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Chapter 1019 Too unexpected

Lions roar, tigers roar, leopards roar, wolves howl...

The first attack launched by the Ceylon Army was a ferocious beast offensive. Under the orders of the animal trainers, hundreds of ferocious beasts came roaring. Fortunately, it was still daytime and the wind was blowing from the harbor to the land. Otherwise, it would just be the fishy sound of the roaring beasts.

The wind is enough to frighten the enemy.

Xia Xun was a little surprised. The preparations he had made were originally used to deal with the larger army of war elephants. He never expected that the other party would drive many beasts. Fortunately, these weapons can deal with elephants, and naturally they can also deal with wild beasts.

Xia Xun gave an order, and cannons suddenly erected on the sand.

The soldiers lying in the sand pit suddenly pulled open the canvas. Cannons had been lifted from the ship and placed there. The black muzzles of the tubes were facing the Ceylon Army's position. The shells and gunpowder had been installed long ago.

, the cannon roared, and the shells roared towards the enemy's position.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty did not expect that the ones rushing towards them were jackals, tigers and leopards. They were a little nervous and fired the first round of artillery fire hastily without having time to adjust the gun position. As a result, the artillery shells passed over the rushing beasts and fell on the tin.

Flowers exploded in the Lan Army's position.

The cannonballs landed on the soft sand and did not cause much damage. However, the thunderous roar emitted by the cannon scared the beasts.

The cannons were fired, and the billowing smoke was carried by the sea breeze towards the Ceylonese position. The entire position was immediately submerged in a cloud of smoke. The choking smoke was also an odor that beasts with a keen sense of smell could not bear.

First, the beast was frightened by the huge roar and suddenly stopped its momentum. Then it was smoked, and turned back to escape. At this time, the Ming army's second round of artillery roared again. This time, they adjusted the muzzle.

position, but unexpectedly the beasts turned around and ran away. The shells only hit some beasts that escaped slowly.

The beast that was the first to turn around and escape only felt the roar behind it, the strong wind, and the earth-covered sand thrown up by the shells. It hurt its body and made it even more frightened. It roared and ran forward with all its strength.

Xia Xun quickly ordered the third round of firing. This time, the adjustment was finally accurate. The shells exploded in the enemy's elephant array. If there were two beasts, these elephants might not be afraid, but countless beasts swarmed in.

, the war elephants were also panic-stricken. When they were hit by the cannonball again, the war elephants turned around and joined the fleeing queue.

The Ceylonese soldiers were stunned. The firearms soldiers at the front gathered around the charcoal brazier, holding a cannon tied to a wooden stick in one hand and a pair of fire pliers in the other. They were about to use the red-hot charcoal fire to light their "hand cannons".

Lions, tigers, leopards, and giant wolves came running wildly.

The beasts drove them to pieces without hesitation. Fortunately, the beasts were in a hurry to escape and had no time to bite them. The soldiers who were knocked down and trampled climbed up from the ground in embarrassment. They were horrified to see them.

The behemoth was also rushing towards us.

The giant elephants came running wildly with their big feet. One elephant panicked and stepped into the brazier, breaking the brazier into pieces. The red-hot coals flew everywhere, and a bit of charcoal flew into the air, falling onto a four-wheeled car.


The cart was filled with gunpowder. Because the war was about to begin, the mouth of the box had been opened and sparks were falling. The whole cart was like a powerful bomb. A black cloud rose up with a "boom", and the Ceylonese soldiers were everywhere.

The formation was too dense, and dozens of people were instantly blown into limbs and arms and flew into the air.

At that time, the power of the firearms used by the Ceylon soldiers was still very backward, only equivalent to the level of firearms in the Central Plains at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. But even so, their firearms soldiers were the most elite and powerful army in the royal city.

Although their firearms had a short range and poor accuracy, the loud sound, permeable smoke, and occasionally huge power of hits were terrifying monsters to soldiers who were not familiar with firearms at that time. Not only for those who used cold weapons, This is true for soldiers with weapons, and it is also true for firearms soldiers themselves.

The power of the Ming army's artillery far exceeded their imagination. Wild beasts charged back, elephants marched into formation, and gunpowder exploded...

The series of blows frightened the Ceylon firearms soldiers out of their wits, and they immediately turned around and ran away.

Crowley is a sycophant general who is not good at running an army. It is not surprising that the soldiers reacted this way when they were suddenly attacked.

Crowley was riding on a war elephant clad in gorgeous silk. He was in the center of the army, with his back leaning against the banner, and was looking proud of himself. An army of 50,000 people! A Ming army could be drowned by just one person's spit, so what else were there to fear?

Unexpectedly, first the beasts rushed into the team crazily, and then the elephants took long strides and flew back one after another, shaking the ground and trampling countless soldiers to death. The elephant under his crotch saw his companions screaming in fear. , being infected by them, they immediately raised their trunks and roared to the sky, shook off the soldiers holding the reins, turned around and fled in panic with their companions.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Crowley yelled at the elephant's back, but the war elephant refused to pay attention to him.

When the army behind saw the general fleeing first, they immediately followed suit. The 50,000-strong army did not kill a single enemy, so they spread their legs and fled for their lives.

The atmosphere of fear is contagious. The soldiers behind had no idea what was happening in front of them. They only saw the beasts escaping, the war elephants escaping, and the general also escaping. They felt extremely frightened, and they exerted all their strength, as if they were running in a race. Afraid of falling behind others.

Xia Xun crouched behind the simple fortifications piled up in the sand and shouted loudly: "Load the bombs and prepare..."


Xia Xun looked up, slowly climbed up from behind the pile of sand, raised his feet and looked forward again, with a puzzled look on his face.

Xu Hu stepped on a pile of sand with the same puzzled expression.

One after another, many soldiers crawled out from behind the sandy fortifications without receiving orders. They stood in groups of three and two in a daze on the construction site. They had never fought such a strange battle before.

The wind gradually blew away the gunpowder smoke, and I saw a few puffs of gunpowder smoke coming out of the front position, a few small cars lying upside down, and some flags and dead bodies scattered in all directions. The tens of thousands of Ceylonese troops who had just been pressed up like dark clouds had disappeared. Xun put up his hand on the awning and looked into the distance, only to see a group of enemy soldiers running for their lives in the distance like they were going to a market.

Zheng He jumped out of the position, holding a sword in his hand, and asked Xia Xun with a blank look on his face: "My lord, are they...defeated?"

Xia Xun also seemed to be dreaming, and said with some uncertainty: "Probably... right!"

Xia Xun made a lot of preparations in advance. He had to be careful in an away game. He thought that this battle would be very difficult. He even made plans to retreat to the ship if he lost.

But so far, it seems that no one in the Ming army has been injured. They only fired three rounds of artillery, and the 50,000 enemy troops fled. Xia Xun was really not used to it.

The crossbowmen and gunmen who were ambushing on the left wing and the cavalry who first retreated to the embankment and then detoured back to the right wing were supposed to wait until the enemy army charged forward and when the two sides were in a stalemate, they would come out and inflict heavy damage on the ground. At this time, they all left.

I came out and stood on the ground inexplicably, a little at a loss.

At this time, the straight-minded people react the fastest. Ren Juying, the deputy commander of the Shuangyu Guards, shouted: "The Ceylon soldiers have been defeated. It is time for us to take advantage of the victory and pursue them! If they don't hand over our people, we might as well arrest them."

Their king, let’s see if they do it or not!”


Xia Xun and Zheng He looked at each other and said in unison: "Take advantage of the victory to pursue and capture the King of Ceylon!"


Xia Xun and Zheng He left some officers and soldiers to carry the cannons back to the ship. They brought 500 cavalry and 1,500 infantry and quickly pursued the defeated Ceylon army.

During this pursuit and escape, the Ceylonese soldiers, horses, horses, and wolves were running wildly, hiding in various directions. Seeing the approaching pursuers, the Ceylonese soldiers, who had already been frightened away, hid in side roads.

Xia Xun and Zheng He were afraid that the King of Ceylon would close the city gates if they got the news or become ferocious and massacre Ming merchants to vent their anger, so they marched non-stop and did not pursue and kill the Ceylon soldiers who fled to give way, but just rushed forward.

Many Ceylonese soldiers felt embarrassed when they were chasing the fleeing soldiers all the way: "Should we run away behind the pursuers?"

The Ceylonese soldiers who were the first to flee back to the city reported the news of the defeat to Aleksunair. When Aleksunar heard that the 50,000-strong army had collapsed in an instant, he could not help but turn pale with horror and hurriedly summoned civil and military officials to discuss countermeasures.

When the civil and military officials heard that the crowd was excited, they immediately took charge of the battle, and the generals also took charge of the battle. They all swore allegiance to the king. The city was alive and the people were alive, but the city was dead and the people were dead!

When Ale Kunel saw that the officials were so loyal, he was greatly pleased, so he followed the officials' plan and decided to call on the people of the royal city to dig the ground as trenches and build houses as fortifications. Civil and military officials were scattered throughout the city to give separate commands.

Residents engaged in street fighting with the Ming army.

After receiving the order, all the civil and military officials left the palace one after another, returned to their own mansions, packed their bags, packed up their belongings, and prepared to run away.

Alejandro was cruel and unkind, and only listened to what was said well, not what was sarcastic. Who dared to tell him what he didn't like to hear in front of him? I was just trying to make him happy.

Because he kills people frequently, all the officials are in danger and have been alienated for a long time. Now that they see such a situation, who is willing to work for him? These people have gone home to wait and see. If Alejandro can defend the royal city

, then run out and pledge allegiance. If you can't hold on...

If your parents are married, let's take care of each other.

In the Royal City of Ceylon, all the residents were mobilized and took to the streets to dig trenches and build fortifications. Even children in their early ten years walked around the streets with bamboo guns, as if all the people were soldiers.

Ceylon deserters were gradually escaping back to the royal city, and the soldiers who fled back to the city were quickly arranged to join the defense of the city. However, their joining did not bring courage to the soldiers and civilians defending the city, but instead spread fear like a plague.

Because there were still many deserters rushing back one after another, and the city gate was still open, the defenders did not expect that the Ming Dynasty's pursuers actually ran in front of the deserters. When they found out, it was already too late, and there was a burst of gunfire, followed by arrows.

The arrows were like rain, shooting down all the soldiers who were about to close the city gate, and then five hundred Ming troops on horseback swarmed into the city.

"The Ming army has entered the city..."

When the soldiers and civilians in the city shouted, the birds and animals dispersed and fled for their lives.

Zheng He was familiar with the roads and ignored the fleeing soldiers and civilians. He led five hundred elite cavalry and headed straight for the palace.

In the palace, Alejandro was eagerly looking forward to the good news that the entire city's army and people would unite and defeat the Ming army!

This chapter has been completed!
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