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Chapter 164 Night Attack on Dushan Cliff!

Yao Shuimeng is in a good mood recently. Not only did he receive a commission of 100,000 taels of silver from the Mi family in Jiangnan, but just a few days ago, Xiao Mowu, the second head of the Xiao family, also sent news that his niece Xiao Zixin has been controlled by him.

At home, Xiao Meier, who went to Jiangnan to investigate business, will return soon. In less than three days, Xiao Mowu will send the two beauties to his Dushan Cliff!

Yao Shuimeng is nearly fifty this year. After decades of blood and swords, he has finally managed to gradually expand the foundation left by his father and become the overlord of Weishan Lake!

At present, Yao Shuimeng's men, the number of water thieves who are always on the lake alone is close to a thousand. If you include the small fish and shrimps attached to them, there are almost more than two thousand. This kind of troops, coupled with his proficiency in water warfare

, placed in the official army, at least it would be a guerrilla!

However, perhaps because he is getting older, Yao Shuimeng is a little tired of licking blood from the knife edge!

In his early years, in order to build a solid foundation, he had to soak in water almost every day regardless of spring, autumn, winter or summer. When he was young, he didn't feel anything wrong, but once he turned 40, various problems inevitably appeared in his body, the most disturbing of which was...

What was horrifying was that just a few years ago, his lower body suddenly became inoperable and he lost all consciousness!

This made Yao Shuimeng extremely frightened!

Life? Root?

If he loses that thing, what fun can he have as a man?

Fortunately, he has made a huge fortune. In the past few years, he has visited famous doctors and taken countless folk remedies. Finally, at the beginning of this year, he suddenly regained some consciousness, which made him extremely happy!

He took out a small porcelain bottle in his arms and carefully took out the red pills. He put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it gently. He swallowed it in one gulp. In an instant, his face was as pitted as a toad's skin.

Full of intoxication!

"This piece of Heavenly Master is indeed worthy of being the great master of Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province! This elixir is really wonderful! No wonder even the emperor made him a guest of honor!" Yao Shuimeng felt a rush of heat surge up in his lower abdomen, and his whole body was filled with heat.

His nerves were relaxed, and he burped lightly in comfort!

"If I could have this elixir by my side all year round, plus those two pretty little beauties, this, this day would be a life that even a god wouldn't exchange for!" Yao Shuimeng clasped his hands together, and came down from his chest to imitate.

Zhang Tianshi looked like he was meditating, slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air from his mouth!

With Yao Shui Meng's character, if he were a wealthy businessman like the Mi family in Jiangnan, he would never take it seriously at all!

But when the third young master of the Mi family brought Zhang Tianshi's 'elixir' as a gift to him, Yao Shuimeng changed his attitude instantly~!

The Xiao family is a local powerhouse in Jining. It is deeply rooted and can affect the whole body. Except for him, no one in this land dares to have such courage!

Thinking of the promise left to him by the Mi family, Yao Shuimeng couldn't help but smile, showing his big yellow teeth! 'Humph, he is already dying. I accept you two little girls as a way of doing good deeds!'

"Come here~! Go and call the second brother over!" Yao Shuimeng shouted loudly towards the door.

"Yes!" The man outside the door responded, and within a moment, Zuo Wenxiu, the second master, ran in with a smile on his face, "The second master has seen me~! What are your orders, sir?"

"Go~! Send someone to notify the Mijia Trading Company in Jining Prefecture and send me a hundred elixirs! By the way, let's inform Xiao Lao Er by the way that if he doesn't send those two little girls before tomorrow evening, he

Just wait until the family is destroyed!" Yao Shui Meng shouted loudly without even looking at the second master.

"Yes! Yes! Master, just wait for my good news!" The second master waggled his tail at Yao Shui like a dog, backed up, and quickly exited the door.

However, what Yao Shuimeng didn't notice was that there was a trace of pity on the second master's respectful face!


In the evening, as the sun sets, half of the red sun 'falls' into the water on the vast lake. The red clouds connect with the sky, like a huge ink landscape painting, majestic and spectacular.

On the lake, the fishermen's fishing boats gradually moved closer to the shore. The noisy lake gradually returned to calm, with only a few naughty waterbirds passing by from time to time!

At this time, a small boat suddenly appeared in the reeds not far away, and then one after another, like a magic trick, they were densely packed, with nearly a hundred boats. They did not make the slightest sound, and through the hazy night

, and soon disappeared into the depths of the lake.


It is already early autumn, and the night breeze is a bit cool.

Liu Ruyi reached out and broke a reed pole, gently smelling the faint scent of grass on it, while her eyes were fixed on the small island not far away.

This is already the deepest part of Dushan Lake, with a radius of dozens of miles, covered with dense reed swamps! If there is no one to lead the way, let alone getting close to the island, it is a complicated, maze-like silt and money pit.

Enough to make a person drink a pot.

"What time is it now?" Liu Ruyi turned to Huo Lang and asked.

"Brother, it's almost time! There is less than a quarter of an hour before the time to take action!" Huo Lang's sharp eyes were fixed on the pier at the edge of the island, while his fingers kept fiddling with the handle of the knife at his waist.


"Young master, does the second master know how to cheat? Why hasn't there been any movement for so long?" Xiao Liu'er was already a little impatient! He and Liu Ruyi both grew up on the ground and had never fought in the water.

Xiao Liuer couldn't help but feel a little worried about everything he couldn't control.

Liu Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't worry, calm down! Liu'er, my brother will take you to catch toads later!"

'Strike first is strong, strike later and suffer disaster!'

Liu Ruyi will never sit still and wait for dangers that she cannot predict in the future!

A bloody road ahead, with countless thorns and dangers, Li Ruyi's heart has already become as solid as a rock!

This is how it is in this era! Either I eat people, or people eat me!

Since you want to steal my woman, I will kill you!


Suddenly, there was a burst of firelight on the pier at the foot of the island. For a moment, there was only a noise, and a dozen figures were pushed into the water!

For a moment, "Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~!" Three rockets flashed in the sky!

Huolang said happily: "Brother, they succeeded!"

Liu Ruyi's heart returned to her stomach, she pulled out the steel knife from her waist, "rush over and occupy the pier as quickly as possible!"


Nearly a hundred small boats gathered quickly, like a dense school of fish, and rushed towards the dock!

Beforehand, Liu Ruyi had already received first-hand information from the second master Zuo Wenxiu. The Dushan Cliff was in a dangerous terrain and was surrounded by mountains on three sides. There was only one dock. As long as Yao Shuimeng's retreat was cut off, he would be like a turtle in a urn.

Make waves!

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. This kind of terrain is very conducive to defense, but if there is an insider, then...unless he has wings, he will definitely not be able to escape today!

Moreover, the most important thing is that Xu Xianhui has disguised himself as a follower of the second master and has sneaked into the hinterland of Dushanya. As long as he can ignite Yaoshui Meng's grain and grass warehouse, even if Daluo Jinxian is alive, he may never be able to recover!

Soon, a thousand soldiers rushed to the dock. The second master was already waiting on the shore with dozens of his followers. When he saw Liu Ruyi coming forward, he quickly knelt down in the tunnel and said: "Sir, hurry up, then.

Shui Meng seems to have built a secret passage in the cliff, if he escapes, it will be very bad!"

Liu Ruyi was stunned for a moment, then reacted in a moment, "Huo Lang, you bring twenty small boats and wrap up this island for me. If you let a fly go, I will only ask you!"

"Yes! Brother, don't worry! I'm good at this!" Huo Lang cupped his fists and quickly led the people away!

Liu Ruyi waved her hand, "Charge forward! Don't give him a chance to react!"


"Master, master, something bad has happened! There are soldiers coming to the island!" A close confidant of Yao Shuimeng quickly rushed to the front of Yao Shuimeng's main house and shouted in peace.

"What are you arguing about? What's the matter? Let's talk about it tomorrow!" Yao Shuimeng had taken the 'elixir' at this time and had just finished venting on the two 'furnaces'. He had no strength in his body. He heard the shouts from the men outside the door.

I can't help but get upset and get angry!

"Sir, it's bad! Our food and grass were burned by the inner ghost! The officers and soldiers, the officers and soldiers have already arrived outside the main village gate!" The cronies, not caring about their dignity, broke in through the door and knelt on the ground.

, crying loudly.

"What? Officers and soldiers? Are you dreaming? Where did the officers and soldiers come from?" Yao Shuimeng was awakened from his sleepiness at this time, but near Jining, there was only one troop guarding a thousand households, less than 500 people, and

What officers and soldiers can attack his impregnable camp?

In fact, it is no wonder that Yaoshui is so fierce. Jining is adjacent to the south of the Yangtze River and is prosperous and prosperous. There have always been very few troops stationed, and most of the officers who can come here are the sons of powerful people. They go out to eat, drink, and eat free money, so what?

Come back to cause trouble for him?

Starting from the first year of Chongzhen, the government and army gathered several forces to encircle and suppress Dushanya on a large scale. However, without exception, they were all fiercely killed by Yaoshui and fled, leaving the army completely defeated.

Invisibly, this also made Yao Shuimeng's self-confidence infinitely expand!

He has always been the only one who makes trouble for others. Who dares to make trouble for him?

Yao Shuimeng did not cover up the bodies of the two women next to him. He casually threw on a piece of clothing, picked up his big harpoon, and ran out quickly.


At this time, Xu Xianhui had succeeded, and on a flat hinterland in the center of the island, a raging fire was lit, lighting up the entire night sky as bright as day!

The bandits on the island didn't react at all. The officers and soldiers had already broken through three passes in succession and went straight to the main gate of the main village!

"Yaoshui Meng, you bastard! Hurry open the door and surrender. I will ask you to leave a whole body for you! Otherwise, I will make sure that you can neither survive nor die!" The second master stood beside Liu Ruyi and shouted loudly.

He shouted towards the main village.

Yao Shuimeng also reacted at this time. He rubbed his eyes hard, his throat sweetened, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood and cursed: "The person named Zuo is actually you? How dare you betray me?"



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