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Chapter 278 Life hangs by a thread!

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Ms. Zou has been very tired recently. She is originally from the south. Although she has lived in the north for more than 20 years, she still can't stand the cold and humid climate in Jinan City at the turn of winter and spring!

Although her son Liu Ruyi's official career is getting bigger and bigger, which makes her have no worries about food and clothing and is highly respected, but he is busy with official duties and rarely has time to stay at home. This also makes Zou's heart full of concern for her son.


Others may not know how much hardship and bitterness Liu Ruyi has achieved along the way, but it is like a bright mirror in Zou's heart. Whenever she thinks of these, Zou's heart is always very sad.

Guilty and distressed!

At least these days, the war has finally calmed down, which makes Mr. Zou feel a little relieved! However, Liu Ruyi has recently started the Great China Development Bank and is very busy. Ms. Zou wants to help, but she

Unfortunately, I can’t do anything!

In the past few days, she had been feeling a little uncomfortable, but she didn't want Liu Ruyi to worry about her, so she took Xiao Zixin and the girls to the quiet Caishi Town to recuperate!

Caishi Town is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces water on one side. It is located in a small basin in the middle of the mountains. The climate here is relatively warm and gentle, and has not been damaged by too many human traces. Relatively speaking, it is more suitable for human habitation!

In the morning, when the sun had just risen over the top of the eastern mountain, Ms. Zou had already gotten up. She had just planted a few magnolia trees and a few vegetables in the backyard garden, and Chunyunu specially bought a dozen ducklings.

Honoring her future mother-in-law made Ms. Zou even more worried about these furry, cute little guys!

Zou's family was poor in her early years, and she was sold to a flower house by her parents at a very young age. Her childhood was full of panic and bitterness, which also made her cherish her peaceful pastoral life very much!

"Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu... you little ones, come and eat quickly! Only when you are full can you grow up faster!" Ms. Zou carried a small bamboo basket and sprinkled the bran in it in front of a group of little ducks.

Full of smiles!

These little ducklings were born not long ago, and their down had just fallen off, giving birth to new dark yellow hair. Each one is like a yellow plush toy, a little cute and extremely cute!

When the little ducks saw the delicious food, they quacked one after another, surrounded Ms. Zou, and started chattering to grab the food!

"Madam, you got up so early today?" Xiao Zixin and Chun Yunu walked over to the side with a smile!

Their rooms are not far apart, and women are naturally irresistible to these cute little animals, so they come together to take care of these little things!

"Haha! I've been idle here for a few days, and my bones are almost rusty! I got up and exercised in the morning, and my spirits improved a lot! By the way, why didn't Qingxu and Qing'er come today?" Zou asked with a smile.


Chunyu Nu smiled, reached out and took the small bamboo basket from Zou's hand, scattered some vegetable bran among the ducklings, and said with a smile: "Qingxu is here for a wedding today. She feels unwell and is resting in the room! Qingxu is resting in the room!"

My son and Miss Xiao went to the kitchen to make breakfast!"

Xiao Zixin's aunt, Xiao Meier, has been living in Caishi Town for more than a year, and is already very familiar with Zou and several women!

Xiao Zixin also smiled and said: "Madam, I heard that Mr. Feng planted one next to our magnolia tree the day before yesterday. It is very precious every day. Let's go and see it together!"

"Haha! Zixin, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me! I remember that when I was a child, there was a magnolia tree in my home. Whenever it bloomed, it would be fragrant. I really miss it!" Ms. Zou gently rubbed her forehead.

He smiled and said: "Let's go and see the fruits of our labor together. When Ruyi comes back, let him come and taste it!"

Several women happily walked to the garden on one side, and the morning air became vivid!


At this time, in the backyard kitchen, Xiao Meier and Qing'er were sitting by the warm stove, looking after a pot of porridge with young bamboo shoots that the cook had just cooked!

The chef, Mrs. Wang, was preparing a pot of fresh mutton, while the logistics manager, Mrs. Zhang, was taking inventory of various vegetables and meats in the house. Xiao Meier and Qing'er started chatting about each other!

Qing'er is the youngest among the girls and has the gentlest temper. She never fights or robs for anything. Xiao Meier also likes her very much.

"Qing'er, you, you must have had sex with that person many times, right?" Xiao Mei'er asked Qing'er in a sly voice.

Although Liu Ruyi was really good to Xiao Meier, not only did she eat well and serve her well, but all kinds of clothes, silk, satin, rouge and gouache were also made according to the standards of several wives and concubines, but Xiao Meier has always been jealous of her.

When she was with the Xiao family, Liu Ruyi spanked her hard for more than ten times. Xiao Meier still couldn't let go of this, and she never gave Liu Ruyi a good look! Even if she called her, she never bothered to mention Liu.

A wishful name!

"Aunt Mei'er, you, where are you talking about?" Qing'er is young and thin-faced after all, so how can she be willing to answer such a shameful question.

"Qing'er, are you still hiding it from your aunt? Tell your aunt! So, how does that feel? That man is as strong as a calf, you, can you bear it?

"Xiao Mei'er asked reluctantly.

In Liu Ruyi's backyard, Xiao Meier had to act like an elder in front of Xiao Zixin; as for Chunyu Nu, she was a courtesan, and it was not easy for Xiao Meier to fool her; as for Zhu Qingxu, despite her beautiful appearance,

But she always has a "cold face" on weekdays, and Xiao Meier really has nothing in common with her; only the pure and lovely Qing'er is the best person for Xiao Meier to "chat and discuss" with!

"Aunt Mei'er, this, this...what do you want me to say!" Qing'er's face instantly turned red, and she was confused and didn't know how to explain to Xiao Mei'er!

"This is not simple. How did you feel at that time and how could you tell your aunt about it?" Xiao Mei'er stared at Qing'er's little face with her big eyes wide open.

‘Rogues are not to be feared, but hooligans are educated!’ This sentence could not be more appropriate when applied to women, especially Xiao Meier!

"Aunt Mei'er, I, I really don't know what to say! You, if you really want to know, go and find a man and try it, then it will become clearer!" Qing'er's head was full of black lines, she really

She's afraid of this 'little aunt' who is only a few years older than her!

"Okay! Qing'er! Now you dare to make fun of Aunt Mei'er! See if I don't scratch your itch!" Xiao Mei'er made a show of trying to scratch the soft flesh of Qing'er's waist!

Qing'er hurriedly dodged, and the two women started laughing and playing around!

At this time, a little girl about six or seven years old ran to the stove, pointed to the big pot of porridge on the stove, and shouted to Mrs. Zhang not far away: "Mom, what is this? It smells so good!"


The little girl is very thin, with two small braids, but her hair is slightly yellow, she is obviously malnourished!

"Erya, didn't I tell you to stay in the outer room? Why did you come here? Quick, get out! This is porridge for the madam and the young ladies! Later, when mother is done with her work, I will give it to you

Cook and eat!”

Mrs. Zhang hurriedly ran over, pulled Erya aside, and explained to Xiao Meier and Qing'er with a smile: "You two girls, Erya is still young and ignorant, so don't mind it! Erya

, be obedient and get out quickly!”

Qing'er and Xiao Meier looked at each other. They were both kind-hearted people. In addition, Liu Ruyi's rules at home with her servants were not too strict. Only Zhang, she cared about and was very attentive.

In order to maintain the dignity of the elders and younger ones in the house, Ms. Zou had tried to persuade her several times, but Ms. Zhang seemed weak but had a very stubborn temperament and always guarded the bottom line of her personality!

Public is public, private is private! Since the general and the old lady trust her so much, she must do her job well!

Erya was a little aggrieved, but she was very afraid of her mother Zhang, so she shrank tremblingly behind Zhang, but her eyes kept drifting to the porridge pot aside!

"Manager Zhang, Erya is still a child! Why are you so cruel to her! Isn't it just a bowl of porridge? Come on, Erya, my sister will serve you a bowl!" Xiao Meier looked at Erya lovingly and stretched out her hand.

I want to take the spoon from the pot!

Mrs. Zhang hurriedly stopped in front of Xiao Meier, "Miss Xiao, you can't do this! I'll just get her some food later!"

"Manager Zhang, this, this is actually okay! Erya is still young, so just serve her a bowl! Madam and the sisters won't blame her!" Qing'er also stepped forward and reached out to hug Erya.

Beside him, he touched her little head lovingly.

"Mother~!" Erya also looked at Mrs. Zhang aggrievedly!

After a while, Mrs. Zhang sighed deeply, "You little girl, you are really unruly! Let's see how Mommy will teach you when you get home!"

Although she said this, she did not stop Xiao Meier from handing a small bowl of hot porridge with young bamboo shoots into Erya's hands!

Erya took a strong sniff of the aroma of the porridge and couldn't help but cheered, "Thank you two sisters! Thank you, mother! Xiaobai, Xiaobai, come on, we are going to have porridge!"

After a moment, a little white native dog happily ran to Erya, stretched out its tongue, and looked forward to sharing the delicious food with its owner!

At this time, several kitchen maids also served several bowls of porridge to the girls Zou and Xiao Zixin who were in the garden!

The rice porridge was very hot, and Erya didn't dare to open her mouth. She used a small spoon to carefully dig out some, put it on the ground, and said to the little native dog Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, for the sake of being so good today.

! It’s up to you to eat first!”

Xiaobai barked "woof, woof" twice, stuck out his tongue happily, and licked the rice porridge clean in the blink of an eye!

Erya was just about to put the rice porridge in the small spoon into his mouth, but suddenly found that Xiaobai fell to the ground in pain, foaming at the mouth, and instantly became lifeless!

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!" Erya was so frightened that she started crying!

Before Xiao Meier and Qing'er left, they heard Erya crying and ran over quickly.

But when they saw the scene in front of them, their expressions changed drastically!

"Erya, don't touch it!" Xiao Meier has seen the world after all, and she can see at a glance that this matter is extremely unusual!

"What's going on with this puppy?" Xiao Mei'er asked Erya quickly.

"Woo~! I don't know. Xiaobai took a bite of rice porridge and became like this! Wuwu~! Sister, what happened to my Xiaobai!" Erya cried helplessly!

Xiao Meier hurriedly took off the silver hairpin from her hair and put it into Erya's bowl of millet porridge. Suddenly, the silver hairpin turned dark!

"No! Hurry, get the rice porridge back! There is poison in it!" Xiao Meier hurriedly ran towards the door and caught up with the maids who had not gone far!

Suddenly, the Liu Mansion was in chaos!


This chapter has been completed!
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