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Chapter 46 Ready!

According to the practice of the Ming Dynasty, the fort soldiers generally did not have to go out to fight, so training was very minimal.

Outlying settlements like Caishi Town are mostly responsible for providing food and wages, such as farming, mining, and collecting and selling the goods and furs of hunters in the mountains. Those who actually participate in the battle are generals at all levels.

There are only a few servants and a small number of combat soldiers. Only when a large-scale war occurs, it is possible to incorporate these garrison troops into combat troops!

Of course, there is a big difference in the treatment of stationed soldiers and combat soldiers. After all, the latter is a job that requires hard work.

It is now the end of the ninth year of Chongzhen, dark clouds have covered the sky, and the darkest three hundred years in Chinese history are about to come. How can Liu Ruyi care about these red tapes?

Time waits for no one. Every day that passes by, the sense of crisis in Liu Ruyi's heart will become stronger!

After all, no matter how much you talk, it is useless! As long as you have force and strong soldiers in hand, you will have more hope of protecting yourself and your family in the future!

Although Liu Ruyi had no experience in the military in his previous life, in this life, Liu Ruyi was born in a military officer's family, and he had some understanding of it. In addition, Liu Ruyi's experience in high school, university, and two military trainings in his previous life also provided Liu with

Ruyi has gained a lot of confidence!

You must know that the people's soldiers of later generations have truly gone through the baptism of blood and fire and learned from countless failures!

The shrill north wind howled past, blowing the hair on Liu Ruyi's forehead to pieces, but Liu Ruyi ignored it at all. He stood straight and his sharp gaze was like a blade, sweeping across everyone's faces one by one!

"General Liu Qi is benevolent and righteous, and we are willing to listen to General Liu Qi's teachings!"

None of these soldiers dared to look Liu Ruyi in the eye, they just held the silver in their hands tightly and lowered their heads one after another!

"Okay!" Liu Ruyi said loudly, "In that case, Liu will make it clear!"

Liu Ruyi took a few steps forward and came to the soldiers, "The state has national laws, and every family has its own rules! You are all children of military families, so you should understand the truth! From today on, those who have performed well in training will be generously rewarded.

! But if someone is passive and negligent and wants to mess around, don’t blame Liu for turning his back on him when the time comes! Do you all understand?"

"Got it!" The crowd echoed several times.

"Louder, I can't hear you!" Liu Ruyi shouted loudly.

"I understand!"


"Mr. Liu Qi, we all understand!" Everyone shouted in agreement, almost at the top of their lungs.

"Good! As expected of me, they are all Qilu men!" Liu Ruyi praised, "We will be here today. You can go back and tell your family what I said. We will still gather here tomorrow morning!"



"Brother Wu San, you are very good!" Watching everyone walk away, Liu Ruyi smiled and patted Wu San on the shoulder.

"Everywhere, Mr. Liu Qi teaches well, and the young one is just an errand boy!" Wu San bowed to Liu Ruyi and said with a smile.

"Haha!" Liu Ruyi glanced at him, "You are also tired today, go back and rest early! Work hard, and someone will benefit from you in the future!"

"Yes!" Wu San's face lit up, and he bowed to Liu Ruyi. When he saw Liu Ruyi waving his hand to him, he cautiously retreated towards the door.

"Young Master, this man is just a villain. Why should the Young Master be so polite to him?" Uncle Fu looked at Wu San's back and said with some disdain.

"Haha, it doesn't matter! Everyone has his own use in this world! Whether he is a gentleman or a villain, it's just that his position is different!" Liu Ruyi smiled and sighed, and said: "

By the way, Uncle Fu, are the food and meat ready? They will be put to use tomorrow!"

"Young Master! This old slave is about to talk about this!" Uncle Fu glanced at Liu Ruyi in embarrassment, "Young Master, according to the young master's instructions, this old slave has asked someone to buy dozens of stones of rice, and there are also

Some chickens, ducks and poultry are freezing in the cold weather now, and we are about to buy up all the stock in the town! The rest will probably have to be purchased in the spring of next year before we can go to Jinan City to buy them."

Liu Ruyi nodded without saying a word, her eyes drifting to the mountains in the distance.

Seeing that Liu Ruyi didn't pay attention to his topic, Uncle Fu couldn't help but remind him in a low voice: "Young master, you have enough food every day, plus broth. Isn't this a bit too extravagant? When I was training in the army, I also

It’s just two meals a day, and one meal is rare! Young master, if there are thirty or fifty people, if this continues, five taels of silver will be consumed this day, and we have no income now! "

"How much money do we have on hand now?" Liu Ruyi did not answer directly.

Uncle Forbes thought for a moment and said worriedly: "In addition to cleaning up the house and buying some commonly used items for the wife and two girls, we still have more than 2,900 taels! If we include the filial piety given to Ma Futong during the Chinese New Year, and these soldiers

I'm afraid we won't be able to sustain Han's expenses for much longer! Young Master!"

Liu Ruyi understands Uncle Fu's worries. Since ancient times, the most taboo thing for ordinary people in life is to only go out and not go in. Uncle Fu is mature and prudent, so naturally he is worried that Liu Ruyi will be left in vain and all his savings will be wasted!

However, how could Liu Ruyi express the pain in her heart to Uncle Fu?

"Uncle Fu, don't worry, I have my own concerns about the money! Just handle these matters properly first!" Liu Ruyi said slowly.

"Okay, young master! Don't worry! I will definitely take care of the young master!" Uncle Fu nodded silently and walked towards the warehouse on one side.

Although he didn't understand Liu Ruyi's intention, since the young master gave the order, he would definitely do it well!


In the early morning of the next day, at dawn, forty or fifty military men had gathered in the school yard in front of the Liu Mansion. Different from the previous time, this time all the people who came here were young and strong. Although they were also in ragged clothes,

But everyone's face was full of anticipation.

Caishi Town is too small, and the speed of spreading news among Chinese people is probably comparable to that of a bird pulling a plane. In just one day, the news about Liu Ruyi entertaining all the soldiers has spread dozens of miles away.

"The little one is kowtowing to Mr. Liu, please take him in!"

"Mr. Liu Qi, I have brought my two useless children here. I beg Mr. Liu to give me some food!"

"Mr. Liu, just look at my performance!"

Seeing Liu Ruyi coming, these soldiers kowtowed to Liu Ruyi one after another, for fear that General Liu Qi would forget them!


Huolang had a straight face and shouted loudly, and the originally chaotic small school grounds suddenly became quiet.

"Brothers!" Liu Ruyi bowed her hands to everyone in the venue, "I am very happy that you can come today! As I said, these are my Liu's brothers, and Liu certainly deserves to be treated badly by his brothers!

Now, brothers, go ahead and register your names and household registrations, and you’ll have enough steamed buns and broth in a while!”

After Liu Ruyi finished speaking, she winked at Uncle Fu, and her eyes drifted towards the two beautiful figures not far away.

Xiao Zixin and Chun Yunu were wearing thick cotton-padded jackets, hats made of rabbit skin on their heads, and their faces were covered with a thick veil, with only two eyes exposed. Although the clothes were bloated, they were

Still unable to conceal the proud figures of the two women, they were sitting behind a small table with white paper spread out on the table. Chun Yunu was carefully studying the ink, while Xiao Zixin was holding a brush and adjusting the nib.

In this era, there were not many literate people around Liu Ruyi. Except for Uncle Fu who knew a few words, Huo Lang and Xiao Liuer were basically illiterate. Originally, Liu Ruyi wanted to do the registration in person.

Do it, but I don’t know how Xiao Zixin and Chun Yunu found out about it. Under the pressure of the two delicate beauties, Liu Ruyi had no choice but to surrender and let the two women handle the matter.

However, despite this, Liu Ruyi did not dare to be careless in the slightest. Not only did he wrap the two girls tightly, but his face was also covered with a thick veil. Although Liu Ruyi came from later generations, she has been handed down for five thousand years.

How can male chauvinism be eradicated so easily?

"Let's start!" Liu Ruyi whispered.

Uncle Fu understood. He took a few steps forward and said to everyone: "Don't be impatient. Come one by one. I'll ask you questions. Both girls are Mr. Liu's family members. Don't lose your etiquette!"

"Yes!" everyone responded in unison.

With Zhao Sanhu's example yesterday, everyone loves and fears Liu Ruyi, but this allows Liu Ruyi's orders to be implemented better and more effectively.

"Name? Age? Place of birth?"

"Little Zhang Dashan, 20 years old this year, is from Zhangjia Village in the south of the town!"

"My name is Yang Ergou, I'm sixteen this year, and I'm from this town!"


In this way, every time Uncle Fu asked someone, the two women recorded their information on the white paper. In a short time, all the forty-six people present had been registered.

Among them, there are 32 young adults between the ages of sixteen and thirty, and fourteen young adults between the ages of thirty and forty. The age span is relatively balanced, and Liu Ruyi is quite satisfied!

After a while, Huo Lang and Xiao Liuer brought another large pot of broth and two baskets of steamed buns, but this time the broth remained the same, and the steamed buns were not white flour, but whole grains with some cabbage leaves!

In this era, white noodles usually come from Jiangnan and Huguang. The price is too expensive. Even the ordinary gentry and landlords may not be able to eat white noodles for every meal. There is nothing Liu Ruyi can do!

Even so, for these long-poor military men, multigrain steamed buns and enough broth were already a rare and delicious delicacy. They devoured it one by one, wishing they could eat the porcelain bowl into their stomachs.

"Zi Xin, slave girl, it's too cold here. You should go back and rest!" Liu Ruyi walked to the two girls and stood by the wind to protect them from the cold wind!

"Ruyi, you have to take care of yourself!" Xiao Zixin is weak. She really can't stand this windy and snowy day, and her delicate body is trembling slightly.

Chunyunu didn't have anything to worry about. Her little hand gently drew a circle in Liu Ruyi's palm. She put her mouth close to Liu Ruyi's ear and whispered softly: "Liu Lang, have you forgotten me? You haven't forgotten me these past few days."

Don’t come to see others!”

Liu Ruyi smiled, but gently pinched her buttocks with his big hands, "Be obedient, go back and take good care of her, and I will accompany you again when I have time!"

Both women were extremely smart. They bowed slightly to Liu Ruyi, then supported each other and Shi Shiran walked toward the backyard.

Liu Ruyi took a deep breath of air-conditioning and looked at the soldiers devouring food in front of her, feeling clear in her heart!

Everything is ready, let’s make your first step more solid!



Please collect!

The boat will definitely be updated as soon as there is time!

This chapter has been completed!
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