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Chapter 342 Take the initiative to fight!

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"What? Ruyi, you, are you going to fight again?"

In Caishi Town, Liu Ruyi's family of more than ten people were eating a sumptuous lunch, but Zou received the autographed letter from Yang Sichang handed over by the soldiers at the side!

"Mom, why make such a fuss! Hehe, Mr. Ge likes me, so that's my honor!" Liu Ruyi said with a bitter smile.

This is Yang Sichang's second letter. As early as last night, Liu Ruyi got Yang Sichang's first letter!

The two letters arrived one night apart, which proved that Yang Sichang was really anxious!

Although Liu Ruyi had long expected that Yang Sichang would be in such a predicament, she never expected that he would think of herself!

In fact, when Yang Sichang recommended Xiong Wencan as Minister of the Ministry of War and Prime Minister of the five provinces, the groundwork for today's situation had already been laid!

Who is this Xiong Wencan?

To say he is a 'crazy student' is to flatter him~!

He has great ambitions, but no means! He seeks the skin of a tiger, but he has no skills!

Although I have read the books of saints and sages, I still covet the yellow and white things in the world!

The most important thing is, just be greedy if you say you are! But you actually dare to be greedy even if you offer money to a thief!

Isn't this just asking for death? Isn't this just making yourself uncomfortable?

Even people like Zhao Kuo know how to ‘talk on paper’! But~~, Xiong Wencan, what can he do? His greatest skill is ‘harmony with mud’!


And Yang Sichang was so blind that he recommended this person to Emperor Chongzhen. He was really digging a hole to bury himself!

However, now that Yang Sichang thought of him, Liu Ruyi couldn't just sit idly by and ignore it!

After all, who is the thief? He is simply a murderer!

If you let people like this grow bigger, Liu Ruyi will have trouble sleeping and eating!


What was originally a cheerful luncheon suddenly became depressing because of Yang Sichang's handwritten letter.

Especially Xiao Zixin and Zhu Qingxu, they are newlyweds, they are not yet warm under the covers, but their beloved husband is about to embark on a journey again!

How can they accept this?

The women at the table didn't speak, each staring at their own jobs. Liu Ruyi was also a little helpless, and really didn't know what to say!

After all, the time that I can really be with them is really too few!

"Ruyi, can you report to Mr. Yang Ge, this, this has to be a personal matter! My son is newly married, but he, he wants my son to go to the battlefield again, this, this..." Zou held her hand tightly

Liu Ruyi's hand obviously did not want Liu Ruyi to leave like this.

Liu Ruyi certainly understands the worries of his mother and other wives, but now that the matter has come to this, no one in the Ming Dynasty except himself will be willing to take a trip into the muddy waters again!

"Mom, the matter is not as serious as you think! I have also fought against Xianthief, but that's all! If others go, it may be very dangerous, but my son may be able to make a big fortune if he goes this time.

Where's the money!" Liu Ruyi didn't know how to explain it to her mother, so she had to bite the bullet and explain with a smile.

"But Ruyi, mother, mother is worried..." Mrs. Zou said, tears falling down.

When Xiao Zixin and the other girls saw this, they burst into tears and couldn't stop it!

Chunyunu held Liu Ruyi's hand tightly and stroked her slightly bulging belly.

Liu Ruyi couldn't help but sigh in her heart, 'Younwen Township is indeed the Tomb of Heroes! If this continues, I'm afraid the energy in me will really be exhausted!'



However, Liu Ruyi finally firmly chose to go on the expedition!

Two days later, Liu Ruyi ordered the Huolang tribe, Xiao Liuer tribe, Chunwa tribe, Cao Jizhou tribe, Pu Sheng, Jiu Ming Laomao tribe, six troops, a total of four thousand troops, and marched towards Huguang in a mighty manner.

Let’s go!

The three thousand new troops have been dispersed by Liu Ruyi and filled into various old military camps. This has also made Huo Lang and other six troops grow a lot, and they are almost close to full strength.

During this expedition, Liu Ruyi's subordinates only had less than half of the old troops, and the remaining nearly 3,000 people were all new troops recruited this time. This time, facing the rebel tribes, Liu Ruyi also had the intention of training his troops!

After all, compared with the elites of the Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the tribes of the Xianthief were still much weaker! Liu Ruyi also hoped that his carefully selected three thousand new troops could grow rapidly with the blood of the Xianthief.


The reality is so cruel. Soldiers can only prove their glory through the blood of their enemies!


After several expeditions, Liu Ruyi already knew the road to Nanshan very well. The army turned west from Jining, entered Henan all the way, crossed the Yellow River, and headed towards Chu!

Speechless all the way!

Twenty days later, the army crossed the Xiangshui River and arrived at the foot of Xiangyang City.

Yang Sichang, the elder of the pavilion, came out of the city to greet him personally. He really didn't expect that Liu Ruyi would be so happy and immediately led his army to come without any excuse. This, this made Yang Sichang very moved. He held Liu Ruyi's hand hard.

I couldn't say a word for a long time.

Liu Ruyi can also understand Yang Sichang's difficulties. At this point, he has actually betrayed everyone, and he can still support himself, but he just relies on the breath in his heart!

"Liu Ruyi, the humble general of Zhendong and the chief military officer of Shandong, has met Mr. Ge!" Even so, Liu Ruyi still greeted Yang Sichang respectfully and meticulously!

After all, Yang Sichang can barely be regarded as the last pillar of the Ming Dynasty!

Although Liu Ruyi still failed to resolve the conflict between him and Sun Chuanting, at least Sun Chuanting was only demoted one level and was not jailed. This also made Liu Ruyi feel a little grateful to Yang Sichang!

"General Liu, you are very good, you are very good!" Yang Sichang held Liu Ruyi's hand tightly, his body trembling slightly.

In less than half a year, he seemed to have aged ten years.

"It is a humble honor to serve the elder and share the worries of the court!" Looking at the dying old man in front of him, the last bit of dissatisfaction in Liu Ruyi's heart disappeared!

It's not easy for anyone, and Liu Ruyi doesn't want Yang Sichang to die in depression like in history!

"Okay, okay!" Yang Sichang didn't say much, he just personally held Liu Ruyi's hand and welcomed Liu Ruyi into Xiangyang City!


In the evening, Yang Sichang held a banquet at the official residence to welcome Liu Ruyi!

Wang Aoyong, the governor of Yunyang, Fang Kongmei, the governor of Jingchu, Shao Jiechun, the governor of Sichuan, as well as the Yulin General Soldier, Meng Ruhu, and other military and political dignitaries came to accompany him one after another!

However, Zuo Liangyu did not come in person, but entrusted his son, Marshal Zuo Mengeng, to come.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu was as fierce as a tiger, plus Liu Ruyi and local warriors from all over Huguang. Yang Sichang still had about 100,000 troops under his command. Especially the arrival of Liu Ruyi, who had defeated the elite Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, made Yang Sichang even more worried.

The determination also made Yang Sichang in a good mood tonight, with a smile on his face, and vowed to surround and kill all the thieves in Huguang!

Wang Aoyong, Fang Kongmei and other civil servants couldn't help but echoed and praised him!

But Meng Ruhu and Zuo Mengeng were silent in thought. Obviously, they didn't take Yang Sichang's words to heart at all!

Fierce as a tiger was defeated in a row, and even his own son was killed in the battle with the Xian thief. This also caused him great pain in his heart, and he has never been able to recover. However, Zuo's father and son did not know what they were thinking about, and they had no idea what they were thinking about.

Any intention to send troops.

At this time, 80% of Huguang's troops were under Zuo Liangyu's command. Seeing that Zuo and his son were silent, the scene instantly became cold.

Yang Sichang was also a little embarrassed, so he had to work up his energy and said to Zuo Mengeng: "Right now, the Xianthi tribes are entrenched in the land of Badong. We and our 100,000 troops can definitely take them down with just one go! Zuo Mengeng!

Young Marshal, I still need your support!"

Zuo Mengeng hurriedly stood up and said: "What Mr. Ge said is true! But our army has just experienced a big defeat. At present, food, grass, pay and silver are all in short supply. The morale of the soldiers is low. If we force ourselves to attack, I'm afraid, I'm afraid it will lead to Luo

The fate of Monkey Mountain!"

Yang Sichang couldn't help but change his face. He didn't expect that Zuo Mengeng, who had spoken so sincerely, still refused like this!

"Young Marshal Zuo? As the saying goes, an opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back! You, father and son, are eating the emperor's salary, and you should share your worries for the emperor! The current situation is when you, father and son, need to step forward. How can you shirk and evade like this?


Yang Sichang also lowered his face and asked coldly.

Zuo Mengeng seemed to have expected that Yang Sichang would be like this, and did not refute, but just lowered his head and remained silent!

"Hmph~~!" Yang Sichang couldn't help but snorted coldly, but there was nothing he could do against Zuo and his son!

Wang Aoyong and Fang Kongmei also looked embarrassed. They did not dare to openly oppose Zuo and his son!

On the side, Sichuan Governor Shao Jiechun hurriedly tried to persuade him: "Young Marshal Zuo, now is the time when the Xian thief is weak, we must kill him as soon as possible! Otherwise, if the Xian thief is allowed to enter Sichuan, then, if we want to encircle and suppress him, it will be difficult."

It’s not that easy anymore!”

Zuo Mengeng glanced at Shao Jiechun, but remained silent, as if he was an old monk sitting still.

Yang Sichang couldn't help but sigh, "Things are easy to say, but to actually do it, it is simply harder than climbing to the sky! These generals are capable but not courageous, and brave but incompetent. It's really, really...

It's hard!'

At this time, Liu Ruyi had seen enough of their wrangling. If the situation continued like this, I was afraid that the situation would still be the same until next year.

"Mr. Ge, gentlemen, generals! Although the Xian bandits are powerful, they are not all monolithic! The generals are incompetent, so I would like to be the vanguard for Mr. Ge!" Liu Ruyi stepped out and said to Yang Sichang with a fist in his arms.

Yang Sichang couldn't help but be overjoyed. He also thought that Liu Ruyi could fight, but Liu Ruyi was a guest soldier after all, coming all the way from Shandong, so he really couldn't say this.

He originally thought of letting Zuo Liangyu or Fierce Tiger take the vanguard, but then he pushed Liu Ruyi out, but who knows, these two people didn't give him face at all, which made him so embarrassed!

But fortunately, Liu Ruyi is sensible and understands this embarrassment!

"General Liu, you, you are very good! Very good! What our Ming Dynasty lacks right now is young and promising talents like General Liu!" Yang Sichang hurriedly walked to Liu Ruyi and patted Liu Ruyi hard.

shoulders, eyes full of admiration!

He really didn't expect that he treated Liu Ruyi so harshly that day, but at this critical point, it was Liu Ruyi who stood up and defended the dignity of his elder!

As the saying goes, 'The road is far away and the horse's power is known, but the passage of time can reveal the human heart!'

At this point, the more Yang Sichang looked at Liu Ruyi, the happier he became, and he wished he could hug Liu Ruyi and give her a kiss.

The civil servants and generals around looked at Liu Ruyi with complicated expressions, as if they were a little puzzled by his 'frivolous' behavior!

After all, everyone here has personally experienced the strength of Xian Thief. They really can't imagine that Liu Ruyi only has 4,000 soldiers, but he dares to fight against Xian Thief, who has an army of 100,000?

This this……

If it weren't for Liu Ruyi's feat of defeating the Qing army in Pinggu City, these civil servants and generals would have thought that Liu Ruyi was crazy for wanting to make meritorious deeds. Was he going to die?



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