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Chapter 490 It's a certainty!


At this time, on the frontal battlefield, after dozens of Ming army's desperate charges and thousands of lives lost, finally, a hole was torn open in the Qing army's frontal defense line!

Even if the Qing troops on both sides tried to block it, it was already too late!

Led by Wu Sangui's Guan Ning cavalry, Liu Ruyi, Wang Pu, and the Xuanfu army temporarily commanded by Hong Chengchou, their morale was immediately boosted. Along this gap, they desperately charged at the Qing army's defense line!

In fact, more than a hundred Guanning cavalry have already reached the Qing army camp, only a hundred steps away from Hauge himself!

The general situation has been completely controlled by the Ming army!


"Hahaha! Charge, charge, charge! Charge me! These bastards, they will have their day!" Wang Pu finally felt proud and couldn't help shouting at the Datong army around him, and charged towards the Qing army's battle formation!

It has been suppressed for too long. Once it breaks out, it will be like a roaring mountain and a tsunami that cannot be stopped!

Liu Ruyi also breathed a sigh of relief. Countless efforts were finally not in vain. Finally, the overall situation of Songshan was stabilized!

Hauge can no longer hold on, defeat is inevitable!

As long as Hauge's two yellow flags are withdrawn, the Qing army's strategy of spreading a net on all sides will inevitably be chaotic!

Coupled with the chaos created by Cao Bianjiao, Wang Tingchen, Hu Dawei, Ma Ke, and Tang Tong, the Qing army must spend a lot of time adjusting. The opportunity for the Ming army has finally arrived!

Because, once the Hauge troops retreat, a big hole will be opened in the Qing army's defense line, and the Ming army's Songshan and Jinzhou lines can be reconnected into a line!

Then~~Jinzhou will no longer be an isolated city!

If we add the elite Ming army under Zu Dashou in Jinzhou City, the danger is no longer the Ming army, but the Qing army that is completely densely packed on the south bank of Xiaoling River!

Not far away, Wu Sangui's eyebrows also relaxed. After paying such a heavy price, it was finally time to reap the rewards!

The defeat of the two yellow flags will inevitably reshuffle the forces within the Qing army. Wu Sangui also knew this clearly!

With this, the Qing army's offensive will be easily solved!

And this time, his role as the 'mainstay' in this battle will surely shine in the imperial court's awards!

"Brother Zhang Bo, Gao Yi, the Guan Ning Cavalry is indeed well-deserved! Ruyi admires him so much!" At this time, Liu Ruyi drew his horse and came to Wu Sangui, smiling and saying with a cup of his hand.

"Haha, I don't dare! It was Brother Ruyi and Governor Hong who worked out all the plans and the army won today's victory. Wu doesn't dare to take credit!" Wu Sangui smiled softly and gave Liu Ruyi a thoughtful look.

Liu Ruyi understood that this was Wu Sangui's hint that Liu Ruyi and Hong Chengchou were secretly planning this war behind his back, and he was very unhappy!

"Haha! Brother Chang Bo is sincerely loyal to me! But the brothers under his command always have to eat! I will explain this matter to Governor Hong! Brother Chang Bo can rest assured!" Liu Ruyi said with a smile.

When talking to people like Wu Sangui, it’s useless to talk about your righteousness. The most important thing is the real benefits!

Sure enough, when Wu Sangui heard Liu Ruyi's words, the smile on his face was obviously sincere, "After all, this battle was planned by Hong Du and Brother Ruyi. Wu can't take all the benefits! Haha, it's fair.

Some would be good!”

Liu Ruyi smiled, but ignored the topic of Wu Sangui, "Brother Chang Bo, I'm afraid it's too early for us to talk about these things! We must first defeat Hauge, a bastard!"

"Hahaha! What brother Ruyi said is very much what I want!" Wu Sangui laughed loudly, but his face turned cold, "Come on, keep charging! Don't let these Qing troops take it easy!"




The Ming army's morale is high, but the Qing army's side is like the end of the world!

Hauge was really stunned by the scene in front of him. He couldn't catch his breath for a long time!

The nobles around me were also panicking. They lost the battle formation and lost people. In addition, the emperor also...

With these two yellow flags, they are almost facing catastrophe now!

Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty had already established a country, in fact, their military command system and household registration system still had a deep shadow of slavery!

Just like the two yellow flags of Huang Taiji, there are tens of thousands of bannermen under the two banners. These people are all Huang Taiji's slaves, completely tied to Huang Taiji's interests, and their loyalty is extremely high!

The slaves of the Manchu Qing Dynasty could not change their masters easily!

Even if these nobles from the Two Yellow Flags want to join Dorgon, they may not be accepted!

When Nurhachi passed away, he split his most elite two yellow flags into several parts. One part was left to his favorite youngest son Dorgon, and the other part was given to his youngest son Duduo.

Azig, who was captured by Liu Ruyi, only got a very small part of it!

After Huang Taiji ascended the throne, he did not get the support of the nobles of the Two Yellow Banners. He felt that the name was not justified and his words were inconsistent, so he changed the name of the Two White Banners under his command to the Two Yellow Banners, and changed the name of the Two White Banners under his command to the Two Yellow Banners.

The yellow flag was renamed the two white flags!

This is the power structure of the Manchu Qing Dynasty today!

Due to these historical residual factors, the grievances between the two white flags and the two yellow flags are extremely deep and cannot be resolved in a short time!

In later generations, Dorgon ascended the throne of regent, but was never able to go further. The most critical factor was that because of the obstruction of the nobles from the Lianghuang Banners left by Huang Taiji, Dorgon had no choice but to compromise and support the young.

Fulin is waiting for a table!

At this time, the front battle formation was in a state of decay, and the commander-in-chief Hauge was also furious. These nobles of the two yellow flags were really panicked!

Although the Qing army was brave, their numbers were too small. The heavy losses suffered by the Ming army at this time were completely unbearable and they were on the verge of collapse!

"Prince Su, Prince Su, wake up! The Qing Dynasty cannot live without you!"

"Prince Su, Prince Su..."

The people around him were crying and wailing, just like ten thousand crows croaking at the same time, as if Hauge had passed away!

"Why are you crying! Why are you crying! This king, this king is not dead yet?" Hauge forced himself to swallow the blood in his throat and opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Prince Su..." The servants around him cried again!

However, Hauge waved his hand feebly and said to a distinguished noble next to him: "Hatu, you are crying like a feather! What is going on with the battle formation ahead!"

"Prince Su, this battle can't go on any longer! The Ming army is a bunch of mad dogs! They have obviously been planning for a long time8. Prince Kerui has yet to come with reinforcements. Our warriors can no longer hold on!"

This Hatu quickly knelt down and kowtowed desperately.

"Prince Su, we can't fight anymore! We have to save some seeds for Qinei!"

"Prince Su, these warriors are all our blood relatives!"

Within the Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the number of people was very small and the scope was very small. Even the lowest bannermen, counting three generations up, would definitely be related to Aixinjueluo!

These Eight Banners cavalry are actually a huge family on a large scale!

Hauge's face was gloomy, but he was still unwilling to accept it, "Quick, help me up, I want to see for myself!"

The nobles around him hurriedly helped Hauge up and looked towards the battle formation!

At this time, the Ming army had completely taken advantage and was in full bloom. The Qing army was unable to defeat them at all and was retreating steadily. It only relied on the barriers outside the camp to support itself!

But even so, the barrier outside the Qing army's camp has been broken open several times by the Ming army, and it is about to collapse!

Hauge couldn't help but take a deep breath and murmured: "The situation, how did the situation end up like this? Why? Why?"

The nobles around him didn't dare to look directly at him.

"Prince Su, you know that the dog is cunning, but Prince Rui doesn't come to help you! This, damn, I'm afraid, I'm afraid he's going to pick on us to attack!"

"Prince Su, Thirty-Six Stratagems, taking action is the best policy. We can't delay it any longer! If we delay it any longer, countless warriors will be left behind by Ming Gou!"


Looking at the familiar faces around him, Hauge shed tears. He failed to fulfill his father's instructions, and even ruined his father's plan that he had been painstakingly planning for several years. How could he have any face?

To face his father?

"Hatu, you and your sons should retreat! I, my king, will stay here to break up the queen! These damn smart dogs, even if I am a ghost, I will not touch them!" Hauge roared heartbreakingly,

He fiercely pulled out the steel knife from his waist and was about to rush into battle!

The people in Hatu were shocked!

If Hauge died here in battle and his master died, then what use would slaves like them have to living?

Not to mention Huang Taiji, Dorgon would probably chop them up alive!

"Prince Su, no! No! If we lose this time, let's fight back! This time, we just fell into Ming Gou's trick. How can they be our opponents next time!" Ha!

Tu was panicked, and he quickly winked at the nobles around him.

These nobles were stunned, but they understood what Hatu meant!

For a moment, Hatu exerted his strength and picked up Hauge on his back, "Prince Su, I'm sorry! I'll ask you to deal with me when I get to a safe place!"

"Withdraw! Withdraw! Inform the warriors to withdraw quickly!"



Soon, the rustling antlers and the trumpeting resounded throughout the heaven and earth!

The Qing army, which had been fighting desperately in front, was retreating like a tide!

They didn't dare to fight anymore, they just hated their parents for giving birth to two legs!

In just a moment, it was completely gone!

Tens of thousands of Ming troops could not help but be overjoyed and cheered loudly!

Not far away, seeing such a situation, Liu Ruyi and Wu Sangui were relieved!

This battle is finally decided!

"Brother Ruyi, in this situation, do you think it is necessary for us to beat up the drowned dog?" Wu Sangui glanced at Liu Ruyi with a smile.

Liu Ruyi also smiled, "Brother Chang Bo has everything in mind, so why bother asking if Ruyi is not talented?"

"Haha!" Wu Sangui smiled, but his face became serious, "Although we won this battle, Wu's visual inspection showed that the casualties among his subordinates were also extremely heavy! Although the Qing army was defeated, it still has fighting power! If we

Wu is not optimistic about the rash pursuit!"

Liu Ruyi nodded, "What Brother Chang Bo said is absolutely true! In tonight's battle, it is our goal to cripple Hauge's two yellow flags. We have achieved this goal now. Of course, there is no need to cause more troubles."

!But, I wonder what Brother Chang Bo will do next?"

At this point, the situation has reached this point, and the situation is no longer within the control of Liu Ruyi and Caishijun. Since Wu Sangui doesn't want to pursue it, he won't pursue it!

The desired effect has been achieved. The next step is how to stabilize, defend, and distribute the fruits of victory!

"Brother Ruyi, with the current situation, our sons are all exhausted, but there is no news from Dorgon! We must not take it lightly! In Wu's opinion, we should take the lead in stabilizing our own camp!

"Wu Sangui said with a smile.

Liu Ruyi understood what Wu Sangui meant. This was for Liu Ruyi to state these words to Hong Chengchou!

"Haha! Brother Chang Bo, please rest assured. This is Ruyi's duty. Ruyi will definitely make arrangements for Brother Chang Bo!" Liu Ruyi smiled and cupped her hands, "Tonight's battle, the Qing army left behind many war horses and weapons.

, armor, these are all good things! Brother Chang Bo, if you wish, you will go and report the battle situation to Governor Hong. The follow-up work on the battlefield will be left to Brother Chang Bo!"

After Liu Ruyi finished speaking, she raised her hand to Wu Sangui, which was very meaningful!

Wu Sangui couldn't help laughing, "It's so pleasant to talk to Brother Ruyi! Haha! Don't worry, it's yours, and Wu will never owe you anything!"

Liu Ruyi smiled, but didn't explain anything. She whipped her horse and drove away...



This chapter has been completed!
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