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Chapter 48 Refinement, Reorganization!

Human beings are at the top of the world's food chain, but they are also the most evil-minded higher creatures!

This group of rabble-rousers have gathered together. If they want to change their original lazy and negative attitude towards life, they must use powerful high-pressure methods!

The sage said well, 'Compassion does not lead to war!'

If an army wants to have the strongest combat effectiveness, the most important thing is to ensure the implementation of military orders!

There is no father or son in the army, and military orders fall like a mountain!

No matter who you are, no matter what your status is, since you have joined this group, the first thing you must learn is to 'obey', 'obey', and then 'obey'!

This is Liu Ruyi’s simplest and crudest basic principle!

For a whole morning, there were no other fancy moves at all, just practicing military postures. Everyone, including Liu Ruyi, were like wooden stakes, nailed to the small school grounds.

The wind and snow have dispersed, the sun hangs high in the sky, and the soft sunlight shines on the ground. This is a rare good weather.

Liu Ruyi twisted her neck slightly, moved her wrists and ankles, and silently walked to the front of the military formation, "Brothers, we are all children of military families. It is my duty to be a soldier and get paid.

! But right now, our Ming Dynasty is in chaos, and there is no peace anywhere. The reason why I have recruited you here is to practice your skills and practice military law! Only by practicing martial arts diligently can you better protect your wife and family in the future!"

After Liu Ruyi finished speaking, his sharp eyes swept over everyone in the venue one by one. No one dared to look Liu Ruyi in the eye, but instinctively straightened their bodies a little straighter!

"Okay! They are all good men! Since the brothers are following Liu, Liu will not treat his brothers badly! Someone, bring up the good wine and meat!"

After a while, several strong servants of the Liu Mansion carried several large pots and placed them in front of everyone, while several maids carried several jars of wine behind them!

White steam was rising from the cauldron, and the strong aroma of meat spread to everyone with the breeze. The soldiers couldn't help but stretched their necks, but they didn't dare to mess around easily.


Liu Ruyi nodded. This morning's efforts were finally in vain. Under the pressure of the stick, fear had arisen in the hearts of these soldiers, and they could barely restrain their desires!

Liu Ruyi picked up the wine jar, poured a bowl of strong wine, and walked to the young soldier named "Chun Wa". Although he was a little childish at first, after being dealt with by Liu Ruyi, this morning,

Standing upright at the front, not even the smell of meat in the cauldron can affect him in the slightest!

"Come, young man, drink up this cup!" Liu Ruyi handed the wine bowl into his hand, with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Liu, Mr. Liu Qi?" He was still a little panicked, holding the wine bowl at a loss.

"Haha, you performed well today! You did it!" Liu Ruyi smiled and patted him on the shoulder, encouraging him with gentle words.

"Yes!" Chunwa swallowed, and his body no longer trembled. He picked up the wine bowl and poured all the wine in the bowl into his stomach, and his green little face quickly turned red.

A hint of flushing.

"Go over there to eat!" Liu Ruyi smiled and kicked him.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu!" Chunwa hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to Liu Ruyi, then happily walked towards the servants.

Liu Ruyi looked at his back and nodded silently!

People say that teenagers are the most malleable, their worldview has not yet been fully formed, and their brains are the most flexible and smartest in their lives. As long as they are well guided, they may really bring themselves unexpected surprises!

In this way, Liu Ruyi personally held the wine bowl, poured wine for every soldier present, and gave warm words of encouragement. Naturally, these soldiers burst into tears of gratitude. After everyone drank the wine, they kowtowed to Liu Ruyi.

After that, I ran to the other side to eat.

A slap in the face and a sweet date, Liu Ruyi is already somewhat proficient.

Although these are just some of the simplest little tricks, over time, they will subtly form inertia in people's minds and form a habit. The benefits are self-evident!

The big-eared thief once said to his queen, "Don't do good deeds because they are small, and don't do evil because they are small!"

A thousand miles begins with a single step!

It can be as small as mediating trivial matters at home, as large as running a country and bringing peace to the world. No matter what it is, you must start from scratch. Only by taking one step at a time and establishing a solid foundation will you be able to leap thousands of miles in the future!


For seven or eight days in a row, it was already the middle of the twelfth lunar month, and Liu Ruyi still did not let these soldiers try any other superfluous moves, and kept practicing their military postures hard.

Although this seems a bit boring, the effect is extremely obvious!

Nowadays, these soldiers are all full of energy, their laziness has disappeared, and everyone exudes a capable spirit. In addition, Liu Ruyi does not hesitate to spend money, and has a full esophagus and enough broth for every meal.

The soldiers' bodies have gradually become stronger, and the malnutrition and withered yellow color that originally reflected on their faces have long since disappeared, replaced by a healthy rosiness.

In the past few days, Liu Ruyi ordered Uncle Fu to build more than ten thatched houses in the open space in the front yard of Liu's house to serve as barracks for these soldiers. This also made the original servant room no longer so crowded.

Although winter is not suitable for civil construction, money is always the most appropriate indicator at any time. If Liu Ruyi is willing to provide money, will there be fewer people working? The foundations of these barracks are built with strips of stone.

, there is not much else in Caishi Town, but there are many stones, and the top is covered with thatch and wooden pillars. The materials are all ready-made, so it does not take much effort at all.

According to Liu Ruyi's plan, Liu Ruyi plans to train these more than 40 soldiers into full-time soldiers. Although this will consume a lot of Liu Ruyi's money, force is always the most reliable if skills are not overwhelming.

Guarantee, not to mention other places, even Caishi Town is not peaceful at the moment. Liu Ruyi naturally understands the importance!

As for the bedding and bedding, Liu Ruyi asked Liu Hanyi to buy them all in Jinan. They were all made of this year's new cotton. These poor soldiers had never seen such high-end goods before, and they couldn't help but be happy, and they respected Liu Ruyi even more.

, all praised Mr. Liu for his benevolence and righteousness. Although it was a trivial matter, it invisibly increased Liu Ruyi's authority.

However, regarding military uniforms, Liu Ruyi also asked Uncle Fu to go to Baihu's official residence to urge him several times. However, the current situation in the Ming Dynasty was already in chaos, and the guard station could not even supply the few combat equipment, let alone Liu Ruyi.

Can't wait to station troops? Unfortunately, Liu Ruyi had to give up temporarily. Fortunately, these are only external things and do not affect daily training.


A few days later, more than ten days had passed since Liu Ruyi trained new recruits. At this time, after more than ten days of getting along with each other, Liu Ruyi had a general understanding of the temperament of these soldiers, and the selection of officers was brought up.


Among these military men, there are two who hold the rank of Xiaoqi, but they are marginalized people in the hundred households. Liu Ruyi only focuses on the results of training and the degree of loyalty to himself. Those false reputations are not considered by Liu Ruyi at all.


In this way, Liu Ruyi's five teams of soldiers were divided into five armors. Each team chose an armor commander, and Huo Lang and Xiao Liu'er each received an armor. There is no doubt about this! And the young Chunwa and Zhao Sanhu because of their

He practiced very hard and was loyal to Liu Ruyi, so he was promoted to the rank of armor commander this time!

As for the last person, Liu Ruyi picked a man who was about 27 or 28 years old. He was different from ordinary military men. He was tall, with strong muscles, and the lines on his face were hard and determined.

A glimpse of the vicissitudes of the past in this mortal world!

His name was Zhao Canghai, and he was originally a son of a military family in Liaodong. A few years ago, their hometown was looted by the Tatars. In order to survive, he took his family to flee by sea to Dengzhou Prefecture. However, something went wrong later.

More than ten members of his family died at sea. He was the only one who survived and went to live with a distant relative in this small town of Caishi, where he became a military household again! And he was also in the army of more than 40

Among the Han people, he is the only one who does not have any family members.

Although Zhao Canghai is taciturn, he can always complete the tasks assigned by Liu Ruyi very well. Not even Xiao Liuer and Huo Lang can compare with them. Moreover, in the past few days, these soldiers inadvertently

While they were having fun, Liu Ruyi discovered that he was also extremely skilled and seemed to be a man with a story!

"Brother Canghai, I will leave this last one to you!" Liu Ruyi patted his shoulder hard and said sincerely.

"Mr. Liu Qi? This..." Zhao Canghai glanced at Liu Ruyi in surprise, obviously not expecting that Liu Ruyi would hand over such an important position to a stranger like himself.

"Brother Zhao, you are a good man! I believe in you!" Liu Ruyi said nothing more and just held his hand firmly!

"Mr. Liu Qi!" Zhao Canghai took a deep breath, his resolute face relaxed slightly, and he held Liu Ruyi's hand with the same force, "Mr. Liu Qi, I can't speak, I will depend on my performance in the future.


"Okay!" Liu Ruyi praised, "Now that we are together, we are all brothers! As long as I, Liu, stutter, I will definitely not let all the brothers go hungry!"

"General Liu Qi is benevolent and righteous, and is willing to die for General Liu Qi!" All the soldiers knelt on the ground, their voices uniform and uniform!

Liu Ruyi nodded slightly, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth!


With these officers, Liu Ruyi felt much more relaxed. He no longer had to do everything himself, and more of the training work was completed by these five junior officers.

However, even so, Liu Ruyi still completed the daily task of pouring wine himself. After all, this brainwashing work cannot be relaxed for a moment!

On this day, Liu Ruyi asked the soldiers to finish their military postures and began to try some formation exercises. A pretty little maid ran into the small school grounds in a hurry.

According to the rules set by Liu Ruyi, this small school ground is a military base. Except for the maids and maids who cook, other people with special skills are not allowed to enter.

"Why are you panicking? Don't you know where this place is?" Liu Ruyi asked coldly.

But the little maid fell to her knees and cried pitifully: "Master, no, it's not good! Madam and the two girls were detained in the silk shop on the front street!"



Beg for collection, red ticket!

This chapter has been completed!
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