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Chapter 528 Opportunity!

The boat is finally home! Work hard to code!

Beg for everything!


The setting sun gradually sinks below the horizon, and the night falls quietly, just like the pink beauty who has been waiting for a long time on a date, gently, curling, with a slightly fragrant breeze, quietly comes to you when you least expect it.


At this time, after a night and day of fierce fighting, both the Colored Stone Army and the Refugee Army were already exhausted physically and mentally!

The roaring drums gradually subsided, and the low horns of deer horns drifted away in the wind. The soldiers on both sides separated like the tide, and began to cook in pots, preparing to accumulate energy for the next round of impact!

Almost at the same time, large firelights rose from both sides' positions, and the curling smoke drifted into the distance with the cold wind. Under the bright moonlight, the most familiar smell of fireworks seemed to float away until that shy touch.

Above the crescent moon.

However, even though the meal was served at the same time, the treatment of the Caishi Army and the Refugee Army were completely different. It was simply heaven and earth!

The food here at Caishijun consists of a lot of bacon and a little salted fish soup, supplemented by various dried vegetables and green vegetables, with white flour steamed buns as the main food!

Especially the broth, due to Liu Ruyi's personal preference, is the specialty of Caishi Junbing!

The bacon of the Caishi Army is mainly based on pork, mutton, chicken and duck meat raised in various places in Shandong, as well as the meat of captured injured horses. It is usually cut into cubes, slices, cooked, and dried. At this time, it is on the battlefield.

Above, mix directly into the pot and cook over high heat, then add a small amount of salted fish to enhance the freshness!

The reason why the word "fresh" is divided into "fish" and "sheep" is because there are almost nothing more delicious than these two in this world!

At this time, after being carefully cooked by the soldiers of the Colored Stone Army, this delicious broth, with the raging north wind, the fragrance is about to float ten miles away!

But on the side of the refugee army...

Dozens of people gathered around a big pot, eagerly watching the corn paste 'porridge' that was rolling violently in the pot!

I'm afraid it's a bit of a stretch to say this is 'porridge', because in the huge iron pot, you can only see about a dozen grains of unpeeled corn rolling back and forth with the boiling water!

Not to mention the aroma of meat, you can’t even see any oily flowers!

As a result, many refugee soldiers stretched their necks, taking advantage of the wind direction to greedily inhale the scent of meat from the Colored Stone Army position opposite!

The battle had just ended at this time, and the positions of the two sides were not too far apart, only about one and a half miles!

At this time, God happened to blow a southerly wind, and the refugee army's position happened to be downwind of the Caishi Army's position!

This rich meaty aroma is irresistible!

"Fuck you! What on earth are those officers and soldiers cooking? How can it be so delicious?" A skinny refugee soldier stood on tiptoes, twitching desperately and being blown by the cold wind.

The big nose with a snotty nose cursed in their hometown dialect in southern Shaanxi.

"Huh? It seems to be beef! No, maybe there is pork..." Another refugee soldier sniffed at the same time.

"Eh... Han Ba, you son of a bitch~~! Have you ever eaten beef in your life? How dare you brag to me here! That's clearly mutton! Mutton soup! Do you understand mutton soup?" said a man with a full face.

The 'veteran' with gray hair and beard looked at the young man next to him named Han Ba ​​with disdain and said.

"What (pronounced in four tones)? Second Master! You, you... I have never eaten it. Do you think you have? Don't brag with me! You don't even have a mouse in your house, and you still tell me

What is mutton soup?" The young Han Ba ​​seemed to feel that he had lost face in front of so many brothers. He couldn't help but frown, and the thin veins on his forehead bulged, and he retorted loudly to the old man next to him.

The old man glanced at Han Ba ​​with disdain and sneered, "I told you earlier, you bastard! It's okay, you need to learn more and be smarter! In the future, try to follow King Chuang and become an officer.

Dangdang! Stop thinking about embarrassing our Hanjia Village like this! I have eaten more salt than this grandson has eaten!"

At this time, the refugee soldiers around them were all attracted by the words of these two men and looked at them sideways!

Although Han Ba ​​was often lectured by the old man, with so many brothers here at this time, Han Ba ​​couldn't save his face and continued: "Second Master! You said you have eaten mutton soup! Then tell us, you

When did you eat that thing? What does that thing taste like?"

The old man looked at the corn paste that he was boiling hard, and then at the colorful stone army position with sparkling fire in the distance. He sighed longly, looked up at the stars in the sky, and said as if reminiscing: "Then

~~, that seems to have been twenty years ago, right...

It should have been thirty years ago!

It was still the time when Wanli Master was here, and I was carrying cloth bags for the Zhangjia Rice Shop in Xin'an!

Once, we followed our boss to Jinan Prefecture in Shandong Province to collect grain!

At that time, I was young and strong, much stronger than you bastards who didn't know how to work hard!

In one day, the four of us carried more than six thousand kilograms of grain, which was much harder than the oxen and horses!

Seeing how hard we worked, the owner showed kindness and invited us to eat mutton soup at the east gate of Jinan City!

That mutton soup..."

The old man seemed to be completely immersed in deep memories, and said intoxicatedly: "That soup! It's all white! There's a layer of mutton fat floating on it! Sprinkle some chopped green onion, the taste...hiss."


The old man squinted his tongue hard, and it became a little turbid. A bright look suddenly flashed through his withered yellow eyes, "That taste... I will never forget it in my life!"

"Tch..." Young Han Ba ​​shook his head disdainfully and muttered in a low voice: "After saying so much, it's still not the same as saying it in vain!"

But he raised his head and looked hard to the southeast in the direction of the Caishi Army camp, 'This mutton soup? What is it supposed to taste like?'


This world is beautiful, but this world is also very realistic!

This world is wonderful, but this world is also cruel, even cruel!

Although we are under the same blue sky and looking at the same sun, as the saying goes, 'the wine and meat in the rich family smells bad, and the roads are frozen to death!'

The energy lever is here!

It is destined that this world will be divided into various polar aspects!

If you want to get something, you must first give something!

Paying may not necessarily result in gain, but if you don’t pay, there will definitely be no gain!

Blaming others will not solve any problem, it will only aggravate the miserable situation!

If you want to change, the only thing you can rely on is your own hands and brain!


Liu Ruyi didn't know what was going on in the fleeting thoughts of the refugee army on the opposite side. At this moment, inside the temporary bunker at the Caishi Army's position, his eyes were fixed on the tall young man in front of him!

"You are already familiar with the situation, right? Tell me what you think!" After staring at him for a long time, Liu Ruyi casually pointed to the simple sand table in front of her and said slowly.

This young man is extremely tall, half a head taller than Liu Ruyi, probably over 190cm tall. His shoulders are broad and majestic, and his arms are thick and powerful. Although it is cold winter, he only wears a thin coat.

Thin tight-fitting cotton shirt, the whole figure is in a perfect 'inverted triangle' shape, full of muscle and explosive power!

Although his face has sharp edges and corners and is full of strength, his slightly childish face shows that he is only in his early twenties.

However, at this moment, the tense muscles all over his body, the slightly lowered head, and the unnaturally curled fingers betrayed his nervous mood at the moment!

So, after Liu Ruyi had finished speaking for a long time, he woke up from the 'chaos' and said solemnly: "General, general, after today's humble inspection during the day, the food and grass position of the refugee army should be here at this time!


He pointed to a slightly bulging hill more than ten miles southwest of Luoyang City on the sand table, and then explained: "General, although there are plains outside Luoyang City, there is too much cultivated land and the terrain is not flat.

!There are only two ways to get here!"

He drew two paths on the sand table with his fingers and explained: "General, although the road to the south seems to be far away from the refugee army camp, it is actually here!"

He drew a small circle on the flat area in front of the hill. "This is the garrison camp of the refugee army. I am afraid there are no less than ten thousand people. They are very vigilant. Although I did not dare to investigate at close range, according to the horse hoof prints,

I estimate that there will be at least two thousand cavalry inside! The rest are nothing to worry about! If we want to succeed tonight, they will be our biggest obstacle!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Liu Ruyi nervously, not daring to express his anger!

Liu Ruyi suddenly smiled and patted his shoulder gently, "Haha! Zhang Xuan! Don't be nervous! How about it? Are you used to living in the scout camp these days?"

Seeing Liu Ruyi's soft smile and soft tone, the young man named Zhang Xuan couldn't help but relax a little, and said with a shy smile: "Thank you, General, for your care! I'm doing a good job in my humble post! Especially from those people.

I learned a lot from the old scout brothers!"

"Haha! Very good! Very good! Young people? You should read more and learn more! Accumulate experience from the battlefield! Accumulate military merit! Make contributions. Only in this way can you shine the lintel of your old Zhang family! Haha!" Liu Ruyi

Smiling, she punched him lightly in the chest.

Zhang Xuan smiled shyly, but his spirit became more relaxed.

He is the distant nephew of Zhang Laocai. He has been caring for the Zhang family since he was a child, and he has learned a lot of skills!

Because Shandong is "martial", the Colored Stone Army expanded on a large scale this time, so Zhang Laocai spent some effort to get him to join the Colored Stone Army!

At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye can already see that it is a foregone conclusion that the ‘Qi Guogong’ will be in charge of Shandong. Others... even the imperial court cannot insert a needle into the territory of Shandong!

Zhang Laocai has long been inseparable from Liu Ruyi economically, but politically, he is very weak!

And Zhang Xuan, the son of the family, has undoubtedly become his trump card at this time!

But the reason why Zhang Xuan only recently joined the Colored Stone Army is, on the one hand, because Zhang Laocai wanted to leave a way out for himself. After all, he also has a big business and cannot put all his eggs in one basket. On the other hand, Zhang Laocai

But he spent a lot of money. In the past two years, he hired no less than ten masters in martial arts, and also hired many famous teachers to guide Zhang Xuan carefully!

This piece of rough jade was slowly carved into a certain scale!

This also allowed Zhang Xuan to quickly rise from being treated like a domestic servant as the outermost descendant of the old Zhang family to being treated several times more than a legitimate son!

But after he joined the Caishi Army, he was not given preferential treatment by Liu Ruyi, but was sent to the most dangerous and difficult scout camp!

But Zhang Laocai once personally explained to Zhang Xuan that Qi Guogong has a sharp eye and will never tolerate a grain of sand. If he wants to get ahead, he must show his true ability. The suffering in front of him will be his capital in the future!

Zhang Xuan is not stupid, but very smart!

He clearly knew what the 'uncle' had spent so much money and energy on!

He came from a humble background, and what he loves to listen to and learn the most is the deeds of the 'Duke of Qi'!

At this time, standing in front of Liu Ruyi, Zhang Xuan knew that this was an opportunity given to him by the general. It was also an opportunity for him to prove himself and repay the old Zhang family. He would not miss it even if he died!

At this moment, the voice that I had been waiting for countless days and nights finally sounded!

"If I give you a thousand men, how will you destroy the lifeblood of this migrant army tonight?"



This chapter has been completed!
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