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Chapter 483 Breakthrough from all sides!

Thanks to brother GZG1972 for your monthly votes and support!

This morning I went to pick up the bride out of town, and my car had a flat tire on the highway!

I almost scared the boat to death, but fortunately the spare tire managed to survive more than 300 kilometers.

Just got home, there will be 2 more chapters soon!

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Twenty miles north of Songshan City, Hauge, the eldest son of Huang Taiji and Prince of Manchu Qingsu, resides.

In the luxurious king's tent, Hauge was questioning one of his confidants, Geshha.

"Your Majesty, is there any news now?" Hauge said with a gloomy face and a frown.

"Going back to the prince, the emperor is currently recuperating in Qijia Fort. No one can be seen! Our people are not going in at all! I spent a lot of money and finally got Dr. Wang to reveal a little bit..." This Geshe looked secretly.

He glanced at Hauge.


"Cha!" This Gesheha wanted to take credit, but after seeing Hauge's face, he quickly explained: "I heard from Dr. Wang that the emperor had woken up once, but his body was still very weak, and he passed out again! Now, now he is still

I have been in a coma! I don’t know when I will wake up!”

After finishing speaking, Gesheha quickly lowered his head humbly.

Hauge was happy and surprised in his heart. He suppressed his emotions and asked again: "Doctor Wang didn't say, when the emperor wakes up, will there be any words left?"

This Geshe was stunned, "What? This Doctor Wang didn't mention it!"

"Trash! Trash! Get out!" Haug couldn't help but became furious. He raised his foot and kicked Geshha a few steps away!

Hauge was tall and as strong as an ox. He kicked down and hit Geshiha in the chest. Geshiha was not prepared at all. He spat out a large mouthful of blood, but quickly swallowed it back into his stomach.

After holding on and kowtowing to Hauge, he was about to exit the tent.

"Wait a minute!" Hauge strode up to Geshiha and cursed: "Are you a pig-brained person? Now, go immediately and find out more about it from Dr. Wang! If you don't know anything after asking three questions like this, I, the king

I’ll chop you up alive! Do you understand?”

"Yes, yes! My slave, my slave understands!" This Geshiha hurriedly kowtowed to Hauge and hurriedly exited the tent!

"A bunch of useless trash! Trash!" Haug cursed a few times, but his face became more and more gloomy.

In fact, although Hauge is Huang Taiji's eldest son, he is two years older than Dorgon. He is already in his early thirties this year!

As the eldest son of Huang Taiji, Hauge was brave and good at fighting. He would always charge forward in every battle. He made countless contributions to the Qing Dynasty. He was Huang Taiji's right-hand man. With his military exploits, he accumulated little by little.

, achieved the title of prince today!

Nowadays, Huang Taiji is weak and in danger, but the truth is that according to Hauge's identity, status, and achievements, he is worthy of inheriting a great treasure!

But Huang Taiji had never revealed half of this news before!

This couldn't help but make Hauge extremely anxious!

The most important thing is that although Hauge currently commands the most elite Lianghuang Banner of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, due to his irritable personality, his reputation among the Manchu nobles is not good!

But on the contrary, his fourteenth uncle, Dorgon, his greatest rival in life, was a polite and virtuous corporal who gathered people's hearts. Among the nobles of the Qing Dynasty, he had the appeal second only to Huang Taiji!

In particular, what Haug couldn't understand the most was that before Huang Taiji became critically ill, the supreme command of the Songjin Battle was not handed over to him, but was handed over to Dorgon instead!

Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty has been established as a nation, the purest blood of the nomads still flows in their hearts!

The country is thousands of miles away, where the strong live!

Even if Hauge is the eldest son of Huang Taiji, if his strength is not good enough, the position of the Ninth Five Lords will not fall to him!

Hauge really couldn't understand in his heart. He tried his best to maintain the majesty of his father and the Qing Dynasty, but why didn't his father show any signs of it?


At this time, in the Dorgon Camp more than 20 miles away on the west side of the Hauge Camp, Dorgon was also thinking about this issue!

However, he can see much more clearly than Hauge!

Rights are like a poison. As long as you are contaminated with it, no one can give up or get rid of it easily!

Although Dorgon and Hauge, for the sake of the Qing Dynasty and for him, fought in the south and north and fought bloody battles, little by little, they expanded the territory of the Qing Dynasty to all directions and demonstrated the power of the Qing Dynasty to the world!

But Dorgon understood that neither he nor Hauge could take over the foundation of the Qing Dynasty from Huang Taiji!

Because, that damn fat man, he never thought about handing over the power in his hands to others!

In the final analysis, he and Hauge are just pawns in Huang Taiji's hands!

"A chess piece?" A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Dorgon's mouth, "Haha, not necessarily!"

Scenes from his childhood flashed through Dorgon's mind again, from his father's love before his death, from his helplessness when his mother was killed, from the panic when he first set foot on the battlefield, from the first time...

, he truly controls his own destiny!

After a long silence, Dorgon slowly stood up, picked up a pen and paper, and quickly wrote something. After a moment, he shouted outside the tent: "Here comes someone!"

"The slave is here!" Several guards rushed to the tent and knelt on the ground!

"Go and send this battle report to the emperor immediately!" Dorgon gave these personal guards a meaningful look.

The leading guard kowtowed vigorously, "I understand!"



Just when Dorgon and Hauge were still thinking about the 'golden throne', in the Ming army camp, Liu Ruyi and Hong Chengchou had reached a final consensus!

Hong Chengchou came forward to convene the final combat meeting, mobilize the troops, assign tasks, and the final action is tonight!

According to Liu Ruyi's plan, tonight's action will be a battle of all odds!

Everything can be abandoned, everything can be ignored, but tonight, Hauge must be defeated!

Even if he cannot be completely wiped out, he must be completely crippled so that he and the two yellow flags can completely withdraw from the Songshan battlefield!

Liu Ruyi's plan is very clear. Tonight, the Ming army will break through from all sides!

On the first route, 20,000 Shanhaiguan elites under Ma Ke stormed the Abatai tribe in the south and broke through to the Ningyuan City area!

On the second route, more than 10,000 Miyun troops from Tang Tong forcibly attacked the Mongolian army in Jilharang on the west side, and broke through all the way to the west!

On the third route, more than 10,000 Shanxi troops led by Hu Dawei broke through to the northwest and faced the 20,000 North Korean troops between Jilhalang and Dorgon!

The fourth route, led by Wang Tingchen and Cao Bianjiao, led more than 10,000 elite Liaodong cavalry, forcibly attacked Dorgon and the Duoduo brothers, the two main white flag forces, and broke through to the northwest!

On the fifth route, Wu Sangui, Wang Pu, Liu Ruyi, and the Xuan army led by Yang Guozhu, led by Hong Chengchou, stormed the Hauge tribe due to the north!

Ma Ke, Tang Tong, Hu Dawei, Wang Tingchen, and Cao Bianjiao, these four armies, there are false among the true, true among the false, false and true, true and false, all for the purpose of creating something for the Qing army tonight.

The biggest confusion!

It has reached this level, Liu Ruyi is not a savior, and cannot save the lives of every Ming army!

Whether the five generals Ma Ke, Tang Tong, Hu Dawei, Wang Tingchen, and Cao Bianjiao can escape and whether they can complete their missions all depends on their fate!

If they don't even have the courage to at least fight the Qing army, even if Liu Ruyi is supporting them from behind, they will be just useless mud and will never be able to hold up the wall!

At this moment, it is time for everyone to show their true strength!

In fact, although the five men of Ma Ke have a mixed army, each of them has a certain elite cavalry. These people are more or less, although they are uneven, but they are all elite servants.

It is the guarantee for their survival!

However, Liu Ruyi also kept an eye on it!

Ma Ke, Tang Tong, and Hu Dawei, these three people will definitely pay the price tonight!

They have a lot of infantry under their command, and each of them mainly attacks a Qing army camp, so they are bound to bear huge pressure!

This is a practical attack, without any moisture!

But Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen, although they only have more than 10,000 men under their command, they are all the elite cavalry of Liaodong. Even if they face Dorgon, even if they can't win, at least they can escape unharmed. This should still be the case.

No problem!

Liu Ruyi was not really at ease with Wu Sangui, so Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen stayed in the section closest to the main force of the Ming army. If an accident occurred on the frontal battlefield, Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen could quickly rush over to resist it.

For a while!

However, this time, it was a huge frontal battle. Although Liu Ruyi's Caishi Army had many war horses, in a strict sense, it did not have real cavalry, so it was destined to be unable to withstand the frontal battlefield!

This is not because Liu Ruyi intends to conserve his strength. If the "inferior cavalry" of the Caishi Army engages the Qing cavalry head-on, even if they have blunderbuss and mines, if they don't have enough time to deploy, they will inevitably fail.

Will become cannon fodder of the Qing army!

Even hinder and delay the development of the frontal battlefield situation!

It is harmful rather than beneficial to the entire war situation!

The duel between cavalry and cavalry relies only on the indomitable killing intent. Any conspiracy and trickery will have no effect at all on this kind of battlefield!

On the contrary, it adds to the burden!

As for the Ming army, at this moment, only Wu Sangui's Guan Ning cavalry had the capital to compete with the Qing army!

All plans and deployments were planned by Liu Ruyi and Hong Chengchou, but the specific orders were issued by the highest commander of this battle, Governor Hong Chengchou of Jiliao!

However, Liu Ruyi had already communicated with Ma Ke, Tang Tong, Hu Dawei, Cao Bianjiao, and Wang Tingchen beforehand, and each of them knew their true mission!

Needless to say, Ma Ke, Liu Ruyi is good enough to him. As long as he breaks through the Abatai defense line, which is Tashan and Ningyuan City, his task will be the easiest!

Tang Tong was facing the Mongolian servants under Jilharang's command. Although there seemed to be a large number of them, their combat effectiveness was not very strong. As long as Tang Tong was willing to use his strength and escape, it wouldn't be a big problem.

These two people are outsiders after all, so Liu Ruyi has reservations about them, but the way is the simplest!

But Hu Dawei, Cao Bianjiao, and Wang Tingchen are Liu Ruyi's old brothers!

Therefore, Liu Ruyi has very strict requirements for them!

The main purpose of Hu Dawei's side is to create chaos and attract Dorgon's attention. Liu Ruyi's goal for him is also quite clear. He doesn't care how many enemies are killed, just to hold on for one night. If the Qing army's offensive is serious

If it was too fierce, he quickly retreated to Songshan City!

Cao Bianjiao, Wang Tingchen, is a real tough guy. A sneak attack on Dorgon and the Duduo brothers' camp will inevitably lead to a tough battle!

There is no way to avoid them!

Even if you have to pay a big price, you can only do it at any cost!

And tonight, the most critical thing, the main force of the Ming army, everything depends on God's will!



This chapter has been completed!
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