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Chapter 229 The prelude to the big killer!

In this world, there are many things that are actually very simple!

At this moment, if we completely kill these Qing army elites and completely eliminate them physically, then all the troubles and worries can be easily solved!

Under the city head, within a few miles around, more than ten thousand Qing soldiers were densely packed. The money rat whips swayed in the wind, like a surging tide. They roared and yelled wildly, and headed straight for the city head!

Directly ahead, more than a thousand elite sword and shield bearers of the Qing Dynasty carried hundreds of ladders. Under the cover of a tall shield lined up in a row, they had already approached the moat bank!

"Bird gun soldiers, shoot~~~! Beat me hard!" Liu Ruyi roared almost hysterically. His eyes were blood red, staring straight at the crowd of soldiers below the city, as if he wanted to eat them alive!

Although Liu Ruyi has experienced many killings along the way! He has killed bandits, officers and soldiers, local tyrants, and even faced off against the Xian thieves who were ravaging the Central Plains, but all of this is far inferior to the Qing troops in front of him.


Almost all of these Qing troops were in their prime of life. They were strong, well-equipped, and their actions were united and orderly. Their murderous aura was as strong as Mount Tai, crushing people to the point of breathlessness!

Less than a hundred steps apart, Liu Ruyi could even clearly see their faces distorted by desire and killing!

For a moment, 'Bang~Bang~Bang~!' The crisp sound of bird cannons came one after another, the city was filled with smoke, and nearly a thousand bird cannon soldiers started shooting wildly!

Soon, people continued to fall in the Qing army's battle formation, but they relied on their large numbers and the protection of strong shields, as if they were nothing. They didn't care about these casualties at all, just like a man with a bloody mouth.

The giant beast, step by step, quickly approached the city!

"I'm fucking targeting them! Shoot them! Don't let them breathe!" Liu Ruyi was also anxious at this time. If these bastards approached the city, just relying on the strength of his own men,

There is no way to fight against them!

In this era, the elite individual combat capabilities of the Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty are not far behind, if not the strongest in East Asia! Even if they were to fight with cold weapons, even Peter the Great’s Cossack elite cavalry would be difficult to obtain.

Half a penny cheaper!

These Jurchens living in the white mountains and black waters are simply born warriors. They endure hardships and stand hard work, and are not afraid of death. If they don't have big weapons, it will be difficult to resist their flesh and blood charge!

It was at that time that the Jin Dynasty had declined, and the descendants of Genghis Khan's golden family, Torre, Kublai Khan, Ali Buge and his son, who were in their heyday, paid a huge price in the battle of Sanfeng Mountain, and this was the last time the Jin Dynasty was defeated.

The 200,000 elite army was defeated! And with the death of Zhang Hui, Wanyan Heda, Wanyan Chen Monk, Yi Lapua and other famous generals of the Jin Dynasty, the Mongolian cavalry finally broke the last straw for the Jin army!

Everything goes according to plan!

At the moment, Liu Ruyi does not have the overwhelming advantage of Torre and his son's hundreds of thousands of Mongolian cavalry, nor does he have the red cannon, the current weapon for defending the city. With just the few troops in hand, he is almost in a certain death situation!

"Young master, these dog Tatars are so rough! I can't suppress them at all!" The officers and soldiers never stopped, but in the face of the surging Qing army, the effect was not obvious at all, and Xiao Liu'er was also stable.

Unable to hold on any longer, he picked up the steel knife in his hand and wanted to rush down to the city to fight the Qing troops!

Liu Ruyi's eyes seemed to be spitting out fire. He didn't want to use the final killer weapon until the last step. At this time, if he could survive for a moment longer, he would have more confidence!

"Damn it~~~! If a man dies or a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for eternity! Call all the civilians up and use the thunder to attack them! We don't have enough weapons. Even if we smash them with our fists and bite them with our teeth, we will never let them board.

The city is coming!" Liu Ruyi shouted loudly!

"Yes!" Xiao Liu'er yelled the same, turned around and ran to the city to recruit the civilians waiting at the city!

At this time, Liu Ruyi no longer looked gentle and elegant. Although these civilians had no fighting power at all, at this critical moment, Liu Ruyi could no longer care about them!

What kind of reputation and popular support? It’s just a cloud in the sky!

As long as Jinan City can be defended, there is still a chance to make up for everything! But if the city cannot be defended, everything will be nothing but a mirror in the mirror!

Liu Ruyi didn't want to hear a so-and-so's so-called "Zhuanjia" comment "called a beast" hundreds of years later. "At that time, Liu was guarding the south city of Jinan City and fought hard against the Qing army. In the end, he was defeated and led his troops to death.

More than 100,000 villagers and elders in Jinan City are suffering!'

Even if you have a thousand mouths, how can you argue at this moment?

As for the blood shed in the process, that is no longer important. All Liu Ruyi wants is the result!

Soon, thousands of civilians were taken to the top of the city. Liu Hanyi used rice grains as bait and recruited them at a high price. They went to the top of the city to fight against the Qing army. They were somewhat conscious, except for a few who were too panicked and wanted to fight.

He wanted to escape and was killed by Xiao Liu'er and his men, but the rest of the people could barely stand on the top of the city!

After all, in this era, as long as you can eat the bowl of rice before you, who cares whether you go to heaven or hell tomorrow?

Compared with others, Liu Ruyi is kind enough!

At this time, the Qing army had already approached the city. Dozens of ladders were placed on top of the city, facing the fierce cannon fire from the officers and soldiers. Hundreds of Qing soldiers in fine armor were like an invulnerable enemy.

Cockroach, quickly climb up the city wall!

"Kaishan Lei! Kaishan Lei hello~~!"

For a moment, "Boom~Long~Long~", I thought of a thunder explosion under the city head, countless black iron balls and earthen jars, being thrown down from the city head by soldiers and civilians, smoke, dust, flesh and blood flying everywhere

, even half of the city wall on one side was blown down by the huge explosive force. A dozen unlucky soldiers were swept under the city, and were instantly devoured by the Qing army like wolves and tigers!


The shrill cold wind howled, and the icy city top had completely turned into the simplest meat grinder. One side wanted to attack the city with all their strength, but the other side wanted to defend it with all their strength. No one was willing to retreat, and no one was willing to retreat.

Reluctant to give in, he just relied on the simplest weapon in his hand to harvest the opponent's life crazily!

"Get out of the city and die!" Pu Sheng roared, and struck a sharp knife on the head of a white-armored soldier who was about to climb to the top of the city!

The white-armored soldier was completely unprepared. Although he was wearing an iron helmet, Pu Sheng exerted so much force that the blade curled up and cut off most of his scalp!

"Wow~~!" The white-armored soldier screamed in pain. He jumped up and ran straight to the top of the city. He waved a big hammer weighing forty or fifty kilograms in his hand and struck fiercely at Park.

Sheng swung his head over!

"Fuck! This won't kill you!" Pu Sheng yelled, but he had no choice but to quickly lower his head to avoid the white-armored soldier's attack. He turned the steel knife in his hand and stabbed him in the throat!

This white-armored soldier was tall and strong, more than a head taller than Pu Sheng. He had been so enraged by Pu Sheng that he lost his etiquette. He didn't dodge at all. He held Pu Sheng's blade and tried to pinch Pu Sheng's hand with both hands.


Pu Shengyi was delighted, but in an instant he discovered that his steel knife was not as long as the arm of the white-armored soldier. In addition, the blade was already curled, so it could not cause any fatal damage to him!

"You, you vile bastard! I'm going to rip out your heart and lungs and drink it with wine!" The white-armored soldier's scalp was red and white, like an evil ghost walking out of hell. He spoke to Park in blunt Chinese.

Sheng yelled and strengthened his hands even more!

Pu Sheng was choked by the white-armored soldier and couldn't breathe. His legs kicked him in the crotch, but the white-armored soldier was wearing several layers of leather armor, so the effect was not great at all!

Pu Sheng rolled his eyes with difficulty, watching helplessly as his life was about to be harvested by this evil man!

At this time, a taller figure suddenly flashed behind the white-armored soldier, and a cold wind flashed by. Pu Sheng only felt a warm liquid splashing on his face, and the head of the white-armored soldier

, has rolled to the ground!

"Brother Pu, are you okay?" Xiao Liuer rushed to Pu Sheng's side with dozens of soldiers!

"It's okay. Do you think I'm okay? Take this bastard's hands away quickly!" Pu Sheng rolled his eyes and cursed!

Only then did Xiao Liuer realize that the hands of the headless white-armored soldier were still tightly stuck on Pu Sheng's neck! He quickly opened the two big hands with force and kicked the headless corpse to the bottom of the city, "Pu Sheng

Brother, how is the situation here? Can you still hold it?"

Pu Sheng was breathing heavily, but his cheeks were still a little pale, "Damn, these bastards are really difficult to deal with! I can still resist here, but I need the support of Kaishan Lei! Liu'er, you...

Why the hell did you come here? Why didn't you protect the general?"

Xiao Liuer hurriedly explained: "We can still hold it on the front, but the wings are too weak! The general ordered me to come to support. He said that as long as we hold it until the morning, we will have a chance!"

Pu Sheng raised his head and glanced down at the city. All he could see was a mass of black heads, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, "Liu'er, don't comfort brother, we are all capable men! Today, just follow these dogs."

The Tatars are fighting to the death! Kill one and earn another! Even if you die, we brothers can be companions on the road to hell!"

"Okay! Brother Pu said well! The young master ordered me to hold on here for a quarter of an hour! Come, let's fight side by side and see who can chop off more Tatar heads!" Xiao Liuer roared ferociously, before he finished speaking.

, he picked up the sword in his hand and struck at the Qing soldiers who had just emerged from the city head!

"Hahaha! Liu'er, my brother likes your character! But how can I let you compete with me? Come on! Brother is here too!" Pu Sheng shouted loudly, leading the soldiers who had just gathered, and also moved towards

Rush to the edge of the city!


Swords and swords flashed, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and before you knew it, the sun had risen to the middle, and the air gradually began to be filled with a hint of sunshine!

Although the Qing army's offensive was extremely fierce, Liu Ruyi's officers and soldiers on the city wall resisted fiercely and almost resorted to suicidal methods to fight for their lives. Even though the Qing army had an absolute advantage in strength, they were still beaten to death by the soldiers.

After pushing back, the battle line was always anxious at the front line of the city during this morning, and the Qing army failed to open the gap in the Jinan city wall!

However, by this time, the officers and soldiers on the city had already reached the end of their strength, and there were more than a thousand remains of the officers and soldiers on the city that had been collected and collected. They had reached their end!

At this time, a shrill scream of arrows suddenly sounded in the sky, and dozens of feather arrows filled with gunpowder flew into the sky, like rows of gorgeous fireworks, violently exploding in the air!

After a moment, some soldiers shouted in unison: "The general gave another order to retreat quickly and let the Qing soldiers go to the city!"



Please collect it! Thanks a lot for the boat!

This chapter has been completed!
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