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Chapter 426 Start!


"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack~~! Enemy attack~~~!"

On this chaotic rainy night, the overwhelming sound of cavalry coming from far and near was extremely harsh!

As the messengers shouted heart-breaking alarms, the entire Caishi Army camp quickly began to move!


Illuminated rockets flew up into the sky, and the red firelight flickered in the sky. The fog in the rain dispersed for a while, and the sky and earth suddenly became much brighter!

The Caishi Army soldiers who were originally resting in their positions quickly entered combat mode under the loud shouts of their respective commanders and were ready to fight!

At this time, Liu Ruyi was lying behind the high earth wall, carefully observing the source of the sound of iron hoofs in the west, and her face could not help but become more solemn!

I saw that not far away, less than half a mile away, there was a dense darkness, and the Eight Banners cavalry could not be seen. If we only estimate from the formation, they must be at least eight thousand in number!

In the drizzle of drizzle, their armors were soaked, and their horses snorted constantly, but they didn't care. Only the steel swords they held tightly in their hands, shining with cold light, were shining in the light of the fire.

It’s so cold under the sun!

"Brother Liu, what the hell happened?" Wang Pu was just turning on the small stove in the camp. The weather that alternated between cold and hot made him catch a cold. He wanted to have a full stomach and spend time in the camp.

I took a nap, but was woken up by this sudden noise!

"Brother Wang, they are going to attack our brothers!" Liu Ruyi pointed to a dark patch of Eight Banners cavalry not far away, and slowly tightened the steel knife in his hand!

In this kind of weather, the cannon soldiers are basically unable to exert their power. Azig really knows how to choose the right time! It seems that this time, he can only risk his life!

"Hiss~~!" Wang Pu followed Liu Ruyi's fingers and couldn't help but gasped. Most of the fatigue on his body was instantly dispelled. He staggered and almost fell into the mud! 1

"Damn it! Are these dog Tatars crazy? In this weather, they are still fighting for our lives! Brother Liu, what should we do now?" Wang Pu was a little confused, but he was also the one leading the troops after all.

After the initial panic, he took out the steel knife from his waist and stood ready!

"What should we do?" Liu Ruyi glanced at Wang Pu coldly, "Langsha! Azig is really insidious! In such weather, our gun soldiers cannot display their power! We have to fight them desperately! Fortunately,

, I am fully prepared this time! There are trenches and earth walls in front of us as cover, and it is not that easy for these bastards to rush up so easily!!!"

"Damn it, there's a huge scar on my head! Brother Liu, these dog Tatars won't let us live in peace, and we will never let them live in peace! Brother Liu, you give the order! What do you ask me to do! Brother will never do it!

Wink your brows!" Although Wang Pu is timid and fearful, he is still a man of seven feet. At this time, with Liu Ruyi sitting next to him, and the Caishi Army's camp is stable, he also feels a lot more confident!

Liu Ruyi stared closely at the movements of the Qing cavalry not far away, "Brother Wang, please be patient! This time, since they are willing to kick on the iron plate! I will help them! Brother Wang, can you please

The most elite sword and shield wielders of the Shanxi Army, together with the elite spearmen of our Caishi Army, are at the front of this battle formation! If they dare to come up, I must let them understand!"

"Brother Liu, don't worry! Brother will do it now!" After Wang Pu finished speaking, he turned around and yelled at the Shanxi Army behind him, "You sons of the Shanxi Army! Listen to me! How dare the dog Tatars

If they don't know whether to live or die and are causing trouble for us, then we have to let them understand! The sword and shield soldiers are in front, the gun soldiers are behind, and they must strictly guard their positions! Anyone who dares to embarrass me will return to Shanxi, and I will take him.

Dog skin!”

"Don't worry, general! If those dog Tatars dare to come up, we will definitely make them walk around without food!"

"Heroes of the Shanxi Army! Don't let your morale weaken in front of our brothers in Shandong! Shout to me! The Shanxi Army will be victorious! General Wang will be victorious!"

"The Shanxi army is victorious!"

"General Wang, a great victory!"

These days, spending time with Liu Ruyi's Colored Stone Army, the morale of these Shanxi Army's sons is also extremely high!

As the saying goes, 'the one who is close to vermilion is red, the one who is close to ink is black!'

At this time, although the weather was bad, it did not affect the enthusiasm of these men at all. They shouted desperately to boost their morale!

Liu Ruyi couldn't help but nodded slightly. As long as Wang Pu is willing to help, the next thing will be much easier!

"Come here! Go quickly and give an order to Old Michel of the Artillery Battalion!" Liu Ruyi turned around and ordered to the soldiers around him.

"Yes! I'll go ahead now!"



At this time, in the Qing cavalry battle formation, Azig was riding on a tall horse, frowning, staring closely at the Caishi Army's position not far away!

Among the three brothers Azig, Dorgon, and Duduo, although Azig is the eldest, his reputation ranks at the bottom!

But this does not mean that Azig himself is incapable, it is just due to the special political situation of the Manchu Qing Dynasty!

If Dorgon is compared to an eagle that is high above, overlooking everything, and Dodo is compared to a tiger that dares to fight and charge forward, then Azig is a tiger that has been hiding in the darkness.

The hungry wolf!

Although he doesn't have Dorgon's majestic talents and wisdom, nor does he have Duduo's unbridled violence and rampage, but he does have a naturally sensitive sense of smell and an unparalleled vicious method!

Historically, it was he who drove the heroic ‘Chuang King’ Li Zicheng to the point of despair and hated Jiugong Mountain!

"Master, what are we waiting for! These bright dogs are just pigs and mice. I only need one charge to take down Rufeng Mountain!" A la Zhangjing beside him had been waiting for a long time.

I got impatient and stepped forward first to ask for help.

Azig frowned but did not speak immediately!

At this time, the Qing cavalry was less than half a mile away from the outpost of the Caishi Army in Rufeng Mountain!

Although there was rain and fog, a round of rockets from the Caishi Army slightly dispersed the fog in the air, and Azig could clearly see the high earthen walls and deep trenches of the Caishi Army ahead!

It is really not that easy for the cavalry under his command to rush to the Caishi Army camp easily!

In addition, wet and slippery rainy days will also seriously affect the running and combat effectiveness of the cavalry!

"Wait a moment, don't be anxious!" Azig waved his hand, signaling to the servants around him to be quiet! "Is there any new news from the Emperor?"

"As far as I'm concerned, Master, no!" a soldier quickly said respectfully.

Azig nodded, "Has the forward sentry returned?"

At this time, in the haze of rain and fog, several cavalrymen ran past the left wing of Rufeng Mountain. The leader, regardless of the mud, dismounted from his horse and knelt down to report: "Report to Prince Yingwu! This Liu Ruyi is really insidious. The terrain of Rufeng Mountain has already been

They are all surrounded by his formation! If we want to get over, we can only open a gap in his formation!"

Hearing this, Azige suddenly sneered, "That's fine! Originally, I had no intention of going around. Since this is the case, then let me see the truth and pass on my military order!"

"Yes!" Several generals around him fell to their knees!

"We have all the troops in the army. Start attacking now. We must capture Rufeng Mountain before dawn!"


"Athletes of the Qing Dynasty, glory and wealth are right in front of you. What are you waiting for? Follow Prince Yingwu to kill Ming Gou!"

Following a loud shout from Jia La Zhangjing, more than 8,000 elite cavalry rushed towards the Caishi Army's position like an irresistible torrent of steel!



"Artilleryman, prepare, fire!!!"

At the highest peak of Rufeng Mountain, old Michelle held a telescope and was paying close attention to the battle situation at the bottom of the mountain!

At this time, seeing that the Qing cavalry had launched an attack, he waved his baton fiercely without any hesitation!

After a moment, "Boom..." there was a loud noise that cracked the mountain and cracked the ground. Twenty red cannons on the mountain were like a row of giant beasts spitting tongues of fire, roaring desperately at the Qing troops coming down the mountain desperately!

Although the light rain in the sky has a great impact on the launch of the cannon soldiers, it does not have a great impact on these big guys weighing several tons!

Although this bad weather will affect the firing range of some red cannons, it is still easy to catch these Qing troops from being condescending!


The huge cannonballs pouring down were like meteors piercing the sky, violently exploding in the Qing army's battle formation, and the entire sky was illuminated by fire!

Although the cavalry of the Qing army ran wildly and rapidly, how could they beat the speed of artillery shells?

With the rumbling sound of explosions, the Qing army's battle formation erupted in screams of misery, people fell on their backs, and unlucky people were constantly being killed by powerful shells!

But these Qing army cavalry were all skilled in bow and horse after all. Although the artillery was very powerful, there were still some lucky desperadoes who got through the Caishi Army's artillery fire and charged into the Caishi Army's position!

"Pikemen! Come on! Don't let them come up!" Liu Ruyi stood on the small slope not far behind the first earth wall, shouting orders and directing the various units to fight!

Although trenches and earthen walls could buffer some of the cavalry's impact, they were dead objects after all and could not stop the Qing army's surging offensive. There were still countless cavalrymen who crossed the earthen walls and charged into the Caishi Army.


"Brothers, kill the Qing dogs! Kill the Tatars!"

Soon, the leaders of the two armies met violently!

Suddenly, swords and swords flashed, flesh and blood flew across the sky, and along with the drizzle of rain, the whole world was enveloped in blood!

The Qing cavalry rushed to the front of the formation, but the horses became an obstacle. They jumped off their horses one after another and relied on their bravery to fight with the spears, swords and shields of the Caishi Army and the Datong Army!

At this moment, the Colored Stone Army lost the power of its firearms, and the Qing Army also lost the support of its war horses!

Both sides have lost their biggest support. At this moment, they are fighting for their lives solely by relying on their own bravery and instinct!


"Go to hell! Dog Tatar!" A spearman of the Colored Stone Army stabbed the spear in his hand into the chest of a Tatar soldier, pushed forward with all his strength, and actually nailed his body to the ground beside him.

On the wall!

But before the spearman could pull out the spear stuck in the Tatar soldier, another white-armored soldier with a ferocious face cut open the spearman's back with a casual knife, and the blood was like a fountain.'

Squirting out loudly!

The white-armored soldier refused to give up. He strode forward and strangled the spearman's neck. The steel knife moved casually and cut off the spearman's head with one blow. The hot blood splashed out.

His face is full!

But he didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, he stuck out his tongue and greedily licked the blood of the spearman on his face, "Hahaha! Despicable Mingguo, you are really tired of living! Whoever is not afraid of death, give it to him

Grandpa, come up! Hahaha!"

This white-armored soldier's Chinese language was extremely substandard, like a brown bear roaring "Ula Ula", but seeing his arrogant look, how could the spearmen of the Colored Stone Army around him still endure it?

In a moment, there were already four or five people, each supporting himself, holding a spear tightly in his hand, forming a small circle around the city, and approaching the white-armored soldier!



This chapter has been completed!
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