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Chapter 86 Violent Soldiers!

The sage said: 'Everything will be successful if you are prepared for it; if you are not prepared, it will be ruined!'

Life is like a long, winding curve. It may be calm one moment, but it may be stormy the next moment!

‘Be prepared and you will be safe’. As technology in future generations is so advanced, it is necessary to have a variety of early warning mechanisms. What’s more, what about today’s era?

The main project of Caishi New Town is progressing very quickly. In fact, the town itself is not big. It can only be regarded as a small village with a slightly larger population at most. There are only two main main projects, one is the outer fortress surrounding the entire town.

Wall, the other is Liu Ruyi's new house of 100 households.

The importance of the fort wall is self-evident! The town is located between the mountains and on the chokepoint on the southeast side of Jinan Prefecture. In the peaceful era, there may not have been much, but now, it is like this.

The gangsters are densely packed, and if you are not careful, it will be a fatal disaster! How dare Liu Ruyi be careless? Safety is absolutely overriding everything, and it comes first!

As for the hundred new houses, Liu Ruyi did not want to spend so much money at first. Not to mention the time and effort, it would not have much practical effect. It was far less beneficial than raising more soldiers! But the bad nature of human nature made Liu Ruyi

We have to do this, and build the official halls of hundreds of households into a magnificent and almost luxurious building!

In fact, this principle is also very simple!

Why do so many brothers follow you through life and death? Don’t you just hope that one day, they can live such a life? For Chinese people, the importance of role models is even more important than building fortress walls!'

It's so good that it will be so bad! Only by letting them see hope can their greatest potential be unleashed!

At the end of March, the main fortress walls on the north and south sides of the town were basically completed. The gentle area on the east side was also 80-90% complete. Only the steepest section on the west side still has some residue!

The entire fort wall is about twelve feet high and about three feet thick, which is more than two feet taller than the average county wall! The main body is built with strips of stone as the foundation, supplemented by yellow mud, rammed earth, gravel, lime, glutinous rice, and salt grains.

, ginger juice, Shanxi mature vinegar and more than ten kinds of materials, which cost nearly 5,000 taels of silver. Although it is not impregnable, it can withstand the small French artillery without any pressure!

The construction of the fort wall this time was far from a face-saving project in the era of Li Lianyang and Huang Hansheng. Liu Ruyi considered it from the purest militarized perspective and gave first priority to the actual defense capability of the fort wall. In addition, with the presence of Mr. Feng, a master architect, he also built the fort wall.

Some details and improvements that Liu Ruyi could not imagine also made the fort wall this time more durable and practical!

As for Liu Ruyi's 100-household new house, it occupies a huge area and occupies almost half of the central area of ​​the town. Many places need to be carefully crafted, so the progress of the project cannot be accelerated! These do not need to be prioritized. Only slow work can produce fine work.

, Liu Ruyi was also happy to let the seven or eight craftsmen specially seconded from Acropolis slowly polish it!

However, Liu Ruyi did not dare to delay for a moment regarding the violent troops!


On March 30, the 10th year of Chongzhen, a drizzle began to fall in the sky. The cold current from Eastern Siberia passed through the mountains and ridges, eroding the entire north. When the rain fell to the ground, it condensed into a layer of light green frost, making the whole world shrouded in vastness.

It's like an illusory mirage!

In the school grounds, a total of five hundred new refugee troops gathered. Although the weather was cold, they were extremely excited and looked at everything around them curiously!

Liu Ruyi was wearing a brand-new Baihu official robe, with a fine steel knife hanging on his waist. He stood with his hands behind his back, standing high on the martial arts stage, Xiao Liuer, Huo Lang, Zhao Canghai, Zhao Sanhu, Wu San, Chun

The babies are also fully clothed and have solemn expressions on their faces, standing beside Liu Ruyi!

Uncle Fu also put on a brand new robe and stood behind Liu Ruyi, his eyes full of excitement!

Looking at the dark crowd of people's heads in the audience, Liu Ruyi's heart was filled with excitement!

Once upon a time, I was still a bastard who was at the mercy of others, unable to fight back, and could only run for my life. Now, these many good men are about to become the sharpest spears and the thickest shields under me. I finally stand in this magnificent land.

On the land, slowly take root and follow!


Liu Ruyi cleared her throat and shouted loudly to the audience: "That is Liu Ruyi! Many of you may have seen me or may have only heard of my name, but it doesn't matter! In my case, Liu Ruyi

In my eyes, if you are standing here now, you are all my brothers of life and death, and the parents of my Liu Ruyi! Today, I am standing here to let my brothers see what kind of person I, Liu Ruyi, am.


After Liu Ruyi finished speaking, he strode to the front of the high platform and let the cold rain wash over his handsome and determined face!

"This, this is Mr. Liu! I can't believe that he is so young! He is indeed a good person among men, and he is very handsome!" A soldier who had never seen Liu Ruyi admired in a low voice.

"That's right, Mr. Liu is the incarnation of the Tiangang Star. The Bodhisattva came down to earth just to save us ordinary people!" Another soldier said with some disdain.

"Tch! Shuanzi, what you said is true! Is it possible that you know Mr. Liu?" The first soldier turned around and retorted.

"That's natural! If someone doesn't know Mr. Liu, how can he know this? Hey, I'm not afraid to tell you that Mr. Liu personally visited my mother's house! How can this be false?" The man who was called Shuanzi

The soldier said proudly.

"What? There is such a thing? Why haven't I heard of it?" The first soldier looked surprised, obviously not wanting to believe Shuan Zi's words.

"Say you are ignorant! You still don't believe it!" Shuanzi glanced at the soldier with disdain, and then said: "Master Liu not only visited my home in person, but also left ten buckets of rice for our family? Master Liu also

He said that from now on, as long as the old people in the town are over sixty years old, everyone will receive a bucket of fine rice every month! If we soldiers train well and make meritorious deeds on the battlefield in the future, then

There will be even greater rewards!”

"Are you serious about this?" The soldier's eyes lit up and he grabbed Shuanzi's arm!

"Who is Mr. Liu? How can what he said be false?" Shuanzi rolled his eyes at him and suddenly smiled: "But Brother Gangzi, I think you are quite embarrassed! With your small body, even if you are

If you go to the battlefield, you'll probably be beaten to death! If you want to make meritorious deeds, it's up to you! You still have to look at someone. In the future, someone must be as majestic as Mr. Liu! Only then will your life in this world be worthwhile.


"Bah! Shuanzi, you little bastard, why do you look down on people? I am also a seven-foot tall man, why can't I go to the battlefield and make meritorious deeds? When you were a child, you suffered losses in fights, and I was not always protecting you.

! You son of a bitch, how dare you fool your brother when your wings are stiff?" Zhan Zi's thin body was tense and his fists were clenched!

Shuanzi wanted to retort, but he heard loud shouts from the crowd in front, "Master Liu is benevolent and righteous! Master Liu is mighty! I am willing to die for Master Liu!"

Without thinking, Shuanzi, like them, raised his arms high and shouted loudly, "Master Liu is mighty! I am willing to die for Master Liu!" And the same goes for Chang Gangzi beside him!

Liu Ruyi looked at the admiring eyes in the audience, and a surge of pride surged in her heart! 'The effect of force is mutual'! These common people, as long as you are sincerely good to them, how can they not feel it?

"Brothers, you are very good!"

Liu Ruyi pressed his arms and signaled everyone to stop cheering. He pulled out the steel knife from his waist and stabbed it hard on the wooden board at his feet. "You are all good men. I, Liu, am also a well-known leader."

What a man! Since brothers can trust Mr. Liu, then I, Mr. Liu, will definitely not let all the brothers suffer!"

"Master Liu is benevolent and righteous, and I will follow Master Liu to the death!"

"Master Liu is benevolent and righteous, and I will follow Master Liu to the death!"

The old soldier in the front row was the first to shout. In an instant, the frenzy spread backwards, and the entire crowd began to shout desperately. The sound spread directly into the sky and the earth, weakening the sound of the pattering rain between the sky and the earth.


Liu Ruyi nodded with satisfaction, these days of hard work were finally in vain!

With the example of the veteran soldiers, these homeless soldiers have begun to pursue their future life under a subtle influence!

Only with ambition can you have motivation! The rest depends on how you train yourself!

At present, there are more than a thousand men in the town. In addition to half-grown children and elderly people over fifty years old, there are about seven hundred people of working age, excluding those who are thin or have hidden diseases.

, five hundred people is already the limit of the number of troops that can be recruited at the moment!

Although Liu Ruyi only held an official position of 100 households, and could only lead a maximum of 120 soldiers, at this moment, the number had exceeded five times, and he was obviously coveted! But time waits for no one, and the inhumane battle a year later

The catastrophe is right in front of you, how can Liu Ruyi care about so much?

What's more, the colorful stone is as high as the mountain as the emperor is far away. Even if someone really wants to cause trouble for you, you have to see if he has such means first!

The recruitment went extremely smoothly, but Liu Ruyi was still under great pressure!

After all, he had exceeded his own limits, and things were somewhat unfair, so Liu Ruyi did not dare to openly overturn the foundation of the Ming Dynasty's military system.

Of these five hundred people, Liu Ruyi first selected more than forty people with the best physical condition among them, and added them to the original veteran soldiers as regular soldiers! The remaining more than four hundred people were divided into five teams, which were actually quite large.

In the normal command of the army, each team has a captain and ten commanders. Compared with the Ming military system, the chief flag officer in the middle is omitted!

It’s not that Liu Ruyi doesn’t want to do this, but because there is too little talent, he has no choice but to run it first!

In this way, Liu Ruyi now has a general, five teams, and nearly 600 soldiers!

Among them, the one hundred and twenty main soldiers were led by Liu Ruyi himself, while the remaining five teams were led by Huolang, Zhao Canghai, Zhao Sanhu, Chunwa, and Jia Dazhuang respectively. Xiao Liuer was led by Liu Ruyi from the main camp.

They also selected the most elite and most sincere forty people to serve as Liu Ruyi's personal guard camp!

At this point, the organizational structure of this conscription has finally settled! And the remaining work is how to make this army better and faster in combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time!



Please collect it and ask for red tickets!

Thank you brothers for your support, the boat will work hard!

My body is too tired, hey!

This chapter has been completed!
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