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Chapter 1038 The Proud Rivers and Lakes

Chapter 1038 Smiling Proudly

The winter wind was strong and fierce, making huge waves. The huge waves hit the hull of the ship heavily and splashed a bunch of foam.

The sky was as gloomy as lead, and the sea water became even more turbid. There was no blue or green sky. It roared and rolled gloomily. Rows of huge waves kept coming over and over again, hitting the battleship in the wind and waves.

Let out a squeaking scream.

"Sir Sento, we found some ship debris!"

"Get it out quickly!"

Soon, a fishing net carrying a pile of broken planks was lifted to the deck. The Qianhu leaned down, untied the fishing net with their own hands, and carefully inspected each piece. After a while, he said dejectedly: "These broken planks are...

Materials on our Ming Navy ships."

A soldier next to him asked cautiously: "Sir, do you think it could be..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Master Qianhu sternly stopped his nonsense. Just as he stood up, the soldiers in the watchtower shouted loudly: "Sir Qianhu, three battleships have been spotted ahead!"

Qianhu pressed the knife and asked: "Who are they? Ask them their identities!"

A flag was raised on the bow of the ship, and a moment later, someone reported back: "Sir, we are from the Hangzhou Navy!"

Master Qianhu ordered: "Get closer!"

After a while, the ships from both sides approached, and a man in command uniform on the opposite ship raised his hands into a trumpet and shouted: "Are you a brother of the Liaodong Navy? Have you discovered anything?"

"We only found some fragments of the ship! What did the brothers from the Hangzhou Navy find?"

"We have found several corpses, but we still can't find anyone to identify them. I wonder if they are people from the Duke's ship!"

The two parties briefly communicated, and the Qianhu official sighed, looked back to the east, and murmured: "Japan also went to sea to search according to the imperial decree. I hope they can gain something there."

Next to him, the soldier said: "With such great ability, the Duke will definitely not die!"

Master Qianhu looked gloomy and said softly: "I hope so..."

The Ming Dynasty's northbound fleet encountered huge winds and waves in the Japan Strait, repeating the mistakes of the Yuan Dynasty's army against Japan a hundred years ago. News of the entire army's annihilation spread rapidly throughout the Ming Dynasty.

After hearing the news, Liu Yujue went crazy. He asked everywhere for information. After confirming that Xia Xun's information was unknown, he couldn't help crying, and then drank to drown his sorrows. For three days in a row, Liu Zhenfu, who had always been gentle and courteous, became

A drunkard with red eyes was so frightened that none of his subordinates dared to approach him at this time.

The night was already dark, and Liu Yujue was still drinking to drown his sorrows. He slowly unfolded the "Driving Map in Brocade Clothes" given to him by Xia Xun, and looked at it slowly, with tears falling one by one on the map.

He has never dared to unfold this painting, because although it was Yang Xu's intention for him, he was afraid of thinking of Luo Kedi, but now...

The painting unfolded, and Liu Yujue trembled and went to get the wine again, but because he held the cup unsteadily, all the wine spilled on the painting. This was the painting left by his elder brother! Liu Yujue hurriedly sprinkled the wine on the painting, took out a handkerchief and carefully

He went to dip the wine stain left on the painting, and suddenly, he seemed to notice something.

He held both ends of the scroll, looked at it carefully, then raised it up to look at the light on the table, and then gently groped for the scrolls on both sides.

"Crack!" There was a soft sound, and the scrolls at both ends popped open.

Both Luo Kedi and Xia Xun had taught him many secrets. Now that they were suspicious, how could it be so difficult for him to catch him with this mere secret.

Liu Yujue looked at the painting in a daze for a long time, then stretched out a hand to gently lift the painting. He was a little timid because he had realized something.

The contents of the mezzanine were revealed. Liu Yujue took out the three-layered list, which was as thin as cicada wings, and slowly opened it. A detailed list jumped into his eyes. Liu Yujue looked at the description and the list.

, the expression changes rapidly.

"The founding fathers of the country are no longer alive, and only the achievements of the Jingnan Six Kingdoms remain. He is both a relative of the emperor and a distinguished noble, and he has a pivotal position in the army and the court..."

"Master Luo gave this to me before he left this world. Now I give it to you..."

"When I come back this time, I'm afraid I'll have to seal the deal and enjoy myself in peace..."

The words Xia Xun said came to his mind one by one, and Liu Yujue suddenly understood.

"Brother, he is not dead! Hahahaha..."

"Brother, why don't you take me, why don't you take me? Wuwuwu..."

There was a burst of laughter in the room, and then there was a burst of crying. The two captains in golden clothes who were guarding the corridor looked at each other and shook their heads in unison: "Your Excellency and the Duke have a deep brotherly love. They are so sad that they are a little unconscious."

"Why don't you take me with you? Do you think I want this official position? Do you know that the greatest happiness in my life is to be by your side. If you are not here, what's the point of doing this...?"

Liu Yujue's eyes were sparkling with tears. He confided in a low voice and moved the ball of silk with the list towards the candlelight.

Soon, the list turned into a ball of flames, reflecting two clusters of flames in Liu Yujue's eyes, burning his heart...


On the gloomy sea, more than a hundred large ships rode the wind and waves.

There are many small islands in this area, and sailors are worried that there are too many reefs nearby, so they have to be extra careful.

On the flagship, some of Xia Xun's family were resting in their own cabins, while others were sitting and chatting in the cabin. Yang Huaiyuan and his younger brothers and sisters were rubbing around in the cabin "wiping the floor". Xia Xun followed from behind.

When he walked in, it looked like he had just woken up and was still a little bleary-eyed.

As soon as Yang Huaiyuan saw his father, he got up and rushed over, shouting: "Dad, where are we going?"

Xia Xun bent down and picked him up, smiling and saying, "It's a fun place you've never been to. Do you want to go?"

"Yes! Yes! It's so boring to stay at home all day!"

When Yang Huaiyuan heard that it was fun, he clapped his hands happily and said.

Xia Xun smiled and patted his butt, put him down and said, "Go and play with your brothers and sisters!"

She turned around and asked Su Ying: "How are you doing? Are all the ships still safe?"

Peng Ziqi rushed to say: "Ever since we killed some troublemakers and opponents and threw their bodies into the sea the first day, no one has dared to openly object again. Maybe there are still some people who are reluctant, but... they can't turn over


Xia Xun nodded and thanked him again: "Oh, by the way, how is Li Jinglong? Is he still crying on hunger strike?"

Tang Saier grabbed the thank you and said with a smile: "He is eating now."

Xia Xun couldn't help but sigh and said with a smile: "This dear friend, he is really a living treasure! Sit down, I will go to the bow of the boat to take a look."

Ming'er hurriedly took a big cloak and put it on him, and said: "The wind is strong on the bow of the ship. You just woke up, so don't worry about the wind and cold."


Xia Xun tenderly patted his wife's little hand, opened the cabin door, and walked out.

As soon as I stepped out of the cabin, I was hit by the biting cold wind. This feeling was particularly obvious after leaving the warm and spring-like cabin.

The cold wind is blowing on the bow of the ship, and the crew is driving attentively. After being tempered by the ocean voyage that connects the Eurasian continent, these sailors don't care about such wind and waves. What they care about is the underwater reef and the small boat at the front.

He is responsible for leading them.

Xia Xun slowly walked to the bow of the ship and stood there, looking around the railing. Around the ship, more than a hundred ships were riding the wind and waves, moving forward simultaneously in the direction he determined. It was very spectacular.

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly looked towards the road with a nostalgic and melancholy gaze. The water and sky there were the same color, and there was no trace of land.

Someone once said that the Ming Dynasty died because of Qi.

Because from the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty to the thirty-fifth year of the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, the global temperature dropped and entered the Little Ice Age, which caused the Ming Dynasty's grain output to plummet. After the disaster, farmers revolted, and then the great plague spread to several provinces in North China. Finally,

Leading to the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

Xia Xun disagreed with this. The death of the Ming Dynasty and natural disasters were definitely one of the factors, but it could never be the only factor. The Little Ice Age was not targeted at the land of the Ming Dynasty. The entire world was under its shroud and suffered.

Who else has lost his country due to its influence?

Why did the Lee Dynasty of Korea not fall? Why did the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan not fall? Why did the Mughal Dynasty of India reach its peak? Why did the Ottoman Dynasty of Turkey and the Safavid Dynasty of Persia last forever? Why did Russia grow stronger day by day? Why did Britain and France

Are both countries safe?

Politics, economy, military, culture, external factors, internal factors, countless conditions happened to be intertwined at that time, and conflicts broke out, which was the reason for its demise. And now, it has changed too many,

Whether it's external or internal.

It will become healthier and stronger. Too many factors that led to the tragic scene in history have disappeared. He believes that this country's national legacy will last longer.

For thousands of years, it has been at the forefront of the world, and it will still be at the forefront of the world. In the future, even if this dynasty is no longer around, this nation will not miss out on opportunities and be eliminated by seclusion when the world is advancing by leaps and bounds.

The whole world is left behind.

It will still be at the forefront of the entire world! He believes that the future of Ming Dynasty will no longer be the future he knows. It is full of variables and full of hope. Everything that will happen here will be a miracle to him.

It's a story I've never read before.

The cold wind was blowing bitingly, fluttering his clothes. Xia Xun took another affectionate look at his hometown, and then turned to look in the direction in which he was driving.

Some people think that east of the Sea of ​​Japan is the endless sea, but Xia Xun knows clearly that it is not!

Ahead is not an endless sea, but a vast and fertile land.

The distance there to the Ming Dynasty is much closer than when they sailed to Europe, closer than when they sailed to the Persian Gulf, and even closer than when they sailed from Nanjing to Manchuria. That’s Alaska. Well, it’s not called that place yet.

Alaska should not be called this name in the future.

He hasn't decided what to name it yet, maybe it's better to leave this matter to the literati like Jie Jin.

Xia Xun smiled slightly...

In Beijing, in the Palace of the Qianqing Dynasty, Zhu Di was leaning on the kang. The kang under him was burning hot. He put a camel hair blanket on his legs and a brazier in front of him, but his old cold legs were still sore to the bone.

Tianjin Navy Commander Jiang Yan tremblingly told the news that they had searched the sea but found nothing. Zhu Di was silent for a long time, then waved his hand gently, and Jiang Yan hurriedly bowed and retreated.

Zhu Di picked up the two secret memorials and rubbed them gently with his already old palms. They were the memorials written by Dongchang Mu'en and Jin Yiwei Saiha Zhi to find the whereabouts of Duke Fang Fu.

Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the emperor, saw his hesitant expression and hurriedly said: "The accident of the Duke is really God's will. Grandpa Emperor must put the country, the country and the country first, and don't waste his own body..."

Zhu Di glanced at him deeply, smiled faintly, threw the two secret notes into the brazier, and said sadly: "There is no feast that never ends..."

The memorial burned brightly in the brazier. Zhu Di lay down with difficulty, turned around slowly, and turned his back to the brazier. Zhu Zhanji hurriedly stepped forward and unfolded the quilt for him. Zhu Di murmured: "I have always liked the winter in the north. But now, even the winter in the north is so difficult. I am old, really old..."

"Grandpa Huang?"

Zhu Di didn't answer, he just wrapped the quilt tightly around his body. At this moment, he was no different from an ordinary old man who was weak and afraid of the cold...


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