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Chapter 449 Why Don't Men Bring Wu Hook?

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Back then, during the battle to defend Jinan City, Liu Ruyi was just a guerrilla. To be able to defend Jinan City from the Qing army, Liu Ruyi had already made great efforts!

But it is a pity that Liu Ruyi was a low-key person at that time. Linqing City, Yanzhou City, and several county towns were driven into and looted by the Qing army!

Even the lineage of King Lu in Yanzhou Prefecture was wiped out by the Qing army!

Later, although Liu Ruyi relied on sneak attacks to rob some of the refugees who were kidnapped by the Qing army from Linqing City, but more of them, Liu Ruyi was powerless and could only watch them being taken away by the Qing army!

The fate of these refugees was actually determined from the moment they were captured by the Qing army!

In this era of bitter cold outside the customs, how can we talk about human rights with those moneyed people?

These refugees are said to have been reduced to slaves, but they are still treated well, but more often than not, they are not even as good as animals!

In the past, the Mongolian and Yuan Empire divided the residents under its rule into four classes. The first class was the Mongols, the second class was the "Semu people", and the Han and Southerners were the most despicable third and fourth classes!

Even if a Mongolian kills a Han, he only needs to pay the government a kitchen knife!

A donkey can even exchange for the lives of ten Han people!

China's five thousand civilizations are extremely brilliant, but who knows how many people's blood and tears are behind this glory?

Huns, Tatars, Mongols, Khitans, Jurchens, Dangxiang, etc., etc., these nomadic peoples, when the Central Plains court was powerful, they were more docile than dogs, wagging their tails and begging for mercy!

The imperial court of the Central Plains would always claim to be the "Celestial Kingdom" and would reward these nomadic peoples greatly, including silk cloth and silver, always in the amount of one hundred thousand taels!

But what these courts don't know is that once these nomads return to the border, they will stretch out their sharp claws and kidnap a large number of Han people and use them as slaves and livestock!

Even more Han women have become their reproductive tools!

No wonder the sages once said, "Why don't men bring Wu hooks? We will collect the fifty states in Guanshan! Please go to Lingyan Pavilion for a while, and you will be like a scholar with ten thousand households!"


At this time, seeing the miserable appearance of these Han women, Liu Ruyi's heart was on fire!

What's more, these women are actually Liu Ruyi's fellow villagers from Shandong, and they are all Liu Ruyi's father and fellow villagers!

An indescribable anger that left Liu Ruyi breathless!

These women, who are in their prime, should have children at home, men farm and women weave, and enjoy their youthful life!

But right now, their entire lives may be ruined!

"General Liu, you must save us! We are willing to work hard to repay General Liu for your kindness!" These women have all heard of Liu Ruyi's name more or less, and they are fellow Shandong people.

, when they saw Liu Ruyi, they were even more cordial and kowtowed desperately, just hoping that Liu Ruyi would not abandon them!

Liu Ruyi nodded silently and helped them up one by one with his own hands, "Don't worry, sisters! As long as I, Liu Ruyi, am here, I will definitely ensure your safety!"



These women burst into tears again!

Liu Ruyi gritted her teeth and turned to the many soldiers behind her and said, "You have all seen these!"

The soldiers' anger had already been ignited, and they all nodded heavily!

"Very good!" Liu Ruyi nodded, took out the sword from his waist, and slowly cut a wound on the back of his hand, letting the blood drip onto the green grass!

"I, Liu Ruyi, swear here! No matter who they are! No matter how powerful they are! But, as long as they dare to bully my Chinese people, I, Liu Ruyi, will definitely kill their nine tribes!"

"The imperial court is unwilling to give them justice, and God is unwilling to give them justice~~, but I, Liu Ruyi, want to give them justice!!!"

"I am willing to die for the general!"

"I am willing to die for the general..."

More than 4,000 soldiers knelt on the ground one after another, all in a panic!

Even in Wang Pu, the anger in his heart was unbearable, and he knelt on the ground, "Brother Liu, as long as you do it, I, Wang Pu, am willing to be a pawn in front of the horse!"

At this moment, in this strange land, Liu Ruyi's appeal is simply unmatchable!

Seeing these pairs of eyes full of fervent admiration, Liu Ruyi felt proud in her heart!

It doesn’t matter if you suffer a loss!

It doesn't matter if you get beaten!

But all this will be paid back thousands of times!

Seeing that the emotions of the soldiers were rising, Liu Ruyi waved her hands towards them, turned and walked to the leading woman, and said softly: "Sister, what is your name? Regarding the situation among the Mongolian tribes, what do you think?

Have you ever understood?"

"General, my nickname is Wan Niang. We sisters have been living in this Mongolian tribe for more than a year, and we can basically tell the situation inside!" Wan Niang kowtowed heavily to Liu Ruyi and explained in a low voice.


Liu Ruyi nodded, "Wan Niang, you can tell me in detail what you know about the situation! I will give you justice!"

If it were another Ming army general, Wan Niang might have some reservations, but Liu Ruyi has always been known as a righteous man in Shandong. Wan Niang has heard of Liu Ruyi's name and has no doubt about Liu Ruyi.

, immediately recounted everything she knew in detail!

This Mongolian tribe has about seven or eight thousand people. It is a branch of the Han tribe. The leader is called Zhuo Mu. He has a thousand armored cavalry and more than a thousand young men in the tribe!

However, at this time, Zhuo Mu had already led 1,500 cavalry and followed the Manchu Qing Dynasty Xianglan Banner to conquer Songjin. At the moment, there were only more than 500 young men in the tribe!

At this time, the sky was just getting bright, and the morning fog on the grassland had dispersed. Standing by the river, you could already faintly see the Mongolian tribe's yurt not far away!

Liu Ruyi wiped off the blood on her hands and said to Wang Pu: "Brother Wang, I leave the first battle to you! Is there any problem?"

Wang Pu had long been impatient with waiting. He pulled out the steel knife from his waist and knelt down in front of Liu Ruyi, "Brother Liu, don't worry! If you can't take down these stupid Mongolian bastards, I'm willing to come and see you!"

The majesty of a person sometimes does not depend on how cruel the methods are or how superb skills, like Liu Ruyi, but by virtue of his personality, his charm, and his sincerity for the Chinese nation, which has impressed Wang Pu deeply.

Deeply impressed!

"Very good!" Liu Ruyi nodded, but her tone instantly turned cold, "I only have one request! Don't let anyone go!!!"

"Yes!" Wang Pu bowed his hand to Liu Ruyi solemnly, turned around and shouted: "You sons of the Datong Army! Follow me to kill the thieves!"

Datong is adjacent to Mongolia. These Datong troops have suffered a lot from the Mongols. At this time, when they saw Liu Ruyi speaking and their general in front, they did not hesitate for a moment. They all drew their weapons and whipped their horses.

, following Wang Pu, like a whirlwind, killing the Mongolian tribe not far away!

Liu Ruyi waved her hand to Xiao Liuer, "Take two hundred personal guards and patrol around! Don't let anyone escape!"

"Yes!" Xiao Liu'er was overjoyed. With a wave of his hand, he led the guards around him and quickly followed behind the Datong Army!


The morning sun is rising and the sunshine is soft, but the morning on the grassland is still a bit cold!

At this time, it is early autumn, when the livestock on the grassland are at their fattest and strongest. They want to eat a lot in this autumn to replenish their energy, keep fat, and prepare for the long cold winter!

Wuyun Gerile got up early in the morning. She didn't have time to wash up, so she came to the east side of the tribe to check the more than 2,000 cattle and sheep in her name!

She is in her early forties this year. In fact, she is not Mongolian, but comes from the 'Fucha family', one of the eight great nobles of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. She can be regarded as a lineage of Manchu nobles!

It's a pity that she was an illegitimate concubine and could not get the honor of a legitimate daughter. When she was thirteen years old, she was married off to the grassland by her family master and became the concubine of Zhuomu Khan, the leader of the Mongolian tribe!

Now, more than twenty years later, her eldest son is already in his early twenties, tall and strong, and has excellent equestrian skills. But unfortunately, he is not loved by his father, Zhuomu Khan. On the contrary, his brother, Zhuomu Khan, is his direct relative.

Timur, the son of his wife, has the best chance of inheriting the throne of Zhuomu Khan!

How could Wuyun Gerile accept this?

On the grassland, the weak eat the strong!

If her son has no status, then she will not be protected for the rest of her life!

But Wuyun Gerile inherited the excellent genes of their Fucha family and is a very scheming woman!

Since Zhuomu Khan was unwilling to pass the throne to her son, she thought of another way!

That is to use cattle, sheep, gold and silver to bribe the ruling nobles of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and to use the Manchu Qing court to re-consecrate a piece of land and re-consecrate a khan for his son!

At this time, her son was still staying at home with nothing to do, but Timur had already followed Zhuomu Khan on the expedition. He thought that he would soon make great achievements and take over the throne of Khan naturally!

Wuyun Gerile obviously can’t wait!

She has already asked someone to find a way in the Manchu court, and she has found a noble person!

And that noble man is Huang Taiji’s ‘brother’, the leader of the Xianglan Banner, Prince Zheng of the Manchu Qing Dynasty Jierhalang!

Jirharang's confidant told her clearly that to accomplish this, it would cost at least 50,000 taels of silver!

Unfortunately, Wuyun Gerile lived frugally and saved for more than 20 years, but she could only save less than 20,000 taels of silver. She had no choice but to turn her attention to these cattle and sheep!

At this time, it is autumn, and the cattle and sheep are all fat and strong. It is undoubtedly the best time to sell at this time!

Although he was a little reluctant to give up, thinking about his son, Wuyun Gerile still endured it!

After all, as long as his son becomes a khan, how many cattle and sheep will he need? How many cattle and sheep will he have?

She calculated this account clearly!

There was a lot of excitement in the sheepfold, but Wuyun Gerile didn't care at all, because these cattle and sheep had inherited her dream!

However, I saw that the stone trough that originally held water was still empty!

On one side of the stone trough, there is a simple shack with several tattered quilts inside. This is where Wan Niang and other girls live!

Wu Yunge Rile couldn't help but feel angry and cursed: "Those despicable Han sluts dare to be lazy at such a late hour. Let's see if I don't tear up their stinking mouths when they come back!"

"Hmph! However, the one named Wan Niang is quite pretty! She will take advantage of the old immortal! When the time comes, it would be better to leave it to her own son!" Wuyun Gerile's mind changed, but he thought of his own son again.

, I couldn’t help but start calculating again!

But at this moment, there was a sudden violent vibration in the sky, as if the earth was shaking!

This sound is very familiar to Wuyun Gerile. This is the sound that only occurs when a large group of cavalry returns!

"What's going on? Is the war already over? The old guy is back so soon? No, I have to go and have a look, I have to take action in advance!" Wuyun Gerile was shocked. If Zhuomu Khan comes back early, then what will happen?

She wants to sell these cattle and sheep, but she’s afraid it won’t be possible!

After thinking about it, she quickly jumped out of the sheepfold and walked quickly towards the sound of iron hoofs. She wanted to find a way to divert Zhuomu Khan's attention in order to complete her plan!

But what Wuyun Gerile didn't expect was that as soon as she walked out of the sheepfold, several cavalrymen in red shirts suddenly flew past her. One of them flipped the steel knife in his hand, and without any hesitation, he swung the knife towards her.

Crack her head!

"Ah~~~~!" Wu Yunge Rile was shocked, but she had no time to react. Her head had been split in half, and the red stuff was flowing everywhere!

At this time, the entire Mongolian tribe also discovered that something was wrong. There was chaos everywhere. Someone shouted loudly: "Enemy attack, enemy attack! It's Ming Gou! Ming Gou is here to kill!!!"



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