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Chapter 109 Accident

Chapter 109 Accident

A deep voice came from the dark and smelly cave: "Sir, if you go up this exit, you will find the left side hall. The situation has been leaked. Maybe there are already officers and soldiers on it."

This is Dai Yubin talking. They have touched a drainage outlet in the left side hall, extinguished the torch, and can only see a faint ray of light outside from the drainage outlet.

Xiribari's voice was also low and gloomy: "We have no way out. Life and death depend on this. Xirigourige, where is the entrance to the secret passage?"

Xirigogulige, who was carried on the back of the tall and powerful Mao Yihan due to physical exhaustion, tried hard to remember and said: "There are three mechanisms to open the secret passage of the palace, and the three entrances are designed for different dangers.

Cleverly, this is the easiest place to access through this drainage pipe. I have never come down from this drainage pipe. I don’t know where I will be when I climb up from here. If this is really the left side hall, go up

Be sure to get your bearings after that, the mechanism is at the entrance of the main hall.

The old slave remembers that the opening mechanism of this secret passage is a stone sheep at the second entrance of the left side hall. As long as the stone sheep is twisted half a circle in place, it can be lifted upward. When the stone sheep is lifted, the secret passage will be opened.

The entrance will be activated. The stone sheep, stone tigers, etc. are much larger than the real ones. It is estimated that they have never touched them. The design of the mechanism is extremely clever. If they have touched the stone sheep, if the method is not

Correct, it will not trigger the secret passage."

Dai Yubin said: "This is originally a royal palace. Could King Yan renovate this place even more than our Dadu Palace? He won't do any major construction here. Shiyang should still be here."

Xireba Ri gritted his teeth and said, "Have you all heard this? After climbing out, no matter how many officers and soldiers there are, we must hold on with all our strength! As long as we find the stone sheep at the entrance to the second courtyard and successfully open the secret passage, even if only one person climbs in

, can ignite gunpowder, do you hear me!"

Because he came in a hurry, there was no one outside to take care of him. Just in case, Xirigoulige was explaining the structure of the secret path along the way. Everyone already had a rough understanding of it. After listening to Xiribāri’s instructions,

Everyone agreed one after another, but because they deliberately lowered their voices, and because their faces were covered with towels, their voices were a bit muffled.

At Xirebari's order, they took off their anti-fouling leather clothes and pants, set up a ladder, and climbed to the drainage outlet. The drainage outlet was in the grass under the fence of the palace corridor, and above it were four

A square stone slab with auspicious patterns carved on it and many gaps carved in the middle to allow water to flow down and filter out debris. The weight of the stone slab does not exceed a hundred or ten kilograms. Each of these Mongolian warriors is extremely powerful. First,

The man who climbed up struggled to shake it for a while, and finally pushed the stone slab away.

He quietly poked his head out, the moon and stars were sparse, everything was quiet, and lanterns were hung everywhere in the palace. Occasionally, he saw one or two eunuchs and maids passing by quietly. The lady was so happy that she pursed her lips and whispered downwards: "Prince Yan's Mansion is still here."

If we are not alert, we have a great chance." He took out the flying grab from his waist, fastened it to the edge of the drainage outlet, and passed the rope down...

A group of seven people climbed out of the drainage outlet, crawled in the grass, and quietly observed the movements around them. Xi Zigoulig squinted his old eyes and looked around, looking a little excited. After all, this is the place where he has lived since he was a child.

Most of his years were spent in this world. At that time, Emperor Yuan Shun resigned from the temple in panic and fled north to Shangdu. After a hurried separation of thirty years, he, an old man who was about to be buried, suddenly found himself in this place again.

, the past events are so vivid, how can we not be filled with emotion?

Xireba was not as emotional as he was. Xireba looked around with a pair of bull's eyes and whispered: "This damn thing has a slight turn from east to west, Xi Rigoulige, the entrance to the courtyard you mentioned.


Xirigoulige stretched out his fingers tremblingly, pointed at the front door with two red lanterns, and said in a hoarse voice: "Sir, it's at that door. On the left...is the stone sheep, and on the right is the stone monkey.

Turn on the mechanism, and the passage is...in the open space at the entrance of the palace. This mechanism was used to arrange the escape of the emperor and his bodyguards when foreign enemies surrounded the palace. Therefore, there are stone steps under the opening, so that they can easily

Step into..."

Shirebari waved his hand, and the group of people rushed out. Lakshen had collected some weapons over the years and hid them in his residence. He originally wanted to wait until the time of action before distributing them, but now people in other places were killed.

Those who were killed were captured, and those who were captured were captured. Only those who came from the Lakshan family were armed.

Under the cover of the shadows of the trees and flowers, they quietly reached the open door of the palace and looked outside. Outside was an empty flat ground, with several tall buildings in the distance shrouded in the night. To the left of the door and to the right were various buildings shaded by vegetation.

There is a stone sculpture that is very old and its outline is vaguely visible.

Dai Yubin was ecstatic: "God help me. Fortunately, we made a decisive decision and finally got ahead. Hurry, act now."

Several people hurried over, some were holding knives and looking around cautiously, while others went straight to the left side of the door. Only then did they realize why the agency was located in such a place. On the one hand, it was because the less conspicuous

The safer the place, for no reason, no one would come to the palace and try to move a stone statue that has roots on the ground and shouldn't be able to move at all.

The main reason is that such institutions are built according to the standards of use for decades or hundreds of years. Although the emperors hope to last forever, they must face reality and consider that the empire will eventually decline.

Leave a way out for future generations.

With this kind of solution, maybe after two or three generations, the world will be at peace, and the descendants will no longer be prepared for danger in times of peace, and will not bother to repair it at all. In this case, it must be made strong and durable, and the mechanism it opens must not be easily damaged or frequently damaged.

Things that were changed at will according to the emperor's personal preferences, such as a tea bowl on the bookshelf or an armrest on the dragon throne, such small and exquisite mechanisms will not last long.

This stone sheep has not moved for thirty years. It took a lot of effort to push it. The three big men, two pushing and one pulling under the command of Xi Rigoulige, used all their strength to finally push the stone sheep.

It turned with a creaking sound, and then lifted up with the combined strength of the two of them. The stone sheep's front legs flew into the air, like a horse standing and roaring together.

The stone sheep was lifted up, but there was no abnormality on the ground. Xireba couldn't help but said anxiously: "Xirigoulige, what's going on?"

Xirigoulige smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, sir. It takes a lot of effort to open and close this mechanism once. Only in this way can it be durable for a long time. Sir, please listen."

Xirebari closed his mouth and listened carefully. There seemed to be some movement, but he couldn't tell what it was. He was about to ask again when a rumble of noise suddenly came from behind him. Xirebari hurriedly turned his head and looked.

I saw that the flat ground was rising slightly.

It turns out that the power device used by this mechanism is a sand sinking method that can remain effective for thousands of years. It lifts the stone sheep and pulls the mechanism. Quicksand begins to pour into the pipe, and then drives other devices with gravity. Finally, the lever principle is used to drive two huge stone pillars, thus

Open the channel.

Shirebari was surprised and happy, and said in a trembling voice: "It's open, it's open, hurry up, enter the secret passage immediately!"

Shireba Ri and Dai Yubin took the lead and rushed towards the hole in the ground that was already half a man high and was still turning up. Just after running a few steps, there was a shout in the night, and the lanterns and torches on both sides of the palace were lit up together. Countless lanterns and torches were lit up.

The torches were thrown out like a shower of stars, followed by a shower of arrows.

At the same time, clanging footsteps sounded, and under the dark palace corners around the square, neatly lined up soldiers with neatly clad soldiers suddenly appeared, like an iron wall erected by humans, leaning towards them from three directions.

Press it over.

"No! There's an ambush!"

Mao Yihan screamed and rolled on the spot, crawling towards the only rescue channel. Dai Yubin and Xiribari moved faster. Dai Yubin also wanted to take Xirigoulige with him, and just reached out to grab him.

, a sharp arrow pierced his arm, causing him to scream in pain and hurriedly roll away.

He hurriedly rolled forward three times, looked up again, and saw that Xirigoulige was still standing there. The old eunuch was penetrated by a spear through his abdomen, and the tip of the spear was pressed against the ground, holding his body up, but the spear

It was as thick as a chicken egg, and it was obvious that he would not survive after being stabbed through the chest like this.

Sharp arrows continued to hit the stone floor, causing sparks to fly. Dai Yubin could no longer care about anything else. Seeing Shirebari's last foot just retracting into the cave that had been raised, blocking most of the arrow rain for him, Dai Yubin hurriedly

He also climbed over...


Another extremely heavy spear made of fine iron was projected, and it hit the gap between the stone slabs on the ground. It blocked the entrance to the secret passage that continued to open. In the underground mechanism, quicksand was still being continuously poured into the mechanical pipes, while the exit was blocked.

The spear made of fine iron was jammed, and the stone door immediately made a squeaking sound that was heartbreaking...

Xia Xun was imprisoned in a side hall behind the main hall. It turned out that when this was the palace of the Yuan Dynasty, this place was the place where the emperor temporarily retreated to drink tea and snacks and meet with his close ministers to discuss matters when he had a break in court. Now it is occupied by Zhu Di

It was transformed into a study-like place, but Zhu Di himself rarely came here.

The hall was very clean, candles were lit on the table, and Xia Xun was not treated as a prisoner. He was sitting behind the desk, anxiously waiting for the news.

"Ha, you are such a big liar, you actually told the truth for once. My brother-in-law will definitely reward you heavily later."

The little princess Ming'er, who was dressed in a white silk coat, came in with a smile on her face, waved her hand to the two guards and said: "Go out, don't look at him anymore, this guy is indeed here to report the news, he has already caught him alive, and also got their illegal


The two guards bowed and agreed, but did not go out. They just moved towards the entrance of the palace.

Ming'er jumped over and ran over. Xia Xun quickly stood up, bowed and saluted: "I have seen the princess."

Ming'er and Xiaoyao snorted, trying to look angry, but couldn't help laughing: "You're a big liar, you lied to me again last time, right?"

Xia Xun smiled bitterly and said: "Princess, I never expected to see the princess again."

Ming'er stared and said, "Then you can lie to others?"

She tilted her head and thought about it, then asked: "So, are those two stories you told me made up by you, or are they true stories you heard from others?"

Xia Xun laughed and said, "Is the princess still interested in those two stories?"

As soon as he said this, the ground shook violently. Ming'er screamed and fell forward. Xia Xun grabbed her and said, "Princess, be careful." At the same time, he grabbed the table tightly with his hands.

Ming'er said fearfully: "What's wrong? Could it be that the earth dragon has turned over?"

Xia Xun changed his color and said: "I'm afraid those fools have set it on fire...?"

Seeing this situation, the two guards rushed toward them. Before Xia Xun could finish his words, the ground suddenly collapsed. The two people's feet were empty, and the tables and chairs sank into the ground. The two guards couldn't help but rush forward.

When they arrived, the ground suddenly closed, cutting off Ming'er's frightened scream...

This chapter has been completed!
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