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Chapter 56 Send troops to suppress the bandits!

Three days later, Li Lianyang, the former chief of the Hundred Household, was officially transferred to another place. Huang Hansheng, the chief flag officer, was promoted to the rank of hundred households. His vacated post of chief flag officer was taken over by his close confidant Pu Jiliang!

All this was announced by Yang Yibin, the garrison of Qianhu in the Acropolis and Jinan Nancheng.

Yang Yibin is about in his early forties. He is quite tall, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a big mouth. At first glance, he is full of power. His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Mrs. Huang. The difference is that he is full of energy.

It has a cunning and sadistic air, which makes people very uncomfortable.

After announcing the appointment and distributing official uniforms, Yang Yibin smiled and glanced at everyone in the venue, "My colleagues, today is a good day. Not only Li Baihu has been promoted, but Mr. Huang has also been promoted to 100 households. It really counts."

Double happiness! Haha!"

He smiled softly, but changed the topic and said: "Caishi Town is the southernmost point of our guard, but it is also the gateway to defend Jinan City! In recent years, bandits and bandits have been everywhere, and it is difficult to live in peace everywhere.

When we are in this critical position, we must work together to ensure the safety of the people in the area!"

"I am willing to die for your Excellency!" Everyone in the venue responded in unison.

"Okay, very good!" Yang Yibin waved his hand, but his face suddenly turned cold, "Of course, they are all doing things for the court, and it is normal for colleagues to have some friction, but if someone ruins the town because of someone's support,

If you break the rules of the commander in your business, you will be severely punished!"

After Yang Yibin finished speaking, his eyes looked directly in Liu Ruyi's direction!

"Fuck!" Liu Ruyi cursed secretly, but his face remained the same as before. He cupped his hands and said, "Master Qianhu is wise! Thank you, Master Qianhu, for your teaching!"

"Haha!" Yang Yibin smiled and walked up to Liu Ruyi, gave Liu Ruyi a thoughtful look, and said with a smile: "Mr. Liu Qi, you are young and promising, and your future is bound to be limitless. Yang will wait and see.


"What virtues and abilities are there in a humble position? Everything depends on the cultivation of adults from thousands of households!" Liu Ruyi gave another salute.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Yang Yibin smacked his lips with a smile, and then walked back to the venue. He deliberately cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, just a few days ago, Yang Yibin, twenty miles away to the west,

Jiagouzi was massacred by bandits, and even the commander knew about it! These bandits are really abominable, the commander is furious, and will mobilize troops to clear them out in the near future. You are the nearest ones, and you will have to participate when the time comes.

, you must prepare in advance!”


After leaving the Baihu official hall, Xiao Liu'er said angrily: "Damn it, that man named Yang is bullying people too much! Young master, how about we..." After saying that, Xiao Liu'er made a vigorous motion of wiping his neck!

As he gets older, Xiao Liu'er's brain becomes better than before. He was also present today. Seeing that Yang Qianhu dared to trip up Liu Ruyi in front of him, Xiao Liu'er wanted to go and kill him immediately.

Twist the head off!

"It doesn't matter! Let them be proud for a few days!" Liu Ruyi suddenly chuckled, "If someone guessed correctly, something big will definitely happen in a few days?"

"Huh?" Xiao Liu'er was stunned, but a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes!


What happened was just as Liu Ruyi expected. Just a few days later, news came that Li Lianyang, a former member of the Hundred Household, had just walked to the junction of Laiwu and Tai'an when he was suddenly attacked by a group of bandits. Together with his servants and guards of twenty

The remaining people were all killed by the thieves, and no one survived.

Although Li Lianyang did not have a close friendship with Liu Ruyi, he did help Liu Ruyi with a few small favors. Although he had expected it, Liu Ruyi was still a little sad when he heard the news. As expected, so was the man named Huang.

He is a person who does everything impeccably, so he can be considered an opponent!

However, before Liu Ruyi could express his feelings, a team of guardsmen had arrived at Caishi Town.

There are about 500 people in this team, of which barely 200 can be considered soldiers. The leader is a deputy qianhu in the guard, whose surname is Wang and his given name is Dahai. As his name suggests, Wang Dahai is fat and fat.

Fat, at first glance, he doesn't look like a soldier, but more like a wealthy businessman.

Although thieves are everywhere nowadays, and things like robbing passing merchants and ransacking local villages happen from time to time, as long as it is not excessive, the government generally does not pursue them very much. But like what happened in Yangjiagouzi a few days ago, the whole village

Being slaughtered, this kind of thing really has such a bad impact!

Yan Jizu, the governor of Shandong, personally issued a message that the gang of thieves would be completely wiped out. However, since Ni Chong, the chief military officer of Shandong, had returned to Tengzhou, the task fell on the head of Jinan Guard Commander Ma Boqing. In this era, Wengui

Wu Jian, the literati have always had an advantage over the martial arts. Even if Ma Boqing complained, he could do nothing. Fortunately, the origins of the thieves who committed the crime have been found out. They are a small-scale evil bandit that has arisen recently. The leader called

Known as "Yu Laoer", he has less than a hundred people under his command, and they live in the Lijiamiaozi area not far from Caishi Town.

Since the opponent was a guest army and was not familiar with the terrain here, Huang Hansheng, a hundred households in Caishi Town, and Liu Ruyi, the general bannerman, also had to lead troops to cooperate with the army to encircle and suppress them.

Yang Yibin of Qianhu had already disclosed this matter in advance, so Liu Ruyi had already prepared for it. He rested in the town for a night. Early the next morning, together with Huang Hansheng and Liu Ruyi's nearly 100 soldiers, there were already more than 600 people.

The troops, known as an army of one thousand, marched directly towards Lijia Miaozi.

Lijiamiaozi is located more than thirty miles southwest of Caishi Town. It has entered the hinterland of the southern mountainous area. The mountains are undulating and layer upon layer, and the terrain is very dangerous.

Although it was already the first lunar month, the weather was still very cold. After a morning of hard work, the army finally arrived at the foot of Lijiamiaozi Mountain.

The reason why Lijia Temple got its name is because there is a ruined temple on the mountain. It is said that this ruined temple was built by a wealthy businessman named Li. It was originally very popular, but later, due to natural disasters and man-made disasters, the farmers had no harvest, and the people nearby

Most of them moved elsewhere and this place became deserted.

This mountain is very high. It is different from the hilly landform near Caishi Town. The top of the mountain alone cannot be seen at a glance. At this time, most of the vegetation on the mountain has been abandoned. Only in the hinterland of the mountainside can a faint sight be seen.

A small patch of dark green pine.

After a short rest, the army set up camp at the foot of the mountain. This time, in addition to his own troops, Wang Dahai mobilized a total of more than 300 people from the Acropolis and several other places. In this way, there were six hundred households in the army.

And more than ten general flags!

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Wang Dahai was sitting in the middle. His fat fingers kept tapping the chair beside him, but his face was full of panic, "Everyone, brothers, who of you are you?"

Is there any way to defeat the enemy?"

This time, all the officers above the general banner were discussing, and Liu Ruyi was able to join in. The entire tent was filled with more than twenty officers, large and small, talking non-stop.

At this time, a man in his early thirties wearing the official robe of a hundred households stood up. He first gave Wang Dahai a fist, then turned to everyone and said: "A few days ago, the spies have found out that these remaining

The second brother only has a hundred people, and most of them are poor refugees. They don't have much fighting power! There are more than 600 people in my army, all of them are elite. After lunch, they go directly to the mountain to take the bird boy.

That’s the dog’s head! Why are you so verbose?”

"Zhang Baihu, you damn thing, you can't stand and talk without your back hurting! Ah! That sounds nice. According to your wishes, you will be the one to fight this battle, okay?" Another person was thin and wearing the same clothes.

The man in official robes from hundreds of households sneered.

"Fuck! Zhou Luzi, what do you mean? I'm just discussing the matter. If you have a good idea, why don't you just hide it?" Zhang Baihu asked, not wanting to be outdone.

"You——" The Baihu surnamed Zhou was startled, and then he pointed at Zhang Baihu's face and said loudly: "Zhang, you are the one who is responsible for your duties. I am just being treated like this by you."

If you don't take the lead in the battle, who is the fool?"

"You bitch, you clearly have trouble with me! Damn it, I have to make it clear today!" After Zhang Baihu finished speaking, he raised his fist and was about to attack Zhou Baihu's face!

"Quiet! Quiet!" Deputy Qianhu Wang Dahai hurriedly shouted, "What time has it been and you are still arguing here! Come up with a solution quickly! If you can't complete the task this time, don't even think about it.

Have a good life!”

The two of them were still fighting, but they were stopped by the people around them, and the place became even more chaotic.

In the past, history books said that the combat effectiveness of the official army in the late Ming Dynasty was extremely low, and even a dozen Qing soldiers could conquer a county. Liu Ruyi had always refused to believe it, but seeing such a situation in front of him, Liu Ruyi could only


This is just to wipe out a bunch of low-class thieves, and our side is several times stronger than the enemy. But even so, there is no charter for such a simple matter. Even I can't understand such a simple army.

What else can I talk about?

Nearly half an hour passed, but there was still no progress. Wang Dahai couldn't help but become more anxious, "Everyone, the commander only gave you a certain ten days. If there is no decision, what the hell is the hat on your head?"

Don’t even want it!”

After hearing Wang Dahai's harsh words, the venue finally became quiet.

After a moment, a man in his early fifties from a hundred households stood up and said: "Sir Wang, in the humble opinion of our position, why don't we first send out a small team that is familiar with the terrain to explore the situation first. If the news is accurate, it won't be too late for the army to go up the mountain."


"What Li Baihu said is true!" Everyone agreed.

Wang Dahai also nodded vigorously. At the critical moment, these old people are still reliable!

"Li Baihu is mature and prudent, this is a good plan! Just follow Li Baihu's words!" After Wang Dahai finished speaking, he looked at Huang Hansheng who had just been promoted to Baihu, "Huang Baihu, you are the local snake here, this one

Team, how about just letting your people go?"

"This?" Huang Hansheng was stunned, "Sir, the station where I am stationed is still some distance away from here, and I am not very familiar with the terrain here!"

"Well?" Wang Dahai frowned, "You're not familiar with it, can't we be familiar with it?"

If they are not his own, what does it have to do with him even if they are all dead? Wang Dahai must have made a good calculation! The rest of the people also nodded in agreement!

Huang Hansheng saw that there was no way out, and sweat broke out on his forehead. He knew these vicious bandits. They were like grasshoppers in the mountains. They could not be killed or eliminated. Even if they could be wiped out by luck, they would still be there.

There will be fish that slip through the net when returning, and it is not a good thing to offend these thieves!

We are not afraid of thieves stealing, but we are afraid that thieves will miss us!

Huang Hansheng had just been promoted to the 100th household, and his good days had not passed for a few days. How could he be willing to do such a stupid thing?

"This matter is settled like this! Huang Baihu, please come up with a charter!" Wang Dahai said without any doubt.

"This?" Huang Hansheng stood blankly for a long time. Suddenly his eyes drifted in the direction of Liu Ruyi. He looked happy. How could he forget this little bastard?

Huang Hansheng clasped his fists and said hurriedly: "Sir, Mr. Liu Qi, who is a humble subordinate, is young and promising, and has extraordinary wit. If this matter is handled by him, it will be a success immediately!"


This chapter has been completed!
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