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Chapter 225 Fish in the Net

Chapter 225 Fish in the Net

Su Ying climbed out of the cave and quietly inspected the situation on the island. Unexpectedly, she found that the officers and soldiers had evacuated in panic. Now Shuangyu Island had been occupied by Chen Zuyi. Su Ying was secretly surprised and hurriedly returned to the cave quietly. She knew that Chen Zuyi

It is impossible to stay here for a long time. His roots are in Nanyang. He only brought ten ships with him on this trip north. He returned to Shuangyu most likely for food and drinking water. He should leave soon.

Su Ying did not guess wrong, but Chen Zuyi did not leave at dawn, because Xu Hu, who received Su Ying's news, rushed to Shuangyu Island at dawn and unexpectedly found that Chen Zuyi was here. Xu Hu was overjoyed and immediately surrounded Shuangyu Island.

, the two groups of pirates fought fiercely, but Chen Zuyi never took Su San as a hostage. From the perspective of the Shuangyu group of thieves, there was only one explanation for this: the third master had been killed by officers and soldiers or Chen Zuyi, and hatred drove them to attack Shuangyu.

A more violent attack.

It is not impossible for Chen Zuyi to break out of the encirclement now, but his reputation as the pirate king prevents him from making such a decision. If he flees in panic due to the Shuangyu Gang's attack under the favorable geographical conditions, wouldn't he be destroyed?

The laughing stock of pirates all over the world? What's more, the imperial navy is still on the way south to pursue them. If they escape now, they may encounter them. It is better to wait for them to find out that they have been deceived, and then return in anger. At that time

Escape calmly and continue to lead them by the nose.

There is no other place on the sea. As long as there is water, there are roads everywhere. One or two fleets cannot stop him. He is not worried about the Hangzhou Navy returning and teasing the officers and soldiers until they are exhausted. This is what he has always been good at, so

He simply stationed himself at Shuangyu, fought openly and secretly, and battled with Xu Hu in a battle of wits and strength, and they were locked in a stalemate.

This was very painful for Su Ying and Xia Xun. They hid in the cave and could only wait silently. No one knew when Chen Zuyi would leave and whether the Shuangyu Gang or the imperial navy would occupy Shuangyu Island next.

Su Ying sat at the entrance of the cave, gently playing with the pearls in her hands. These pearls taken from edible oysters were not beautiful in shape, not shiny, and not worth much. At her feet was a straight cliff hanging dozens of feet in the air.

, looking down, among the clumps of rocks, the sea water was surging, stirring up white waves, and a few seagulls screamed and passed by her feet.

The fresh sea breeze, combined with the sound of the rising tide, caused her hair to flutter and her clothes to tremble slightly.

It has been three days and Chen Zuyi has not left yet. He and the Shuangyu Gang are fighting evenly. Fortunately, his manpower is limited and he divides his troops to guard the main entrance and exit. This cliff is relatively deserted and no one has come. There are candles and beds in the cave.

There was no food, so Su Ying could only use her own skills to catch some fish, shrimps, and pick up some oysters. She could adapt to these foods, but Xia Xun gradually couldn't stand eating these raw things every day.

He was having a fever, and the fever was getting worse. It was caused by the inflammation of the wound. Su Ying originally thought that his injury was not serious and he would recover soon, but she did not expect the damage caused by the lead shot and the immersion in sea water.

, coupled with the lack of drug treatment, the combination of various factors actually caused him to continue to have fevers.

Su Ying was worried. This was how her husband died. It was a fight with another pirate gang. When her husband joined the gang to fight, a toe was cut off by a pirate from the other side. She didn't take it seriously at the time.

Later, she also had a low-grade fever that continued like this, and her health got worse and worse, and finally... she died. Su Ying was not a doctor, so she was helpless to deal with the illness. She didn't know if Xia Xun would follow in his footsteps. If he could survive this,

He can recover, but if he can't survive...

Su Ying sighed softly, stood up and returned to the cave. Xia Xun was lying on the couch with her eyes closed, her nose was snorting and her breathing was very rapid. Su Ying looked at his burning red face, picked up the towel,

She walked to the entrance of the cave and was soaked by the spring water. She came back and wiped his head and face, then lifted up the sheets and wiped his body. Over the past few days, she had become accustomed to taking care of Xia Xun, and before her eyes was a dying rescue.

My benefactor, she no longer cares about the defenses of many men and women.

Perhaps the physical cooling had some effect. Xia Xun calmed down again and fell into a deep sleep. Su Ying sat on the edge of the couch and stared at him silently for a long time. She sighed faintly. There was nothing heroic about that look.

The image of the third boss...


Fuyu, Fujian.

Li Jinglong's large ship docked at Fuyu Island. This island used to be occupied by a small group of pirates. Recently, due to the continuous encirclement and suppression by the imperial navy, those pirates were the first to bear the brunt. Seeing that the situation was not good, they had fled, and there were still people they abandoned on the island.

Some dilapidated buildings. Li Jinglong landed on the island to rest for a while. The Fuzhou Navy warship, which was cruising nearby and preparing to intercept Chen Zuyi's pirate ship, heard the news and came over. Several naval generals hurried ashore to pay homage to Cao Guogong.

"Have you never seen Chen Zuyi's ship at all? Not even one of them?"

After listening to their report, Li Jinglong touched his chin and pondered.

Tie Xuan frowned and said: "The sea is so vast, how can we take care of it? Could it be that they went to the deep sea to avoid our navy officers and soldiers?"

Luo Yu, the commander of the Hangzhou Guard, said: "Master Tie is not familiar with sailing. Not to mention that those pirate ships don't have much food and water, and they can't go far. Even if there is enough food, rice and water, the situation on the water is ever-changing, and there is always a sea breeze.

The huge waves are not familiar with the conditions of the deep sea and they take the route there. It is hundreds of times more dangerous than walking along the boat route they are most familiar with. Even if they need to break through our many obstacles, Chen Zuyi will never detour to the deep sea area away from the mainland.

A sailor."

Tie Xuan said: "In this case, there are only a few routes they can choose. If the soldiers of the Fuzhou Guard have not seen them, maybe they sneaked past without knowing it. But along the way,

There were no navy officers and soldiers along the way, so that would be a bit strange, could it be..."

Li Jinglong's eyes narrowed slightly: "Could it be that Chen Zuyi had eaten the courage of a bear and didn't actually run away?"

Luo Yu's expression changed and he said: "My lord, I think this speculation may not be impossible. Chen Zuyi is extremely cruel and a master who must take revenge. This time the Shuangyu Gang betrayed him and caused him to lose his army. Will he?"

...Going to seek bad luck from Shuangyu?"

Li Jinglong paced back and forth for a while and said: "It's not impossible, it's not impossible. We can't treat this desperado with common sense. After passing the order, all the naval forces were still on the sea surface and were on strict alert.

My Lord will lead the Hangzhou Guards and return to Shuangyu immediately!"

At that moment, Li Jinglong's thirty or so large ships hurriedly raised anchors and sails, turned their bows, and headed towards Shuangyu again...


It's dark.

Su Ying used a stone to break open the hard shell of the oyster, picked out the tender oyster meat, chewed it in her mouth, aimed it at Xia Xun's mouth, and forced it into his mouth. Now Xia Xun has difficulty eating.

She really doesn't know how long Xia Xun can last...

Xia Xun ate something and seemed to look a little better, but he was still swaying and chattering his teeth. Su Ying hesitated for a long time, then leaned over with a dizzy face, and "popped" the half-burned candle.

Blow it out in one breath, a faint spark disappears, a wisp of green smoke curls up in the black curtain, the sound of surging tide is heard outside the cave, but the sound of undressing is faintly heard in the cave.

Then, a soft, toned, smooth and satin daughter's body hugged Xia Xun's body tightly...

His body was hot, and Su Ying's face was even hotter, as hot as fire. She had to lean to the side of the stone wall and press her back against the smooth and cold stone wall to prevent her whole body from burning up.

Su Ying had not held a man in her arms for nearly ten years. It was as if heaven and earth could not refuse the arrival of the season. The seemingly withered tree vines knotted on the cliff were naturally soaked with green when blown by the spring breeze and poured by the spring rain.

, Su Ying's heart seemed to suddenly come to life.

She originally thought that she just wanted to save people, so she could do it very calmly. Anyway, she had seen his body, touched him, and even kissed him on the mouth, so there was nothing she could feel uncomfortable with. However,

When she hugged Xia Xun's body tightly, she realized that her body was also swaying, shaking harder than Xia Xun's. Her mind was confused, as if she was dreaming.

Of course she had had erotic dreams. The men in the dreams were vague shadows. After waking up, she could hardly remember the plot of the dream. She didn’t know how it started and how it ended. All the processes were hazy. When she woke up,

The feeling afterwards was empty and sad, but now it was no longer a dream, she was holding a man in her arms, strong, strong, young... everything was so real.

Su Ying's head was dizzy, and a strange and strange feeling rippled through her heart, making her feel so empty. She wanted to catch something, but seemed to be unable to catch anything. Her thoughts

, like a lost little fish, shuttled among the clumps of aquatic plants, struggling, but unable to get out, seeing the bright white beach as silver, the clear as air water again, confused, panic, and at a loss.

She could only hug Xia Xun tightly and use a tight hug to fill the emptiness deep in her heart...

The third sister began to feel hot, confused, and her mouth felt dry. She wanted to drink water, but she didn't want to get up to get the spring water. In front of her eyes, it seemed that there was only his saliva. She could only swallow a mouthful of saliva and bury her head in the summer

In Xun’s arms, they continued to play tricks...

Outside Shuangyu Island, on Xu Hu's battleship, Xu Hu was having a heated argument with a group of pirate leaders. They were unable to attack Shuangyu Island for a long time. Xu Hu was worried that once the imperial navy returned, he and Chen Zuyi would become the snipe and clam fighting each other.

Therefore, I decided to temporarily give up the plan to capture or kill Chen Zuyi, pretend to attack Nanyu, concentrate the main ships to attack Beiyu, drive him out, and regain their base. He is the leader of a gang and must consider the overall situation.

Sometimes personal grudges have to be put aside.

But it is not easy to convince his arrogant generals. Forced by the situation, Lei Xiaoxi's subordinates have temporarily surrendered to him. It will take a long time to really win over him. At this time, he can't do without Su San.

However, these loyal old subordinates of old gang leader Su have been clamoring to kill Chen Zuyi and avenge his sister. Xu Hu has a headache. He must first convince these stubborn old men before he can implement his plan.

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