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Chapter 140 Siege!

After the two sides faced off for more than a month, in the early morning of June 17, the refugee army launched the first wave of offensive against Nanyang City!

In the wilderness not far away, the houses originally built by residents outside the city have long been moved to the ground, and the wood has been used by the refugee army to make ladders for siege. Now, looking around, let alone the trees, there are Not even a weed is left.

Two square formations rushed out from the refugee army camp. They were crowded and dark, probably no less than 10,000 people. They divided into two groups, one of which rushed to the south gate of Nanyang City, and the other to where Liu Ruyi was. East gate direction!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The Mud Legs are about to attack the city!" On top of the city, the soldiers on guard let out heart-rending screams, and the entire Nanyang City instantly exploded.

Liu Ruyi stood on the high wall of the east gate, with a cold face and her eyes fixed on the army of refugees coming towards her.

Most of them were in tattered clothes, holding spears, hoes, sickles and other various weapons in their hands. What's more, they directly held the fire sticks set up in the camp, as if they were beating chicken blood, and fought for their lives. They ran towards the city.

As the saying goes, ten people form a group, and a hundred people form a thousand! On weekdays, when ten people gather together, the number of people is already countless, let alone the tens of thousands of homeless people at the moment!

"Young Master, they are coming up! Let's go up!" Xiao Liuer swallowed hard and held the machete tightly in his hand. Although he is a murderer, but in such a big scene, he is also The first time he saw it, the instinct in his heart still made him a little nervous!

Liu Ruyi smiled slightly and punched Xiao Liu'er hard on the chest, "Liu'er, don't panic! It's not our turn to take action now!"

"Huh?" Xiao Liu'er was startled, and then he came to his senses. He patted his cheek hard, and looked around with some embarrassment. When he saw Zhao Canghai, Huo Lang and the other officers, they all looked solemn. He looked at the army of refugees under the city and didn't notice his reaction just now. Only then did he feel relieved!

Liu Ruyi didn't pay attention to Xiao Liu'er's coercion, because he had already seen that these refugee troops were just the forerunners of the test, and the real contest was yet to come!


The crowds passing by are like ants passing by!

In a moment, the vanguard of the refugee army had already rushed to the bottom of the city. They crossed the moat regardless, set up ladders, and tried to rush towards the top of the city.

"Rolling logs, thunder stones, get ready! Smash these sons of bitches to death!" Dongcheng guerrilla Pu Sheng shouted loudly!

He is a confidant of Jin Shenghuan and a veteran of Liaodong Army. He is only thirty years old this year, but he is already experienced in hundreds of battles!

There are four guerrillas under Jin Shenghuan and more than ten actual Qianzong generals. Due to the terrain of Nanyang City, except for one guerrilla who guards the west gate and the north gate, the remaining two are all arranged on the south gate to resist the main attack of the refugee army. .

Soon, the officers and soldiers at the top of the city, with the assistance of hundreds of civilians, moved a large number of rolling logs and stones and piled them on the base of the city wall, and the rows of archers behind them were already ready to attack!

"Let go~~~!" Following Pu Sheng's loud shout, dozens of several meters long rolling logs were dropped from the top of the city, instantly smashing the refugee soldiers who had no time to escape into a pulp, and the corpses fell straight from a height of more than ten meters. Some fell from the city walls, and some fell into the moat, which soon dyed the river water dark red.

"Fire arrows and shoot them to death! Don't let them get close to you!"

The number of officers and soldiers was obviously at a disadvantage. Pu Sheng did not dare to be careless at all, and shouted loudly to hundreds of archers to suppress the momentum of the refugees and prevent them from raising their heads!

But the number of the refugee army was too large. Just like leeks in spring, after cutting one crop, a new one will grow right away! They were not afraid of death and soon opened a hole in the east wall.

, dozens of ferocious faces roared loudly and rushed towards the city.

Pu Sheng did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly sent troops to attack, but he could only pay attention to this side, but the gap was immediately opened again on the other side. In a moment, he was already a little worried.

"Pikemen, meet the enemy! Don't let them come up through the card master's hole!" Liu Ruyi stood not far behind Pu Sheng. Seeing the situation, he had no time to think, and quickly ordered his soldiers to withstand the enemy in front.


The battle was unprecedentedly fierce, with sounds of fighting and shouts resounding through the sky. After a tense period at the beginning, the officers and soldiers slowly recovered!

"Death~~!" Liu Ruyi slashed a ferocious face off the top of the city with a knife. The top of the city finally became quiet, and the large flow of civilian troops retreated like a tide.

Beside the wall, there are corpses of people everywhere, including officers and soldiers, and civilians, but most of them are still homeless soldiers! Although they are large in number, they are no match for these officers and soldiers, whether it is training equipment or personal bravery!

"Brother Liu! Thank you so much, brother!" Pu Sheng's face was covered with blood, but he didn't bother to wipe it off. He quickly walked to Liu Ruyi's side, laughing and clasping his fists.

"We are all brothers, why should Brother Park be so polite!" Liu Ruyi hurriedly returned the favor. Liu Ruyi also admired this straightforward and decisive man.

Pu Sheng patted Liu Ruyi's shoulder affectionately, pointed to the refugee army gathering under the city and said: "Brother, you don't have to worry too much! These mud-legged people rely on their ruthlessness. As long as we take them out

If they press hard, it will be difficult for them to stir up trouble again!"

Liu Ruyi nodded slightly, but there was a hint of gloom in his heart!

This is no ordinary refugee army on the opposite side! It’s the famous ‘thief’, Zhang Xianzhong! How can he be defeated so easily?

What's more, this should be just their first wave of offensive, and they are all cannon fodder! Next, I'm afraid they will really take action!

"Brother Pu, the thieves' army is powerful. We must not be careless. We must deal with it carefully!" Pu Sheng is a Shangguan, and Liu Ruyi couldn't say much, but gave a subtle reminder.

Pu Sheng looked at the refugee army gathering more and more under the city, and nodded vigorously, "Brother, don't worry! Brother knows what's going on!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to the soldiers behind him and shouted loudly: "Let the civilians bring up the golden juice! The archers are ready! Today, I will go on a killing spree!"


After being quiet for about a quarter of an hour, the refugee army began to become restless again!

This time, their number was not large, only about four to five thousand, headed by a dozen mounted officers, and they rushed towards the bottom of the city wall!

A big man in the lead shouted: "I am a leather eye, He Yilong! Listen to the officials in the city, open the city gate and let us enter the city. Paul and others' lives are safe! If you dare to resist, the city will be destroyed."

After that, no chickens or dogs will be left behind!”

‘He Yilong?’ Liu Ruyi thought. Could it be that this is He Yilong, the leader of the Five Gezuo Battalions, who later became Li Zicheng’s confidant?

But before Liu Ruyi could think of it, Pu Sheng yelled: "Thieves, hurry up and catch them, I can still spare your life! Otherwise, I will definitely kill you nine tribes!"

He Yilong was furious, "My sons, attack the city! Take the dog officer's bird head and drink with me!"

After a moment, two commanders appeared on his left and right. They shouted a few times, greeted their brothers, and rushed towards the city wall.

These refugee soldiers are obviously different. Although they are also not wearing armor, their weapons are more advanced than before. Most of them are wearing long guns and long knives, and many of them have short knives on their waists.

Cannon fodder also opened the way, and they quickly rushed to the city and set up the ladder again.

The moat was originally very deep, but due to the cannon fodder that was not afraid of death, and the corpses falling from the city wall, several sections of the moat were soon intercepted, like bridges, and the refugee army ran without any obstacles.

"Bring on the golden juice! Hahaha!" Pu Sheng laughed wildly.

Soon, more than a dozen officers, soldiers and civilians rushed to the city wall carrying several boiling cauldrons, and a strong stench could be smelled from a distance.

Gold juice is actually fecal juice, mixed with some poisons and other poisons. When boiled in a large pot, its power is no less than that of chemical weapons in later generations. However, if a tiny bit of it is contaminated on a mortal's body, it can cause wounds to become ulcerated and infected.

, or in worst case, immediate death. This is also a weapon with great deterrence.

"Come on! Let these grandchildren taste the gifts from their grandfathers! Haha!"

Soon, the officers and soldiers were busy pouring the golden juice in the pot down the ladder!

"Ah~~~~~!" In a moment, a cry came from under the city wall, and a strong stench instantly spread in the air.

The refugee soldiers who rushed in front had no room for maneuver and were directly used as targets. Several people were soaked all over their bodies, as if they had been washed by concentrated sulfuric acid. They were inhuman shape! They fell down the ladder screaming in pain.

, some were lucky and fell into the moat, while others were directly thrown to pieces with their bones broken and died on the spot!

But even so, they still could not stop the footsteps of these refugee soldiers. They shouted and set up ladders one after another, rushed forward again, and entangled with the officers and soldiers.

"Brothers, hold on, hold on! Drive these bastards down!" Pu Sheng clearly felt the pressure. He no longer had the intention of joking, and desperately directed the officers and soldiers to rush to various gaps.

Liu Ruyi's nerves were also tense. In the first round of the attack, an official army and a refugee army were one-on-one, without any pressure. But now, the official army is obviously struggling, and the number of casualties is no longer the same as that of the refugee army.


This means that every time a refugee soldier dies in battle, an official soldier will also die in battle!

But what you need to know is that there are 100,000 refugee troops and only a little over 10,000 official troops. The ratio is so disparate that no one can accept it!

Two rows of five hundred soldiers in each side were ready to attack. Liu Ruyi held the sword in her hand tightly!

Suddenly, a row of cold arrows shot past. Pu Sheng was hit by an arrow in his left shoulder and fell to the ground in pain. His soldiers hurriedly tried to help him up, but unexpectedly, on the opposite side of the city, there were already more than a dozen refugee soldiers baring their teeth and claws at him.

Come on! And in the gaps next to it, more and more refugee troops are rushing forward!

At this time, Pu Sheng's bright red official robe was conspicuous, but there were only six or seven soldiers around him. Facing the menacing refugee army, they hurriedly resisted, without the ability to fight back. The situation was critical!

The opportunity has come!

Liu Ruyi gritted her teeth hard, pulled out the sword from her waist, and shouted angrily: "Brothers, kill the thief!"


In a moment, a thousand soldiers, like tigers and wolves, pounced on the refugee army rushing to the top of the city!


This chapter has been completed!
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