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Chapter 456 Soldiers are coming to Shengjing!

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The army marched towards the north for more than ten miles, and Moon Lake also reached the end!

However, after leaving the oasis where Moon Lake is located, the wild sand of the desert is getting bigger and bigger, and with the fierce and fierce north wind, it is almost as if it blocks the sky and the sun!

Although all the soldiers are strong and strong, in this climate, every step is still extremely difficult!

The rustling wind and sand hit the body, causing pain and pain. The groups of war horses were also howling desperately and panicking. If the soldiers hadn't dragged them with all their strength, these horses would have been lying on the ground!

Between Liu Ruyi's mouth and nose, there was full of fine yellow sand, making it difficult to breathe. However, seeing the weather like this, Liu Ruyi felt a little confused. She turned to the Khitan leader Pu Ling and said: "Pu Ling

Brother Ling, are you sure that the path we are taking is not wrong?"

Pu Ling chuckled and let the wind and sand hit his face, but he didn't care. He approached Liu Ruyi and explained loudly: "General, this is the wind outlet of Yinshan Mountain! The Mongolians call it the devil's wind outlet! Let's hold on a little longer and go further.

If you walk seven or eight miles forward, you can walk out of this desert!"

Liu Ruyi was still a little worried and asked: "The wind and sand are so big that we can't see the sun at all. What should we do if we lose our way?"

Pu Ling laughed loudly, "General, have you forgotten who we are? If a stranger comes here, no matter how powerful he is, he will sooner or later turn into a handful of yellow sand at the foot of Yinshan Mountain! But we Khitan people

, I have lived here for hundreds of years, even if I close my eyes, I can lead the general and your men out of this desert!"

Liu Ruyi glanced at Pu Ling and saw that although he was humble, there was a touch of unquestionable confidence on his face!

Liu Ruyi said nothing more, but shook Pu Ling's hand tightly, "Brother Pu Ling, my friend, I leave everything to you!"


As the evening progressed, the wind and sand became more and more biting, as if it was turning the entire world upside down. Visibility was less than five steps!

However, with Pu Ling and these Khitan people guiding the way, the further you go, the easier the journey becomes!

The yellow sand under their feet was no longer unable to pull out the legs, but rather hard. The army seemed to be walking on a plank road hidden under the thin yellow sand!

But Pu Ling didn't say anything, and Liu Ruyi didn't ask any more questions.

Until midnight, after a hard march for half a day and half a night, the army finally arrived at a desolate area at the junction of desert and grassland!

Through the bright moonlight, Liu Ruyi could clearly see that just to the north of this desert was a huge rolling mountain range that seemed to have no top at a glance. That should be the southern foothills of the Greater Khingan Mountains!

However, to the south of the wasteland where Liu Ruyi is located, there is also a range of undulating ravine mountains, but this is not a mountain range in the pure sense!

From a distance, the rocks in the mountains are full of pits and holes, like a hornet's nest, with no sign of life at all!

Pu Ling seemed to see Liu Ruyi's doubts and explained with a smile: "General, that place is called Devil City! It is a magnet mountain! If a mortal walks in there, without us Khitan people to guide the way, he will surely die!

This is why my tribe has been able to survive here safely for hundreds of years!"

Liu Ruyi suddenly smiled, looked into Pu Ling's eyes and said, "Why are you telling me this? Aren't you afraid that if I regret it, I will take my army and wipe out your tribe?"

Pu Ling was startled. He never expected that Liu Ruyi would say these words. He opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't say a word!

Liu Ruyi couldn't help laughing. What he hated most was being unable to take the initiative and unable to control the situation. Although Pu Ling looked extremely fierce, Liu Ruyi could tell at a glance that he was not a scheming person!

"Brother Pu Ling, you are my friend, and your leader, Yelu Hai, is also my friend! Therefore, your tribe is also my friend! Friends will not hurt each other! What I just said,

It's just a joke! Moreover, if you can tell me this, you must have obtained Yeluhai's permission, right?" Liu Ruyi smiled and said.

Pu Ling was really frightened by Liu Ruyi just now. It took him a long time to react, and he hurriedly raised his hands and said: "The general is really a god, and I can't hide anything from you! What I just said is indeed the leader who asked me to tell you.

Because we are friends, there should be no haze! This area is actually the burial ground of the Xiao family nobles during our Daliao period! Our clan is the common descendant of the Yelu and Xiao families, and this is also our holy land...


Pu Ling wanted to explain something more, but Liu Ruyi smiled and waved his hand, "Brother Pu Ling, everyone has his own secret! We are friends, but I respect your secrets! As long as you can help me complete this mission

Plan, whatever you want, I will provide it to you as soon as possible!"

Pu Ling couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly knelt down and said: "Thank you so much, general! My people and I will definitely remember the general's great kindness..."



With these Khitan people to guide the way, Liu Ruyi's next trip was much smoother!

Although the Khitan people have declined, they have lived on this land for hundreds of years and are extremely familiar with it!

Originally, Liu Ruyi wanted to take this opportunity to attack several large Mongolian tribes on the Horqin grassland, but Pu Ling explained to Liu Ruyi that although the Mongols followed the Manchus on the expedition, the Horqin tribe was far more powerful than other Mongolian tribes.

The tribe is quite prosperous. If you want to sneak attack on the 'Shangjing City' (in later generations, the Chifeng area in Inner Mongolia, where the Horqin tribe's royal tent is located), it will be difficult according to Liu Ruyi's current strength!

The most important thing is that although it is the beginning of autumn and the cattle and horses are fat on the grassland, the Mongolians have no fixed settlement and Pu Ling is not sure how many scattered Mongolian tribes there are along the way!

If it were to scare the enemy, Pu Ling was not sure that he could lead the army to retreat!

On the contrary, if he were to approach Shengjing City, he would have the means to encounter as few Mongolian and Manchu settlements as possible!

Although Liu Ruyi was a little reluctant, more than twenty days had been wasted along the way. For fear of long nights and many dreams, Liu Ruyi did not dare to get too entangled!

After thinking for a moment, Liu Ruyi agreed with Pu Ling's opinion and took a detour to reach Shenyang City!


After five days and four nights, sleeping day and night, they slaughtered two small Mongolian tribes along the way. In early September of the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, Liu Ruyi's army arrived in a valley beside the Liao River!

Standing on the top of the mountain here, you can clearly see a huge city with towering walls and wide and thick walls more than ten miles to the south!

There was Shenyang in the Ming Dynasty, and now it is the Shengjing City of the Qing Dynasty!

At this time, the place where Liu Ruyi's army was located was already on the east bank of the Liao River. Not far from the east side of the mountain was the original Shenyang Central Guard of the Ming Dynasty. Unfortunately, at this time, the spacious buildings here had become a training ground for the Qing Dynasty troops. !

The valley where Liu Ruyi's army was located was very narrow, with corpses everywhere, and extremely cold. Pu Ling explained: "General, this is the cemetery where the Qing soldiers abandoned their slaves and the corpses of prisoners of war. Wild beasts are rampant. On weekdays, no one would Came here! We are here now, it is safe for the time being!"

Liu Ruyi nodded, not to mention that this was just a cemetery, it was a public latrine in Shengjing City. As long as he could not be discovered by the Qing army, Liu Ruyi could still stay!

At this time, it was late at night, and the night wind on the top of the mountain was cool and cold. Standing here and looking towards Shenyang City, it was completely dark with only a few stars.

Although it is impossible to see the scale of Shengjing City at a glance, it is the capital of the Qing Dynasty after all. Wherever you look, a majestic atmosphere hits your face!

After two generations of management by Nurhaci and Huang Taiji, Shengjing City has been continuously repaired and expanded. The city walls are high and thick, and the population has reached hundreds of thousands!

With Liu Ruyi's current military strength, it would be extremely difficult to attack such a huge city. The only way to use troops is to outwit them!

"His grandma's, is this Shengjing City? That's all! Brother Liu, when are we going to do it? Brother, I can't help it!" Seeing the target right in front of him, Wang Pu was also very excited and gearing up. The eyes are filled with murderous intent!

Liu Ruyi looked back. Huolang, Chunwa, Xiaoliuer, and several generals of the Datong Army were also looking forward to it, staring closely at the huge city not far away!

Liu Ruyi took a slow breath, turned to Pu Ling and said: "Brother Pu Ling, Shengjing City has high walls and thick walls. It seems that it is heavily guarded. What can you do? Can you help me open the gate of Shengjing City? ?”

At this time, although most of the main forces of the Manchu Qing Dynasty had already set out to conquer Liaodong, Liu Ruyi was not rash when faced with such a huge city!

Attacking the city is far from a field battle, and it is far from defending the city. Liu Ruyi only has more than 4,000 troops. Among them, there are 2,000 Wang Pu's Datong cavalry. For siege, these people may not be of much use. of!

The only soldiers Liu Ruyi can use are the two thousand and five hundred elite colored stone troops under his command!

It is self-evident how difficult it is for 2,500 troops to capture this huge city!

The most important thing is that Liu Ruyi's trip was a sneak attack. He went into battle lightly and did not have heavy firearms that could blast open the city walls and gates!

But in Shengjing City, there are many red cannons left over from the Ming army. In terms of firearms, the Caishi Army has no advantage at all!

Moreover, according to Liu Ruyi's understanding of Huang Taiji, the defense of Shengjing City should be regarded as one of the lifebloods of this damn fat man. On a frontal battlefield, he will definitely spend a lot of money!

In this way, it is unwise to attack by force without knowing the enemy's situation!

Liu Ruyi looked at Pu Ling quietly, waiting for his answer!

Cold sweat broke out on Pu Ling's forehead. Although he had already expected that Liu Ruyi would ask such a question sooner or later, when it actually came, Pu Ling still felt an unspeakable fear in his heart!

If Liu Ruyi had been brought to this valley in the first place, they, the Khitans, would not have had a head-on conflict with the Manchus!

But once they help Liu Ruyi attack Shengjing City, then they and Liang Zi of the Manchu Qing Dynasty will be on the bright side!

According to Huang Taiji's temperament, when he regains his breath, let alone the Khitans hiding in the desert, even if they are buried in the loess, they will be pulled out and whipped to death!



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