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Chapter 175

Chapter 175 Niu Buye

Because of Huang Yushi's accident, Xia Xun, who was in ruins, had no choice but to rush back to Jinan City with Mu Zifeng. As soon as he arrived at the post house, he naturally came to visit Huang Yushi first. Huang Zhen lay on his side on the mat tiredly, his face covered with wax.

He had an old face, his eyes were dull and seemed to be closed but not closed, and he didn't notice Xia Xun coming in.

Xia Xun walked to the bed and sat down, looked at Huang Zhen's face, and tucked him in thoughtfully.

"Get off... get off, I have a rest..."

Huang Zhen's eyelids opened slightly, and he suddenly saw the person sitting next to him clearly, and he suddenly woke up: "Ah! Mr. Yang, you... you are back..."

Xia Xun immediately asked with concern: "Master Huang, I've only been away for a few days, why did you just..., what's going on, are you okay?"

Huang Zhen glanced at Mu Zifeng quickly, and Mu Zifeng quickly shook his head. Huang Zhen felt relieved, sighed, and said: "I... I have never left Yingtian Mansion in my life. I guess... I'm probably not used to the climate."

I... I stayed up all night reviewing the files sent by the Criminal Division in recent years. I feel tired and I probably can't adapt to the food I eat. As a result, I have vomiting and diarrhea, which makes you laugh, Mr. Yang."

Xia Xun held his cold hands, shook them gently and said: "Hey, where is it? Your Excellency has been working day and night on official matters, thinking very hard, sleeping hard and forgetting to eat and sleep. The lower officials admire you very much. You are the pillar of the country and the pillar of the imperial court."

, you should also take good care of your body and take good care of your life."

Huang Zhen's eyes turned red, and he held Xia Xun's hand and said: "I am not in good health, and the important inspection tasks will fall on Interviewer Yang. In the past few days, Jinan Prefecture has captured some religious bandits lurking in the local area, and they have repeatedly

Invite me to supervise the trial, but... I want to serve the country, but my health is not good. It will be good if you come back, it will be good if you come back. Your Excellency is young and powerful, and it is appropriate..."

Because Xia Xun was sitting by the bed with his back to the light, and his eyes were dull, it was only then that he saw Xia Xun's appearance clearly. When he saw that one of his eyes was black and there were bruises on the corners of his mouth, Huang Zhen couldn't help but be startled and surprised.

Ran said: "Mr. Yang, you are so injured..."

Xia Xun touched his cheek and replied calmly: "Oh, when Xiaguan went to Qingzhou Prefecture for an incognito inspection, he passed through Yaoshan Mountain. It happened to be a heavy rain, so he went to the foot of the mountain to take shelter. There were mud and rocks falling in the mountain, and Xiaguan panicked to avoid it. Fortunately,

No life was injured, but there were some bruises and bruises, nothing in the way, nothing in the way.”

Huang Zhen said with emotion: "Mr. Yang is loyal to the country and is not afraid of dangers. This is naturally good, but you must also cherish your useful life so that you can stay useful and serve the country."

Xia Xun hurriedly said: "To each other, to each other, I have written down your teachings. Your Excellency is tired, please rest. I will go back to wash up, change my clothes, and then go to the Criminal Division to do some work."

"Okay, okay!" Huang Zhen patted the back of his hand gently and said earnestly: "The emperor has high hopes, so I have to leave it to you, sir."

After the two people exchanged some pretentious politeness, Xia Xun got up and left. He returned to his residence, took a shower and changed into his official robe. Then he set up a guard of honor and rushed to the Yamen of the Procuratorate for Punishment.

The last time Xia Xun and Ximen Qing bought a fake road guide in Jixian, they knew that the Tixingsi Yamen was on the bank of Daming Lake, but not far from the post house. As expected, it didn't take much effort to drive to the Tixingsi Yamen.

The general went in, and within a moment, Yi Jiayi came out to greet him.

Yi Jiayi was the one who was responsible for receiving and entertaining Huang Zhen and Xia Xun as ordered by the inspector Cao. That night Xia Xun did not accept the beautiful bribe and drove the girl in purple out. This matter was his second

God knows, just when Xia Xun was a bit difficult to deal with, Xia Xun went to pay a private visit.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yushi almost "worked hard for the country and sacrificed his life heroically." After this scandal, Yi Jiayi became more at ease. When he thought about it, Huang Zhen was getting older, and he would have to "retire and repay his old age" in just a few years.

"Hometown", of course you can take it if you can, but Yang Xu is still young. He became an interviewer at such a young age and has a bright future. It is reasonable for him to restrain himself and return to courtesy and cherish the great future. But for such a person

Coming down for inspection must be very harsh and difficult to deal with.

But things are different now. His immediate boss now has leverage in the hands of the local magistrate. Even if he is unkind, he still has to worry about the face of his colleagues. Furthermore, Jinan Prefecture has just captured a group of White Lotus cult bandits, which is a great achievement.

, with this credit in hand, and Huang Zhen's handle, I believe that Yang Xu will not deliberately find trouble in Jinan Mansion. Looking back at the examination results, even if he does not give full marks, it must be excellent, enough to be worthy of your respect.


Therefore, Master Yi looked much calmer when he came out. He already knew that Yang Xu was not interested in wealth and only focused on his future, so he no longer thought of any crooked ideas to bribe him, but only focused on introducing the Shandong Criminal Division.

After receiving the emperor's imperial edict, under the leadership of Mr. Cao, how to work together and find ways to launch a propaganda and investigation offensive to severely crack down on the religious bandits.

Yi Jiayi led him forward and said: "This time, the discovery of Niu Buye and the White Lotus cult bandits mainly relied on Li Siyi and Li Yuanwai's report. Li Yuanwai ran a papermaking workshop and he had an invention.

My son, who is a member of the White Lotus Religion, often tells him that if he joins the White Lotus Religion, he can avoid all kinds of weapons, illnesses, sufferings and disasters. After successful practice, he can live forever and become a god immediately.

Li Siyi dreamed of immortality, and because his only son had been sick since he was a child, he was basically a drug addict. He sought medical advice everywhere but found no results, so he joined a religious sect. However, he did not cure his son's illness after joining a religious sect. Except for Li Siyi,

He no longer believed in the sect, and the leader Niu Buye often used both soft and hard tactics to force him to donate. Most of Li Siyi's hard-earned money went into the sect, but he had already joined the sect, so he dared not be angry.

Just speak up.

This time, Mr. Cao mobilized all the students in the city to publicize the tactics and crimes of the White Lotus Cult bandits everywhere, and publicly posted the list. Those who took the initiative to accuse the criminals and those who reported others would be exempted. Niu Buye wanted to arrange some ordinary

The subordinates who were too ostentatious and could easily attract the attention of the officials hid in other places and extorted a sum of money from Li Yuanwai in the name of helping fellow brothers. Only then did Li Yuanwai make up his mind to report to the government..."

Xia Xun's mind was still in Qingzhou. He nodded and asked nonchalantly: "What does this cow do for a living?"

Yi Jiayi said: "This Niu Buye's name sounds like a vulgar man, but in fact he is not. This man is quite famous in our Jinan Mansion. He also studied and took the exam, but he failed and stayed in the south for two years.

, so he turned to the brokerage business of contacting and selecting booksellers for various bookstores, and often traveled all over the country, which made it easier for him to deal with all kinds of religions and attract members."

Xia Xun didn't quite understand the meaning of xuanjia. In fact, xuanjia were some scholars who were very authoritative in scientific examinations. At that time, scientific examinations were the only way out for scholars, and the main content of the scientific examinations was the eight-legged essay. Scholars had to figure it out.

Therefore, there are some literati who specialize in writing Eight-part essays, or make detailed analysis and comments on the Eight-part essays that are used in scientific examinations and high schools in regular years, and print them into books, which are very popular.

However, literati value their status, and they cannot directly go to bookstores to promote themselves. Besides local bookstores, booksellers from other places may not be able to contact them, so there are many middlemen who often leave the local area and hang out in the Yingtianfu area.

Get in touch with well-known local bookstores, and then be responsible for the contacts and transactions between them and bookstores. Niu Buye is such a middleman.

Yi Jiayi stopped, pointed forward and said, "We're here, there's the execution room in front of us, Mr. Yang, please."


Chen's Mountain Fruit Store is a fruit store in Jinan with a large store. They purchase local mountain products and sell them to the south, and they also purchase fruits from the south and ship them to the north. They exchange what they need and have a prosperous business.

In the backyard of Chen's Mountain Fruit Store, there are several places to store fruits. According to the different types of fruits, dried fruits, and mountain products, there are several cellars built to store different fruits. The weather at this time is July, so the storage

Most of the warehouses that store fresh fruits are full, but the warehouses that store dried fruits are mostly empty. The business of dried fruits is not good at the moment, and the warehouse doors are always locked and are not easily opened. There is a thick layer of dust on the locks.

But in this cellar where dried fruits are stored, there are several big men sitting inside at the moment. The air in the cellar is dull, but compared to the heat outside, it is much cooler here. With the weak light coming from the ventilation holes,

You could see about five or six people inside, and they made a bed with a wooden frame half a foot off the ground, with some simple quilts spread on it, and they sat cross-legged on it.

The man sitting at the top was wearing a t-shirt and his hair was tied with a cloth. He was about forty years old. His facial features were unremarkable. He was the kind of person who would not be found in a crowd. He only had two eyes.

He looked very impressive. Although his appearance was not eye-catching, he was none other than Niu Buye, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, who was wanted everywhere in Jinan Prefecture at the moment.

Niu Buye played with two walnuts in his hand and listened quietly to a brother who had just returned from outside telling him about the current situation in Jinan Mansion. When the man finished speaking, several people around him tried to persuade him: "Brother, the news about Jinan is

It’s getting tighter and tighter. Brother, it’s better to leave Jinan as soon as possible to avoid the limelight. After a year and a half, the court will relax, and it won’t be too late for brother to come back.”

Niu Buye smiled deeply and said slowly and calmly: "Of course I have to leave. However, I can't leave like this. If I, Niu Buye, leave like this, many years of hard work will be ruined. Now the government is tightening the investigation, so everyone knows

I am so scared that many believers have surrendered themselves to the government, and some even... betrayed our brothers. If not, how could I, Niu Buye, be in such a mess?"

He glanced at everyone and said coldly: "We must first stabilize the military morale of the congregation."

The big man who came to report the news asked: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Niu Buye said: "Ling Potian, you haven't been exposed yet. Go out and continue to pay attention to the movements of the government, especially the movements of Li Siyi's house. It has been seven or eight days since he reported the case, and the police officers guarding his house have already withdrawn.




Niu Buye's hands slowly clenched: "My religious altar has been destroyed and many brothers have been arrested. This is all thanks to the traitor Li Siyi. I can't just leave like this. Li Siyi... must die, and his whole family...

Everyone will die!"

Niu Buye's hand clenched tightly, and the two walnuts in his hand were crushed to pieces. When he opened his hand, the crumbs fell gently.

This chapter has been completed!
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