeqing was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, "What? Little brother, how many do you want to raise?"

Liu Ruyi smiled and nodded.

"They are the Rakshasa slaves I bought from the Mongols outside the Great Wall. I heard they were called Cossack warriors! You have seen the skills of these people, haha!" Liu Zeqing glanced at Liu Ruyi with a smile, and said in disbelief.

: "Their biggest advantage is that they are loyal to their owners, and they are definitely the best dogs to keep! Little brother, if you are interested, I can ask someone to get some for you! However, this thing,

You have to raise it from an early age!”

"This is the legendary Cossack cavalry?" Liu Ruyi was also surprised.

This name is well-known in later generations. During the time of Tsar Peter, these nomads were brave and good at fighting. They became the vanguard of Russia's expansion around the world and made great military exploits! But this poor nation, like the Jews and Gypsies, they were also wanderers.

The nation has no fixed abode and is uncertain. Whoever gives them food to eat will sacrifice their lives for them!

‘This is the best source of soldiers!’ Liu Ruyi thought secretly.

If such a group of mercenaries could be recruited, what would be the outcome if they collided with the Eight Banners cavalry?



I took an order last night and talked about it very late.

If I have time this afternoon, the boat will definitely make up for it!

I sincerely ask all brothers and sisters to collect and vote for support!

The boat thanks you here!


This chapter has been completed!
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