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Chapter 110 You at the same table?

"Brother Liu, are you okay?"

As if he felt the hostility in Liu Ruyi's eyes, the smile on Mr. Fang's face added a little more. He walked forward with a smile and patted Liu Ruyi's shoulder gently, as if the two had not seen each other for a long time.

Like old friends.

Seeing Mr. Fang like this, Liu Ruyi also clasped her fists and responded with a smile: "I miss you, Mr. Fang. Everything is well with me! More than half a year has passed since we said goodbye. Today, I can see Mr. Fang's style with my own eyes again. It's really great.

Very lucky!"

After saying that, Liu Ruyi bowed deeply to Young Master Fang, but she became even more wary.

As the saying goes, 'A barking dog never bites!'

If a person expresses his emotions in words, then this kind of person loses his danger. Because he has expressed his inner thoughts, even if he wants to be harmful to others, others will notice it.

, this is called 'talking too much leads to mistakes!'

On the other hand, if he buries all his thoughts in his heart and makes it impossible for others to detect his emotions, this kind of person is the most dangerous! Because you don't know what he is going to do next!

Mr. Fang obviously belongs to the latter group.

"Haha!" Mr. Fang patted the paper fan lightly with his palm and said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, and Brother Liu has impressed Fang! Not bad, not bad! Come on, your Liu family is the host today, please come in!"

Mr. Fang smiled and made a "please" gesture, as if he was the master, while Liu Ruyi and Liu Hanyi became outsiders!

"You——!" Liu Hanyi had never dealt with Young Master Fang. Now on his own territory, seeing that Young Master Fang was still so arrogant, Liu Hanyi couldn't help but rush forward.

But Liu Ruyi grabbed Liu Hanyi, smiled, hugged the other young master's fists, and pulled Liu Hanyi towards the inside.

Mr. Fang raised his eyebrows and stared at the backs of the two of them quietly, but a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


"Ruyi, why the hell are you stopping me? I'm going to beat this grandson until his face turns red!" As soon as the two of them entered a quiet corridor behind the main hall, Liu Hanyi became furious.

"Brother, calm down, calm down! Tomorrow is the old man's birthday. We can't compete with ourselves and add to the bad luck! Let's talk about anything after tomorrow!" Liu Ruyi comforted the irritable Liu Hanyi.

"Damn it, I just can't stand this grandson's face! Isn't it just because I have a good mother? I really think I am that..."

Liu Hanyi continued to speak arrogantly, but Liu Ruyi quickly covered his mouth and changed the subject: "Brother, did you invite that guy? How come he is here today?"

Although Mr. Fang is just a relative, he can be regarded as a bloodline of the Tian family. His mother is the biological sister of Guangzong Zhu Changluo and the aunt of the current Emperor Chongzhen!

Although Ming Dynasty was not punished for his words and deeds, when Liu Hanyi was so angry, Liu Ruyi really didn't know what other wild words he would say!

If someone with a heart hears this, it will be...

Liu Ruyi naturally didn't want to cause any more trouble on the old man's birthday.

"Invite him? Damn! Ruyi, do you think your brother is crazy?" Liu Hanyi's attention was indeed attracted, and he cursed in a low voice: "This grandson, just looking at him makes me feel sick all over.

Happy, why would you invite him?"

Liu Ruyi nodded lightly, and just when she was about to ask again, she saw maids and servants starting to serve food in the corridors on both sides.

Since tomorrow is my birthday, most of the gentry and powerful people who can come today are people close to the Liu family. Tonight is a small banquet, and tomorrow is the big banquet.

Liu Ruyi raised his head and looked at the sky. It was completely dark, so he pulled Liu Hanyi and said: "Brother, let's go and accompany the old man first! If there is really something wrong with Mr. Fang, we brothers will join hands and follow."

Got it!"

Liu Hanyi nodded and said with some reluctance: "If you wish, I will do as you say!"


As soon as Liu Ruyi and Liu Hanyi stepped into the main hall, Mr. Liu walked out with a smile, supported by several maids.

The old man rested for a while and looked good. He raised his hands and smiled at everyone: "Dear distinguished guests, relatives and friends, thank you for your support for this little thing, old man! Come, you don't have to be formal, you must eat and drink well! Hanyi

, Ruyi, you two brats, what are you running around for? Why don’t you hurry up and entertain the guests for me!"

After the old man spoke, Liu Ruyi and Liu Hanyi could not escape, so they quickly stepped forward to arrange seats for the powerful gentry from all over the world these days.

Tonight is just a small banquet, there are not many people coming, only about twenty people, two large tables are enough!

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but after getting busy, Liu Ruyi suddenly discovered that the main table was full of elderly men, while the slightly younger ones were all assigned to his side.

Liu Hanyi was a direct relative, so he naturally stayed at the main table, and Liu Ruyi entertained the rest of the table.

Taking the lowest position, Liu Ruyi was about to sit down when she raised her head and met the slightly teasing gaze of Mr. Fang who was sitting on the main seat.

Liu Ruyi was stunned, why the fuck didn't he sit at the main table?

Before the two of them spoke, a young man wearing a scholar's green shirt next to Liu Ruyi suddenly laughed and said: "Master Liu, you are the master today! What? Are you still standing here stupidly?"

As soon as Liu Ruyi turned her head, a burst of intoxicating floral fragrance suddenly hit her face. The young man did not avoid it, looked at Liu Ruyi with a smile, and spread his hands pretending to be innocent.

Liu Ruyi also reacted, hurriedly picked up the wine glass, smiled at everyone and said: "Dear distinguished guests, Ruyi is young, and I apologize for my lack of etiquette! Come, take advantage of this beautiful scenery, and wish you all the best.

All distinguished guests, may you be in good health and may your wealth be prosperous! I would like to express my respect to you first!"

After Liu Ruyi said this, she raised her neck suddenly, drank all the wine in the glass, and then turned the glass over to signal to everyone!

"Okay! Okay!" Before anyone could react, the young master clapped his hands and laughed, "Young master Liu is really brave, I admire you! I did it too!"

After he finished speaking, he also drank the wine in the cup.

Mr. Fang smiled, as if he didn't mind that the young man was stealing the show. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip, "Brother Liu, you are still so happy! Fang admires you!"

Zhang Laocai on the side also laughed and said: "I have long wanted to have a drink with Brother Liu, but I have never had the opportunity! Today, we must not return until we are drunk!"

This kind of occasion is a good opportunity to make friends and close relationships. How many of these powerful people can survive today? They all picked up their wine glasses and responded to Liu Ruyi with a smile, and the atmosphere on the table gradually became lively.

stand up.

Since it was the old man's birthday, the dishes on the table were not big fish or meat, but mainly vegetarian dishes. Although they were light, the quality was extraordinary. Not only were they delicious and delicious, but the ingredients were also very luxurious. Liu Ruyi even watched I got a plate of stir-fried thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. If we put this in future generations, even if it doesn’t cost hundreds of thousands, we will definitely not be able to get it!

After the wine was half drunk, everyone gradually relaxed.

However, Liu Ruyi discovered that the young master beside him was always looking at him quietly, intentionally or unintentionally, and would ask himself some inexplicably "cartoon" or even very childish questions.

Although Liu Ruyi did not have much contact with this kind of sissy in later generations, she had some impressions, such as the famous "Brother Chun".

Normally, Liu Ruyi would definitely not pay attention to this kind of person, but since this was the old man's guest, Liu Ruyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and chat with him without saying a word.

What surprised Liu Ruyi the most was that Mr. Fang seemed to have changed his temper. In the past, everyone would basically surround him, but now, seeing this sissy hanging around him, Mr. Fang not only did not complain at all, but was willing to do so He played a supporting role and only occasionally whispered a few words to Zhang Laocai beside him.

The world is impermanent, and Liu Ruyi just wanted to make an excuse to get up, but the sissy beside him grabbed his arm and asked with wide eyes: "Master Liu, according to what you said, if we hold the boat, Starting from Dengzhou and entering the sea, it only takes one or two years before we can return to Dengzhou?"

Liu Ruyi's scalp couldn't help but tingle. This sissy is simply a problem baby! He only mentioned a few words casually, but he remembered them in his heart, which continued to lead to countless questions one after another. Although Liu Ruyi has a good sense of him, but she really can't stand his tossing like this!

Wanting to have an attack but unable to do so, Liu Ruyi had to endure her temper and explained in a low voice: "Master Zhu, the 'earth' I am talking about is round, just like this egg."

Liu Ruyi grabbed an egg and put a small dot on it with chopsticks. "If we start from here, as long as we walk in a straight line, it won't take long to return to the original point! So, let's go sailing. This is also true! As long as the direction remains unchanged, we will always return to the starting point!"

The sissy nodded thoughtfully and was about to ask a question when she heard a servant outside the door loudly reporting: "His Royal Highness King De is here!"

Liu Ruyi was stunned for a moment, but unfortunately the sissy reacted even more, her body became unstable, and she fell violently into Liu Ruyi's arms.

Just as Liu Ruyi was about to help him up, he saw a round flesh-ball-like creature wearing colorful clothes at the door, holding an old fist and heading straight for him!

"You, you, how dare you look down on my son, Gu, I want to kill you with my own hands!"

"What the hell is this!" Liu Ruyi cursed in her heart and quickly pushed the sissy away, dodging the attack of the 'meat ball'.

But before Liu Ruyi could stand up, an unknown object hit Liu Ruyi's head fiercely. Liu Ruyi caught the object with one hand, and it turned out to be a jade crown inlaid with gold.

"Fuck!" Liu Ruyi couldn't help but cursed. She had never eaten pork, but she had seen pigs running! No matter how slow Liu Ruyi reacted, she now guessed the identity of Meat Ball. Being chased by a prince for no reason? What the fuck? It can be considered a blessing!

At this time, everyone in the venue also reacted.

Young Master Fang arrived at King De's side at some point. He held King De's fat body with both hands and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, is there any misunderstanding? Today is Mr. Liu's happy day, so why get angry?"

After Mr. Fang finished speaking, his eyes gently drifted towards Liu Ruyi's direction...



...Please collect it, Autumn Red Ticket...

This chapter has been completed!
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