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Chapter 603 Dorgon's determination!


"Hold it! Hold it all to me! Whoever dares to step back even half a step, I will kill him! Hold it!!!" On the front battlefield, He Renlong was like a violent lion, roaring with all his strength!

But at this time, the five thousand Zhengbai Banner elite cavalry had completely torn apart He Renlong's formation. No matter how He Renlong shouted or got angry, it had no effect at all.

These Zhengbaiqi elite riders are also quite experienced.

They were not in a hurry to kill all the He Renlong tribe, but just like herding sheep, they continued to disperse the defeated troops in all directions. Those who moved quickly could escape from their steel knives, while those who moved slowly could only be reduced to death.

Kill them for their sake!

This is also one of the tactics the Qing army is best at!

Killing is, after all, a physical job.

Not to mention killing people, even killing pigs will definitely consume a lot of physical energy.

Although these Qing troops were elite, they were small in number after all. Even if the Ming troops stretched their necks and waited for them to behead them, they would not be able to do it in a short time!

At this time, what they need most is time!

If you can't see clearly in the battle formation, then at this moment, Liu Ruyi, who is on the slope not far away, can see all this clearly.

Looking from a distance, He Renlong's originally solid defense line now looked like a collapsed embankment washed away by the flood, and the black heads of people spread rapidly around like a tide.

The sound of crying and wailing sounded like the end of the world.

However, these Zhengbai Banner cavalry were not willing to fight. They only allocated a small number of troops and continued to drive He Renlong's troops to defeat. However, most of the main force quickly advanced southward and continued to fight towards the south.

Seeing that He Renlong's troops were no longer able to hold on, Wang Pu, who was not far behind him, did not dare to neglect any more and hurriedly led his elite cavalry of the Datong Army to attack the white flag elite cavalry.

The two sides soon started fighting each other.

At this time, He Renlong was also escorted by more than a dozen soldiers and fled in embarrassment to Liu Ruyi.

"General, you are despicable and incompetent. Please punish me, General!" He Renlong had long lost the bravery he had during the expedition. At this time, most of his armor was broken, and his helmet was discarded somewhere. He looked disgraced and looked like a defeated warrior.


Liu Ruyi frowned slightly, but was not angry. Instead, he helped He Renlong up with his own hands and comforted him: "General He has tried his best in this battle. Ruyi can see clearly from here! Don't be sad! Let's rest here for the time being.

If we lose, let’s fight back!”

"General..." He Renlong thought he would face Liu Ruyi's violent storm, but he didn't expect that Liu Ruyi had no intention of pursuing his failure. He was excited and ashamed, so he had to kneel on the ground and fight for his life.


Liu Ruyi didn't have time to congratulate Renlong Moji at this time. He waved his hand and ordered his soldiers to help him aside to comfort him, and his eyes focused on the battlefield again.


At this time, on the eastern battlefield, Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei faced Jierhalang's more than 20,000 Korean servants. The pressure was not great. Although they could not win immediately, it was enough to prevent Jierhalang from advancing at all.


But Xi Mian, Marco and Gao Jie were not so lucky!

Facing Hauge's main force with the yellow flag, even if the two tried their best with their numerical advantage, the combat power of the two sides was obviously not on the same level.

The three thousand elite cavalry of Gaojie's Department can barely compete with the cavalry with yellow flags, but although the Horse Department has many cavalry, most of them are veterans. They can still show some strength when the wind is going, but now if the wind goes against them,

They can run faster than rabbits.

Coupled with the impact of the defeat of the Herenlong tribe in the middle road, the Xilushan navy now has no intention of fighting. It is like a roaring camp. The soldiers just run around, panicking like a dog that has lost its home.

Although Gao Jie wanted to resist, he was already on his own, so he had no choice but to retreat while fighting, and quickly retreated towards the rear.

Liu Ruyi's brows were already furrowed.

Ma Ke is really too useless! No wonder future generations will be eaten up by Wu Sangui without even a trace left!

Originally, Liu Ruyi wanted to give him a chance because of his loyalty, but looking at it now, this move was really a mistake!

Fortunately, on the frontal battlefield, Wang Pu was able to temporarily withstand the charge of the Zhengbai Banner cavalry, preventing both units from collapsing. This gave Liu Ruyi some confidence.

"Go, let Pu Sheng lead the west road, don't let Hauge break through the gap!"

"Yes!" The soldiers hurriedly rushed towards the White Tiger Camp position on the west side.

Liu Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Pu Sheng had made some moves and went to make up for Ma Ke's gap.

As the famous woman in the Southern Song Dynasty said, "It is easier to tie a tiger than to control it!"

Today, we finally trapped the hungry tiger Huang Taiji here. We must not allow him to escape easily!


Time passes minute by minute.

The entire battlefield was already filled with fighting.

There were broken arms and limbs everywhere, blood and flesh flying everywhere, war horses neighing, bird cannons chirping, and the thick smell of blood mixed with the rising smoke, which was so stinging that people couldn't open their eyes.

In such a melee, the battlefield between the two sides was extremely vast and tightly entangled, and the artillery could not play a big role. Even though Liu Ruyi was impatient, he could only hold back his temper and wait for the Ming troops under his command.

, use human lives to sharpen the spirit of the Qing army first!

War is extremely cruel!

Especially a battle like this, which could almost determine the power of the world, Liu Ruyi did not dare to neglect it at all!

Unless it was absolutely necessary, at the last moment when the bayonet saw red, Liu Ruyi would never let his colorful stone soldiers attack him!

At this time, the defeated troops of Ma Ke's navy had already fled to the south. They cried for their fathers and mothers and tried desperately to run towards Liu Ruyi's main camp.

These veterans are not stupid. They naturally know that the safest place is to be with General Liu Ruyi!

Huo Lang couldn't help but frowned, "General, these bastards are trying to mess up the morale of our army!"

Liu Ruyi's face didn't look too good either. Among the Ming armies, only Ma Ke's Shanhai Navy did not train a new army, but the Liaodong Army, which had spent a lot of money and effort to gather together, and the old army of Guan Ning Army.

Looking at it now, Marco's move was like shooting himself in the foot!

Do you expect these bastards to win the battle? You might as well expect a sow to climb a tree!

You will suffer big losses if you are greedy for petty gains! What you are talking about is the pig-brained Ma Ke!

"General, what should we do with these bastards?" Seeing these bastards getting closer and closer, Huo Lang became a little anxious!

Liu Ruyi's face also turned gloomy, "Just do whatever you want to do! These bastards are just a waste of food!"

"Yes!" Huo Lang immediately understood what Liu Ruyi meant, waved his hand, summoned the soldiers, and whispered a few words in a low voice!

Soon, the soldiers headed straight for the Qinglong Camp position ahead.

For a moment, the crisp chirp of 'Bang...Bang...Bang...' sounded, but this time, the gunmen of Qinglong Camp did not point their guns at the Tatars, but -----Ma Ke

The troops under my command were defeated!

"Ah~! Don't kill us! We are also Ming troops!"

"General, help! Help!"

"Liu Ruyi, you bastard who eats everything! I'm going through life and death, but you, you actually want to kill the donkey!"

"Brothers, let's fight against this bastard Liu Ruyi!"

No matter how loudly the defeated troops shouted, there was no expression on Liu Ruyi's face.

As the chirping of bird guns continued to intensify, these chaotic sounds were soon swallowed up by the vast wilderness.

At this time, Ma Ke was also escorted by his own soldiers, and fled to Liu Ruyi in embarrassment, "General, you have humbled your position. It is a crime to humble your position!"

Marco fell to his knees on the ground, with a lot of tears and runny nose, and he didn't dare to express his anger.

Liu Ruyi didn't even look at Ma Ke, but pointed at Shan Haijun who was fleeing in front, and said coldly: "These are the good soldiers you led!"

"General, I, I..." Marco's seven souls flew out of his six orifices, and he didn't know how to explain it.

Liu Ruyi gave Ma Ke a hard kick on the chest and kicked him a few steps away, "Get out of here and watch from the side! You have completely embarrassed me, the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty."


"Yes! Yes!" Marco didn't expect that he could save his own life in this kind of chaos. He was surprised and happy, and hurriedly stepped aside.

Liu Ruyi took a deep breath, but her eyes became clearer!

With such a melee, it is obviously unrealistic to expect everyone to act according to their own intentions! What's more, these people are not their own headquarters at all, and unevenness is inevitable!

However, for the sake of the overall situation, we can only stick to it for the time being!


At this time, Pu Sheng's White Tiger Battalion was already in front of Hauge's troops on the West Road, firmly blocking the sharpness of Hauge's troops!

Even though Hauge was impatient, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and decide the outcome with Pu Sheng first.

On the front, Wang Pu's Datong Army cavalry had been fighting with the white flag cavalry for a while. Both sides suffered injuries, but for a while it was still difficult to see the situation clearly.

However, Dorgon behind him was ready at this moment!

"Fifteenth brother, this battle is related to the life and death of our Qing Dynasty, and it is also related to the future and destiny of you and my brother! Although he has some unreasonable things, it is all for our Qing Dynasty! This battle is a hurdle for us.

Son! If you go there, you will definitely have a brighter future!" Dorgon looked at Duduo's heroic face and said earnestly.

Duduo nodded heavily, "Brother, I know! Liu Ruyi is our life and death enemy, deal with him first! Let's talk about other things later!"

"very good!"

Dorgon patted Duduo's shoulder heavily, "I'm afraid Geerce won't be able to hold on any longer! It's time for our brothers to take action! Remember, you attack the left wing and I attack the right wing! Don't fight with Liu

If you want to entangle, try your best to break up their formation! As long as we open their defense line, this battle is within our control!"

"Yes!" Duduo nodded seriously and took out the sword from his waist!

Dorgon did not hesitate at all. He pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted: "You sons of the two white flags, for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, for the emperor, and for the glory of my Eight Banners warriors, charge with me!"

"Ouch~~!" The two white flag camps behind them shouted. In an instant, they split into two torrents and rushed straight towards the Ming army's battle formation!


This chapter has been completed!
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