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Chapter 284 The loyal soul still guards Liaodong!

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After months of siege and blockade of the capital, the Qing army finally showed signs of loosening up!

Dorgon's Zhengbai Banner and Duduo's Xiangbai Banner, which were originally besieged in Tongzhou, took the lead in retreating to Shunyi in the north. The Lianghuang Banner, which had been entangled in Daxing, also retreated to Shunyi under the leadership of Dutong Obai.

Near Tongzhou! Immediately, the rest of the blue flag, the red flag, and the red flag also gathered towards Pinggu to the east!

As a result, the pressure on King Qin's troops everywhere was reduced drastically, and everyone breathed a long sigh of relief!

In fact, Huang Taiji, who was in Pinggu, also knew clearly that if the Manchus and Qing Dynasties wanted to capture the capital of the Ming Dynasty with their current strength, the possibility was extremely slim!

Although the Ming Dynasty is now broken and displaced, the centipede is still alive. The number of King Qin's troops gathered near the capital is already hundreds of thousands, which is almost twice the strength of the Qing army at this entrance. In addition, the capital city is high

The wall is thick, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Qing army does not have giant destructive weapons, so there is nothing they can do!

This war has lasted for nearly a year since Chongzhen entered the customs in July of the 11th year. Although the Qing army plundered a large amount of money, materials, and people, Huang Taiji also knew that the Eight Banners men under his command were already somewhat exhausted.

Can’t stand it any longer!

However, even so, Huang Taiji was not willing to retreat so easily!

He wanted to show his strength to Emperor Chongzhen. He wanted the people of the Ming Dynasty to know the methods of Huang Taiji. He also wanted to make all the generals of the Ming Dynasty understand that if they dare to go against Huang Taiji, they will only die!


In the southern suburbs of Shunyi, Dorgon's tent is located.

After the Battle of Jinan City, Duduo's mood was quite depressed. After more than twenty days of rest, he still has not recovered! So far, he has not dared to go to Pinggu to apologize to Huang Taiji, and has been hiding in his brother's house.

Under the protection of Dorgon, he drowned his sorrows with wine every day!

Dorgon also understood Duduo's difficulties. His younger brother had always been smooth sailing since he was a child and had never encountered any setbacks! Even when Nurhachi passed away, his elder brother Azige stood in front of him to protect him from the wind and rain.


"Fifteenth brother, victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists! Don't take the defeat of Shandong too seriously! If we have a chance in the future, we can just fight back!" Dorgon stood up and filled a glass of wine for Dudo.

, Wen Yan explained.

"Brother, I, I hate it! I'm not willing to give in! That little bastard is really too despicable, I will never let him go~!!" Duduo drank the wine in the glass hard and held it tightly.

His fists and eyes were a little red!

Although he knew that the matter had happened and was irreversible, Duduo really didn't want to see Huang Taiji's fat and cold face again. More importantly, the defeat of Jinan City completely destroyed Duduo's self-confidence.

Bai Qi's strength was greatly damaged, which made him no longer have the confidence to speak in the past!

Seeing Duduo like this, Dorgon felt a little depressed!

In the battle of Jinan City, his Zhengbai Banner suffered considerable losses. More importantly, Duduo then sent out troops without authorization, resulting in the defeat of Huangjiapu. All the more than 200,000 people in Linqing City fell into the hands of Liu Ruyi! This made Liu Ruyi

Huang Taiji caught a handle on the two brothers, which made Dorgon feel like he had a lump in his throat and was extremely unhappy!

However, Duduo is his biological brother after all, and Duduo's sincere servants with white flags are also his important support. He must make Duduo cheer up again!

"Fifteenth brother, I know what you are worried about! In fact, there is no need for this! At this point, I think he has the intention to withdraw his troops! This is actually an opportunity for our brothers!" Dorgon looked at

Dodo's eyes said.

"Brother? You, you mean..." Duduo's eyes lit up.

Dorgon smiled and nodded, "I know that man's temperament better than anyone else! Although he has intention of retreating, he still wants to tear off a piece of fat! If what I expected is true, before leaving seclusion, we

There will definitely be another fierce battle!”


Forbidden City, Imperial Study Room!

It was already late at night, but Emperor Chongzhen was still awake. He was only wearing a thin cotton coat and was immersed in a pile of memorials, writing furiously!

Although he is only in his early thirties, his temples are already covered with white silk, and his originally straight waist is slightly curved, as if he is an old man in his sixties!

"Cough~cough!" Emperor Chongzhen coughed violently several times, but a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

This is a battle report sent by Tang Tong, the commander-in-chief of Miyun. Yesterday afternoon, Dorgon and Duduo tribe of the Qing army raided the Shunyi defenders. Ma Fuming, the commander of the front camp of Ji Town, and Chen Guitu, the commander of the left camp of Ji Town, did not fight.

He escaped, but the Qing army broke through the gap and entered Shunyi City. Tang Tong's troops were unable to stop him and were forced to retreat westward. The northern defense line of the capital was completely destroyed, completely exposing the capital to the firepower of the Qing army!

"Trash, bastards! What's the use of raising you! Ma Fuming, Chen Guitu, Tang Tong, you all deserve to die! Damn it!!!" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but curse!

In fact, as early as January, Emperor Chongzhen had received a report from the imperial censor impeaching Ma Fuming, Chen Guitu and other major generals of the Jizhen Army. They withheld food and pay, avoided the enemy without fighting, and were arrogant because of their bravery.

The people were filled with resentment, but Emperor Chongzhen suppressed the report because he thought that the Ming Dynasty was in crisis and needed people urgently! Unexpectedly, they really embarrassed themselves! They even lost the city of Shunyi!

Emperor Chongzhen picked up a cinnabar red pen and fiercely erased the names of Ma Fuming, Chen Guitu and others on the memorial. However, he still did not understand his hatred, and fiercely marked several big red crosses on it.

, crumpled the entire memorial into a ball of paper and threw it on the ground!

"Oh my God! The ancestors of the Ming Dynasty! I, Zhu Youjian, consider myself diligent and do everything myself. I never sleep for two hours a day, but why, why is the situation in the world still so unbearable? Could it be that God,

You, do you want to destroy our Ming Dynasty? Do you, do you, I really want to be the king who will destroy the country?" Emperor Chongzhen looked up at the huge plaque hanging high, and shed two lines of clear tears, which he could no longer stop dripping.


He was lying on the imperial desk, like an aggrieved child, crying loudly!

In fact, when he took over the Ming Dynasty from his brother Emperor Tianqi, it was already a huge mess! But although the Carpenter Emperor was fatuous and incompetent, he still left some generals with room for maneuver for him. The Ming Dynasty Shang

Have defensive power!

However, after the "Jisi Incident", Emperor Chongzhen was angry and executed Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Jiliao, late. Among the thousands of civil servants and generals in the Ming Dynasty, no one could coordinate the Liaodong front!

Immediately afterwards, the Shaanxi Li Chuang, Xianthief, Ge Zuo and other tribes of civilian armies rose up with the situation, adding a pinch of salt to the wound. The Ming Empire, which had lasted for three hundred years, was on the verge of death!

No wonder Yuan Chonghuan's last words at the time of execution were: "My whole life's career will be in vain, half my life's fame will be in my dreams! I will not worry about having no brave generals after my death, my loyal soul will still guard Liaodong!"

Serving the Ming Dynasty wholeheartedly is just a matter of death. Even if he really made countless mistakes, he did not deserve to be subjected to the most brutal torture in the world!

But the tragedy is that this tragedy that should not have happened has actually happened!

Later, in the Battle of Julu, Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Xuanda, died in the battle. The supervisor Gao Qiqian and 30,000 elite Guan Ning cavalry were only separated by less than a few dozen miles, but they still refused to save him. In the end, they were killed by Dorgon.

Thousands of people were defeated in an attack and fled, but because of their "knowledge of soldiers", Emperor Chongzhen let him go!

Alas! 'How do you feel sorry for his misfortune? Are you angry that he doesn't fight?'

But Emperor Chongzhen would never admit that all these were his own mistakes!

"You have a high official position, but your body is a bare meal! You, you all deserve to die! You all deserve to die!" Emperor Chongzhen roared hysterically!

The surrounding eunuchs and maids had already stayed away, for fear of touching his brow!

At this time, a small figure walked in outside the imperial study. She carefully held a small porcelain plate. Inside, a bowl of hot millet porridge was exuding an alluring aroma, but it was the love of Emperor Chongzhen.

Female, Princess Zhu Ainao of Changping!

Zhu Yushuo is only eleven years old this year, and her body is still a little thin, but unexpectedly, she has already developed into the embryonic form of a beautiful woman.

Although she was young, she was extremely well-behaved and sensible. She knew that her father had not rested at this hour, so she went to the imperial kitchen and cooked a bowl of rice porridge for her father!

"Father, it's getting late. Please finish your millet porridge to quench your thirst! This is made by my own hands!" Zhu Auao brought the small bowl to her father with her own hands and bowed respectfully!

Emperor Chongzhen's eyes became hot, and he secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. He lovingly held Zhu A'ao in his arms and said softly: "Changping, it's so late, why don't you go to bed? If you catch a cold, my father will do it."

I feel bad!”

Zhu Aao wrinkled her small nose and looked at her loving father, "Father, I am fine! It's just that my father is still busy with state affairs late at night, but I can't help. I can only serve my father and eat a little."

It’s midnight snack! Father, this millet porridge is so delicious. I specially added lotus seeds to make it better. You can drink it while it’s hot!"

Emperor Chongzhen picked up the bowl and took a sip. Sure enough, it was extremely sweet. He drank most of the millet porridge in one breath and said with a smile: "Changping is very interested! My father has to review the memorial tonight. You should go back and rest first."

! Until tomorrow, my father will take you to go boating in the Imperial Garden!"

Although Emperor Chongzhen was extremely mean and ungrateful to his courtiers, he was extremely considerate and loving towards his children, especially the princess of Changping, Zhu Ainao, who was the apple of his eye!

"Father, I'll go back after you finish drinking!" Zhu Auao said a little stubbornly.

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but smile, "Okay, my father has drank it! My father has drank it! They all rely on my treasure to make peace!"

Zhu Auao watched her father finish the millet porridge, and a sweet smile appeared on her face. She held her father's hand and said coquettishly: "Father, from now on, my sons and daughters will come to cook porridge for you every day.


"This? Isn't it too hard? Changping? Don't you have to study and write with the teacher every day?" How could Emperor Chongzhen bear to let his precious daughter do this? He hurriedly said with a smile.

Zhu Aao's tears flowed down, and she knelt down on the ground, "Father, I only hate that I am not a man! I just want to share my father's worries!"

Emperor Chongzhen's eyes suddenly turned red, and tears rolled around his eyes, but he resisted and did not let the tears fall!

He held Zhu Aina in his arms and said, "Okay, okay! Changping! Come, tonight, you can accompany my father to review the memorials!"


The night is getting deeper, and the red candlelight stretches the figures of two figures, one large and one small, into the empty imperial study!

Zhu Yasuo carefully took the memorial for his father, while Emperor Chongzhen kept writing furiously, but his face became colder and colder!

‘…defeated,…lost,…need to allocate food and pay,…ask for reinforcements,…’

Because his precious daughter was by his side, Emperor Chongzhen did not directly vent his anger. However, the chill in his heart had already frozen the entire world!

"These people should all die!"

At this time, a guard suddenly shouted outside the door, "Report! Shandong military intelligence battle report!"

Emperor Chongzhen and Zhu Aona were both stunned.

Due to the Qing army's blockade, Emperor Chongzhen had not received news from Shandong for nearly two months. At this time, he was even more afraid of hearing some news he didn't want to hear!

However, what should be faced must be faced sooner or later!

Emperor Chongzhen tried to calm down his emotions and said, "Pass~~!"

After a moment, a guard quickly ran into the imperial study, "Your Majesty, good news, good news! Jinan City, Jinan City has been defended, it has been defended!"

Emperor Chongzhen was stunned, and he quickly opened the memorial and browsed through it quickly!

This was written by Yan Jizu, the governor of Shandong. It probably narrated the situation in Shandong, shifted the responsibility for the fall of Yanzhou City to Ni Chong, the former Shandong general soldier who had died in the battle, and placed the battle of Jinan City and the battle of Huangjiapuzi

Their achievements rest on themselves and Liu Ruyi!

"Haha~~! Hahaha~~! God will not destroy our Ming Dynasty! This little guerrilla officer has such ability! I want to reward him, I want to reward him!" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing, he had already

I haven't had such a sincere smile in a long time!

Zhu Ainao on the side still didn't understand what happened. She hurriedly picked up the memorial that was thrown aside by her father and read it again. Her little face was full of surprise, "Da Ming, Daming finally won the war! Father, I finally don't have to do this anymore."

So worried!"

'Liu Ruyi? Liu Ruyi!'

Although Zhu Yuluo was still a little confused and didn't understand what really happened, the name "Liu Ruyi" was deeply engraved in her young heart!


This chapter has been completed!
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