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Chapter 377 Arms Trading!


"Brother~!" After trying seven or eight muskets in succession, Huo Lang nodded to Liu Ruyi and handed the musket into Liu Ruyi's hand!

With Huolang's demonstration just now, Liu Ruyi now had some confidence in the performance of the musket.

Liu Ruyi took the musket, observed it carefully, loaded the bullets, opened the fire door, lit the match rope, and pulled the trigger hard!


After a crisp sound, a wooden box seventy or eighty steps away exploded instantly!

Liu Ruyi couldn't help but nodded.

In appearance, these Portuguese muskets are shorter and thicker than the muskets of the Caishi Army!

Caishijun's current bird gun is basically produced in a workshop style. The length of the bird gun tube is about 1.8 meters. The body of the gun is thick and the mouth of the gun is pointed, just like the "shotgun" of later generations. This traditional design

mode, mainly to ensure the range and accuracy of the gun!

The Portuguese's muskets are only about one and a half meters long. The barrels are even in thickness and are polished very finely. They feel good in the hand. However, they are not using fixed gunpowder at this time. The amount of gunpowder filled in the fire door is completely different.

It depends on the shooter’s own estimation!

But their muskets are more accurate in pointing and ballistics, and their range is undoubtedly the same as the Caishi Army's blunderbuss. However, their power is more powerful than the Caishi Army's blunderbuss!

Liu Ruyi couldn't help but feel a little sad!

Although the land of China has a history of civilization of 5,000 years and was the first nation to invent and use gunpowder, it was the Europeans who truly applied gunpowder to warfare and turned it into a deadly weapon!

Especially metallurgy and manufacturing technology!

Even in the current Ming Dynasty, there is absolutely no shortage of skilled craftsmen with superb skills and skills. However, most of these people are controlled by the imperial court and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their craftsmanship and technology can only be used to create some for the royal family and dignitaries.

Skills are a 'luxury' that is shocking, but the most critical aspect of weapons is regarded as the lowest level of work!

In this way, even if those skilled craftsmen do not receive good treatment and do not receive the social status they deserve, they will naturally not invest more energy in the research and development of large-scale weapons such as blunderbuss and artillery.

Instead, he sharpened his forehead and drilled into the 'Skilled Craftsman'!

But looking back at Europe, after the baptism of the Renaissance, various modern industrial industries in Europe have made great progress!

Coupled with the mobility of their industry and knowledge, their metallurgy and manufacturing technology are more mature and stable than those of the Ming Dynasty!

However, although the goods were good, Liu Ruyi's face did not show it!

"Mr. Michel, the performance of these muskets is barely adequate! I wonder how you arranged the price?" Liu Ruyi looked into the eyes of old Michel and said with a smile.

"Oh! Distinguished General, this is our most advanced musket technology from Europe. It has been equipped with the British Empire Navy and the Portuguese Army! According to the cost estimate, plus the freight from Europe to the East, each musket is counted as silver

Thirty taels!" Old Michelle glanced at Liu Ruyi with the same smile, and then he bowed down humbly!

Liu Ruyi couldn't help but feel happy. Does this old guy really think he was taken advantage of?

Although Liu Ruyi couldn't name these blunderbuss, they would definitely not be the current equipment of the British Navy, at least they would have been decades in the past!

Moreover, the manufacturing of these blunderbuss is obviously a bit rough. Although they were carefully polished later, it can be seen that the craftsmen were in a hurry!

Perhaps, this is what this old guy worked overtime in Macau to get out of here!

"Mr. Michel, it's too early to talk about this now! Let's first see how the red cannon you brought me is doing, and then talk about other things!" Liu Ruyi smiled and made a request to the old Michel.


Old Michel was stunned for a moment, apparently not seeing through Liu Ruyi's intention at the moment! But then he nodded and said with a smile: "That's fine! General, please come with me here!"

But Louis Peter knew Liu Ruyi's temperament and hurriedly came over and asked: "What? General, are you dissatisfied with these muskets?"

Liu Ruyi patted Louis Pete on the shoulder and whispered: "Brother Pete, it seems that your old butler has a dark heart!"

After Liu Ruyi finished speaking, she ignored Louis Pete's reaction and walked directly towards Old Michelle, leaving Louis Pete with a stunned look on his face!


It took a long time for a dozen strong white sailors to transport a red cannon from the battleship!

This red cannon is about three meters long and has a caliber of about 115-120 mm. There are two cylindrical lugs on both sides of the gun body. The artillery can use this axis to adjust the shooting angle to match the amount of gunpowder.

, to change the shooting distance!

There is a crosshair and rear sight on the muzzle, and the ballistic trajectory is calculated according to the parabola, which is very accurate!

Moreover, the design and materials of this artillery are very particular!

Its barrel is very long, and the wall of the barrel is very thick. It gradually becomes thicker from the muzzle to the breech, which is in line with the principle that when gunpowder is burned, the chamber pressure goes from high to low!

It is close to the prototype of later generations of artillery!

Liu Ruyi ordered several broken ships and wooden targets to be placed on the sea two miles away, and the Portuguese artillerymen conducted test cannons!

But this red cannon requires seven or eight people to operate!

Two people load the bomb, two people adjust the barrel, one person measures, one person proofreads, and one person ignites the gun, all meticulous!

After a moment, there was a loud "bang", and a large group of violent water splashed on the sea not far away. The target fell down in response, and even a pile of sawdust remained on the sea!

The power is really amazing!

If it were placed on land, even a wall as tall and thick as Jinan City would be blown down!

"Okay!" Liu Ruyi couldn't help but praise!

The technology and materials used for these Portuguese artillery pieces are hard to say. They should be relatively kind. The most important thing left is to negotiate the price!

Old Michel was also quite confident in his artillery. He laughed and said in his somewhat broken Chinese: "General, these artillery are our most advanced scientific and technological achievements in Portugal! This time, I brought you

Thirties! And you are also our first batch of customers, so we will definitely meet all your requirements!"

The purchase of artillery from the Portuguese in Macau in the late Ming Dynasty can be traced back to the Tianqi period as early as the Tianqi period. However, if the Portuguese's red cannon was used to its extreme, it was Yuan Chonghuan who was the governor of Liaodong at that time!

It was precisely because Yuan Chonghuan was from Guangdong that he was able to lead with the Portuguese at that time!

And in the Ningyuan victory that year, the so-called red cannon also showed great power and became famous all over the world!

As for Liu Ruyi, he fought with the Qing army several times, mostly using clever techniques, but this was not a long-term solution after all!

If you want to fight the Qing army face to face, cavalry against cavalry, this is obviously unrealistic for the Ming Dynasty. After all, the Ming Dynasty has lost Mongolia and has completely lost the racecourse. If it is in Central Asia and West Asia, in

The price of introducing a first-class war horse is too expensive. Even Liu Ruyi can never afford it!

Raising horses is like raising cars in later generations, they are purely ‘consumer goods’!

But the elegance of war horses is far from comparable to the various 'joint-venture cars' that have been running around the streets in later generations!

According to the current price records of the 13th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the annual cost of a fine war horse, such as fodder, labor, maintenance, medical treatment, etc., is probably more than 500 taels of silver. In later generations, this will be the boss of a BMW 740.

We may not be able to afford it!

And the cost of training cavalry is even more expensive!

It is already the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, and in less than half a year, the death knell of the Ming Empire - the "Battle of Songjin" is about to begin, and Liu Ruyi doesn't have that much time at all!

As for artillery training, it is a mechanical thing after all. As long as you are willing to spend money and practice rigorously, Liu Ruyi believes that this can be done quickly!

And if he has a powerful artillery array in his hands, Liu Ruyi is completely confident that he can go head-on with Huang Taiji's Eight Banners cavalry head-on!

Of course, Liu Ruyi never gave up her extravagant hopes for the cavalry for a moment!

After all, in this era, the overwhelming cavalry are the real overlords on land!

However, Liu Ruyi needs a perfect opportunity! He needs compromise from outside forces!

The thoughts in his mind flashed by, and Liu Ruyi also laughed, "Mr. Michel, I am very grateful for your sincerity! I am also very willing to discuss business with the noble Portuguese Empire! However, the sea wind outside is too strong, so we still

Go to my station, have a cup of tea, and let’s talk slowly!”

After Liu Ruyi finished speaking, he glanced at Louis Peter with a smile, winked at him, and took the lead to walk towards the Anton Wei New City not far away!

Louis~Peter also understood what Liu Ruyi meant and hurriedly followed old Michelle. After all, he had to have a good talk with the old butler, otherwise, if he really offended Liu Ruyi, his 'freedom dream' would be gone.

I’m afraid I’m going to be in trouble again!



Soon, Liu Ruyi hosted a sumptuous banquet in Andongwei New City!

There are basically everything that flies in the sky, crawls on the ground, and swims in the water! There is even a giant whale meat that the soldiers accidentally hunted on the beach!

But when old Michelle saw Liu Ruyi again, her face turned green!

According to the wishes of his master, the Governor of Macau, this time, not only will he rescue Louis Peter from Liu Ruyi, but he will also use this opportunity to establish friendship with Liu Ruyi and make a lot of money!

After all, in the past ten years or so, the arms sold by Macau to the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty have probably reached an order of close to one million taels!

But how could old Michel have thought that Liu Ruyi’s soul came from later generations, and his little tricks would not catch Liu Ruyi’s eyes at all!

In the end, under the threat of Louis Peter, the old Michelle had no choice but to compromise!

The muskets have been doubled, at fifteen taels apiece, and Liu Ruyi will buy 3,000 of them! The cannons have also been reduced from the original fifteen thousand taels to eight thousand taels, and thirty of them will be sold to Liu Ruyi.


In this way, the banquet was very enjoyable!

Liu Ruyi also knows that this price is basically very fair. After all, most of these red cannons are 'imported' from Portugal, so the cost is considered reasonable!

Of course, Liu Ruyi did not treat Louis, Peter and Michelle badly. The trading port of Antonwei will also be open and convenient for them to purchase tea, porcelain, and silk in Ming Dynasty!



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