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Chapter 452 Water!

Thanks to GZG1972, Bookworm, Eagle Dance Brothers for their support,

The boat will work hard!

I always have a lot to say, but I don’t know where to start!

Hey, take your time!

However, what Xiaozhou can promise is that starting from this Sunday until the book is finished,

The boat will update 10,000 words three times a day!


From ancient times to the present, it has always been much more convenient for nomadic peoples to conquer farming peoples!

During the Great Next Year alone, the Mongolian army even came directly to the walls of Beijing on several occasions, such as "Tumu Fort" and "Ananda Khan"!

There are many reasons for this!

On the one hand, nomads have tough living habits and most of them are brave and good at fighting! Furthermore, the environment in which they live is relatively harsh, which forces them to always maintain a high-intensity fighting state!

On the other hand, it is because the life of the farming people is relatively stable, whether in the city or in the countryside, they generally do not change their location easily!

This also makes it possible for these nomadic peoples to cross the Great Wall and find Han cities and villages to provide them with enough supplies and women!

But on the contrary, if the farming people want to conquer the nomads, it will be even more difficult!

During the reigns of Taizu and Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, although they made many expeditions to Mobei and achieved some results, they also paid a huge price!

Just forage for war horses, food, grass, baggage, weapons and armor, almost consumed nearly half of the national power of the Ming Dynasty!

Even after defeating these Mongolian tribes, the Ming Dynasty's own profits were pitifully small!

After all, the ability of nomads to create wealth is too weak. The only thing they can do is to "rob!"

At this time, Liu Ruyi finally realized the dilemma that Xu Da, Lan Yu and others faced back then!

They have been trekking for three or four days, but the army has only traveled more than 200 miles!

Although Liu Ruyi's men have sufficient food and grass and many war horses, the terrain and weather at the junction of grassland and desert have become the biggest enemies of Liu Ruyi and others at this time!

Often, the sky was clear one moment, but the next moment, the sky was filled with yellow sand. It was like the end of the world, and the army could not advance at all!

Fortunately, due to the abundant food and grass, Liu Ruyi has always been generous with the food for the soldiers, so that the soldiers are full and well-fed, and can barely survive for the time being!


At night, the army set up camp in a raised depression!

Here, it is already the edge of grassland and desert!

To the north and west, there are white yellow sands with no end in sight. To the south, there are sparse pastures. The spreading prairie has also reached its end here. To the east, there are deep and shallow ravines.

, just like the wrinkles on the face of a skinny old man, it is probably difficult to achieve by relying on human power!

After a day of running around, most of the soldiers were exhausted and hid in their tents and fell asleep!

In a spacious open space, a tall bonfire was lit. Liu Ruyi, Wang Pu, Huo Lang, and Chun Wa were sitting together, discussing the next move of the army!

The temperature here varies greatly between day and night, but firewood is extremely scarce. The soldiers searched here for a long time before they found this much firewood!

Wang Pu no longer had the high spirits of the past. He lowered his head and said feebly: "Brother Liu, we must find a way quickly. If we continue like this, I'm afraid that all the brothers will not be able to hold on!"

Chun Wa also reminded: "General, we don't have much water anymore! If we can't find the river tomorrow, we're afraid we will have to..."

Liu Ruyi's face was gloomy, tired, dehydrated, and confused. The fear of approaching death made people breathless!

But Liu Ruyi is the commander-in-chief after all, the soul of this army. Even if Mount Tai is overwhelming, he cannot panic!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Ruyi turned to Huo Lang and said, "Huo Lang, what do you think?"

Huo Lang also looked a little solemn. No one had experience with this kind of terrain. Even Huo Lang was a little confused!

"Brother! We have reached this point, we can only persevere! As long as we can get out of this desert, we will definitely encounter a source of water! Today, I saw vultures in the sky. Since they appear, I believe that there will be no source of water ahead.

It would be too far!”

"Huo Lang, don't lie to me. You say it's not far away every day! However, we have been walking for so long, but we haven't even touched a hair! Damn it, I can't find the water source anymore. I'm really scared.

I have to turn into a human and do it!" Wang Pu said dissatisfied.

This harsh environment makes people feel extremely bad!

Huo Lang ignored Wang Pu and looked at Liu Ruyi.

Liu Ruyi frowned slightly, "Brother Wang, please be patient. We have been through mountains of swords and seas of fire. Can this little difficulty in front of us kill us?"

Wang Pu dared to scold Huo Lang, but he did not dare to contradict Liu Ruyi. He patted his forehead angrily and said with some annoyance: "Brother Liu, don't worry, I'm just a little bored! Damn it, this damn place, this

Damn the weather, I’ve had enough of staying in a place like this!”

Adversity, invisibly, will always have a negative impact on morale. Although Liu Ruyi had expected it, it was still a bit tricky when she actually faced this situation!

Liu Ruyi can control the Colored Stone Army, but although the Datong Army is elite, its overall quality is still much worse than that of the Colored Stone Army!

They can make do with the wind going smoothly, but in this kind of adversity, they can't stand it any longer!

Liu Ruyi also had some confusion in her heart. At this moment, what the army needs most is a guide who is familiar with the terrain!

But in this hellish place where rabbits don’t poop, where can you find a guide?

"Everyone is tired! Let's take a rest early! There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. How can a living person choke to death? Don't worry! There will definitely be a solution by tomorrow!" Liu Ruyi said to Wang Puhe with a smile.

Several generals of the Datong Army handed over their hands, then turned and walked towards their own tents.

When Wang Pu saw Liu Ruyi leaving, he knew that today's discussion could not come up with a solution, so he took his generals back to their respective tents one after another!

But in Liu Ruyi's tent, Liu Ruyi brought Huo Lang and Xiao Liu'er to his side, and whispered: "You two, send more brothers to inspect the camp. We have endured these hard days for a long time. I

I'm afraid someone is distracted! If there is any abnormality, don't worry about who it is, just kill it on the spot!"




The night passed smoothly!

In the early morning, the sun is rising, and the air is warm. The wind and cold last night have long since dissipated, and instead, there is a unique beauty of yellow sand in the desert!

What made Liu Ruyi feel at ease was that although Wang Pu was dissatisfied, he did not dare to make any mistakes. There was no abnormality in the camp!

This made Liu Ruyi slightly relieved!

How can we see a rainbow despite the storm?

It has reached this point. In fact, Liu Ruyi has no choice but to go on!

Even if your teeth fall out, you can only swallow it in your own stomach!

The army reorganized themselves a little and continued heading north along the white yellow sand!


Another seven or eight days have passed, but the army shows no sign of leaving this desert!

The water carried by the soldiers has long been used up. In the past few days, the army has had to rely on killing horses and drinking horse blood to survive until now!

There were more than 10,000 war horses, but now only 8,000 were left. Even the blood of the slain war horses was drank dry, and even the horse meat was thrown aside!

Water is the source of life. Without water, even if you eat well, the human body will be unable to bear it!

"General, drink some! This is what I secretly saved, this is all I have!" On the sand dune, Liu Ruyi was looking northward, but Wan Niang walked up to Liu Ruyi carrying a small leather bag.

Liu Ruyi was stunned and looked at the small skin bag in Wan Niang's hand. There was still one-third of the water in the palm-sized skin bag!

In the past few days, because she had been drinking horse blood, Liu Ruyi's lips had a trace of blood red, but there were also a few dry blisters, which was quite uncomfortable!

"You are interested! However, you are a woman and you need this water more than me! Just keep it! I believe that it won't be long before we can get out of this predicament!" Liu Ruyi handed the water bag to Wan Niang's hand again.

, did not accept it!

Wan Niang was stunned and was about to say something.

But Liu Ruyi waved her hand and said: "Please comfort those sisters. At this time, try not to cause more troubles!"

"Yes!" Seeing Liu Ruyi's firm refusal, Wan Niang had tears in her eyes, but she did not dare to refute anything!

These days, they have been following Liu Ruyi's army. After all, in the grassland, if they were allowed to march on their own, they would probably have died without any body parts. Liu Ruyi's willingness to accept them has already made Wan Niang and others burst into tears!

Wan Niang walked away quietly, but Liu Ruyi sighed deeply!

If we can't find water again, I'm afraid it won't last three days, and the army will no longer be able to sustain itself!

Huo Lang, Xiao Liu'er, Chun Wa, and several generals under Wang Pu's command have all gone to search for water sources, but this place is like hell, and there is no discovery at all!

Even though Liu Ruyi's heart is as tough as steel, if it continues like this, Liu Ruyi starts to feel a little confused!

Whether it is the future life or this life, in the desert, it is beyond the reach of manpower!


The scorching sun hangs in the sky, and the ground is steaming!

In this climate, Liu Ruyi could even clearly feel that the water in his body was evaporating into the air bit by bit, and then quickly disappeared!

This is no longer a landform at the junction of grassland and desert, but a pure, pure piece of yellow sand! You can’t see the end with your eyes!

The dry north wind blew past my face, mixed with fine dust and smoke, and hit my face, causing a slight pain!

Liu Ruyi's heart has begun to feel numb!

If things don't progress, I'm afraid we can only prepare for the worst!

But in such harsh natural conditions, even if a horse is galloping, how far can it run?

Liu Ruyi couldn't help but think of Cao Cao. Back then, when Cao Cao was in such a predicament, he could still "quench his thirst with plum blossoms", but now...

While Liu Ruyi was thinking about it, several war horses were coming from the north at great speed. It turned out that the leader was Xiao Liuer who had just gone out to explore!

"General, general! In the northwest, in the northwest, there is a small lake! There is a lot of water in it, a lot of water..."



This chapter has been completed!
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