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Chapter 184 Cooking Wine Burns Your Heart!

The red charcoal fire was crackling, and on the tip of the fire, a pot of fatty rabbit meat was already seven or eight years old, exuding a strong meaty aroma.

Although it is bitingly cold outside, it is as warm as spring inside!

Liu Ruyi took the jug out of the hot water and poured a glass of it for Zhang Guangqi respectfully, "Sir, you don't have to worry too much. Maybe things haven't reached the worst level yet!"

"Hey!" Zhang Guangqi sighed deeply, shook his head feebly, drank the wine in the glass with all his strength, and murmured: "Ruyi, maybe you are right! I'm afraid I'm really old, I just don't know

, where is the road ahead for our Ming Dynasty?"

It was already late at night, and Mrs. Zou and the women had gone back to rest. Liu Ruyi ordered the kitchen to stew a pot of fresh rabbit meat again, and quietly accompanied Zhang Guangqi, chatting about the current situation.

Since the Zhao and Song Dynasties, with the prevalence of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, the original imperial examination system seemed to have been put on a layer of invisible shackles, which firmly imprisoned the literati's thinking in a small area. It was like peeping through a tube. It seemed that in everyone's eyes,

Everything you see is the same!

Although Zhu Yuanzhang, the great ancestor of the Chinese dynasty, was a man of great talent and strategy, conquering mountains and rivers with great power and beating the Mongolian Empire with the blood of the 'Golden Family' to ashes, he was born as a cowherd boy, but in his subconscious, he had a kind of Chinese spirit.

The most traditional 'small farmer' consciousness, he will never allow anyone to provoke him and the majesty of his descendants!

After the "Hu Weiyong Case" broke out in the Hongwu period, Zhu Yuanzhang made stricter restrictions on the rights of literati. He even personally standardized some contents in the imperial examination system, putting on a seemingly invisible shield for scholars all over the world.

Lead! 'If you want to be an official, you have to follow the old Zhu family's rules!'

As for Zhang Juzheng during the Wanli period, it seemed that he had reached the pinnacle of civil service, wielding all the power and making some contributions to the "prosperous age" in the early Wanli period. However, after his death, everything was overturned and everything returned to the original track.


By the end of the Ming Dynasty, despite such shackles, great Confucians like Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, and Wang Fuzhi still emerged!

It can be seen that what the Ming Dynasty lacked was not talents, but the king's broad mind and perfect system!

Liu Ruyi still has a deep admiration for Zhang Guangqi, a scholar who is upright and "worries about his king even if he lives in a temple and goes far away"! Although they did not get the results, they put in the process with all their heart!

"Sir, you don't need to be too pessimistic! A few days ago, Governor Hong defeated Li Chuang in Sichuan. As long as we and the whole Ming Dynasty work together, there is still a lot to be done!" Although he clearly knew the direction of history, Liu Ruyi really didn't know.

How to tell the old man in front of me, I had to change the topic.

According to the Di newspaper that came out a few days ago, Li Chuang and other remnants of the refugee army heard that Hong Chengchou's northwest army had entered Sichuan. At the beginning of the first month, they gathered in northern Sichuan in an attempt to annihilate Hong Chengchou's tribe! Hong Chengchou immediately ordered the officers and soldiers to strictly guard the key roads, and entrenched themselves in the mountains of northern Sichuan.

After a long period of confrontation, the refugee army collapsed. Hong Chengchou used Sichuan troops to lure them and led the northwest army to set up an ambush against Zitong. The remnants of Li Chuang were defeated and had to retreat to Shaanxi!

In fact, this was something that made many passionate young people in later generations beat their chests and beat their legs. From the 10th year of Chongzhen to the end of the 11th year, the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not launch any major offensive. However, the official army faced off against the refugee army. The situation was excellent. Since then,

After Zhang Xianzhong and most of the refugee troops surrendered, the remnants of Li Zicheng were left alone!

Unfortunately, what is sad is that Emperor Chongzhen did not make good use of this hard-won development time, and was about to usher in a massive attack by the Manchu Eight Banners Army!

"What? Such a thing can happen? It's so satisfying, so satisfying! If you wish, please hurry up and explain it carefully to me!"

Zhang Guangqi had just returned from Liaodong and was unaware of the military information. Liu Ruyi carefully recounted the details in the newspaper to Zhang Guangqi one by one!

"Okay, okay~~! It's great, it's great! Governor Hong is worthy of being my great minister of the Ming Dynasty! The resurgence of the Ming Dynasty is just around the corner, just around the corner!" After listening to this, Zhang Guangqi couldn't help but drink a big gulp of strong wine, and he was dusty with his travels.

There was a hint of blush on the old face, and he was extremely excited!

Liu Ruyi couldn't describe the feeling in her heart, so she drank a large glass of strong wine, and a strong heat rushed to her forehead, "Sir, according to your opinion, who is the biggest enemy of Ming Dynasty? Is it?

Outlaw thieves like Li Chuang, or those Manchu Tatars who suffered a thousand blows?"

"Of course they are the Manchu Tatars!" Zhang Guangqi put the wine glass heavily on the table, "Ruyi, I saw it with my own eyes, how can this be false? Those Tatars don't regard us Han people as human beings at all!

Kill all the men and make the women slaves. This is to make us Han people extinct!"

Liu Ruyi nodded heavily!

The Jurchen nation is definitely the most resilient and powerful nation in the past thousand years, and it is also the nation that has had the greatest impact on Chinese history!

'If there are not even ten thousand Jurchens, they will be invincible!'

From the Great Jin established by Wanyan Aguda, to the Dongxia established by Wannuhaci, and finally the Later Jin established by Nurhaci, except for the weaker Dongxia, the other two regimes were undoubtedly the strongest military forces in East Asia at that time!

"Sir, if I say that one day, those Manchu and Qing Tatars will attack our door, right outside the gate of Jinan City, then what should we do?" Liu Ruyi almost said the historical trajectory that was about to happen.

He came out, but when the words came to his mouth, he changed his words slightly.

"That's too far away. Maybe I won't be able to wait for that day!" Zhang Guangqi slowly shook his head.

"Sir, no, maybe that's not that far away! What if it's this year?" Liu Ruyi asked again.

"This, how is this possible?" Zhang Guangqi glanced at Liu Ruyi in disbelief, "Ruyi, although the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are powerful now, they have few people after all! We have hundreds of thousands of elites from Liaodong in the Ming Dynasty, and those are not just decorations! They are now

They are just a bunch of underfed wolf cubs, sending troops to threaten the capital. This is already their limit! It is impossible to invade our Shandong hinterland!"

Seeing Liu Ruyi's face turned red from holding back, as if she wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it, Zhang Guangqi sighed and explained pleasantly: "Ruyi, I know it has not been an easy journey for you. You have suffered too much. Others

It’s hard to be heart-to-heart with you! But Ruyi, you are a good boy, life is like this, only after you have suffered all the hardships can you be happy! I am old as a teacher, even if I want to serve the court, I am afraid I am powerless! Ruyi, you have to take good care of yourself

, serve the imperial court wholeheartedly, and don’t let me down!"

Liu Ruyi nodded heavily and looked at Zhang Guangqi's increasingly older face, feeling an unspeakable bitterness in his heart!

Serve the imperial court?

This is easier said than done!

Wanting to train a strong army under the current system of the Ming Dynasty, is it any different from an idiot's dream? He is already rotten to the core, and a small character like Liu Ruyi, even if he jumps into the raging tide, what can he set off?

Wind and waves? They are just being swallowed up by the filth in vain!

‘Out of the silt but not stained?’

This is more like a kind of self-deception among literati!

Both of them were silent for a moment, only the cold wind whizzed past the window and slapped the window lattice!

After a long while, Zhang Guangqi said: "Ruyi, you are my disciple, but I have never really helped you as a teacher! At the beginning of next month, it will be the 70th birthday of Song Xuezhu's mother, the censor of the imperial censor.

The master still has some friendship with him, if you have some free time, go and celebrate his birthday with him!"

Liu Ruyi felt warm in his heart, he could clearly feel Zhang Guangqi's sincerity!

According to Zhang Guangqi's current reputation, even Song Xuezhu can't compare with him! The best thing about a literati is face! Zhang Guangqi is willing to put down his stature and pave the way for his disciples. This is definitely extremely rare nowadays!

"Sir, disciple, disciple actually just wants sir to stay and stay with Ruyi so that Ruyi will not make mistakes!" Liu Ruyi said sincerely.

Under the current circumstances, Liu Ruyi's future and the size of his official position are simply not something that can be decided by those big civil servants in Jinan!

The only language that soldiers speak is to have a strong army in their hands!

Only if you have the strength and can make military exploits, can you control your destiny in your own hands!

Looking at Liu Ruyi's sincere eyes, Zhang Guangqi smiled slightly, "Ruyi, there is no need for this! As a teacher, there are many things that even if I want to help you, I won't be able to do my best! I can only watch you from behind.

Cheer up! Besides, Baiyun Lake is not far away. If you miss me, take your wife and concubines to see me! Haha, it’s best to have a few fat boys as soon as possible. That way, your mother will also

I feel relieved!”

Zhang Guangqi stood up and patted Liu Ruyi's shoulder gently, "Ruyi, in a few months, the lotus flowers in Baiyun Lake will be in full bloom, and I will be waiting for you at home!"

Liu Ruyi nodded heavily, but her heart gradually calmed down!

I have made so many preparations, but when that day comes, it is not certain who will win! Even if it is for his mother, for his wife and concubines, for his mentor, and for those who have really helped him, he can only grit his teeth and keep going.

Go down!

Men are destined to hold up the sky with their shoulders!

At this time, a soldier suddenly knocked hard on the door, "Sir, it's bad, something urgent happened over there in Xiying Town!"

Liu Ruyi frowned. He was currently in the middle courtyard of the Liu Mansion. Generally, soldiers were not allowed to enter here unless there was an emergency!

"If anything happens, come in and tell me!"

After a moment, a soldier on duty rushed in, "Sir, just tonight, Gujiagou outside Xiying Town was massacred by bandits! The villagers who reported the news ran to Xiying Town to ask for help, but Xiying Town

The officers and soldiers in Yingzhen didn’t even open the city gate! They rushed to us overnight!”



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