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Chapter 539 The Death of Liu Zongmin!

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As time ticks by, the fighting on the battlefield becomes more and more fierce!

Liu Zongmin and Hao Yaoqi desperately wanted to lead the remnants of the refugee army to fight a bloody road and escape, but how could Pu Sheng, Xiao Liuer and Xu Xianhui's Caishi Army give them such a chance?

At this time, if you look from a high place, you can clearly see that on the White Tiger Camp's position, the black and gray torrent is rushing around like a headless fly, while the red torrent is like a rhyme of waves.

, bit by bit, eating away at the living space of the black and gray torrent!

The blood has already dyed the fertile loess of the Central Plains red under the feet, and broken arms and limbs are everywhere on the ground. At this time, the only criterion for judging the life and death of the soldiers on both sides is to see who is still standing!

Standing means life, falling means death, no one is exempt!

The strong bloody smell drifted everywhere with the cold wind, and at some point, fine snowflakes suddenly appeared in the sky, as if even God could not bear to see such a bloody and cruel scene again!

But in the White Tiger Camp's position, the fighting showed no signs of stopping!

Whether it is the migrant army or the Colored Stone Army, only by completely annihilating each other physically can they have the final chance of survival!


In the temporary bunker of the Caishi Army, the soldiers made a cup of hot tea for Liu Ruyi!

Liu Ruyi held the tea cup and quietly drank the fragrant tea in the cup, but her body and mind gradually relaxed!

Liu Zongmin and Hao Yaoqi are already at the end of their battle. If this battle is decided, Li Zicheng will be defeated!

The people around him were far less calm than Liu Ruyi. They were nervously paying attention to the situation on the White Tiger Camp, as if they were afraid that the refugee cavalry would suddenly exert force and rush into the temporary bunker.

Li Xuan also clenched his fists tightly, but he was different from the wealthy businessmen around him. His eyes were full of bloodthirsty excitement, and he was still shouting, "Yes! Yes! That's it!"

! Give me a hard chop! That’s right! Cut off that bastard’s head! Hahaha!”

Wang Chengen was also paying close attention to the battlefield situation, but his eyes often drifted secretly to Liu Ruyi's face!

Unlike these wealthy businessmen, Wang Chengen is well-informed. To this extent, he can clearly see that Li Zicheng basically has no chance in this battle!

However, thinking of Liu Ruyi's method of seducing Hao Yaoqi and Liu Zongmin's method of taking the bait, Wang Chengen could not help but feel chills running down his spine and break out in a cold sweat!

He can be so 'cruel' towards his brothers. What kind of heart can this person in front of him have?

Liu Ruyi also noticed Wang Chengen's gaze, but she didn't explain much at all. She just smiled indifferently and continued to sip the fragrant tea in her cup!

In later generations, great men once said, "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth!"

In this world, no matter how wonderful your process is, if you cannot get the final victory, then everything is still zero!

The winner is a prince, the loser is a bandit!

In one sentence, the true meaning of the world is revealed!

If you win, you will get all the resources, land, money, cattle, sheep, and women in the world! But if you lose...

Even the arrogant overlord Xiang Yu could only kill himself in Wujiang River with his most beloved woman Yu Ji!

The world only sees the prosperous and wealthy, but who can see the risks hidden behind them?

In later generations, Liu Ruyi can barely be regarded as a 'survivor' remaining in the tide of the times. This fact is naturally extremely clear!

Men, you can't lose, no matter what means you use!

The ending is always thousands of times more important than the process!

At this time, the Colored Stone Army seems to have suffered a lot of casualties, but as long as Liu Ruyi's "Qi Guogong" arrogance does not fall, as long as the bright red flag of the Colored Stone Army does not fall, then~~~Qilu, the land of the Central Plains, will still be Liu Ruyi's.

Ruyi provides endless high-quality soldiers!

As long as this battle can be won, the wealth accumulated by the refugee army and Luoyang City will be freely available to Liu Ruyi!

In this way, the work of comforting the fallen soldiers will surely be perfect!

With these generous pensions, their families will surely be able to live a life without worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives!

And similarly, such a typical example will also win endless fame for Liu Ruyi, and will also make more young people in Qilu and the Central Plains join the Caishi Army, a real 'war machine', regardless of their own safety.


This process seems extremely cruel, but it is the truest truth in the world!

After all, why do brothers tuck their heads in their belts, risk their lives, and follow you, the Duke of Qi?

Isn’t it so that the whole family, including parents and children, can live a happy life without worries about food and clothing?

As long as this benchmark is grasped, what else is unacceptable?


At this time, the situation on the White Tiger Camp battle array has gradually become clear!

Under the desperate attack of three thousand spearmen under Xu Xianhui's command, countless refugee cavalry fell to the muzzles of their spears!

The erroneous and complex defenses of the White Tiger Camp were destined to make it difficult for the refugee cavalry to give full play to their greatest advantages. In addition, facing three sides, they did not have many choices at all. They could only rely on instinct and flesh and blood.

Breaking through everywhere, but hitting walls everywhere!

And as time goes by, more and more refugee army cavalry are killed in battle, and they no longer have much available power!

"My sons, charge forward! Capture Liu Zongmin and Hao Flag Waver alive, and you will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver, and promoted to guerrilla! I will personally go to the Duke of the State to plead for your merits! Glory, wealth, and wealth are today! Kill! Kill!"

Xiao Liuer is like an unstoppable god of death, riding on a tall horse and shouting loudly!

"Brothers! Kill the thief! The Duke is watching us from behind!"

"Hahaha! Liu Zongmin is mine, no one wants to steal it from me! Kill him!"


The excited shouts of his companions were everywhere around him, but at this moment, Zhang Mu's mind was exceptionally clear!

Because he had already seen the big black-faced man surrounded by the crowd less than fifty steps away from him!

The refugee army lacks military prowess. They do not have a stable logistics base, so their military equipment basically depends on one word, and that is "grabbing"!

But the Central Plains, Shaanxi, and Shanxi areas are already exhausted after these years of natural and man-made disasters. All military supplies basically rely on the imperial government's support!

Therefore, even if the refugee army wanted to rob it, it would be difficult for them to rob it of decent weapons and armor!

But at this time, the dark-faced man in front of him was wearing bright silver armor, and Zhang Mu couldn't help but feel hot in his heart!

It is basically certain that this person is not Liu Zongmin, but Hao Yaoqi!

Zhang Mu tightly grasped the steel knife in his hand, and with his left hand, he firmly grasped the horse's rein!

This is a huge wealth!

If you can grasp it, it will definitely leave the deepest impression in the heart of the Duke!

I remembered the miserable life of my childhood, and my father's old and withered hands before his death, clenching his own hand with all his might, and his Chun Chun's instructions, "Son! Daddy doesn't want you to get ahead, he just wants you to live well in this world."

, continue to pass on the lineage of our old Zhang family! Your mother and I can also rest in peace!"

Tears flashed in Zhang Mu's eyes, but he was shouting in his heart, "Dad! Today, I am afraid that the child will not be able to listen to your teachings! If a man is alive and wants to live a better life, he must have enough capital! The country must have enough capital.

The father-in-law has given the child a clear path. The child must use the blood of the enemy to prove the child's glory! Today, the child must use the head of the thief leader of the refugee army in exchange for the glory and wealth of my Zhang family III! When the time comes, the child must use the blood of the enemy to prove the child's glory!

Marry the most beautiful woman in the world as your wife and let her be the best descendant for my Zhang family!"

Almost at the same time as he shouted, the horse under Zhang Mu's crotch had already moved!

Manic, explosive, like a roaring typhoon, rushing towards the black-faced man like the wind!

"Thief, take your life!" Zhang Mu shouted almost hysterically!

He is tall and long-armed, young and strong. It is the moment when a person has the most physical strength in his life. With the continuous acceleration of the war horse under his crotch, he is like a sharp arrow that has flicked the bowstring, and its sharpness has become unstoppable!

"Anyone who stands in my way will die! Die! Die~~~!"

The seven or eight refugee troops in front were chopped down by Zhang Mu like he was chopping melons and vegetables. Their target was to reach the black-faced man!

At this time, Liu Zongmin, who was surrounded by the crowd, also discovered that danger was approaching!

Seeing the flash of bright red rushing towards him like a bullet, Liu Zongmin couldn't help being shocked and shouted: "Quick, stop him! Don't let him come over!"

The soldiers around him also reacted and hurriedly turned their horses' heads, trying to meet Zhang Mu in the direction!

But the speed at which Zhang Mu had already charged was not comparable to the slow and delayed movements of these soldiers. In an instant, he had already opened a hole in front of Liu Zongmin, and the steel knife in his hand drew a sad arc.

, came straight to Liu Zongmin’s door!

Liu Zongmin was horrified, but after all, he had experienced battles for a long time. He did not retreat blindly, but hurriedly raised his single sword and faced it with both hands.

"Stab~~~!" Sparks flew in the air, and the shrill sound of metal collision seemed to penetrate people's eardrums!

Liu Zongmin couldn't bear the pain and spat out a big mouthful of blood. The horse under his crotch was already straining too hard. His front hooves bent sharply and he fell to his knees on the ground, foaming at the mouth!

Liu Zongmin's seven souls were frightened out of his six orifices. He quickly turned sideways, quickly rolled off the horse, and turned sideways!

He really didn't expect that the officers and soldiers in front of him, who only wore the official robes of a hundred households, could have such great strength!

"Stop him! Stop him! Quick! Quick!"

Liu Zongmin was also panicked. The fierce battle just now had consumed too much of his physical strength. Under ordinary circumstances, how could the brave and capable 'Master Liu' be afraid of the unknown soldier in front of him?

But Longyou Shoal was tricked by a shrimp, and a tiger fell flat and was bullied by a dog!

Liu Zongmin, who was so powerful in the world, was actually a "hidden dragon" and a "trapped tiger" at this time. He no longer had the strength to cope with the sharpness of the young man in front of him!

Several soldiers around him rushed forward, trying to use their flesh and blood to save Liu Zongmin's life!

But when Zhang Mu saw that he had great success in hand, how could he let them get their wish?

With almost no pause, Zhang Mu suddenly lifted the reins of the horse, and the horse seemed to have gained a sense of humanity. It jumped hard and stepped hard on Liu Zongmin's thigh with its front hooves!

"Ah~~~~~!" Liu Zongmin let out a heart-rending scream. His leg bones may have been torn apart by the horse's hoof!

Zhang Mu didn't hesitate at all, and cut off Liu Zongmin's head with one knife...



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