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Chapter 533 Killing is right!

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On the northern horizon, the ant-like figures gradually enlarged, and then spread all over the mountains and plains, like a gray red tide, rushing towards the Colored Stone Army position like a roaring mountain and a tsunami!

At a glance, the entire horizon would be covered by the refugee army, at least no less than 100,000 people!

It seems that Li Zicheng is anxious!

An inexplicable smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Liu Ruyi's mouth. He took a deep breath and waved to the soldiers beside him, "It's almost time! Let's get started!"

"Yes!" Several soldiers hurriedly got out of the bunker, took out the signal firecrackers that had been prepared for a long time, and lit the fuse!

For a moment, 'whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...' The red, yellow, and green firecrackers shot straight into the sky, streaking through three streaks of colorful smoke!

Immediately afterwards, there was a 'rumbling', and even the earth began to tremble. More than sixty artillery pieces spit out bright red tongues of flame, and the black shells were like a torrential rain, desperately pouring down on the refugee army's battle formation!

The Caishi Army Artillery Battalion's offensive today was several times greater than yesterday!

Wen Cheng, the temporary commander of the artillery battalion, received an order from Liu Ruyi before the war, 'All artillery fire is at full range! Don't begrudge a shell, shoot as many as you have! Even if it explodes, you won't hesitate!'

Although Wen Cheng was young, his understanding was extremely high. He deeply understood Liu Ruyi's intention, which was to use the advantage of the Caishi Army's artillery to completely suppress the momentum of the refugee army's "cannon fodder" charge and provide a solid foundation for the front.

The colorful stone soldiers have created enough space!

"Quick! Continue to increase the firepower and blast me! Blast me hard!"

On the artillery battalion position, Wen Cheng had long lost the shyness and gentleness of the past. Although the cold wind was howling and the weather was cold, he tore off his armor, exposed his chest, ran back and forth, and loudly ordered the artillery crew to reload the ammunition and light the fuse, again and again.


The artillerymen of the Caishi Army, the old army, and the new army each accounted for half!

Most of the old artillerymen were from Shandong, or Liu Ruyi spent a lot of money to win over the imperial army, as well as prisoners of war from various armies who defected to the Caishi Army. However, the new army artillerymen were all born in the Andongwei Artillery School. They were young, strong, and full of enthusiasm.

Vitality, food from Liu Ruyi, salary from Liu Ruyi, family, parents, property and land are all thanks to Liu Ruyi!

There is no doubt about her loyalty and admiration for Liu Ruyi!

In addition, with Wen Cheng as an example in front of them, they gritted their teeth and tried their best to speed up the reloading, repeating this familiar process again and again!

The veteran gunners were also stunned by the fierceness of these young people!

They don't understand where do these young people get such great motivation?

But seeing the desperate efforts of these young people, they were also infected by this atmosphere, and they were thinking in their hearts, could it be that the Duke of Guo had given these young people some wishes?

The war dividends of the Colored Stone Army have already surpassed the best in China!

Veterans have gone through hundreds of battles, and most of them are already wealthy. But when people live in this world, they will never complain about having a lot of money!

What's more, it's a 'treasure place' like the Artillery Battalion where it's easiest to make achievements!

"Quick! Don't delay! Speed ​​up! Don't let these bastards rush up! The Duke is watching us! Let the land of the Central Plains tremble under the feet of our artillery battalion!" Wen Cheng shouted loudly!

"Damn it! It seems like something good is really happening! Old brothers, we can't lose to these little brats, work harder! Blast hard!"

Emotions spread rapidly among the crowd, and the speed at which it had already been brought up suddenly accelerated!



The sound of fierce artillery fire continued one after another, like a dense rainstorm, as if there would be no pause at all!

The battle formation where the refugee army was charging was already in a mess!

Flesh and blood, broken arms and limbs flew everywhere, and the flesh and blood of countless hungry people continued to fall under the gunfire of the Colorful Stone Army!

But today, Li Zicheng also spent a lot of money!

Just this morning, all the hungry civilians of the refugee army were fed with two white-flour steamed buns and glutinous porridge, in order to exert their greatest strength in the current charge!

A meal for one’s head, a meal for one’s head!

Now that they have eaten Li Zicheng's bowl of rice, these hungry people have no choice!

"Come on, charge on! Even if it costs you your life, you have to charge forward!" Lao Huihui Ma Shouying shouted loudly, waving his hands to guide his soldiers to stand behind these hungry people!

Anyone who moves a little slowly will be killed by his own soldiers!

At this level, how could Ma Shouying not know the importance of this battle?

Li Zicheng placed him on the frontal battlefield. Although Ma Shouying didn't say it on the face, there was inevitably a trace of resentment in his heart!

Feelings, do you want to use me, the Gezuo camp, as cannon fodder for you to break into the camp?

However, Li Zicheng was not so decisive. Before the charge began, he gave Ma Shouying 60,000 hungry people to act as a vanguard to explore the road!

This calmed Ma Shouying's dissatisfaction!

At this level, Ma Shouying also understands Li Zicheng's intentions, and he can also understand Li Zicheng's suffering. Since they are all 'free cannon fodder', he will not have any mercy when using them!

"Charge! Charge! Charge! Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed without mercy! Charge!" Ma Shouying shouted desperately, with a fierce look on his wrinkled old face!

As long as Liu Ruyi's hurdle is passed, the rebel army will be allowed to run wild in the world. With his old horse's qualifications, he will become a prince and general!


The artillery fire of the Caishi Army was still fierce, but under the coercion of Ma Shouying, He Yilong and others' inhumane "suicide charge", these hungry people of the refugee army had no choice at all. They used their flesh and blood to build a building in the long fields outside Luoyang City.

A line of flesh and blood defense!

Soon, the frontline of the refugee army passed through the artillery attack of the Caishi Army and reached the forward position of the Suzaku Camp!

But Chunwa had already been waiting here for a long time. Seeing that the refugee army had rushed within a hundred steps, Chunwa couldn't help but shout: "Guard soldiers, open fire with all your strength! Pike soldiers, prepare to fight!"

For a moment, 'bang bang bang...' More than two thousand cannon soldiers opened fire in unison, and smoke was everywhere. The hungry refugees of the refugee army in front had just escaped the attack of artillery, but they became the target of the cannon soldiers again, causing casualties and injuries.

One piece after another!


At this level, anyone with a discerning eye can already see that the strength of both sides is no longer on the same level!

Even in this short period of less than a quarter of an hour, the refugee army may have suffered tens of thousands of casualties, but it has not yet been able to approach the Caishi Army's position!

How sad is this?

But even so, for the benefit of Li Zicheng and a few other refugee army generals, they must continue all this!

Even if the entire army is annihilated!


"Haha! Well done! Well done! My lord, the colored stone weapons are so sharp that Xiao Ke has never seen them in his life! Sharp, so sharp!" Li Xuan danced happily in the temporary bunker.

, as if he was the one going to the battlefield himself.

Liu Ruyi didn't have much expression, she just looked at the battle ahead quietly!

Zhang Laocai and several other wealthy businessmen were also a little stunned. Some of the weaker ones had already begun to vomit loudly!

In just a quarter of an hour, more than 10,000 lives left this world. It was really unimaginable in their hearts. Don't tell them, they saw this with their own eyes!

Only Wang Chengen's face was a little complicated. He took a careful look at Liu Ruyi and said tremblingly: "Qi, Duke of Qi, these hungry people, those are also my people of the Ming Dynasty! Will such fierce artillery fire be too hurt?

Isn’t it contrary to the laws of heaven and human nature?”

Liu Ruyi turned her head sharply and glanced at Wang Chengen, "Eunuch Wang, what do you mean by this? Is it possible that when these mud-legged people come to kill me, not only can I not resist, but I also stretch my neck and wait for them to chop me down?"


"No, no! Duke of Qi, slave, slave, that's not what I meant! Yes, yes..." Wang Chengen was really afraid of Liu Ruyi's power, trembling, but he didn't know how to explain it!

Liu Ruyi waved his hand, took a deep breath, and said in a soothing tone: "Ruyi can understand what Mr. Wang means! But Mr. Wang, don't forget! This is a battlefield! Either the enemy dies or we die!

Not to mention that these people are just hungry people, even if Li Zicheng comes forward with the family members of the old dignitaries in the capital, I, Liu Ruyi, will still kill them! This is war, not you in the palace, wrangling in the court!"

Regarding Wang Chengen, Liu Ruyi couldn't say whether it was good or bad, but just because he accompanied Emperor Chongzhen to hang himself in Meishan in the end, Liu Ruyi was willing to explain a few words to him because of his loyalty!

Wang Chengen's face turned pale, his pale lips trembled a few times, and he couldn't say a word!

"What Duke Qi said is right! You are so right! Your Majesty, this is a battlefield! If we don't kill these mud-legged arrogance, we will be the ones who die! Think about it! In the past ten years or so,

, how many court officials and good people died at the hands of these mud-legged people? A great chaos requires great governance! Although Xiao Ke is ignorant, he can still understand that the world is in such chaos now.

, Only heroes like the Duke of Qi can restore peace to our great country!" Li Xuan said righteously from the side.

Not to mention, his handsome appearance really weakened his original dandyism a lot. Even Liu Ruyi was startled!

Zhang Laocai and the other wealthy gentry couldn't help but nod their heads.

How can there be mercy on the battlefield?

Compassion for the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

Everyone here has a family and a career, some are old and some are young. Is it possible that they would abandon their families and children, stretch their necks, wait for the refugee army to behead them, and become a stepping stone for others?

Wang Chengen didn't expect that his benevolence would turn him into the public enemy of everyone, but he didn't dare to explain anything, he just apologized to everyone again and again!

Liu Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief, "My lord, you don't have to be like this! Your kindness is incomparable to ordinary people like us! It's just cause and effect, there will always be retribution! God can forgive sins! People can't live if they do sins! Li Zicheng is like this

People must not be left here any longer!"


This chapter has been completed!
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