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Chapter 60 Fish swim in boiling water!

The scorching fire burned brighter and brighter, the breeze passed by, and waves of heat hit my face!

The air was filled with a rich scent of rosin, mixed with the burnt smell of burning animal fat. For a moment, it was hard to tell whether this was fantasy or reality!

On the narrow mountain road, nearly four to five hundred officers and soldiers were like headless flies, desperately retreating, crying and shouting in a chaotic mess!

"What the hell is going on? Don't retreat, I'll hold it all!" Zhang Baihu didn't understand why the situation suddenly reversed, he just waved his sword and scolded his officers and soldiers desperately!

As the saying goes, 'A defeat is like a mountain falling, and an illness is like a thread.'

After all, these officers and soldiers are all flesh and blood. At first, relying on their numbers and the generous salary offered by their superiors, they could move forward bravely, but the red walls of fire were like a row of insurmountable chasms.

Completely cut off the greed in the hearts of these officers and soldiers!

Seeing their companions around them being swallowed up by the fire one after another, they no longer wanted to fight. They only hated their parents for losing two legs. They retreated desperately, just wanting to leave this hellish place as soon as possible!

"Run away, mother! I have raised you all in vain!"

"I told you to run, I told you to fucking run!" Zhang Baihu was quite tough. Seeing that his officers and soldiers were defeated, he fiercely pulled out his steel knife, chopped down two retreating deserters one after another, and shouted angrily!

But all this has no effect at all. The formation of the officers and soldiers is in chaos, and the soldiers are not interested in fighting. They only care about saving their own lives, how can they care about other things?

Humans themselves are social animals. If one person in the crowd says or does something, you may not care too much, but if ten or hundreds of people say or do the same thing, it will trigger a tsunami-like reaction!

More than a hundred years of stable life have long since worn away the spirit of bravery in the bones of this nation. As long as there is still a mouthful of food to eat, who cares whether it is good or bad?

What's more, these hard-working soldiers only have a meager salary to survive. They can just pretend when the wind is favorable. Do they really want to risk their lives?

Do you think those soldiers are stupid?

Who doesn't know that you only have one life? If you lose it, you may not even be able to live a hand-to-mouth life now!

Most of these soldiers are their own strong laborers. If they lose their lives, who can take care of their wives and children?

"Damn, they're a bunch of trash! They're all trash!" Zhang Baihu yelled, and a cold arrow from Leng Buding Mountain passed over his head, directly knocking down an unlucky servant next to him to the ground.

No more interest.

Zhang Baihu was horrified, and the five or six servants around him were also shocked!

"Sir, we can't stay here for long, we'd better leave as soon as possible!" Several of his followers couldn't help but said, carrying Zhang Baihu's strong body and running down the mountain!

From the Wanli period, Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, pioneered the system of servants. By now, in the tenth year of Chongzhen, servants have become the tacit practice of all generals in the Ming Dynasty!

They are well-fed, well-used, well-equipped, and drilled frequently. To put it bluntly, they are the domestic slaves and private soldiers of these Ming army generals. They are both prosperous and destructive with their masters. Needless to say, their level of loyalty is needless to say!

However, if the public officials think that being a servant is a career with no future and no status, they are completely wrong. In this era, if you can be selected as a servant, it means that you have become the confidant of the Shangguan.

, eating, drinking, defecating, and urinating, then all are guaranteed. Compared with the single-plank bridge-like civil service examination of later generations, it is not much of a concession, and even, to a certain extent, is better than the latter!

Therefore, these personal servants are generally the trump card of each general to save his life. They will never be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary!

Wu Sangui, who was later referred to as the "King of Pingxi" by thousands of people, in his early years, his father Wu Xiang was captured alive by tens of thousands of Qing troops. When he saw that he was about to die at the hands of the enemy, Wu Sangui personally led hundreds of his relatives and servants to break into the Qing army's formation with all their might.

He rescued his father forcefully, and thus won the reputation of "filial piety to all sides, brave to the three armies". From this, you can imagine the fighting power of these servants!

But things must be reversed at the extremes. Although the servant system makes it a lot easier for these generals to control the army, on the other hand, it also consumes so many resources that most of the other officers and soldiers can only eat the remaining dregs and cannot even live.

It is unsustainable, and one can imagine the fighting power!


"Hahaha! Come on, don't let these gangsters get away!" Yu Laoer, holding a butcher's knife as high as half a man, loudly ordered his men.

The terrain on the mountain is steep, and the mountain wind blows from top to bottom. From below, it looks like a wall of fire several feet high, but from above, it is just a small flame less than half a person's height!

Seeing that the situation was looking good and the army was retreating steadily, how could Yu Laoer let go of this opportunity? He was originally a butcher, and he smelled of blood. At this time, he stood up with a sword, which was quite impressive!

These thieves and thieves did not expect that the situation would suddenly reverse and break this fatal situation. The second master is indeed the second master. Even God is helping him. So what can't you let go of, brothers?


They all wielded their weapons, bared their teeth and claws, screamed strangely, and charged towards the scattered officers and soldiers crazily!

"Ah! Ah..."

Accompanied by screams and screams, in the blink of an eye, dozens of the officers and soldiers who were at the front and had no time to evacuate fell to the swords of these bandits! The rest were even more panicked.

, some of them were desperate and were forced to jump off a cliff several feet high and fell straight into a bottomless pool.


"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Deputy Wang Qianhu stared blankly at the scene in front of him, he really couldn't believe this was true!

This mission was supposed to be a sure-fire job. It was just to suppress a bandit. It was easy, famous and profitable. Who could have imagined that such a turn of events would happen?

Deputy Wang Qianhu was originally the brother-in-law of Zhang Yihang, the commander of the guards. Under normal circumstances, Deputy Wang Qianhu would never have come to this troubled water. However, Zhang Yihang was nearly sixty years old and was about to retire in the near future.

Deputy Wang Qianhu looked at this opportunity and wanted to make some contributions. He could remove the word "vice" in front of him. Who would have thought that things would turn out like this?

This time, I am afraid that not only will he not be able to take the credit, I am afraid that he will even have to pay for his life!

"Hold on, fucking hold it up to me! If you kill the bandits, I will reward each person with two taels of silver, and I will pay for it myself! Hold it up for me!" Deputy Wang Qianhu shouted desperately, even already

With a little bit of crying!

Liu Ruyi looked at Deputy Wang Qianhu who was hysterical and almost lost his mind. He couldn't help but shook his head gently. Without the diamond, why would he take on this porcelain job?

Isn’t this asking for trouble?

If Deputy Wang Qianhu had been calmer and kept some reserve teams, why would the situation be so embarrassing?

Ten Thousand Steps Back said that as early as when the bandits launched their fire attack, if Deputy Wang Qianhu could have made a decision and ordered the officers and soldiers who intervened later to retreat earlier, and then ordered the front troops to meet the enemy, even if they could not win, they would not be defeated.

So embarrassing!


Liu Ruyi could only laugh!

The army has been defeated, and it is no longer realistic to organize a counterattack. It is even feared that the main force of the army will be buried here!

On the battlefield, things are changing rapidly!

The bandits have become so powerful that the officers and soldiers are unable to resist for even a moment!

In a short time, more than a hundred thieves killed three to four hundred officers and soldiers and fled. There were broken arms and limbs everywhere. At a glance, they were all corpses of officers and soldiers wearing tattered mandarin duck jackets. And this

At that time, the leader of the bandit army had already approached the location of Deputy Wang Qianhu!

"Kill! Capture that official son alive, the second master will be heavily rewarded! Brothers, follow me and charge!" The little leader with black hair on his head shouted, picked up a long sword, and went straight to Deputy Wang

Thousands of households are coming!

It’s no wonder that Deputy Wang Qianhu was in the crowd, because his bright red deputy fifth-grade official robe was too conspicuous in the crowd, and he was a living target for abuse!

And because he originally thought he had a chance to win, dozens of elite servants were sent to the front to hold down the battle. At this time, he only had three or four followers around him and some old, weak, sick and disabled people who were looked down upon, and he was about to be overrun by thieves.


Deputy Wang Qianhu stared blankly at the bandits rushing towards him, without making any move for a long time!

"Fuck! This idiot!" Liu Ruyi cursed secretly!

Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs! I have to clean up this idiot's mistakes!

However, for this expedition, Liu Ruyi also did not want to see defeat. After all, this bandit suppression was also crucial to Liu Ruyi's future!

"Pike soldiers form a formation! Protect your lord!" Liu Ruyi shouted, fiercely pulled out the steel knife from his waist, and stood in front of Deputy Wang Qianhu!

The soldiers under Liu Ruyi were very strict in their daily drills. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were harsh. Although they were also afraid of the power of bandits, when they heard Liu Ruyi's order, they still picked up their spears and followed.

Behind his armor commander, he quickly formed a simple circular formation!

Liu Ruyi nodded with satisfaction. These days of hard work were not in vain. His strict orders had already formed a conditioned reflex in the hearts of these soldiers. Even though the front was very dangerous, they still completed their orders in an orderly manner. Only this

A little, already much stronger than these officers and soldiers!

"First row, hold your guns and prepare to meet the enemy!" Liu Ruyi waved his steel sword and shouted angrily!


All the soldiers shouted in unison, and the four officers, Zhao Canghai, Huo Lang, Xiao Liuer, and Chun Wa, also drew out their weapons and stood at the front of the battle formation!

Life is a choice, or in other words, a gamble. Sometimes your choice will be right, and sometimes, mistakes are inevitable!

However, they all have one thing in common: there will be no pie in the sky!

Wanting to get something for nothing and expecting glory and wealth to fall from the sky are stories only found in fairy tales!

Seeing the crazy thieves swarming in, Liu Ruyi clenched the steel knife in her hand hard, and her handsome face became a little ferocious!

Fish swim in boiling water and get chestnuts from the fire!

If you want to get something, you must pay a certain price!

Let these thieves and bandits who don’t know the heights of the world become the first stepping stone on your way forward!



Thanks to all the brothers for supporting me, I’ve been so busy,

Don’t be afraid of everyone laughing, I really don’t have time to go to the toilet,

We will try to update as many boats as possible when they are available.

Please add it to your collection, please give me a red ticket! Thank you!

This chapter has been completed!
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