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Chapter 503 The plan to cut meat and feed tigers!

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The boat has encountered some difficulties recently and time is very tight!

Alas! It’s hard to describe in one word!

However, the boat will persevere through the storm!

The outbreak needs to slow down a little!

However, after the storm comes the rainbow!

The boat will work hard!

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Heavy snow like goose feathers floated in the sky, rustling, covering the magnificent Forbidden City with a layer of silver!

Although it is said that 'auspicious snow heralds a good harvest', the heavy snow at this time did not bring a good mood to Emperor Chongzhen!

In the imperial study, Emperor Chongzhen held tightly the urgent memorial that had just been sent from Henan, eight hundred miles away last night, and his finger bones were trembling slightly!

Since the beginning of the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng, the leader of the refugee bandits in the northwest, has successively attacked cities and territories, sweeping across most of the Central Plains, and the number of hungry people held hostage has reached hundreds of thousands!

As for the imperial court, although Fu Zonglong, the governor of Shaanxi, Wang Qiaonian, the censor of Youqiandu, and others tried their best, they could not stop Li Zicheng at all!

In early November, the cities of Xin'an and Yiyang were broken, and Li Zicheng's blade was already approaching the thousand-year-old city of Luoyang!

At this time, the main force of Shaanxi General He Renlong and the general Zuo Liangyu, under the leadership of Chief Assistant Yang Sichang, were circling in the mountainous areas of Sichuan and Huguang to wipe out Zhang Xianzhong's remaining troops!

But back then, Yang Sichang made a wish to He Renlong and gave him the title of 'Pingtai General'. Who knows, the plan did not change as quickly as Zuo Liangyu came from behind and grabbed this reputation!

He Renlong was unhappy and turned a deaf ear to Yang Sichang's military orders. Although Zuo Liangyu took advantage, in order to preserve their strength, they also relied on their own troops, so that Yang Sichang's military operations in Huguang and Sichuan were difficult!

The thief is still at large, and he has even set his sights on Xiangyang City, an important town on the Yangtze River!

The day before yesterday, Li Xianfeng, the governor of Henan Province, sent another urgent report. Due to heavy snowfall, countless refugees swarmed to death in Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Henan areas!

However, the imperial court's financial resources at this time were simply unable to provide rescue and relief operations, so the hungry people had to flee in all directions, which invisibly created a negative wind for the growth of Chuangying!

Throughout the Ming Dynasty, two capitals and thirteen provinces, unfavorable news came every moment, which made Emperor Chongzhen breathless!

The only good thing is that the situation in Liaodong Songjin has been eased!

But among them, the memorials given by Governor Hong Chengchou and the supervisor Zhang Ruoqi were completely contradictory!

Emperor Chongzhen did not dare to neglect and urgently ordered the cabinet to discuss!

But the cabinet has been arguing for seven or eight days, but they can't come up with any plan at all, because there is no big man in the treasury!

Emperor Chongzhen sighed deeply, but there was nothing he could do!

Natural and man-made disasters are like eight-foot hailstones that cannot be resisted by human power!

"Your Majesty, please eat some rice porridge! You, you haven't eaten anything for a whole day and a night! My slave, I feel really distressed to see you!"

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen's chief companion, the eunuch Wang Cheng'en, the eunuch who was responsible for the ceremony, held a bowl of millet porridge in both hands, and with red eyes, knelt down in front of Emperor Chongzhen, kowtowing desperately.

"Uh? Daban, why are you here? Didn't I say that no one should disturb me? Go down, I want to be alone!" Emperor Chongzhen waved his hand tiredly.

"Your Majesty!" Wang Chengen kowtowed vigorously, "You, please eat something! The dragon body is important! If anything happens, we can discuss it slowly! But, if you don't want to eat, slave, slave, I will kneel down tonight.

Die here!"

In the Ming Dynasty, princes were usually assigned companions from childhood, just like wet nurses, and the companions were usually eunuchs. They grew up with the prince since childhood, and their relationship was usually very deep!

And these companions who were selected as eunuchs are also extraordinary people. They are like gambling with their lives, blocking their own future!

If by any chance the princes he accompanies can finally ascend to Dabao, then as long as they do not violate any taboos, they will surely be prominent throughout their lives!

Just like Shuanglin Fengbao, the first companion of Emperor Wanli, and the 'Nine Thousand Years Old' who became the first companion of Emperor Tianqi through his nanny, they are all the best!

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen and Wang Chengen were both master and servant, but they also had a deep affection similar to that of father and son!

If there is one last person in the Ming Dynasty who will always be loyal to Emperor Chongzhen, Wang Chengen will definitely be at the top of the list! Because the interests between him and Emperor Chongzhen have long been entangled!

At this time, seeing Wang Chengen like this, Emperor Chongzhen shook his head helplessly, "My companion, please get up! I know you are doing it for my own good! But the world is in such chaos right now, I, I am serious

I can’t eat it!”

When he heard that Emperor Chongzhen was relieved, Wang Chengen couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly got up and carefully placed the bowl of hot rice porridge on the table. He hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty, everything depends on human effort! Although the situation in the Central Plains and Huguang is chaotic,

But at least we saved Liaodong! We saved the Ming Dynasty’s most elite army! Everything is far from as bad as imagined!"

"Hey~!" Emperor Chongzhen sighed deeply, "Daban, I know the situation in Liaodong, and you must know it too! Wu Sangui, Liu Ruyi, Hong Chengchou, none of these people told me the truth! How hateful!


Emperor Chongzhen slapped the imperial case hard and said, "Damn, you said, they are all acting so wantonly, how can I, how can I still believe them?"

"Your Majesty, in fact, the truth cannot be said like this!" Wang Chengen carefully looked at Emperor Chongzhen's face and saw that Emperor Chongzhen had no obvious mood swings. Then he said: "Your Majesty, the so-called emperor's fate is different.

Suffer! This time, Hong Chengchou, Wu Sangui, and Liu Ruyi won the battle after all! Especially Liu Ruyi, not only captured Azige, the Yingwu Prince of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but even attacked Shengjing City in a sneak attack and plundered the

Huang Taiji’s concubines and children, this is simply an unprecedented achievement of our Ming Dynasty!”

Emperor Chongzhen frowned and said, "Big companion, according to your opinion, not only can these people not be punished, but they should also be rewarded heavily?"

"Hey! Your Majesty! My Emperor! In this current situation, we must rely on these people to support the skeleton of the Ming Dynasty! Even if they are domineering, after all, they are still our ministers of the Ming Dynasty!" Wang Chengen said.

Emperor Chongzhen frowned and was silent.

Seeing that there was something going on, Wang Chengen hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty, the troops sent out to Liaodong this time are all the elites of our Ming Dynasty! The elites of our Ming Dynasty are all out, and this is how Li Chuang, the traitor, dared to cause trouble in the Central Plains and Huguang! But at this time,

The war in Liaodong has ended. Even if Wu Sangui and Hong Chengchou cannot come back, Liu Ruyi and his Colored Stone Army will return to Shandong! Your Majesty, even if Liu Ruyi's combat power is not as good as Wu Sangui's, it is not far behind! Even,

The old slave estimates that if the forces are equal, Liu Ruyi may be stronger than Wu Sangui! We can transfer Liu Ruyi to the Central Plains to fight against the bandits! According to Liu Ruyi's temperament and the combat power of the Caishi Army, presumably, a rabble like Li Zicheng will

There is no way we can defeat him!"

Having said this, Wang Chengen carefully approached Emperor Chongzhen and lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, it is a fact that our Ming Dynasty is now dominated by military generals! If we try to suppress them hard, it may be counterproductive! But if we jump them

On the battlefield, two tigers are fighting..."

Emperor Chongzhen blinked suddenly. Wang Chengen's words touched upon his most painful point!

"Daban, according to your wishes, you want to..." Emperor Chongzhen slammed his two fingers together in the air!

Wang Chengen hurriedly raised his thumb and said, "My sage! As long as you can endure it, just like you did with Wei Zhongxian back then, the overall situation will return to your hands sooner or later!"

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed, but for a moment, his expression darkened again, "Daban, I have thought about what you said! But at this time, the treasury is extremely empty! I really can't come up with the money to reward this time.

There are meritorious soldiers in Liaodong, how can we make them obey orders?"

Wang Chengen smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, this matter is easy to handle! We don't have to pay a cent of money! All we need is..."

Wang Chengen leaned close to Emperor Chongzhen's ear and whispered softly.

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Daban, you, you are truly my son-in-law!"



At this time, Liu Ruyi, who was traveling day and night, did not realize the change in the direction of the wind!

It has been more than half a month since they left Shanhaiguan. Liu Ruyi led the Colored Stone Army all the way south and has entered the border of Shandong!

Hometown is right in front of you!

"General, general!"

"General, humble Jia Dazhuang, please see General!" Linqing guerrilla Jia Dazhuang, who had received the news in advance, led a thousand elites and rushed to Wucheng County to welcome Liu Ruyi and his party in triumph!

"General, general..."

Most of the soldiers under Jia Dazhuang's command were newly recruited for more than a year. They had not really experienced the test of war. At this time, when they saw the murderous and arrogant army triumphant, they cheered endlessly, wishing they could join immediately.

Among real soldiers.

"Haha, hello, brothers!" Liu Ruyi smiled and waved to greet these soldiers.

Immediately, he walked into Jia Dazhuang's side, patted Jia Dazhuang's shoulder hard and said: "Dazhuang, thank you for your hard work! You are determined!"

Jia Dazhuang was also a little moved, "General, I hate my humble position because I am incompetent and cannot accompany the general on the battlefield!"

"Haha!" Liu Ruyi smiled, "Don't be anxious! The opportunity will come to us soon!"


When we arrived at the border of Shandong, beside the canal, this place was completely Liu Ruyi's territory!

Jia Dazhuang prepared a sumptuous banquet for the army here, and Liu Ruyi did not refuse. The soldiers had been away for a long time and returned to their hometown, so they naturally wanted to celebrate.

However, most of the banquets were scenes of celebrations by his soldiers, and Liu Ruyi did not participate. At this time, he was in the tent, listening to Jia Dazhuang's report on the situation of all parties.

In recent years, the Caishi Army's intelligence network has gradually extended to all directions as the scale of Liu's trading company and caravans has expanded. Although it cannot compare with the world-famous Jin Yiwei, no news, big or small, can escape Liu.

Wishful ears and eyes!

"General, the situation in the Central Plains is a bit worrying! Li Zicheng now has nearly 400,000 troops, and they are approaching Luoyang City with great force! King Fu and Luoyang Commander Chen Yongfu have sent letters asking for help many times, hoping that our Colorful Stone Army can go to the rescue.

!" Jia Dazhuang reported the situation of all parties, focusing on the Central Plains issue that Liu Ruyi valued most.

Liu Ruyi nodded, "What's the situation with Wang Qiaonian and Fu Zonglong? Also, where is He Renlong? Has he returned to Henan now?"

"General, Wang and Fu have also fought several battles with Li Zicheng these days. However, they have lost more and won less, and they have been wandering around the junction of Shaanxi and Henan! Now, Li Zicheng has become powerful, and the two of them want to do it again.

I'm afraid it will become more and more difficult to fight with Li Zicheng! News has been coming from He Junmen. Just a few days ago, he sent someone to send a secret message. At this time, his army was in

We are on the front line in Suizhou, waiting for news from you at any time, General!"



This chapter has been completed!
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