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Chapter 118

Chapter 118 Various

Lobby of Fengyang Mansion.

The lobby was a mess.

The prefect slapped the gavel in his hand so hard that it almost broke the desk and table: "Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Anyone who dares to make any louder noise will be immediately kicked out with a big stick."

"Yan Liangting, you speak first!"

Yan Liangting, the owner of Baoyue Tower, said: "Yes, sir. This is what happened..."

Shopkeeper Yan told him how he saw a distinguished lady bringing her pretty maid to Baoyue Tower to buy jewelry, how a carriage and horse were parked outside the door and people were discharging a large amount of money, and how the lady chose several of the most expensive items.

A gem, a priceless walking bead, he wore it, commented on it, drank tea and used it for convenience, and finally escaped without warning. As a result, he went out and grabbed the waiting servants, but they denied that he had anything to do with the young lady.

I recounted how we met.

At the end of the sentence, Shopkeeper Yan said with tears in his eyes: "Sir, Xiaomin heard with his own ears that the young lady told them to wait outside, and they obeyed respectfully. Xiaomin would never have thought that a person dressed luxuriously,

A young girl who is not as young as Dou Kou will be a big liar. This person named Zhao must be her accomplice. I beg Master Qingtian to make the decision for the common people!"

The prefect turned his head to Zhao Zikai and said fiercely: "Say it!"

Zhao Zikai complained endlessly: "Master, the common people have been wronged."

Zhao Zikai told him the story of his acquaintance with the little princess of Xu Guogong's mansion, and then he cried out: "Sir, this matter has nothing to do with the common people. It is clearly a collusion between the guy from Guanhuai Tower and the female thief.

, to seduce the common people into being deceived, the common people are innocent from beginning to end, and the common people are wronged.”

The prefect suddenly turned his head to Wu Wanli, the shopkeeper of Guanhuai Tower, and said with a pleasant expression: "Ah, Mr. Wu, please explain this matter."

Wu Wanli, the second shopkeeper of Guanhuailou, proudly raised his hand and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Magistrate, this matter has nothing to do with me, Guanhuailou. This is the second time those two women have come back to dine.

He said that he was going to stay here for a few days and that he would eat lunch at my house every day. He made an order in advance and paid for three days of meals in advance. After the meal was finished, we naturally couldn't charge him any more. As for calling the girl,

Miss Eryi, they are guests and we are doing business, so what’s wrong with being more respectful to our guests?”

The Lord Magistrate stroked his beard and nodded repeatedly: "That makes sense, that makes sense."

The person next to him took a step forward without waiting for a question, pointed at Zhao Zikai, raised his voice and shouted: "This person insists that the liar is the little princess of my Duke Xu's Palace. This will greatly damage the reputation of my Duke Xu's Palace.

My little princess is still a guest in Prince Yan's Mansion in Beiping. Isn't this a slander? I ask the magistrate to immediately send a letter to Beiping Mansion to confront them clearly, severely punish those who spread rumors and cause trouble, and give justice to Duke Xu's Mansion!"

This man's name is Liu Qingyuan, and he is the steward of Guiyuan, the manor of Xu Guogong in Zhongdu. It turns out that something happened to Guiyuan today. The cause of the incident is that Guiyuan was a villa built by Xu Guogong in his early years. Since Xu Guogong died early,

, was busy with official duties when he was alive, and rarely came here to live leisurely. Several of his sons also had official errands, and as they were young, there was no reason to come here to retire.

As for his daughters, the three older ones are all princesses. They settled in the vassal country with their husbands. Without the emperor's order, they were not even allowed to leave the vassal city. Naturally, they were even less likely to come here. The little princess Ming'er

I was still very young at that time, and I didn’t know how to live here, so... this courtyard has indeed not been repaired for a long time, and even the people who care about the garden have been reduced to 7788. Several stewards don’t usually stay there, and they work on their own.

They all have their own businesses.

On her way to visit relatives in Peiping, Princess Ming'er stayed at Guiyuan for two days. Seeing that the Guiyuan villa built by her late father had been in ruins, the little girl felt uncomfortable, so she ordered them to go down and prepare for repairs.

Because the time set by Ming'er was not so strict, even though the several stewards listened, they were not very anxious. They just started looking for suitable candidates while taking care of their own business.

The news spread out for some reason and was known by a group of scammers. Fengyang, the central capital, has the most scammers because there are many rich and noble people here, but it is not as strict as Nanjing City, making it easy to deceive. The soil is

Suitable, naturally breeds many scammers. This group of scammers dressed up well and went to the garden to visit, saying that they heard that the garden was going to be renovated, and came to have a look, and then estimated the price, and asked the manager to take a look.

To be fair, they were willing to take the job.

Of course Manager Liu was willing to hear it. The price for such a person who came to his door would not be too high, so he could still make a fortune from it, right? Since it was just a look and the decoration was not officially started, he only showed up once in person.

, accompanied them to Guiyuan, and then asked them to work out a price before discussing. In this way, the scammers became familiar with the people who stayed behind in Guiyuan, bought some wine and meat, and after three drinks, they became friends.

Two days later, they came again, and this time they brought many people. They greeted the gardener and entered the garden. They measured here and planned there. They designed it properly for most of the day, and then left again.

.Two days later, they came to Guiyuan again, and the gardener didn't care and let them in.

Those garden keepers were only the lowest-level servants and did not understand the details of the agreement between Manager Liu and others. They demolished the houses inside and worked enthusiastically. Several garden keepers also let it go. As a result, they demolished several monasteries.

, when the dismantled materials such as timber were being transported out of the garden, construction businessman Zhao Zikai and Baoyue Building owner Yan Liangting rushed over with blushing necks.

They blocked the door and started arguing. When they heard that they were going to confront the little princess, the gardener became alert. The workers who were demolishing the house were still standing there stupidly, completely unaware that they were involved in this commotion.

They had a relationship, but two of them were the first people to come out to contact them, and when they saw that the situation was not going well, they took advantage of the chaos and ran away in advance.

As soon as the garden guards heard that Zhao Zikai and Yan Liangting wanted to see their little princess, they confronted them face to face and made it clear that they didn't care about them, so they kicked them out immediately. Moreover, they were more thoughtful and quickly sent people to demolish the house.

I went to confirm with Manager Liu. When Manager Liu heard this, he became anxious and ran back to the park in a panic. When he saw it, he was so angry that he immediately detained the workers who were demolishing the house and took them to the court. When they got there, they heard what Zhao Zikai said.

When he was slandering Duke Xu's government, he immediately jumped out and spoke.

The prefect was already troubled by this series of cases. With a smile on his face, he quickly asked Manager Liu about the details of the case report. When Manager Liu finished speaking, the detained foreman kowtowed and shouted: "Master, I have been wronged.

Yes. The common people are good citizens, and they are innocent people. That day, the two people who escaped came to us with people, saying that they were the left-behind people of Xu Guogong's Mansion, and that the Mansion was going to rebuild the Garden.

All the old buildings must be demolished, and all the pavilions, pillars, doors, windows, tables and chairs must be disposed of.

Those pieces of wood were either golden nan or huanghuali, and they were valuable. We were asked if we would be responsible for cleaning them, and they were given to us at a discount. The price was of course cheaper than the market price. Of course we agreed to such a good thing, so we gathered together.

Brother, follow them to Guiyuan to have a look, count the number, measure the length, and estimate the value. Once everything is calculated clearly, we signed the contract, paid half of the materials in advance, and shipped out the remaining half of the original materials.

Then pay it off. Who knows that they are not returnees at all, and we are also victims."

The foreman said, with tears in his eyes, he took out the hand-printed contract from his arms and handed it over. The prefect did not accept it at all. He was fuming and slapped the gavel tree loudly: "Nowadays, the liar is really a liar.

It's too rampant, with all kinds of tricks and weird tricks. Ordinary people will be deceived, and officials and dignitaries will also dare to deceive. I must strictly investigate, crack down, and deal with it, and completely eliminate the strange situation of Fengyang, Zhongdu, where fraud is rampant!"

In a small inn, Xie Yufei and Nan Feifei, who had pretended to be handsome scholars and handsome little bookboys, were about to leave. As soon as the door opened, a man with a gloomy face and a mustache walked in. There were several people outside the door, and they immediately opened the door.

The door was closed, so you couldn't see how many there were.

Xie Yufei's expression changed, she moved the baggage on her shoulders to her chest, took two steps back, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? You break into their residence without permission, aren't you afraid of becoming an official? This is Zhongdu!"

The middle-aged man with a mustache smiled sinisterly, cupped his hands and said: "The sky is round and the place is round, there are nine chapters of laws and regulations, all kinds of things, and the advantage is in the center. Are the two girls from the demon sect?"

"Demon gate?"

Nan Feifei shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about? You, this girl is pure and pure, with an innocent female body. Do you look like someone who uses her color, skin and flesh to defraud money?"

The man with the mustache frowned and said with some surprise: "Are you also from Fengmen?"

When Xie Yufei heard this, her eyes couldn't help but move, and she cupped her hands and said: "This must be the senior in Fengmen? There are many kinds of people, each with their own skills. The little girl has little talent and little knowledge. She has never studied under a famous teacher. She can eliminate demons through skin, plum, melon, wind and fire. Among the eight gates,

It doesn’t belong to any one discipline.”

What Xie Yufei just said is the true teaching of the eight-character deception. The Sutra has to write, for example, through fortune telling, fortune telling, feng shui and other methods to defraud money; the Skin person is a swindler who sells fake medicine and performs tricks; the Li person is a magician,

Illusions are used to deceive ignorant people; melons are used to practice boxing and show off to deceive people; the above four categories rarely violate criminal laws.

This is not the case for the next four gates. The wind gate involves stealing, gambling, robbery, abduction and other issues involving criminal law; while the fire gate involves clever techniques such as yellow and white arts, stealing beams and substituting pillars, and confusing the real with the fake; the eliminate gate involves extortion and extortion.

They even kidnapped, kidnapped, and killed people. As for demons, women used sex to make money, and men cheated and made money. From what she said, it was obvious that she was no stranger to this business.

Speaking of this, Xie Yufei smiled lightly and said: "Although the methods used by the little girl are mostly from the Feng Sect, they are also dabbled in other sects. They are mixed but not refined, and they are just superficial. Senior, if you must return the little girl to

If you enter a sect, then... I can be considered a miscellaneous sect. We all travel around the world, each showing his skills, each taking his own wealth, and keeping in harmony with each other. I don’t know why my senior came to the door today."

"Miscellaneous door?"

The mustache said coldly: "If you just randomly learn some fur techniques, you can deceive Zhao Zikai into crying in broad daylight. The girl is really talented. Huh! You said that everyone does not offend the river? Nowadays

, you have offended me, how do you plan to settle this debt with me, girl?"

This chapter has been completed!
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