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Chapter 219 The bald donkey in the palace!

There are a total of 600 guards in Prince De's palace. On weekdays, in addition to 300 people guarding the safety of the palace, there are also more than 300 people scattered in various properties under King De's name, such as the manor outside the south city, the pasture north of Zhangqiu, and the large farm in the city.

Shops and restaurants of all sizes!

At this time, due to the siege of the city by Qing troops, the guards scattered outside the city had withdrawn. However, due to the hoarding of grain and rice in the past few days, more than 200 people were arranged in the grain depot at the foot of Qianfo Mountain to guard the safety of grain and rice.

, at this moment, there are only more than 400 guards in the palace!

At this time, it was late at night, but the noise outside the palace gate soon woke up the guards who had fallen asleep. They quickly gathered and came to outflank Liu Ruyi!

"Bold rebel~~! You actually dare to break into the palace at night! Are you going to rebel?" A royal guard leader suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist and led more than a hundred royal guards to stop him who was about to step into the palace.

In front of Liu Ruyi in the Intermediate Courtyard!

Most of these royal guards are nobles and descendants of wealthy gentry. Although they are not soldiers, their weapons and equipment are several times better than those of ordinary soldiers!

Even though he is just a small royal bodyguard at the moment, if he were placed outside, at least at the guerrilla level, Liu Ruyi's official position would not be taken seriously by them!

Liu Ruyi waved her hand and signaled the soldiers to stop. Xiao Liuer immediately ordered the soldiers to form several rows and form a confrontation with the palace guards opposite!

Seeing that Liu Ruyi didn't reply, the prince's guard couldn't help but became furious and yelled loudly: "You are a little guerrilla, but you are so ambitious! I must let you country bumpkins see me today."

Means! Come here~! Capture these bastards who don’t know how to live or die!"

These palace guards, who usually rely on the name of King De, have long been used to being arrogant!

Not to mention the poor soldiers like Liu Ruyi, even the dignitaries in the city had to swallow their anger when they encountered them!

The vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty were so weird. Although they did not have any real political power, they enjoyed first-class political treatment. They restricted each other with the large and small bureaucrats in the fiefdom, but they relied on each other!

These royal guards are considered slaves of the Tian family, so how can they tolerate provocation?

After a moment, dozens of palace guards picked up their weapons and rushed towards Liu Ruyi and others with a ferocious smile!

Liu Ruyi sneered slightly, these palace guards may seem gorgeous in appearance, but in fact they are just a group of embroidered pillows with gold and jade on the outside and lint on the inside!

How is this a charge against oneself? Is it simply a group fight or a group fight?

"Go up! Press them down for me!"

Liu Ruyi pointed with his big hand, and dozens of soldiers quickly rushed out of the queue and rushed towards the palace guards!

Originally, thinking of Zhu Qingxu's affection, Liu Ruyi just wanted to secretly warn Prince De and his son, and did not want to make the matter a big deal. But now, these palace guards are so rampant, how can Liu Ruyi not give them face?

These veteran soldiers must be allowed to see the real battlefield, what it should be like!

In a moment, more than a hundred people from both sides were fighting in the open space in the middle!

Most of these palace guards carry swords on their waists, which are shining and gorgeous. However, the soldiers under Liu Ruyi's command are all long spears, with wooden sticks as the shafts and steel spears as the heads!

This is like a group of migrant workers who have just finished working on a construction site, rushing into a group of young men who have just finished eating, drinking, and having fun in a five-star hotel. The place where you see it is particularly bright!

"Hahaha~~! Give these mud-legged people a good beating! I really don't know how high the heaven and earth are, and they actually came here to act wild in the middle of the night! I regret it now, it's too late!" The royal guard chief was extremely excited. He had been always

When he was with the Crown Prince Zhu Cilian, even if he encountered some scenes, they were mostly one-sided, and others did not dare to fight back. Now, he actually encountered such a group of ignorant people, which caused the hormones in his body to rise rapidly, and his face turned pale.

Some are turning red!

But just for a moment, the captain of the royal guard suddenly realized that something was wrong with the situation. Why were all his brightly-armored royal guards falling to the ground, while those mud-legged ones in tattered clothes were jumping around alive one by one?

"What the hell do you do for a living! Give these idiots a lesson!"

The chief guard of the royal palace was furious, and was about to step forward to teach those blind-eyed mud-legs a lesson, but unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, a fist as big as a casserole came straight to his face with a whooshing sound.


"Sir, be careful!" a guard behind him quickly reminded loudly.

The captain of the palace guard, who was called Gao Ye, also reacted at this time. He lowered his head sharply to avoid the object in front of him, and his right hand instinctively touched the handle of the knife at his waist!

But before he could take out the hilt of the knife, an incomparable force hit him hard. He didn't even have time to react, and he was already lifted into the air!

"You bitch, you look like a bitch and you have such a dirty mouth! Mr. Liu'er has to make you understand today!" Xiao Liu'er grabbed the shirt of the chief guard of the royal palace and cracked, and passed through more than a dozen of them.

The slap in the face knocked the royal guard commander unconscious to the ground!

At this time, the situation on the field had become clear. The soldiers under Liu Ruyi were all shining with heroism and standing upright, while the palace guards who participated in the battle, without exception, all fell to the ground in pain!

Although Liu Ruyi had signaled in advance that there was no need to harm the lives of these guards unless the situation was urgent, but in the melee, these soldiers who had just retreated from the battlefield were still a little unable to hold back. They managed to survive with just their fists and feet.

Beat more than ten guards to death on the spot!

"You eggless eunuchs, if you don't want to die, get the fuck out of my way!" Xiao Liu'er strode forward like a murderer, facing the frightened palace guards.

Drink loudly!

"You guys, don't come here! This, this is the inner courtyard of the palace, ordinary people are not allowed to enter!" A palace guard bravely summoned up the courage to say to Xiao Liu'er.

Xiao Liu'er couldn't help laughing, he lifted up the guard's body, threw it into the crowd, and shouted: "Get out of my way quickly! Otherwise, the knife in my hand is not good."

The one with long eyes!”

These palace guards had seen such scenes before, and they all rushed back and unnaturally gave way to a path!

"The ignorant little thief dares to speak nonsense here! This is looking for death!"

At this time, a large number of palace guards rushed out from the courtyard on the side. The leader was a monk, wearing a golden cassock. He was holding a huge iron rod in his hand and smashed it towards Xiao Liu'er!

The palace guards who had been frightened out of their courage were instantly overjoyed, "Master Long, Master Long, you are finally here! This is the group of people who want to force their way into the palace!"

This monk, who is called Master Long, is tall and not much inferior to Xiao Liuer. Even though it is cold winter, he is still half-shirted, exposing half of his strong tendons, and his aura is amazing!

Suddenly attacked from the side, Xiao Liu'er didn't dare to neglect, he fiercely pulled out the steel knife from his waist, and faced the attacker with his backhand!

In a moment, the two of them had gone through seven or eight rounds, but neither gave in to the other. Neither one was sure of winning the other immediately!

Liu Ruyi also frowned slightly. After these years of hard work, Liu Ruyi has strong confidence in Xiao Liu'er's abilities. Apart from the daily hard training, Xiao Liu'er is really good at killing people from a mountain of corpses.

In terms of ability to fight with one's life in the sea, this great monk, despite his humble appearance, can actually be on a par with Xiao Liu'er. It's really not that simple!

While they were thinking about it, the two of them had already fought for a few more rounds!

The great monk was extremely skilled at playing with the iron stick, and Xiao Liuer did not carry his tailor-made Guanye sword, but only used a self-defense saber on his waist. After this, he was already at a high level in terms of weapons.


But after all, Xiao Liu'er had rich experience in actual combat. Seeing that he could not defeat his opponent with his own strength, he turned to avoid the easy and easy. Instead of confronting the great monk's strength head-on, he accelerated his pace of movement and circled back and forth, hoping to rely on his strength.

With his young and flexible body, he found a flaw in the great monk's side and killed him with one blow!

But the great monk was not a vegetarian. He soon discovered Xiao Liu'er's intention. The iron rod in his hand was like a black dragon, flipping and flying back and forth, airtight, like a huge iron wall. Xiao Liu'er had no idea at all.

Half a chance!

Liu Ruyi suddenly discovered that the great monk's moves seemed a bit familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere before.

‘Where exactly is it?’ Liu Ruyi frowned tightly, but there was no thought in her mind!

At this time, a sudden change occurred in the field. The big monk used the move of "turning back and looking at the moon", lowering his body and showing off his weakness. Xiao Liu'er was a little over the top and slashed at the top of his head without hesitation!

The great monk suddenly showed a sneer, turned his body suddenly to the side, and like lightning, in his left hand, he touched a bayonet made of Buddhist beads, and stabbed it fiercely into Xiao Liu'er's heart!

Xiao Liuer was shocked, but he could no longer avoid it. He had to open his eyes wide, as if he wanted to see with his own eyes this hidden weapon made of iron beads passing through his chest!

But at this moment, there was a "bang~" sound from a bird gun, and the great monk let out a scream like a slaughtered pig, staggered, and fell to the ground in pain!

Liu Ruyi held the blunderbuss, walked slowly to the great monk, and said coldly: "You are the black monk~~Long Da, right?"

The great monk froze, looked up at Liu Ruyi, and laughed loudly: "The poor monk has retired from the world for many years. I didn't expect that you, a junior, actually know the poor monk's name! Interesting, interesting!"

Liu Ruyi sneered, if he hadn't shown the bayonet made of Buddhist beads, Liu Ruyi would have been unable to remember it for a while!

Because Liu Ru had seen this kind of Buddhist beads before!

At that time, the second manager of the Liu Mansion in Zhangqiu, the "Ghost Sword", who was extremely skilled in martial arts, also carried a string of Buddhist beads like this on his hand!

They are said to be Buddhist beads, but they are made of fine steel with a hollow center and are connected in series with gold beads and silver threads. In an emergency, you can tug the mouth of the beads and the string of beads will quickly tighten to form a palm-long hand.

The bayonet is extremely vicious!

Back then, if Liu Ruyi hadn't used tricks and the second manager was careless, Liu Ruyi wouldn't have had the slightest chance of succeeding!

When the second manager was teaching Liu Ruyi swordsmanship, he once mentioned that he had a sworn brother who was once a monk. The two were bandits in Shandong, and they were known as the 'double evil spirits!'

Later, they jointly committed a shocking case and seized an astonishing fortune. The second manager was surrounded and suppressed by the army and was seriously injured. He was forced to surrender to Liu Hu, who led the army at that time. Liu Hu thought of his martial arts skills.

, so he kept him, and Long Da disappeared into the world with the wealth. The second manager later tried to look for it, but there was no clue at all!

These things were once told by Liu Hu as stories to Liu Jianwu and Liu Ruyi at a family dinner. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Liu Ruyi actually saw the pig's feet in the story with her own eyes!

Thinking of this, Liu Ruyi couldn't help but sneer, "Master Long, the so-called small hidden in the wild, the big hidden in the court, hiding those treasures in the palace, must be safe, right?"

"What? You, you..." Long Da opened his eyes wide in fear and couldn't say a word for a long time!



There's a wedding tomorrow and I have to get up at 2 o'clock. What a tragedy!

Please collect it and get a red ticket for comfort!

Thanks to the friends who have always supported the boat!

Bow, bow!

This chapter has been completed!
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