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Chapter 435 Honey Sword!

Thanks to brother GZG1972 and brother DENNISSEE for your monthly votes!

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I have been really busy these days, and there are a lot of things going on at home, between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, ugh!

It’s difficult at both ends!

I beg for support. If the boat has time, it will definitely code with all its strength!


Birds are chirping, and fire is everywhere!

Even though these Qing troops were brave and invincible and wore heavy armor, they were only flesh and blood after all. Faced with the powerful firepower of the Caishi Army's cannons and the advanced technology of the era, they had no time to choose to resist or resist.

The only way to escape is to let the soldiers of the Colorful Stone Army work hard to reap their military exploits like a fool!

The cool sea breeze howled and raged by, and the strong smell of blood mixed with the smell of burning saltpeter made people feel nauseous!

But no one on the two sides who are fighting is aware of this. At this moment, in their hearts, there is only one belief, and that is to completely wipe out their opponents!

Chun Wa and Xu Xianhui's pikemen had already flanked them from the left and right flanks. The more than 4,000 Manchu and Mongolian elites trapped in the center had no way to escape. The only choice was to be killed by cannons or shot to death.

Stabbed to death with a spear!

On the edge of the boulder behind the battle formation, Liu Ruyi stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the civil war. Seeing the Colored Stone Army's 'big bag' tightening, Liu Ruyi couldn't help but reveal a smile at the corner of his mouth!

The overall situation in this battle has been decided!

Tonight, these eight thousand Manchu and Mongolian elites from the Azige tribe will be dumped here until dawn. When Huang Taiji receives the news, the expression on his face will surely be wonderful!

Liu Ruyi maliciously speculated on Huang Taiji's upcoming expression, and a big stone in her heart quietly fell to the ground!

The so-called "soldiers are deceitful!"

In this world where heroes are judged by success or failure, losers never have the right to argue or explain!

Only the successful will have all the fruits of victory!

If you lose, even if you lose, Daluo Jinxian will not be able to give you a second chance!

If you win, then you win!

No matter what means you used, no matter whether it was glorious or not, as long as you win, Liu Ruyi will have the glory that only belongs to the winner!

Although the reason is simple, the reason why Liu Ruyi was able to gain the upper hand in tonight's two battles was definitely not just luck!

Planning, forbearance, decisiveness, coldness and strength, none of them can be missing!

As the ancients said: 'Strike first and gain strength, strike later and suffer disaster!'

This sentence is not just talk, it is the essence of the essence in this world!

According to the actual combat power analysis, between the Azige and Liu Ruyi divisions, the Azige division actually has a great upper hand!

After all, they are all cavalry with rich combat experience and abundant food and grass. Even if the Caishi Army has the power of blunderbuss and firearms, if the two sides open up their posture and face a tough front, the Caishi Army may still be in trouble!

In this era, the cavalry is the well-deserved king!

But Liu Ruyi was clearly aware of his shortcomings. He did not choose to take the initiative to fight against the Qing army. Instead, he quietly set up camp and painstakingly built defensive positions. He made it clear that he would defend to the death. If you wanted to fight,

Then just come!

The reason why Liu Ruyi jumped out of Hong Chengchou's main force of the Ming army was to gain the highest degree of free command. If there were too many rules and regulations, it would be like a tiger with its hands and feet tied. How could it have any power at all?

Everyone in the world is impetuous. Only by truly calming down can you find opportunities in places that others cannot see!

As for this battle specifically, Liu Ruyi has firmly grasped the most critical opportunity of 'strike first to gain the upper hand'!

Azig came with great force and wanted to take advantage of the rainy night to launch a surprise attack and capture Liu Ruyi in one fell swoop!

In this critical first-hand situation, Liu Ruyi couldn't retreat, so he put all his money on it and fought to the death with the Azigh forward army. Although there were some dangers, he still won it after all!

Next, after taking advantage, Liu Ruyi withdrew again and again, determined not to be tough on Azige!

At this time, it was not Liu Ruyi who was anxious, but Azige!

And once Azig gets anxious, the opportunity will come!

This is like a football match. You start with a rush attack and try your best to score first. Once the goal is scored, you quickly slow down the rhythm of the game and break the opponent's rhythm. In the meantime, opportunities will come to you.


Of course, there are exceptions to this. China's "big national football team" certainly cannot be based on common sense!

While Liu Ruyi was thinking about it, the situation on the battlefield became increasingly clear!

The firepower of the Colored Stone Army was completely suppressed, and the Manchu and Mongolian elites were trapped in the belly. There was no way to the sky and no way to the earth. Even if they were a group of tigers, they had no choice but to fall miserably to the hunter's gun!

"Come here, tell Huo Lang, don't rush, fight slowly! We have plenty of time! Try not to increase the casualties of our brothers!"

"Yes!" The messenger hurried away!

Liu Ruyi gently rubbed her temples, trying to calm down her excited nerves!

At this moment, victory was right in front of him, Liu Ruyi was no longer in a hurry, and his mind slowly relaxed!

The defeat of the Azige tribe was already a certainty. Next, what Liu Ruyi needed to consider was how to open up the situation for Hong Chengchou and the main force of the Ming army!

Azig is just a small soldier. If you want to defeat the 'Dragon King', you still need to think long and hard!

After all, Huang Taiji's talents and strategies are not comparable to that of a 'little guy' like Azig! If you want to attack this fat man, it will not work if you don't have enough patience!


At this time, Azig, who was not far below the battle formation, was also staring closely at the situation on the mountain!

At this point, Azige also began to accept his fate. However, Liu Ruyi was too despicable and treated him like a monkey. Even if Azige died, he would not be able to swallow this bad breath!

But the situation is stronger than the people. Even if Azig wants to eat Liu Ruyi's flesh and blood raw, there is no effective way!

However, after all, the Qing army still had more than 3,000 men, all of whom were elites wearing heavy armor. Although he was temporarily trapped in a dilemma, Azig still looked forward to a miracle!

This is how people are, no one will think they have lost until they see the final coffin board!

Azig was still looking forward to it, but Gerile was so frightened that he had diabetes!

If these two thousand Mongolian elites under his command were killed in battle, then he would really become a polished commander. Not to mention that Huang Taiji would never see him again, even the more than 10,000 troops he had now would fall apart in an instant.


The most terrifying thing in life is not poverty. After all, living in poverty is like this for the rest of your life!

But from being poor to being rich, having good food and clothing, fine wine and beautiful women, and feasting and feasting, you are used to living this kind of life, only to be beaten back to your original shape with a stick. This kind of gap is not acceptable to ordinary people!

"Prince Yingwu, what should we do if the Ming army is so despicable? Otherwise, why don't we withdraw our troops! As long as we escape back and report to the emperor, the emperor will definitely send another army to deal with them! We cannot risk our lives and property.

I was ruined by this Liu Ruyi!" Gerile couldn't hold back the fear in his heart, and tears were about to flow out.

Azig couldn't help but look at Gerile with a sneer, "Anda, I want to leave now, do you think we can still leave?"

"Huh?" Gerile couldn't help but be startled, "Prince Yingwu, you, what do you mean?"

"Hmph! Now go back, do you think the emperor will forgive us? Eight thousand troops! Now, there are only two of us left, how can you and I explain to the emperor?" Azig sneered.

"It doesn't matter! Let's go and beg the emperor. Considering that we have been through life and death for so many years, the emperor will definitely give us a way out!" Gerile explained palely, but he himself felt that his words were so weak.


"It's too late! It's too late for everything! If we can't win today, this is the place where you and I will die!" Azig glanced at the towering Rufeng Mountain miserably, with endless reluctance and nostalgia.



Grile was about to say something when suddenly, a shrill sound of arrows, like a tsunami, cut through the silent night sky. There was a muffled "puff", and Grile's throat suddenly became like a fountain, with blood gushing out.

' Splash outwards!

A jet-black arrow has locked Grile's throat!

"I hate it so much..." Gerile murmured half a sentence, opened his eyes wide, and fell to the ground with a 'plop'!

"Sweat profusely, sweat profusely..."

The Mongolian guards around him were frightened and rushed forward, but Gerile's legs were already stiff and he could no longer die!

Azig was also shocked, and fiercely pulled out the steel knife from his waist, "Despicable Ming Gou! How dare you sneak attack me! Come out! Come out to me! I will chop you alive!"

Not far away, Wang Pu couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Xiao Liu'er, "Liu'er, your archery skills are great! But, Azig, you can't steal it from your brother!"

Xiao Liuer chuckled, "Brother Wang, I can't guarantee that. We can only see who among our subordinates is faster! Brothers, rush forward and capture Azig alive!"

"Yes!" In a moment, five hundred Caishi Army guards were like tigers and wolves, rushing towards Azig's direction with all their strength!

How could Wang Pu be willing to fall behind others? He drew out his steel knife and shouted: "You sons of the Datong Army, glory and wealth are right in front of you! Come on, charge at me!"

After that, he took the lead, followed Xiao Liuer, and tried his best to kill Azig!

"My lord, no, there are so many bright dogs here! I'm afraid there are nearly a thousand people, and we are no match. Why don't we take a step back first!" A soldier with sharp eyes was the first to discover the movements of Wang Pu and Xiao Liu'er!

Azig was also a little surprised. The mountains were so dense. Where did these bright dogs come from?

However, Azige had no time to react at all. In a moment, Wang Pu and Xiao Liuer's personal guards were already engaged with the Qing army's personal guards in front!

"Your Majesty, retreat quickly! If you don't leave, we won't be able to leave!" the soldiers advised loudly.

Azig also woke up from the chaos at this time, "Retreat! Protect me! Retreat quickly!"

After all, he was made of flesh and blood. Although the thought just now was good and righteous, when he saw Gerile dying like this in front of him, and seeing the wolf-like Ming soldiers not far away, he just used a few seconds to

Within a second, Azig was shaken in his heart. He shouted to the white-armored guards around him and wanted to run away in the direction he came from!

Life is so full of drama. What you say is the most beautiful, but what you say in action is the easiest to change!

Soon, Azig, escorted by more than a dozen elite personal guards, ran towards the little feet behind him!

In front of the first earth wall of the Caishi Army, there are their war horses. As long as they are mounted, these bright dogs can no longer do anything to them!

But how could Wang Pu and Xiao Liuer easily let Azig get his wish?

With Liu Ruyi's guarantee, the two of them have blood-red eyes. Whoever can catch Azig will definitely be the first to achieve success in this battle. It doesn't matter whether they are rich or wealthy. The key is their reputation. If they are captured alive,

The prince of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and the brother of Huang Taiji, what an honor this must be!

"Quick! Catch that bastard! Don't let him escape!"

"Chase! Chase me quickly!"



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