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#1012 vulnerable

Chapter 1012 Vulnerable

Zheng He held on to the bow of the ship tightly and used a heavy weight under his feet to stabilize his body. As soon as he stabilized his body, he ordered the many soldiers who hurriedly climbed up: "Go ashore and fight!"

Many civil servants who were boarding an ocean-going ship for the first time lay there vomiting, surrounded by big feet running around.

The hole in the belly of the ship opened, and the huge flat side board slammed down on the pier, slamming some of the stunned "welcoming people" who had no time to escape, and then countless war horses suddenly surged out from the belly of the ship. The knights on the horses were holding long swords.

Spears, wearing leather armor, leaping on horses and holding spears, rushed from the ship to the shore.

Donkeys, horses, and mules have never been seen on this island before, and the locals have never seen them. Although most of Chen Zuyi's pirates have seen them, they never expected that there were cavalry on board. The original combat strategy

It was completely useless. For a moment, the Ming army cavalry who rushed ashore were killing melons and vegetables as if they were chopping melons and vegetables.

The local natives who were recruited by Chen Zuyi and armed with crude weapons, when they saw such a strange man riding on such a monster and being so fierce, they immediately dispersed and spread their legs to escape...

The hand-to-hand battle still took place. Xia Xun's warship was on the left side of the entire fleet. Since the ship was a Shuangyuwei warship, its quality was inferior to the giant ship that Zheng He brought out from the Longjiang Shipyard, so he did not dare to use it.

Collision tactics, so the moment they got close to the enemy ship, they threw flying hooks, followed by scratching hooks, and began to board the enemy ship.

The officers and soldiers of the ship were all pirates and were accustomed to hand-to-hand combat, so fighting in gangs was just what they wanted. As soon as they rushed onto the enemy ship, they yelled and let out their wild murderousness wantonly, "Kill! Kill!"

Kill!" Shouting like a wave of killing, the sailors kept jumping on the enemy ship, unstoppable and destroying the enemy's lives with cold swords and axes on the deck of the enemy ship.

It was rare that the Ming army was willing to fight them head-on, and the pirates finally found an outlet. Another pirate ship that had been hit by a cannonball approached crookedly. The surviving pirates shouted and rushed onto the ship, and the remaining officers and soldiers on the ship rushed to greet them.

Go up, Xu Hu and other generals also drew their swords to greet them.

Su Ying's eyes grew hot, she turned to look at Xia Xun and begged: "Master..."

Xia Xun knew what she was thinking. Su Ying was full of wild elements from the very beginning. She was never meant to be a wealthy and happy wife. Xia Xun was happy to see the heroic figure of the three thieves in Shuangyu Group in the past, so he smiled slightly and said,

"Let's go!" he said, pulling out the long knife with a choking sound.

Although he allowed Su Ying to participate in the battle and knew that she had outstanding martial arts skills, Xia Xun still wanted her to stay by his side and be under his care.

Xia Xun held a knife and rushed to the gangway with Su Ying. He turned around and glared at Tang Sai'er who followed him excitedly, and shouted: "Stay up there."

Tang Sai'er didn't know where she found a sword. The people of Shandong are very martial arts, and her father's generation is a member of the White Lotus Sect, so Tang Sai'er has also learned martial arts since she was a child, but she has never had the opportunity to display it.

I can't help but feel a little eager to try it.

Xia Xun hurriedly scolded: "Stay up there, I'll beat your butt if you don't obey me!"

Xia Xun and Su Ying flew down the gangway and joined the battle group. Tang Sai'er, who was standing with his mouth pouting, heard this "punishment measure" and his eyes suddenly shone.

The ground was covered with sticky blood, the steel knife and ax kept making the sound of tearing flesh, the bloody light of the knife flashed everywhere, and the blood flow on the deck continued to gather and grow.

Xia Xun and his wife fought side by side, and enemies or comrades around them kept letting out dying roars and then falling down.

The smell of blood was strong. A pirate soldier was half lying on the side of the ship. When he was jumping gangs, half of his head was cut off by a Ming soldier with an axe. His brains were everywhere. Next to him lay the corpse of a Ming soldier with empty eyes.

The battle scenes were reflected in the eyes that were open, but had not completely lost their divine light.

The husband and wife fought side by side. Xia Xun cut a pirate in half with a knife across his shoulder and crotch, and then kicked the pirate who was attacking Su Ying to the ground. Su Ying took a step forward and cut off the head. ("")

Xia Xun glanced up, looking for the endangered warrior. Suddenly he saw Tang Saier holding up a dagger, raising his left hand, and a puff of unknown yellow smoke flew up. A fierce pirate opposite him was coughing all over the sky, with runny nose and tears.

It flowed down, he howled and abandoned the knife, grabbed his face, and then received a sword in the heart. Then Tang Saier turned nimbly, ducked around a winch wrapped with cables, stretched out his hand and pulled

The rope tripped up a chasing pirate.

At this time, Fei Yinglun was carrying a big axe, and without hesitation he rushed up and killed him with the axe. The big ax split the man's head in half, and the brains and blood spurted out on his face. Fei Yinglun wiped it off at will.

With a fierce look on his face, he faced another pirate without fear. Before he raised his ax, a beast-like roar first frightened the pirate.

A strange color suddenly flashed in Xia Xun's eyes.

He was right, this man was indeed no ordinary wandering businessman.

A businessman cannot kill someone so decisively and skillfully, let alone show such a violent expression when seeing blood.

Yes, Fei Yinglun is a pirate.

In order to avoid exposing his identity, he could have found a corner and huddled up, but he couldn't do that. The habits he had developed over the years made it impossible for him to adapt to this kind of thinking, even when he was on a ship.

When encountering an enemy, you must never turn around and run away. This is a creed he has known since he was a child, and it has been deeply rooted in his bones.

It is okay to run away. In their west, if you turn around and run away before the commander gives the order, and you jump into the sea to avoid fighting, the opponent will never pursue you. Pursuing a harmless deserter is a disgraceful act and will not increase the opponent's ability at all.

It's an honor, but it's a shame. But once you escape, you will be abandoned by all your companions. Even your family will ignore your existence from now on.

There will be no difference between life and death for a deserter. Wherever he goes, he will only receive ridicule and contempt. Therefore, his many years of pirate career have made him develop a combat instinct: when he sees the enemy, he immediately rushes forward!

Fei Yinglun was originally the captain of a pirate team. Because he refused to be recruited by a powerful pirate, he ran to the far east to make a living.

Fei Yinglun's pirate team was relatively small. He originally thought that he would be able to live in the East like a fish in water. But when he arrived here, he realized that the pirates in the East were far more powerful than the pirates there. When he came to the far East, he had no foundation, so he had to choose the same pirates.

The most powerful pirate cooperation, this Eastern pirate is naturally Chen Zuyi.

When I came into contact with Chen Zuyi, the different cultural concepts of the East and the West caused a great collision between the concepts of Eastern and Western pirates.

On a Western pirate ship, the captain does not have the dictatorial power of life and death. He only has absolute command power during battles. All other matters are subject to a public vote by all the friends. For example, if you want to try your luck in the East, all pirates vote.

It was impossible for him to act arbitrarily on his own. After seeing Chen Zuyi's emperor-like majesty, he envied Chen Zuyi's supreme power.

In his place, even the food is uniformly rationed, and the looted property must be divided equally per head. The captain can only get an extra share. But Chen Zuyi leaked a small reward to his subordinates, and his subordinates all burst into tears of gratitude.

Okay, such a difference is incomparable. However, some of the behaviors of the Eastern pirates also made him very uncomfortable.

For example, Western pirates never fly a pirate flag. Do they fly a pirate flag so that merchant ships can see it early, run away, and then try hard to catch up? Stupid! But Eastern pirates also seem to pay attention to their reputation and fly a very impressive flag as soon as they go to sea.

The pirate flag, Fei Yinglun was not used to this.

On the other hand, Western pirates are not allowed to gamble, steal, fight, or rape women on board. Violators are punished by death. The crew members are restrained like soldiers. However, Chen Zuyi's pirate group is unruly and gradually turns his

The crew has also been misled, and he cannot have absolute control. Now it is more difficult to manage the crew, which gives him a headache.

It happened that at this time, Chen Zuyi came up with his idea again. At that time, Chen Zuyi was ready to defect to Bolin State, and there was no need to rely on the small pirate groups attached to him. He thought that Fei Yinglun would plunder all the way from the far west and must have accumulated a lot of money.

He made a lot of money, and wanted to make some money while killing the donkey, so he took action against Fei Yinglun.

It's a pity that Western pirates don't have the good habit of saving like Easterners do. They don't know how to accumulate any treasures and hide them on some "treasure island". Pirates live a precarious life of escape. As long as they have some money in their hands,

Just drink and drink, wishing they could spend it all on the same day and hide treasures to save money? How could they be willing to do such stupid things?

As a result, although Chen Zuyi was disappointed, Fei Yinglun also lost his ship and crew. With the rest of his life, he did not dare to expect the opportunity to revenge against a powerful pirate king like Chen Zuyi. He just wanted to return to his hometown.

It's hard to live alone as a stranger in a foreign land.

Precisely because he had suffered a lot and knew Chen Zuyi's character well, he was worried that Chen Zuyi was deceitful. However, he was also worried that his identity would be exposed and the officers and soldiers of the Eastern Empire would hang him. Now he saw that the two sides had not met each other.

A big fight would greatly reduce the chance of his identity being exposed. Why wouldn't he take the opportunity to vent his anger?

The ax was swung in Fei Yinglun's hand, reaping life wantonly. Fei Yinglun was so unhappy that he laughed crazily...

When the police sent by Chen Zuyi outside the harbor, under the cover of a fishing boat, saw the Ming Dynasty fleet sailing into the harbor, they hurried to notify the ten warships remaining in the open sea waiting to block the exit. These warships hurriedly rushed

When they came, they only saw many broken pieces of wood floating on the sea, as well as many floating corpses. There were also several unburned broken ships in the harbor, still standing and burning on the sea.

Deep in the harbor, countless ships were moored quietly, with the flag of the Ming Dynasty flying on them. There were no scenes of swords and swords on the shore. Some people seemed to be carrying corpses in the distance...

In a short time, the dust settled. Chen Zuyi, who tried to rob the Ming Dynasty fleet, did not even wait for the ambush he arranged outside to arrive. The ice collapsed and he was routed thousands of miles away.

The leading pirate leader gasped and hurriedly ordered: "Quickly turn the helm, go to Nangang to find Shi Jinqing, and escape together!"

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