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Chapter 144 The tip of the needle is on the Maimang!

Sun Kewang was nicknamed "A Wall". He was tall, strong, powerful, and skilled in martial arts. He was especially good at using a ninety-pound machete. Countless officers and soldiers died under his sword. He was the first battle under Zhang Xianzhong.


His headquarters is not large in number, less than 3,000 people. However, these people are carefully selected from the refugee army. Each of them is more than six feet tall. They mainly use swords and shields as weapons.

What they are good at is conquering cities and territories. They are a truly macho group!

Unlike Li Dingguo, Ai Nengqi, Liu Wenxiu and others, Sun Kewang was the oldest, had followed Zhang Xianzhong for the longest time, contributed the most, and won Zhang Xianzhong's trust.

Ai Nengqi's troops were supposed to be responsible for attacking the city this time, but Sun Kewang snatched the job because he couldn't wait for the beautiful women in the city!

"Liu Laosan, you lead the people to attack the right wing! He Changzi, you lead the people to attack the left wing! Leave the middle to someone! If we can't capture this Bird City before dark, all of you will come to see me.

!" Sun Kewang shouted loudly.

After a moment, the three thousand army slowly divided into three square formations, with five hundred people on the left and right on each side. They took the lead in launching a fierce attack on Nanyang City, while the two thousand people in the middle gradually approached the city wall.


At the top of the east gate city, the left wing guarded by Pu Sheng took the lead in emergency. These refugee troops were really not invincible. After a few small charges, dozens of them rushed to the top of the city and fought hand-to-hand. The officers and soldiers were no match at all, and they suffered casualties.


Liu Ruyi was horrified. What she feared the most was that she would be stunned when she came up! If the distance could not be established, the power of the mountain thunder would not be fully exerted!

"Brother, take people to help the left road! Leave the middle and right roads to me!" At this time, Liu Ruyi no longer cared about his dignity and shouted loudly to Pu Shengdao who was standing beside him.

"Brother, can you hold on?" Pu Sheng was also a little anxious. He must block the hole! If more refugee troops are released to rush into the city, then they will have no other choice but to wait to die!

"Destroy them first, and leave me alone!" Liu Ruyi shouted, signaling Pu Sheng to hurry up for reinforcements!

"Let's go!" Looking at Liu Ruyi's resolute expression, Pu Sheng also knew that this was the best way at the moment. He gritted his teeth, took dozens of soldiers, and called hundreds of officers and soldiers at the city gate.

He hurriedly ran toward the gap on the left.

At this time, the refugee army on the middle road and the right road had also rushed forward! However, the moat on the right road was very wide and the terrain was narrow and high. The refugee army rushed forward several times to no avail, so they gathered in the middle road and launched an attack at the city gate.


"Bring on the gold juice! Don't let them come up!" Liu Ruyi shouted loudly.

The situation was critical at the moment, and no one dared to neglect it. Officers such as Zhao Canghai, Huo Lang, Liu Meng, Chun Wa, etc. were on the front line. Only Xiao Liuer, with a dozen soldiers, firmly guarded Liu Ruyi.


In a moment, hundreds of officers and soldiers carried more than a dozen pots of boiling gold juice. With the help of hundreds of civilians, they poured it down from the top of the city. A strong stench instantly enveloped the entire city!

"The civilians retreat, the officers and soldiers are on top! Prepare to open the mountain with thunder!" Liu Ruyi didn't care about the casualties of the civilian soldiers below the city, and just calmly motioned for the officers and soldiers to advance to the front!

Liu Ruyi didn't expect these golden juices to cause many casualties to the refugee army. They just played a disgusting role. Furthermore, they could increase the smoothness of the city walls, making it difficult for their ladders to be erected.


The civilians retreated one after another, and the officers and soldiers holding long guns stood in front, desperately blocking the charge of the refugee army!

But these refugee troops were fundamentally different from those that the officers and soldiers encountered in the morning. Each of them was tall and strong, with amazing strength. In addition, they were protected by swords and shields, and some of them rushed to the top of the city very quickly!

"Brothers, follow me and kill the officers and soldiers!" The leader was extremely ugly. He was holding a three-foot-long ghost-headed sword in his hand, like a life-threatening demon from hell. He was Sun Kewang's confidant, nicknamed 'Yam Luo'.

The king’s Liu Laosan! In the blink of an eye, three or four officers and soldiers had died under his sword!

"The third master is mighty, the third master is mighty!" The refugee army gained momentum, and soon dozens more people rushed to the top of the city.

"Those who retreat will be killed without mercy! Drive them down for me!" Liu Ruyi's face was ashen. These officers and soldiers who came from the Nancheng camp are just showmen after all. They can barely cope with the downwind battle, but when they encounter the real

After a hard fight, he was knocked back to his original shape in an instant!

Zhao Canghai was nearby. Seeing this situation, he became very anxious and hurriedly led dozens of veteran soldiers to quickly meet the refugee army!

Seeing an officer-looking man coming towards him, Liu Laosan was overjoyed and shouted loudly: "Young officer, you are well on your way, I will take a certain knife!"

Before he finished speaking, the ghost-headed sword in his hand flashed with light and struck Zhao Canghai in the face!

Zhao Canghai was shocked and quickly raised his sword to greet him!

"Stab!" With a crisp sound, two steel knives collided violently in the air, and fire appeared everywhere!

Although Liu Laosan is not tall and can only reach Zhao Canghai's nose, he is so strong that he is wide enough to hold Zhao Canghai twice!

Zhao Canghai was out of strength and spat out a large pool of blood, fearing that he had hurt his internal organs!

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers rushed forward with all their might, got into a melee with the refugee army, and managed to snatch Zhao Canghai back alive.

"Hahaha! Official bastards, is this all you can do? Hahaha! Let me die!" Liu Laosan is like a black iron tower. No one can hold on to the officers and soldiers who are close to him.

Two rounds!

"Young master, let me come!" Xiao Liu'er looked anxiously!

Liu Ruyi shook his head slightly, but he was also a little shocked. Apart from the secretive second manager of the Liu family in Zhangqiu, this was the first time he had seen such a brave person!

In the cold weapon era, weapons, strength and speed determine everything. This Liu Laosan has a majestic figure and amazing strength. He strikes decisively and without delay. He is simply like a killing machine!

Even with his methods, he can only hang out under Sun Kewang and act as a small leader. How far can Sun Kewang, who is known as the "enemy of ten thousand people", go?

Although Zhang Xianzhong was cruel and unkind and had a bad reputation in later generations, it is undeniable that this man had a very vicious vision and was the best at employing people. In the late Ming Dynasty, most of the active and capable generals came from his subordinates!

Soon, all the officers and soldiers on that piece of city had been killed. Liu Laosan looked up to the sky and laughed: "Damn it, today's feat belongs to me! Boys and men, go for it!"

But at this moment, a flash of fire flashed across the sky, and a black ball as big as a watermelon fell from the sky!

In an instant, "Boom~~~~~~~!"

With a loud bang, Liu Laosan and a dozen or so fierce refugee troops around him were blown into a pulp!

Xiao Liuer looked at his hands in disbelief, "Xiao, young master, this, this thing, can actually be so powerful?"

Liu Ruyi said nothing, turned around and shouted loudly to Huolang and Xu Xianhui in front: "Rush up and push them down!"

The accident happened so quickly that the refugee army did not react at all. However, the officers and soldiers were greatly boosted in morale and rushed forward with all their might. They quickly killed the dozens of remaining refugee soldiers off the city wall.

Liu Laosan was covered in blood, but he was not completely dead. His whole body was already bloody, and under his dark skin, dark red blood flowed all over the floor!

He couldn't believe it. He had all the advantages just now, how could it suddenly become like this?

"You, you officials, dogs...I, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go..."

His trachea had been cut by the iron piece of Kaishan Lei, and his speech was a little leaky, but he still opened his big copper bell-like eyes and stared at Liu Ruyi who was walking towards him.

Liu Ruyi didn't say anything else, she just pulled out the sword from her waist and slid it across his neck like lightning. A touch of bright red blood was so dazzling under the sunlight!

"This man is a man! Do not humiliate his body. When the war is over, bury him alive!" Liu Ruyi coldly ordered everyone around him!

"Yes!" No one dared to speak, but bowed their heads respectfully.


After repelling the first wave of the refugee army's offensive, the officers and soldiers stabilized their position slightly, but not far from the city, Sun Kewang's heart was bleeding!

This Liu Laosan was his confidant, a man with superb martial arts skills and a fierce and powerful figure. Unexpectedly, he was damaged here! How could he accept this?

Sun Kewang's eyes were bloodshot. He fiercely snatched his machete from his entourage and shouted like a madman: "Come on, whoever can capture the official dog guarding the city alive, I will reward you with a thousand taels! I want it."

I will chop him alive with my own hands to avenge my brother Liu!"

His machete was made of pure iron and weighed more than ninety pounds. Normally, it would require two strong men to carry it, but in Sun Kewang's hands, it was as light as an embroidery needle!

With a wave of his hand, the refugee army behind him was like a swarm of bees, rushing towards the city wall with a 'buzz~buzz~buzz~' sound!

But at this time, on the top of the city, the officers and soldiers had already prepared their thunderbolts. When the crowd gathered under the city wall, Liu Ruyi shouted loudly: "Thunder!"

In a moment, more than a dozen porcelain jars as big as buckets were lit with fuses, and they were thrown from the top of the city into the dense army of refugees!

"Boom...boom! Boom~~~!"

A violent explosion sounded under the city wall, dust, smoke, and gravel fell one after another. The strong smell of gunpowder mixed with the pungent smell of blood filled the air, it was like hell on earth!

The refugee army below the city was like ants building a city, unable to react in time, and the sound of wailing and crying could be heard everywhere!

These simple mountain-opening mines were all made of porcelain jars, filled with gravel, iron pieces, and porcelain fragments produced when gunpowder exploded, causing huge damage to dense crowds!

At such a close distance, the refugee army could not dodge at all. This effect was comparable to the explosive bombs of later generations!

On the top of the city, the officers and soldiers cheered, but under the city wall, the refugee army howled. Some of the injured people jumped into the moat, hoping to use the river water to relieve their pain, but little did they know that such dirty water would seep into the city.

If the wound becomes infected, death is certain!

Sun Kewang, who was not far away, was stunned. He really couldn't imagine that the army had no artillery at all. Where did these huge weapons of destruction come from?



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