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Chapter 530 Find the right opportunity and kill in one hit!

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In the dim night, a group of elite cavalry was quietly speeding westward along the path beside the fields!

Although there are plains outside Luoyang City, due to the availability of cultivated land and convenient irrigation, the well-shaped fields are often one meter or half a meter lower than the ordinary roads. The heights around the well fields are higher.

A solid roadbed built!

If you want to march in the dark without being discovered by the enemy, the best way is to sneak along the depths of the fields!

But the soil in the Central Plains is soft and the fields are fertile. The war horses and soldiers, plus the weapons and equipment they carry, may weigh more than 500 kilograms!

If the cavalry were to walk in such an environment at ordinary times, they would probably be like falling into a muddy swamp. Even with their astonishing combat power, they would have nowhere to escape!

But fortunately, it was winter at this time, and the soil in the fields had solidified, frozen, and was extremely hard, so it would not cause much hindrance to the cavalry's progress!

However, even so, Zhang Mu still adopted the safest method!

In order to avoid being spotted by the refugee army's scouts, they took a detour twenty miles to the south, then headed west, quietly approaching this large mound that looked like a 'sealed mound'!

At this time, it was already past midnight, the sky was dry, the shrill cold wind swept across the ground, and the air was filled with a bone-chilling chill!

Compared with mountainous areas, plain areas will be more unbridled without the protection of mountains. This also makes plain areas always much colder than mountainous areas in winter!

Zhang Mu led a thousand elite veteran cavalry and hid in a small forest three miles south of the mound. They were slightly higher than the terrain on the other side of the mound and carefully spied on the movement in the direction of the mound!

Luoyang City has a long history and is located in the heart of the Central Plains. Since ancient times, it has been the first choice place for burying the bones of princes and nobles!

The closer you get to the southwest side, the more you will encounter this group of rolling earth mounds.

The boundary where Zhang Mu is at this time is the outer edge of the sealing mounds near here!

Here, in order to protect the feng shui of their mausoleums, the deceased princes and nobles planted a large number of woods on the periphery. Usually, they were mainly used to prevent wind and sand. At this time, they became the best hiding place for Zhang Mu and others.


Looking from here, one can clearly see the flickering firelight in the direction of the refugee army's food and grass camp, as well as the rolling hills of the camp.

At this time, the refugee army had been stationed in the southwest of Luoyang for nearly two months. Li Zicheng was also determined to capture Luoyang City. Therefore, the entire refugee army's food and grass camp was very tightly defended!

On the heights of the mounds in the distance, more than a dozen tall observation towers have been built. High above the towers, huge torches as thick as the mouth of a bowl are flashing with blazing fire, wrapping the entire refugee army's food and grass camp!

Because Liu Ruyi's Colored Stone Army was approaching and it was the beginning of a fierce battle between the two sides, the refugee army's food and grass camp was more carefully defended than usual!

In this situation, it would be difficult for even a fly to fly in, let alone a human being!

"Damn it! Li Zicheng, this little son of a bitch, is really afraid of death! Judging from the current situation, if our son-in-law wants to rush over, he may not be able to avoid their eyes and ears!" Hao Da, a cavalryman from Qianhu, cursed in a low voice.

, but there is no good solution!

Zhang Mu's face was also a little grim. He had come here twice to explore the terrain in person the night before and last night. However, with the start of the fierce battle between the two sides today, the defense of the refugee army's food and grass camp was much tighter than yesterday and the day before yesterday.


"Brother Zhang, the Duke has only given us one night, but at the moment, we may not be able to make a sneak attack! If you have any good ideas, please tell us so that we can let them go.

The men know what they are doing when they charge!" Hao Da has experienced hundreds of battles and has rich experience in battle. He knows that at this moment, the chance of success by going astray has been greatly reduced, so he reminded Zhang Mu who was standing aside.

Zhang Mu nodded, but smiled softly, "Brother Hao, don't worry! I have already anticipated this situation! It's just the beginning of the new year, we still have time, don't worry, you can inform us

My sons, let’s rest for a while, let’s wait a little longer!”

Seeing Zhang Mu's calm look, Hao Da felt relieved, nodded, and hurriedly ordered his soldiers to pass on the message of rest!


Time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye, more than an hour had passed. Zhang Mu was still lying on the cold soil bag, staring closely at the target of the refugee army on the opposite side, but he still made no move!

The night was deep and cold, and the war horses kept snoring, and the soldiers could no longer bear the high-intensity bad weather. They leaned on their favorite horses and gently comforted the horses, but they were sleepy.

Stress and fatigue are coming to them quietly!

Hao Da could not sit still for a long time. He gently approached Zhang Mu and said in a low voice: "Brother Zhang, it's such a bad day! The energy of the boys is limited. If we don't take action, I'm afraid the energy of the boys will be lost."

, will be consumed by this damn weather!”

Zhang Mu was also a little anxious, but he looked at a small gray flag stuck beside him, but still shook his head, "Brother Hao, don't be anxious! Now is not the time! Look, there are always people on the side of the refugee army.

Many people are patrolling at night. After all, we have few people. If we attack now, it is difficult to win!"

Hao Da carefully investigated the camp of the refugee army not far away and knew that Zhang Mu was telling the truth. However, in this situation, as the superior officer of this elite cavalry, it was necessary for him to remind Zhang Mu of the endurance of his subordinates.

, "Brother Zhang, in my opinion, our bodies and bones can last for an hour at most! If we don't take action by then, I'm afraid tonight's stop will be delayed!"

Zhang Mu nodded, "Thank you, Brother Hao, for the tip! I know it already! If you hold on for a while, it shouldn't take too long!"


Time gradually passed, and fatigue and late night continued to attack everyone. The firelight in the direction of the refugee army seemed to be dimmed just now. The figure that used to move around frequently was now alone!

At this time, the small flag beside Zhang Mu suddenly swayed, and the wind that had been flying south suddenly trembled, and then started to float to the north with the wind!

Zhang Mu couldn't help but feel shocked and clenched his fist hard, "Brother Hao, Brother Hao!"

Hao Daben was closing his eyes to rest. When he heard Zhang Mu's call, he quickly pulled out his sword, "What happened? Could it be possible that the refugee army discovered us? Damn it! These idiots, let's fight with them."

Fight hard, we must let them use the steel knife of our colorful stone soldier!"

Zhang Mu took Hao Da's arm and pointed at the small flag, "No! Brother Hao, it's the direction of the wind! The wind direction has changed!"

"Well?" Hao Da was stunned, but he still didn't understand what was going on. "Which direction is the wind? Brother Zhang, what direction is the wind going?"

Zhang Mu couldn't hold back the heat in his heart, and quickly explained briefly: "Brother Hao! Our main purpose tonight is to destroy the food and grass of the refugee army, not to kill many enemies! The most direct way to destroy the food and grass is to attack with fire.

! But the north wind that had been blowing just now was heading towards us, so it was difficult for us to take action! But at this time, the wind direction changed and the south wind started to blow! Our opportunity has come!"

Hao Day was startled, and instantly understood what Zhang Mu meant, and couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Brother Zhang, no wonder the Duke of the country asked you to come. It turns out that you have long been..."

Zhang Mu scratched his head in embarrassment, but said: "Brother Hao, according to my experience, this south wind will not last more than half an hour at most. We must speed up the time to take action!"

Hao Dashi nodded, "Brother Zhang, please give the order! The boys can't wait for a long time!"

"Very good!" Zhang Mu was overjoyed and hurriedly turned to Hao Da and whispered a few words...



It has arrived at the first quarter of Yin hour, which is probably a little after three o'clock in the morning in future generations!

This moment is almost the most tiring and relaxing moment for the human body. Except for the patrolling sentries who stayed on duty all night, most people in the refugee army's food and grass camp have already fallen asleep!

But at this moment, in the quiet night from the south, the earth suddenly began to tremble!

Then, in a moment, a group of faint black shadows, like evil spirits in the dark night, rushed towards the refugee army camp like a tide!

"not good!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The sentry on duty shouted desperately, and the frightened voice instantly cut through the lonely night sky!

In an instant, the refugee army's position was in chaos.

The soldiers who had just fallen asleep got up one after another, but those who were already asleep were awakened by the trampling of their companions before they understood what was going on!

But before they could put on their clothes and pick up their weapons, they heard a loud "rumbling..." coming from the south of the camp gate!

In an instant, fire broke out everywhere, and screams and screams filled the place!

"Quick! Quick! Brothers! Don't be reluctant to fight! Kaishan thunder and torches, greet their granaries!" Zhang Mu rode on a black horse, leading the way, shouting at the soldiers around him to come forward.


Due to Zhang Mu's humility and good communication with Hao Da's cavalry in advance, these soldiers had already understood his intentions!

They did not collide head-on with the refugee army at all. They just used the speed of their horses to rush forward, like discus throwers, desperately throwing the thunderbolts, torches, and rockets in their hands into the granary built high by the refugee army.



The violent roar of the mountain thunder was like continuous thunder. These refugee soldiers had no time to react, and then swarms of rockets and torches came at them. They had no place to stay!

In the late twelfth lunar month of winter, the weather is dry, and this is a grain and grass camp, full of flammable things. Under the precise throwing of colored stone soldiers, the fierce fire has rushed into the sky, and thick black smoke has followed.

The wind is blowing to the north!

But in the south, Zhang Mu and these cavalry brothers were rarely affected by the black smoke. They just instinctively threw the mountain mines and torches in their hands into the increasingly fierce fire!

"Hahaha! What a pleasure! What a pleasure! Brother Zhang, I can't believe that you can come up with such a clever plan! Brother and brothers, I will take advantage of you this time!" Hao Dayuan thought that there would be a fierce battle. But I never thought that things would go so smoothly, I couldn't help but laugh!

'It's done? Is it done?'

Zhang Mu didn't react at this time, but when he saw the blazing fire in front of him and the joyful smiling faces of the brothers around him, he pinched his thigh hard and dared to believe that these were facts!

"Brother Zhang is mighty!"

"Brother Zhang is so powerful!"

The soldiers around him couldn't help shouting in unison, bursting into laughter!

Zhang Mu scratched his head in embarrassment, but he remembered Liu Ruyi's instructions before leaving, and hurriedly said to Hao Dadao: "Brother Hao, our work has been completed, and we don't have to tangle with these refugee troops anymore! Otherwise, if we wait until When their cavalry reacts, we're afraid we're going to suffer a loss! Thirty-six strategies, it's best to take action! Inform the brothers, let's withdraw!"

Hao Da also reacted and hurriedly gave Zhang Mu a thumbs up, "Brother Zhang is wise! Brothers, retreat!"

"Ouch~~~!" The soldiers cheered suddenly!

Soon, this group of people disappeared into the dark night, leaving only the blazing fire in the refugee army camp getting stronger and stronger...

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