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Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Grand Investigation

When the execution was announced, Mr. Cao was sitting high up, with a cloth belt tied around his neck and his injured arm hanging. He slapped the case angrily and said: "The religious bandits are rampant. They are extremely rampant. Now they have openly attacked this official."

Okay, how is this different from rebellion? Although the assassins were masked, you could hear foreign accents in their speech. They must be desperadoes hired by Niu Buye, the leader of the White Lotus Cult. A notice was immediately posted, ordering patrols

Procuratorate, hurry up and investigate all those with foreign accents in the city.

Order all Lijia to inspect the neighbors, all businesses, inns, car dealers, and shops to be responsible for self-examination of their personnel, and to screen all people with foreign accents who have recently visited Jinan one by one. Those who speak with foreign accents must find the guarantor. There are two people.

If the above person proves his whereabouts last night, he will only make a report and keep a record. Otherwise, he must go to the Yamen of Yuncha to wait for questioning. If there is any cover-up or fraud, once discovered, he will be punished with the same crime as the bandits!"

The Lijia system of the Ming Dynasty originated from the Shiwu system in the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, there were ten families and five families were in the Wu system.

There is nowhere to hide the refugees and nowhere to accommodate the migrants. Its function is equivalent to our modern neighborhood committee. If it is really mobilized, it will have a great effect.

When Master Cao Qiguang finished his orders, they immediately dispersed. The entire Jinan City's efforts to suppress religious bandits were

Further upgraded.

After everyone had dispersed, Mr. Cao made a gesture to Xia Xun and invited him to talk in the back hall. The two left the hall and entered the back house. Mr. Cao smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, I will follow your instructions for this cruel trick.

The idea was made, and I was 'assassinated', which greatly damaged the reputation of our Jinan Mansion. If we end up working in vain, it will be self-defeating and the gain outweighs the loss."

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Your Excellency, the one who proposed the sentence to Shandong Mansion is the senior of Xianguan, and his experience is far beyond the reach of Xianguan. If Xianguan's plan does not work, I believe that your Excellency will not adopt it."


Cao Qiguang laughed loudly, actually raised his injured arm, and patted his shoulder neatly: "I'm just joking with you. The bandits are hiding among the people, and they are deeply hidden. I just want to turn Jinan Mansion upside down. I'm afraid

It's impossible to dig out these mice hiding in the holes. Master Yang's trick is very good at frightening the snakes and concealing the truth.

If we go directly to check people with Shaanxi accents, then if Vajra slaves really sneak into Jinan, they will definitely be wary and run away. Now that something like this has happened, if we check all people with foreign accents in a big way, we will not make him jump over the wall.

But when we come to do this, they will inevitably become suspicious about who did it and what the purpose is, so we will have the opportunity to take advantage of it."

He sighed and said: "It depends on how you hit the grass to scare the snake. If you hit it well, you can scare the snake out. If you hit it poorly, it will give it a warning and make it hide. The magic of using it lies in your heart. No wonder Mr. Yang is so old.

At a young age, he served in the Metropolitan Procuratorate and was entrusted with important responsibilities by the imperial court. The next generation is to be feared, and the next generation is to be feared!"

Since Xia Xun arrived in Jinan Prefecture, this was the second time he heard people praise him for being a fearsome young man. The previous one came from the mouth of Huang Yushi, which was just nonsense, but this one came from the mouth of a provincial inspector, and Xia Xun couldn't help but

Slightly revealing color.

When it comes to understanding the Huidao Sect, Xia Xun is not inferior to the Inspector Cao, or even better. Among the knowledge he has learned, there is the entire process of investigating, arresting, and attacking the Yiguandao that was rampant for a while.

Detailed analysis.

He understands the advantages and strengths of these Huidaomen. They are popular and deeply rooted among the people. They are spread across many towns and villages. They have their own strongholds, large and small, which appear and disappear. Each stronghold can be connected to form a line, and then expanded into an area. When it fails, it can be restored.

They can be turned into points, which can be advanced or retreated, integrated or broken up, can take root in one place and bear fruit, or can be moved to other places to plant willows and shade. Dealing with them is more troublesome than dealing with a frontal enemy with a knife or a gun.

On the other hand, these officials in the early Ming Dynasty had far less understanding of the Huidao Sect than Xia Xun, although they had begun to crack down on the White Lotus Sect since the founding of the country. The White Lotus Sect grew rapidly during the Yuan Dynasty, because these folk sects were not prohibited in the early Yuan Dynasty.

They multiplied rapidly and spread all over the country. By the time the Yuan Dynasty discovered something was wrong and began to ban them, they no longer had the power to exterminate them.

Zhu Yuanzhang was not a member of the Mingjiao, although the team he joined had its origins in the Mingjiao. But when the Mingjiao rebelled, Zhu Yuanzhang was still a hard-working cowherd boy. That year, a great plague killed his father, mother, eldest brother and

In the life of the eldest brother's son, only he and the second brother were left to depend on each other.

They were penniless at the time, so they had to use door panels to carry their loved ones wrapped in straw mats to bury them. It rained heavily and the rope broke. They had to borrow a rope. When they came back, they found that the soil collapsed and buried their loved ones.

Under a new hillock, Zhu Yuanzhang burst into tears, planted a tree as a monument, and continued running for a way to survive.

Soon, the great famine that followed the great plague forced Zhu Chongba to become a monk, but the temple he entered was a serious temple and had nothing to do with the White Lotus Sect. He spent two days in the temple half-starved.

After a month, the elder announced that the food had been eaten up and asked everyone to flee for their lives. The unlucky Zhu Chongba put on a monk's attire and began his life of begging.

After hanging around like this for several years, he joined Guo Zixing's Red Scarf Army when he was twenty-five years old. Although the Red Scarf Army started with the White Lotus Sect, it had become a formal army by this time, and powerful men from all walks of life were recruiting soldiers.

, Conquering the East and West, there is no need to use religion to win over people's hearts and win over disciples like in the past, and there is no longer any need to promote the White Lotus doctrine, recite mantras and burn incense.

Despite this, because many of the old men in the team were White Lotus sects, Zhu Yuanzhang knew the White Lotus sect very well and knew that it was a source of disaster that affected the peace of the world. Therefore, after he became emperor, he began to crack down on the White Lotus sect with unprecedented intensity.

However, after the great uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the White Lotus Sect also accumulated a lot of combat experience. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, people's minds were stable. They all lurked and patiently spent a few years or more than ten years to recuperate. In the first few years, they even completely

Various academic affairs were stopped.

Therefore, although the efforts to crack down on the White Lotus Sect in the early Ming Dynasty were great, the results were minimal. Governments in various places had limited experience in cracking down on religious bandits. Over the past few decades, the government's vigilance gradually decreased, and the White Lotus Sect, unwilling to be left alone, began to prepare for action. Now because of

The White Lotus Sect in Shaanxi was in rebellion, and the government began to crack down on the religious bandits again. In fact, neither the officials in charge of prisons nor the patrol officers who directly carried out the operations had much experience in this area.

However, Xia Xun knew that they were extremely concealed and could easily lurk among the crowd if they wanted to. As officials, they are the defenders of order and must not use the method of gouging out flesh and cutting sores to attack the bandits. In this way

We must try our best to capture their leaders and respond with beheading tactics. This is also an effective method commonly used by modern countries to deal with terrorists.

Now the leader of the White Lotus Sect in Jinan is Niu Buye. Although King Vajra Nu is famous, he is now a bereaved dog. Since he has left the place where he was founded, the role he can play is limited. For Jinan, the real

The threat still came from Niu Buye. Moreover, the murder of the Li family completely angered Xia Xun, and he vowed to catch this unscrupulous and inhuman bandit.

Therefore, Xia Xun proposed a plan to Cao Qigen. He first directed and staged an assassination, and then used this as an excuse to investigate people with foreign accents in the entire Jinan Prefecture. Regardless of whether the person who met Niu Buye that night was Wang Jingangnu, they were

When the Li family met on such a special occasion, they must have something up their sleeve, and this assassination of Cao Qigen, which was not claimed by a terrorist organization, would sow a seed of distrust between them.

At the same time, interrogating people with foreign accents may be able to find this suspicious person, or maybe force him to seek help from local snake Niu Buye. After all, although Niu Buye is a wanted criminal, he should still have a lot of energy in the local area, and

Or it might force Niu Buye and others to give up this prickly ally to avoid getting burned.

The same incident may have different consequences. It depends on how Niu Buye and the mysterious foreigner understand and deal with it. But no matter what, this incident can definitely create some clues out of the absence of clues.


For several days in a row, Xia Xun arrived early at the Sentencing and Inspectorate Office. His only job was to read over the information compiled by the scribes. The information on all people with foreign accents was sorted according to the time they arrived in Jinan Prefecture.

The order was sorted, and envelopes of different colors were put into different provinces. Of course, these were all adults. Men and women under the age of sixteen and over sixty had already been screened out in advance.

Xia Xun arrived at the signing room early every day, and then calmed down and carefully reviewed each person's information compiled by the scribes. At noon, just like them, he could just have a bite. This work was very boring, but Xia Xun

He persisted and was very serious all the time. The scribes all felt that this Beijing official was different from others and admired him very much.

Xia Xun knew that his method was a bit stupid, but it was very effective. He was a police academy student and had been a real policeman for a period of time. He knew that the real process of handling cases was basically tedious, boring, and boring.

Few people can be like the ancient and modern detectives described in detective movies. They can run to the crime scene and look around, and they can immediately find a bunch of clues, and then use them to deduce and fish out the needle from the haystack.

Most of those are film and television creations, in which the elements required for reasoning have been buried by the creators. The audience does not know what is going on, but the actors playing detectives can be confident. In fact, although such lucky cases are not unheard of, they are very rare.


Even in the famous "Fifteen Points of Reasoning to Solve a Sixteen-Year-Old Mystery" case that occurred in the United States, what people noticed was only the basically factual fifteen-point reasoning results made by famous criminal psychology experts. It seems that

He took out the reasoning results and the case was solved immediately, but he did not think about how many manpower and material resources the police mobilized based on these fifteen points of reasoning, and how long it took to investigate a large number of suspects again.

People who can really do things must combine knowledge and action, and they must be able to endure loneliness!

This chapter has been completed!
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