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Chapter 142: Scholars Meet Soldiers

Chapter 142 The Scholar Meets the Soldier

Yang Chong was stunned for a moment, then he held back his anger and said: "Sir, the student has said that as a student, Yang Xu was taught by saints, but he violated filial piety and family affection, did not respect the elders and the younger, and destroyed the famous teachings of Gangchang. , he is not worthy to be a disciple of a saint, and in order to safeguard the principles and warn the public, his fame should be reduced!"

Scholars regard fame as a second life. Yang Chong expelled people from his sect, dug up their ancestral graves, and took away their fame. His intentions were extremely vicious. Xia Xun gained fame easily, and he knew it. It is impossible to continue to develop in the imperial examination. He has no research on the ancient classics and history. He can recite a few poems. However, no official in history has climbed up by writing poems. Poems can make you famous, but In the end, it is still necessary to rely on writing articles and true knowledge. He has never thought about becoming an official through the imperial examination. Without the imperial examination, although the scholar's reputation is beneficial but limited, he does not care, so after listening to Yang Chong's vicious words, he looked calm and said No anger.

After listening to Yang Chong's words, Wu Busha rolled his eyes and said, "Taking away his fame? That's not under my general's control. You should go to Yingtian Mansion or the Ministry of Rites."

Yang Qifeng rushed up and couldn't help but said: "Sir! Yang Xu is a soldier, and it was Yingtian Mansion who just transferred the case to your case."


Wu Busha's eyes lit up: "Yang Xu is a member of the military, but he is also a student. Some of the men in our army have passed the exam and become scholars."

Wu Busha became excited, glanced at Yang Xu with a proud look, and said in a friendly manner: "Yang Xu, you heard what Yang Chong said just now, what's your explanation?"

Xia Xun said calmly: "Reporting to your lord, what Yang Chong accused is just one-sided words. Yang Xu had a bad relationship with his tribe and was even expelled from the sect. There is a reason for all this. It is not that Yang Xu is arrogant and rude."

Xia Xun recounted everything that had happened since he returned to Moling Town from Qingzhou, and said: "Because of this, Yang Xucai had a rift with his clansmen. Originally, due to his identity, Yang Xu wanted to settle the matter, but who knew what happened? Soon after, the clan members discussed building ancestral temples and charity fields. However, there were more than 100 families in Moling Town, but Yang Xu was asked to bear most of the money alone. It was unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally. This was clearly a clan issue. After deliberately making things difficult, Yang Xu was expelled from the sect, and his parents' coffins were forcibly moved out of the ancestral graves without notifying him. Isn't this bullying? Now he bites back, where is the law of heaven? Where is the king's law? ?”

Yang Chong rushed to say: "Sir, expelling Yang Xu from the sect is a decision made by the entire family. As for the coffin of his parents being forcibly removed from the ancestral grave, it was not the instruction of the student's grandfather, but the family members. The elders hated what Yang Xu had done, so they spontaneously gathered together and took action."

Xu Zengshou listened quietly and couldn't help but say: "Even if the tribe members act voluntarily, they are always unkind and unreasonable. As the leader of the tribe, even though my grandfather did not know about it, he cannot absolve himself of the blame. What Yang Xu did , although it is unavoidable that there is suspicion of disharmony among relatives, from what you both said, the reason is not limited to Yang Xu. A slap in the face can't make a difference. Have you, the Yang clan, fulfilled your responsibilities as elders and relatives? Now that Yang Xu has been expelled from the sect by you, and his parents' coffins have been forcibly moved out, even if there are a lot of things wrong, this is enough. If you want to take away someone's fame again, how vicious are your intentions?"

Wu Busha quickly raised his hands and said, "What Governor Xu said is reasonable. Yang Chong, did you hear it?"

"Captain Xu?"

Yang Chong's eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized, Governor Xu, isn't he the third young master of Zhongshan Prince's Palace?

Although Yang Chong was a little afraid, he had an arrow on the string at this time and had to take action. Besides, there are many domineering people in the family of honorary officials, but the tutor in Zhongshan Prince's Palace is very good, and few of his disciples will bully others. Anyway, he will take the imperial examination in the future.

Along the way, he doesn't need to be in the glory of Duke Xu. If he embraces righteousness and speaks uprightly, he might even gain a great reputation, which will be of great help to his future career.

So Yang Chong immediately said in a loud voice: "Captain Xu? Is he the young prince of the Zhongshan Palace? As far as the students know, the Governor has a close relationship with Yang Xu. The last time Yang Xu killed the cattle in anger, I, the Yang clan, raised

When I sued Yang Xu, it was the Governor who mediated and saved Yang Xu. This major case of killing a cow was left unsolved. This time it was just an interrogation of a small student. Did the first-rank official of the Governor need to come forward to hear the trial?

Doesn’t the Grand Governor think that this is a blatant cover-up?”

Xu Zengshou said angrily: "How can it be unreasonable? The case of killing farm cattle was tried by the Tianfu. This case has now been included in the appendix cases of the Ming Dynasty Law and is edicted to the world. What does it have to do with this governor?"

Yang Chong became more and more courageous, and sneered and retorted: "If the governor hadn't come forward, would Ying Tianfu dare to risk the world's power and say that he is not guilty?"

"You...you..." Xu Zengshou puffed his beard and glared, but he really couldn't beat up an imperial student who had the future imperial master and many students from the Foreign Imperial Academy behind him to cheer him on just because he contradicted him.

"Third brother!"

A very clear girl's voice suddenly sounded. It was not loud, very crisp and sweet. It was only because Xu Zengshou was angry that everyone in the hall held their breath. This slight call was heard, but this soft call only sounded once.

Then there was silence. Those who heard the sound subconsciously looked around. The lobby was full of men from the military, as well as the plaintiff and defendant, and two small officials from Yingtian Mansion. There were no girls.

For a moment, I couldn't help but think that I heard it wrong.

Xu Zengshou leaned back against the screen where the tiger was descending from the mountain. He heard a very soft girl's voice from behind: "Third brother, you are so stupid. You asked questions in the hall, but you were asked questions by others."


Xu Zengshou's face turned red and he coughed awkwardly.

Behind the screen is Xu Ming'er, the young lady of the Xu family. She has just returned from Peking. Among her brothers and sisters in the Xu family, her three sisters have long been married. The eldest brother is the Duke of the country and the eldest son of Xu.

, had a serious and solemn temperament since childhood, and was not easy to get close to. The second brother died in childhood. She had only heard of such a second brother, but had never seen her. The fourth brother also inherited his father's influence and became an official. Now he is not allowed to serve outside.

She often lives in Beijing, so she is the closest to her third brother, Xu Zengshou. She went out for a run, which brought out the little girl's wild nature. She was bored at home, so she went to play in the third brother's Yamen, and happened to stumble upon this lawsuit.

As soon as she heard that it was Yang Xu's case, Ming'er became interested and insisted on pestering her third brother to come to the hearing. Xu Zengshou doted on this little girl the most. He couldn't stand her pleas, so he had to arrange her behind the screen. Xu Ming'er

Crouching in the back, I was furious when I heard the old Yang family being so bullying. Finally, I saw Yang Chong accusing her third brother, her closest brother, of abusing his power and interfering with the judiciary. She was even more unhappy.

"Third Brother, our Ming Dynasty law stipulates that it is strictly forbidden to pardon previous crimes, and it is forbidden to apologize for past crimes. This Yang Chong has broken the law, so slap him and tell him to talk nonsense."

"Huh?" Xu Zengshou's eyes rolled around, he covered his mouth with his hands, and whispered: "Real or false? Is there any such thing?"

"Of course," Xu Ming'er said a few words quickly behind the screen, and then added: "The Emperor has made it clear to the world that, except for the unforgivable "ten evil" crimes, once a verdict is made, no matter how serious it is, no trace of the past shall be allowed in the future.

Report it, or you will be punished. Especially for this case, the Emperor personally reviewed, revised and included it in the Ming Dynasty Laws. He broke the law and offended the emperor. Span him! Span him!"

The uncle Ming'er is talking about is Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Da are related to each other. Xu Da's three daughters married Zhu Yuanzhang's three sons. In terms of seniority, Ming'er must be called Uncle Zhu Yuanzhang. The Xu family has a close relationship with the royal family. Ming'er

The son also often walked around the palace. She had been very cute since she was a child, and Zhu Yuanzhang would often hold her on his lap to make her happy. From a young age, she called Zhu Yuanzhang "Uncle Huang" instead of "Emperor".

What Ming'er means is that the Ming Dynasty law stipulates that if you are not satisfied with a case that has been decided, you can sue again, but you are strictly prohibited from saying goodbye to a case, but you will bring out the case that has been decided before and entangle it. If it is the court

Amnesty cases are also handled in this way. Once a verdict is made, it is a verdict. You will never be allowed to bring out all these sesame seeds and rotten millet when suing other cases, and make confusing arguments.

Xu Zengshou naturally believed this, because his little sister liked reading, especially interesting things. There were many examples of crimes in the Ming Dynasty's imperial edicts, and she had indeed read them carefully. Besides, Xu Zengshou was very familiar with Zhu Yuanzhang.

As a person, Zhu Yuanzhang believed in ruling the country by law, although he also attached great importance to etiquette and education.

The "Da Gao" in the early Ming Dynasty was published for each family, and the work of popularizing the law was more meticulous than that of any other dynasty. In order to prevent some people from having low cultural levels and not understanding the national laws, he attached many real cases to the back of the "Da Gao".

He wrote the verdict and the reasons for the verdict in great detail, which shows that he attaches great importance to the legal system.

Zhu Yuanzhang loved the people very much, and at the same time he also paid attention to the authority of the law. When governing the country, it was not good to lean too much on either side. He must pay attention to its balanced development. If he made a decision out of considerations of maintaining the authority and dignity of the law,

Such a regulation is also consistent with Zhu Yuanzhang's character.

Yang Chong saw that Xu Zengshou kept silent and thought he was criticizing him. Xu Zengshou felt guilty and sneered slightly: "Grand Governor, for the sake of the reputation of the Prince of Zhongshan and the Grand Governor, Yang Xu has an old relationship with the Grand Governor.

, should the Grand Governor avoid suspicion?"

Xu Zengshou laughed heartily: "Hahaha... Yang Chong, the emperor today has good intentions when he issues the "Great Edict". All people in the world have a copy of the "Great Edict", just like county schools, government schools, and imperial edicts."

To study such a place, I even list my Ming Law as a must-read article. What a pity, you disciples of saints only know the four books and five classics, whatever is helpful for your scientific examination and officialdom, you will read whatever it is, but you ignore me

The Ming Dynasty’s criminal laws were regarded as nothing.”

When Xu Zengshou said this, his face darkened, he reached out to grab "Jinghu Guang", slapped it hard on the case, and shouted with his halberd finger: "The emperor today has made it clear to the world that except for the unforgivable "ten evil" crimes, once sentenced, regardless of

No matter the severity, you are not allowed to tell anyone about the past in the future, otherwise you will be punished, don’t you know? Come on, give him a spank! Uh... pull him down and slap him twenty times!"

"What?" Yang Chong was shocked and angry. To be honest, although he had dabbled in "The Laws of the Ming Dynasty", he had never read it through. He really didn't know that there was such a rule. The two military academies who were like wolves and tigers had already seen this.

The guys in the house were not pleasing to the eye. They pounced on him ferociously, like picking up a chicken, and left after carrying him. Yang Chong was really panicked: "How can this be true? How can this be true? I am the plaintiff, I am the plaintiff..."

As soon as Yang Chong was dragged out, a beautiful little girl with bright eyes and white teeth ran out from behind the screen. She wore a green-white diagonal silk jacket with silver trim and a dandy skirt. She held a thin white porcelain book in her hand.

On the fruit plate, there is a plate of fresh lychees that are "red in March". He smiled sweetly and said: "Hey! Big liar, do you want to eat lychees?"

This chapter has been completed!
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