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Chapter 1022 Don't do anything

It is a relatively neat-looking house with low courtyard walls and a wooden passageway inside the door, covered with grape vines.

Ah San stood at the intersection diagonally opposite, pointed at the house with his chin, and said furtively: "That's right here!"

Fei Yinglun said: "Take us there!"

Ah San begged: "Sir, Rama has many thugs. If he knows that I was the one who tipped off the news, I will be miserable."

Xia Xun said to He Tianyang: "Leave one person to keep an eye on him, let's go!"

Xia Xun walked forward, Fei Yinglun and He Tianyang and a group of people immediately followed behind. A group of people pushed open the courtyard door and rushed in.

"Hey! You guys..."

Just as I walked into the yard, a person happened to walk out of the room on the left. Suddenly I saw many people breaking into the yard, and they immediately started questioning him.

Xia Xun's palm was like a knife, and with just one cut, he fell down softly. Immediately, several soldiers rushed into the room, and at the same time, some others ducked towards the house on the right.

There is a small courtyard in front, and the main house opposite. Although Xia Xun is not familiar with the architecture here, he also knows that the main house must be the residence of the main characters. He strode over and kicked open the door. There were sounds of talking and laughing in the room.

It stopped suddenly, and a few people sitting cross-legged on the mat looked at the door in astonishment.

Xia Xun said in a deep voice: "Who is Rama?"

The few people sitting there didn't understand what he said, but they did understand the pronunciation of "Rama". Seeing that he was an Oriental, they immediately knew that the Lord of Suffering was coming. A man on the left jumped up and picked up a banana in his right hand.

Ye Fan hit Xia Xun in the face, and then used his left hand to draw the knife from his waist.

Xia Xun grabbed his elbow and clamped his jaws. Half of his body immediately went limp and weak. Xia Xun pushed the banana leaf rice and all of it splashed on his face. Xia Xun asked sternly: "Are you pulling


The interpreter immediately questioned him, and after receiving a negative answer, Xia Xun kicked him at the crook of his knee. He heard a "click" sound and his bones broke. The man collapsed to the ground and screamed like a slaughtering pig. Xia Xun held him down.

The handle of the knife asked again with a murderous look on his face: "Who is La Ma?"

After a cup of tea, several people in the room were lying on the ground like dead dogs. The interpreter and Fei Hailun squatted next to a scoundrel and interrogated them. After they confessed intermittently, the whole thing gradually became clear.

It's clear.

This is a large human trafficker organization, and their main targets are merchants traveling from north to south. Because the local preference for boys over girls is very serious, many families will drown or abandon girls immediately after giving birth, and resell them, so the supply exceeds demand.

Unable to sell at a high price, their targets turned to foreigners.

This foreign country also specifically refers to places that are far away. Places like Kochi and Little Gulen that share the same species and ancestors as them are not among the options, but women from farther away places, such as Westerners, Arabs or Nanyangs.

Until now, true oriental women are still an extremely rare breed here, so Su Ying and Tang Saier fell into their sights as soon as they landed.

Over the years, these local human traffickers have been very careful, clever, and cooperative in their kidnapping plans and division of labor, and they have mastered the art of kidnapping.

They kidnapped a small local snake that Su Ying and Tang Sai used when they were children. This is a small snake that is half as thin as chopsticks. Because the snake tooth venom has a strong anesthetic effect, the bite

It is difficult to detect immediately, and this small snake will immediately produce an extremely strong stun toxin after biting a person, which can make people faint in a matter of seconds.

The next step is to cooperate tacitly and quickly transport the person away in full view of the public.

Snake charmers, tourists on the roadside, vendors setting up stalls, pedestrians riding elephants, all the people at the scene are their accomplices, taking advantage of the novelty and distraction of the new arrivals, plus so many more

The cooperation of accomplices who look harmless but look like ordinary people...

As soon as he succeeded, the elephant turned around and walked to the side road. The vendor and snake charmer nearby quickly put the two people into the elephant's carrier. After turning off the side road not far, they loaded the people into the car and the elephant continued leisurely.

They dispersed and the car quickly left. All along, they rarely missed a beat.

But today, not only did they miss, but the owner was more ruthless than them. Looking at these murderous and ferocious-looking Easterners with fear, several traffickers couldn't help but think in fear: "These guys can't be pirates who kill without batting an eye, right?"


Xia Xun arrived a step too late. Rama, the leader of these traffickers, had already brought two people to "sell the stolen goods." Foreign women are a very hot commodity for the local wealthy businessmen, so they don't have to worry about taking action, so

They usually sell them immediately after acquiring them.

As for "training", that's not their business. Those rich and lusty families have many ways to train women. As long as you don't have the courage to commit suicide, sooner or later they can train a chaste woman into a slut.

Since Rama couldn't determine who the goods were sold to when he left, the men who stayed here waiting to split the money didn't know where he had gone. Although Xia Xun was anxious, he could only wait here patiently. Fortunately, Su Ying

He and Tang Saier are both capable, and once they wake up, they may not be so easily manipulated by others.

Furthermore, human traffickers are after money, and most of the buyers are wealthy families. Although these wealthy children live a corrupt life and have unprovoked conduct, they are lustful but not impatient because they have many women to play with, so they are not eager to fulfill their lust after buying them. Xia Xun

As a prince, he comes into contact with mostly people from the upper class, so he knows that these dandies have no morals, but they still care about style.

Rama led the two people into his residence excitedly. As soon as they entered the courtyard, several people appeared from the rooms on the left and right. Before they could react, they were twisted by the arms and shoulders and pushed into the main room.

As soon as he was escorted in, he saw all his people lying on the ground, with bruises and swollen faces, and many murderous oriental men standing in the room. Rama was shocked and immediately knew that the matter had been exposed.

Xia Xun had no time to talk nonsense with him. He stood in front of Rama and asked in a deep voice: "Where were the two women you kidnapped and sold to?"

Rama moved his curly beard and pretended to be surprised: "Who are you? I don't understand what you are talking about!"


Lama let out a scream, cold sweat dripping down his face, one of his fingers had been cut off by someone.

Xia Xun asked again: "Where is the person?"

"I...I am very powerful in Guli City, I...ah!"

Another finger was broken off.

Xia Xun stared at him and continued to ask: "Where is he?"

Rama was in excruciating pain. He felt another finger being grabbed by a big hand, and finally couldn't help but scream: "I said! I said! Don't do it, I said it!"

After a while, Xia Xun strode out of the room. Two big men held the slumped-looking Rama on his left and right sides. He Tianyang was about to follow him out when he caught a glimpse of Xia Xun raising his hand to make a gesture and stopped immediately.

After a while, a muffled groan came from the room. Finally, He Tianyang came out, holding a sharp knife covered in blood. He wiped the blood on the knife on a white cloth that was hung to dry in the courtyard.

He inserted his boots and strode out of the courtyard.

In the room, the crackling flames gradually spread to the door...


Opposite the majestic and magnificent palace, Xia Xun frowned and asked Rama: "You didn't lie? Were you really bought by King Guli?"

Rama seemed to be unable to stand any longer. He leaned weakly on an adobe wall and replied obediently: "It's true. The palace... also likes to collect beauties from all over the world. The palace manager looked at their

He looked so good that he agreed to buy it. I watched with my own eyes... He called four eunuchs and brought them in..."

He Tianyang came to Xia Xun's side and whispered: "My lord, this is the palace! We, the people, may not be able to break in. Should we wait until General Xu brings his people?"

Someone next to me interjected: "I'm just afraid of long nights and lots of dreams..."

He Tianyang slapped him hard on the head and shouted: "Shut your crow's mouth!"

On the side, Fei Yinglun encouraged: "Come in! Mr. Xia, their soldiers are like a group of stupid monkeys, with no fighting ability. If we rob people and leave, there is nothing they can do."

He Tianyang followed the thinking of the Ming Dynasty and expected that the military strength of a king must be extraordinary. Although in the Kingdom of Ceylon before, they defeated the King of Ceylon's 50,000-strong army with less than 2,000 troops, he believed that the main force was

It was the cannon that frightened the enemy's wild beasts and elephants, causing them to lose their positions and actually take action. After all, the enemy was dozens of times stronger than themselves.

But Fei Yinglun was different. He had stayed in this area for a long time and had personally seen the battles between Guli Kingdom, Kezhi Kingdom and Xiaogulan. He had seen both sea and land battles.

He felt that the army here was like a bunch of jugglers and they were totally vulnerable.

If Xia Xun and the others could stay here longer and see the combat effectiveness of the local army, they would come to the same conclusion.

Just over eighty years later, the Portuguese fought a battle with the local lords in Kochi, the neighboring country of Guri. In this battle, the Indian neighbors dispatched a total of 60,000 to 80,000 troops, while the Portuguese defenders only had 100 troops.

Forty people, plus hundreds of soldiers recruited from the local area.

The Portuguese defenders only had three sailing ships, while the lords owned more than 240 ships of various types. Whether on land or at sea, their military strength was a hundred times that of the Portuguese.

The result of this battle was that more than 5,000 Indian troops died in battle and more than 13,000 died of diseases, while none of the Portuguese died. Although they were on the defensive side and occupied the location of the castle, this kind of

The unbelievable disparity in the outcome of the war also shows the extent of Ah San's dishonesty.

But at this time, Xia Xun didn't know the combat effectiveness of the local army. It was unimaginable to forcefully break into the Guli Palace with only forty people. He was worried that he would not be able to save Su Ying and Tang Saier, and would risk the lives of forty brothers in vain.


If there was really no other choice, he would dare to take the plunge even if he went alone. However, Xu Hu would definitely bring someone here after hearing the news. Judging from the time, he should be there soon, so did he still need to take the risk immediately?

Xia Xun hesitated for a moment and said to He Tianyang: "Send someone to guard the city gate, attract Xu Hu's troops, and then negotiate with King Guli!"

He Tianyang agreed and hurriedly sent a clever man to leave quickly. Unexpectedly, Rama took advantage of the opportunity of everyone ignoring him and suddenly got violent. He knocked away the two people guarding him and ran towards the palace, running as he did.

Shouting: "Arrest people quickly! Arrest people quickly! This is a group of Eastern pirates!"

This chapter has been completed!
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