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Chapter 607 Destruction!


"Kaishan Lei, greet me as hard as you can, don't make ink marks on them!" Seeing that these Qing troops were about to flee, Huo Lang became anxious and shouted loudly to greet the bombardiers from the Qinglong Battalion to come forward.

After years of development, the Caishi Army's mountain mines have been reduced to the size of a football, but their power is even greater than before. To a certain extent, they are basically equivalent to the effects of hand grenades.

However, even so, a mountain mine weighs close to ten kilograms. It is impossible for ordinary people to throw it too far. Liu Ruyi specially trained a group of bombardiers for this purpose, just to use the flexibility of the mountain mine.

Maximize your sex and power!

Ten pounds may not seem heavy, but in actual operation, it is a completely different situation.

In later generations, in the physical examinations and shot put events of middle school students, including college students, the ten-pound shot put was generally used. Generally speaking, eight meters is considered qualified, and ten meters is considered a perfect score!

However, even if the nutritional conditions in future generations can achieve excellence, they will definitely be rare.

Therefore, being a Colored Stone Army bombardier is definitely a technical job, and those who are not talented beyond ordinary people cannot be selected.

They are all tall, long-armed, and extremely powerful. They are the only branch of the Caishi Army after cavalry and artillery.

Their number was not large, less than three hundred, and due to the deployment of troops, at this time, there were nearly two hundred people in Huolang's Qinglong Camp.

At this time, hearing the shouts of the general, these bombardiers ignored the order to capture Dorgon alive. They lit the fuses of the mountain mines one after another, exerted their strength, and tried their best to hit the black 'iron balls' one after another.

Throw it into the Qing army's formation.



Accompanied by a loud sound of cracking mountains and cracking the earth, the whole world seemed to be turned upside down.

The Qing army's battle formation was already full of people. Even though they were extremely brave, they were still made of flesh and blood. Facing the powerful force generated by the gunpowder explosion, they were as small as ants!

"Prince Rui, Prince Rui!"

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the Qing army's battle formation. The cavalry who had been fleeing suddenly stopped running and ran towards a white-armored general in the center who was knocked off his horse by the impact of the explosion.

"Quickly, Prince Fu Rui gets on my horse. You cover Prince Rui and go first, I will stop the rear!" A tall white-armored soldier desperately pushed the white-armored general onto his horse, while he himself held the steel tightly.

Dao rushed towards Huolang like crazy!

"Looking for death!" Huo Lang also noticed that the situation was abnormal and shouted loudly: "Ignore these bastards! The pikemen go up! The bombardiers continue!"

In a moment, hundreds of Qinglong Battalion spearmen rushed out of their battle formation and rushed towards the Qing army like a tide.

And on the side, bird cannons chirped, mountain thunder flew, the sound was earth-shattering!

At this time, an extremely thin bombardier stood out in a sea of ​​tall people.

His name is Xiao San, and he is a domestic slave of the Xiao family in Jining. His parents died when he was young, and until he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he lived on the streets, begging and cheating for a living.

However, this guy has a unique skill, that is, he can hit with a slingshot extremely accurately. Although he is small, he is very powerful.

One day a few years ago, Xiao Zixin returned to Jining with a little white cat that Liu Ruyi bought for her from Persia with a large sum of money. The Xiao family was full of joy, but that night, the little white cat that Xiao Zixin doted on suddenly disappeared.

It disappeared, but the next day, a servant found its fur hanging in the open space of the reeds behind the Xiao Mansion, with a cloud of ashes burned out around it.

Xiao Mowen was immediately furious. There are still people who dare to be so arrogant. This simply means that they don't take the Xiao family seriously!

Soon, except for the Jining Caishi Army garrison, which was not dispatched, the Xiao family's servants, warriors, and followers basically all came out to thoroughly track down this daring person.

Not long after, Xiao San was found in the Earth Temple not far from the Xiao family.

It's funny to say that when he was arrested, this guy actually found a big rooster from nowhere. He had already plucked and skinned it, wrapped it in mud, and used the altar as a stove. Most of the chicken was already cooked.

, and he himself, smelling of alcohol, was sleeping soundly on the side!

Xiao Zixin soon learned about this, but she was not angry, but felt a little funny. Xiao San was really capable. He was able to do such a big thing in the heavily guarded Xiao Mansion. He was quite capable.


After trying to punish him for a while, Xiao Zixin did not pursue his responsibility, but encouraged him with gentle words and recommended him to the Colored Stone Army.

Xiao San was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that he would be blessed with such a great opportunity.

You know, since Liu Ruyi started his career, the Caishi Army has simply become the first-class ‘gold-letter signboard’ of the Ming Dynasty!

Time flies, and several years have passed.

Xiao San also made many achievements with the army, was promoted to Xiaoqi, bought a family property in Caishi Town, married his mother-in-law, and lived a pretty good life.

However, this guy was not satisfied. He wanted to find an opportunity to make a great contribution and even make the general remember his name.

At this time, although the crowd was surging and it was chaos, Xiao San's sneaky eyes had long since spotted Dorgon who was surrounded by the Qing army.

He concentrated and calmly, without any hesitation, quickly lit the fuse of the mountain-opening thunder, exerted all his strength, and threw the mountain-breaking thunder into the air as if he had been trained thousands of times!

This ordinary mountain-opening thunder drew a wonderful parabola in the air, and just as Xiao San expected, it quickly fell towards Dorgon in the crowd!

For a moment, there was a loud "boom", like a wonderful flame flower blooming. With Dorgon as the center, pieces of bright red 'flowers' quickly bloomed within a dozen steps in a radius!

"Prince Rui, Prince Rui!"

If just now Dorgon was just stunned by the air wave of the mountain-opening thunder, but at this time, Xiao San's mountain-opening thunder was like a soul-locking shackle with a bull's head and a horse's face, completely making Dorgon's soul fly away.

Dorgon didn't even react much, and was blown to pieces by the huge impact of the mountain-opening thunder, with his head missing!

The way a generation of heroes ended was just that simple!

"Third Master, what a good method, what a good method!"

"Third Master, you, you are..."

"Congratulations, Third Master, this, this glory and wealth is just around the corner!"

The bombardiers around them were also shocked by Xiao San's move. It's not that they didn't want to take advantage of this huge achievement, but they were unable to do it due to their limited ability. But no one could have imagined that Xiao San, who usually seemed extremely insignificant,

, but at this critical moment, he made such a great achievement!

"Hehe! Hahaha!" Xiao San also didn't expect that he could really succeed in this move. He couldn't help shouting to the sky, "Dorgon is dead! Dorgon is dead! Hahaha! I killed Dorgon!"

I killed Dorgon!"

The surrounding soldiers also reacted at this time and cheered suddenly!

Huo Lang was also overjoyed. He rushed forward and punched Xiao San hard on the chest, "San'er, good job! I will personally ask the general for credit! Sons and gentlemen, don't be stunned.

Kill this bastard!"

"Ouch~~~!" Accompanied by a burst of excited roars, the soldiers of the Qinglong Battalion mistook these Qing cavalrymen for beautiful naked ladies and rushed over like crazy!

As for the Qing army, Dorgon's death was like a bolt from the blue. They no longer retreated and turned their horses one after another to bury their master!

But between this one and the next, the gap between the two sides has already widened!

In a moment, these remaining Qing soldiers were submerged in the red wave of the Colorful Stone Army...


"Dorgon is dead!"

"Dorgon is dead!"

Following the destruction of this white-armored elite, a massive wave instantly spread to every corner of the entire battlefield!

The morale of the Ming army was immediately boosted, but the Qing army was instantly in a state of gloom and misery. They could not imagine that the brave and invincible Prince Rui, who was so brave and resourceful, would die in the hands of these despicable Ming people!

But the fact is the fact, it happened, and no one can change it!

Liu Ruyi also received the news at this time, and felt relieved.

Dorgon's death will eliminate half of the disaster of the Manchu Qing Dynasty!

At this time, Liu Ruyi will naturally not let go of this opportunity!

Beating up a drowned dog is Liu Ruyi's best specialty!

For a moment, bursts of passionate horns of antlers suddenly came from the Caishi Army's position, and they went on and on!

All the soldiers were inspired by the sound of the trumpet. They rushed out of the battle formation and rushed towards the Qing army's battle formation with all their strength!



The cannons chirped, the artillery roared, and as Qinglong Camp and Xuanwu Camp joined the battle one after another, the Caishi Army's general attack had completely begun!

The red waves all over the mountains and plains are like huge waves whipped up by a storm, one after another, constantly swallowing up the Qing army's battle formation!

Dorgon is dead, and Duduo's appeal is obviously not comparable to that of his elder brother!

Before Duduo could recognize the reality clearly, on the frontal battlefield, the elites of the two white flags were already retreating steadily!

In later generations, in countless brainless anti-Japanese dramas, whether it is the elite Japanese army or my well-equipped army, as long as I am brave and invincible, elusive, heaven and earth, omnipotent, and the breath of me is blowing from the front.

After some destruction by the party agents, the intelligence network will be destroyed and the entire army will lose contact. And the main force of our invincible army will definitely launch a general offensive quickly. The Japanese army, Japan, will be instantly destroyed and defeated like a tide!

But is this really the case?

Taizu actually stated in "On Guerrilla Warfare" that stalemate is an inevitable process in every war!

This is an extremely long-term process!

This process is full of hardships and variables. Whether it is human, financial, material, time, location, people, etc., there are strict restrictions and requirements!

It is extremely difficult to achieve anything short of perfection.

Just like the famous Battle of Stalingrad during World War II!

Is the Soviet army completely stronger than the German army? The answer is of course obvious!

Is that because the will of the German army is not strong enough? The willpower of the Germans cannot be overemphasized!

That's the weapons and equipment of the German army. Didn't the logistics support keep up?

To be fair, Mustache is actually one of the rare ‘wise kings’ in modern history!

He is not greedy for money or lustful. Compared with the big guys who often have dozens or hundreds of lovers and princesses, his little love history is simply not enough!

He was full of charm. In his era, countless outstanding German generals were able to display their talents!

In addition, the German army had already occupied a large area of ​​vast, fertile, and product-rich land in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Poland. The logistics of the German army was not a problem at all!

So what exactly defeated them?

Looking at it now, it’s actually more of the Soviet army’s luck!

Severe cold weather and long hours have become the most direct opponents to defeat the German army!

It can be said that this is a war lost by God's will!

At this time, the Qing army was eager for quick success and eager to seek a decisive battle, but the Caishi Army was well prepared, with strong soldiers and horses, and many Ming armies attached to it. This battle was like the Battle of Stalingrad in later generations, the first round of the Qing army's defeat

The defeat of the offensive is doomed, and they will never have a chance again!



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