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Chapter 229 Undercurrent

Chapter 229 Undercurrent

Li Jinglong took Tie Xuan, Xia Xun and dozens of soldiers to rush to Jinling City at full speed under the stars.

That morning, at three o'clock in the morning, they rushed to Jinling City. Li Jinglong and others entered the city in plain clothes and with black faces. Because they arrived in such a hurry, they did not have time to report to the court, and there was no one to greet the victorious General Li.

Jinling City brings prosperity from all directions, and merchants gather there. In normal times, more than a million people and civilians are on duty, doing business, walking in the streets, or visiting relatives and friends, making this golden place of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties.

It was very lively, but now it is a little deserted. There are cars and horses on the street in a hurry, and there are only a few customers in restaurants and teahouses.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, came to the throne, and the entire capital suddenly became quiet. Taizu ordered the subjects of the world to observe mourning for only three days. Zhu Yunwen, the grandson of the emperor who had just ascended the throne, ordered a three-year funeral.

The ancient ritual changed the sun to the moon. In this case, thirty-six days of mourning should be replaced by three years and thirty-six months. However, Emperor Jianwen followed the good example and immediately changed the previous decree and implemented a three-day national mourning in accordance with Taizu's last words.

At this moment, the three-day period of national mourning has passed, and people no longer need to pay filial piety, so Li Jinglong and others are dressed a little at first glance, but no one pays much attention to them, because the incident happened suddenly, and many important officials of the court who were out of town were...

Rushing back to the capital one after another, scenes like this can be seen every day.

Although the three-day period of national mourning has passed, the people of the capital still dare not act recklessly. The officials and relatives who usually have fun are even more cautious about their words and deeds at this moment. Except for going to the Yamen for duty, they stay at home to avoid being exposed.

Ke Dao Yanguan grasped the handle, and the aftershocks of the collapse of the mountain still rippled throughout the world...

For Xia Xun, the impact of Zhu Yuanzhang's death was not great. He had known that Zhu Yuanzhang was about to die. He was just a shrimp under the abyss. Above the surface, the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked, and the huge waves surged into the sky, and they could not sweep him away.

In his case, like most ordinary people, he didn't care much about the changes in the sun and the moon or the change of emperors. However, his sadness and desolation were not all fake. After staying with Zhu Yuanzhang for so long, he

In fact, I have quite a bit of respect for this emperor who is usually stern and unsmiling.

This commoner emperor who became the Huaiyou Tiger from a commoner, then drove out the Tartars and unified the world, was not a morally perfect saint, but a good emperor who worked hard to govern, was thrifty, hated evil, and cared about the world, even though he was not very similar to him.

Although there was too much in-depth contact, his personality charm left a deep impression on Xia Xun's heart. He did not have the slightest resistance in his heart to pay tribute to Zhu Yuanzhang, and he was willing to do so.

However, his emotion was limited to this. His feelings for Zhu Yuanzhang were limited to admiration for a great man. Now that he has returned to the capital, he just hopes to pay the decree to the new emperor as soon as possible, return to his home, and see

to your loved ones.

With his wife and children on the hot bed, Xia Xun's ambitions have never been big. Between Emperor Jianwen, who was too useless, and Emperor Yongle, who was too shrewd, he just wanted to be a small person from a well-off family, and didn't want to have any influence in front of either of them.

Show something.

Li Jinglong was not like that. Cao Guogong had a dark face, and anyone who saw him looked grief-stricken.

He was indeed devastated. The emperor passed away, and no one could appreciate his great achievements on the southeast coast. At this time, it was inappropriate to give out large-scale awards and commendations. Emperor Jianwen, who had just ascended the throne, could not have the leisure to listen to him.

It tells how he worked hard to suppress bandits in the southeast and how he made great achievements. The new emperor ascended the throne and had too many things to do.

What is comforting is that Emperor Jianwen is his cousin, and he has always had a good relationship with him. Moreover, although he did not catch up with the late emperor Tuogu and rushed slowly, at last the late emperor has not yet been buried, so he can still be a supporter.

Minister Ling.

As soon as he arrived in the capital, Li Jinglong didn't even return home and immediately hurried to the palace to renew the order. Tie Xuan and Xia Xun each returned to their respective yamen to wait for news.

Today, the Jinyi Guard Command Department was even more deserted, and there were not many people walking around in the yamen. Xia Xun finally found someone to ask where Luo Qianshi was, and then walked to the back courtyard and arrived at the back courtyard where Luo Qianshi lived.

Outside the door, several clusters of camellias were blooming on both sides of the courtyard gate. Xia Xun suddenly saw Liu Yujue sitting on the stone steps under a cluster of camellias, holding his chin and staring at the ground in front of him in a daze.

He had no place to live in the capital, but he lived in the Jinyiwei yamen, because Jinyiwei's clothes were too gorgeous. Although the three days of national mourning had passed, he was not going out on business at the moment, so he did not wear a flying fish suit, only a scholar's suit.

She is usually wearing a moon-white robe, with a dark-colored belt tied tightly around her waist, and her hair is tied with a sandalwood hairpin. Her hair is as black as lacquer, and her eyebrows are tied with an ink-colored forehead bandage.

He is holding his chin with his right hand, looking a little feminine yet elegant. Viewed from the side, the straight bridge of his nose and slightly raised red lips are really more beautiful than a girl's. Those two rows make women envious of their neatness.

Her beautiful, tight eyelashes didn't blink for a long time, and she didn't know what she was looking at so absorbedly.

Xia Xun stepped lightly and walked quietly to him. He couldn't help but feel angry and funny. There were only a few ants on the green brick ground in front of Liu Yujue, and they were struggling to carry a piece of steamed bun dregs. The small steamed bun dregs were too small for them.

It was already too huge. They were busy lifting or pushing, trying hard to move the food forward. Liu Yujue was so lost in thought that he was watching such a boring game?

The emperor had just passed away, and Xia Xun couldn't joke with him casually. When he saw that he was walking next to him, he didn't realize it, so he reached out and patted his shoulder. Xia Xun's touch made Liu Yujue shrink his shoulders.

With an exclamation, he jumped up, and his face turned a little pale. When he saw clearly that the person in front of him was Xia Xun, he was stunned for a moment, and then hesitantly called out: "Yang...Brother Yang?"


When Li Jinglong's victory report was delivered to the capital, Zhu Yuanzhang died at the same time. His battle report was shelved and the new emperor had not had time to pay attention to it. Therefore, the news that Xia Xun died at the hands of pirates was not spread. Since Xia Xun was not known,

Liu Yujue's reaction to the news that Xun had "died" was a bit strange. Xia Xun couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Yujue, what happened?"

Liu Yujue's originally pale cheeks suddenly turned red, and she quickly shook her head while panting: "No... nothing, I suddenly saw... seeing my eldest brother back, I was so happy that I was stunned."

As he spoke, his clear eyes, as clear as autumn water, quickly became misty, as if he was about to shed tears. Xia Xun felt a little embarrassed. This little brother of his had grown up among women, and he was very feminine.

It's too strong. Yujue is too much like his big-eared brother Liu Bei. He sheds tears at every turn. I can't afford to hurt such a man.

Xia Xun had no choice but to comfort him in a dumbfounded way: "Brother is back, isn't he? What's there to cry about? Is there anyone in the yamen bullying you? Tell it to Brother Yang and I'll help you deal with him."

Liu Yujue quickly shook her head again and said shyly: "No, no, suddenly I just... want to cry..."

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, patted his shoulder again and said, "Okay, I just came back and I have to meet Mr. Qianshi. I will talk to you in detail later."

He noticed that when his palm touched Liu Yujue's shoulder, he shrank subconsciously. Xia Xun often made such intimate gestures with him in the past, but he did not have such an instinctive reaction. Xia Xun was a little strange, but he also

Without thinking much, I said hello to him again, then turned and walked towards the courtyard.

Liu Yujue hesitated to speak, looking at his back, biting her lip gently, the mist in her eyes finally condensed into two crystal tears, rolling in her eyes.

Xia Xun rushed to the door of Luo Qian's office and reported: "Master Qian, Yang Xu, who is of low rank, wants to see you."

"Wenxuan is back, come in."

As soon as Xia Xun opened the door, he smelled a faint fragrance of tea. Luo Qianshi was sitting cross-legged on the back of a short table. He was dressed in white and had a graceful wind. There was a faint smile on his elegant face that fascinated many Huaichun girls.

, it can be seen that he is in a very good mood.


Luo Kedi gently rolled up the sleeve of his right robe with his left hand, and gracefully extended his palm to give up his seat. Behind him, there was still the picture of the imperial guards accompanying the emperor on his tour. In front of him, there were two cups, probably for him just after hearing Xia Xun's report.

He poured tea. The water was dense and light as mist.

"Emperor Taizu... has passed away, and his grandson has ascended the throne as the current Emperor Jianwen."

Luo Kedi breathed a sigh of relief, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, then relaxed again, and he sighed: "Death and life are fate; they are like night and day, heaven; there is a time for life and a time for death, this is

The destiny of heaven cannot be resisted by human beings!"


Xia Xun bowed. The emperor's death was something that a small official like him really had nothing to comment on. As for Luo Qian's emotion about the impermanence of life in his words, at his age, he didn't have much emotion and understanding about life and death.

Fate is like fate; it has the same nature as night and day; there is a time for life and a time for death, but what? Happiness is in the present! Only if this is the case, we should cherish the happiness at the moment. This is Xia Xun's experience.

Luo Kedi misunderstood the reason for Xia Xun's reticence and couldn't help but smile: "Wenxuan doesn't need to be worried. What is the identity of the Crown Prince and Tutor Huang? Now he is the Imperial Master. Do you think he will care about your little things?"

Displeased? Haha, I don’t have a good impression of these literati, but if you think that he will be worried about your affairs, now that he is in power, he will come to embarrass you, a small eighth-rank flag officer.

It would be too underestimating him."

Xia Xun, a literary minister, Lieli, offended Huang Zicheng, and Xunqing Lieli, offended Cao Guogong. A dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. He really doesn't worry about what these two little things will do in the future. It's just Li Jinglong, he doesn't believe in himself either.

Huang Zicheng, who claims to be a gentleman, would have the leisure and leisure to pay attention to him. After listening to Luo Kedi's enlightenment, he leaned forward and said: "Thank you for your enlightenment. Even if he really wants to be in a humble position, as long as he follows the rules, it will be difficult for him to catch him."

What a clue, not to mention, I still have your protection, my lord."

Luo Kedi chuckled and said happily: "Well, so... you don't need to be anxious. The day when I, Jin Yiwei, will come to my fore is coming soon. You have always been calm and capable in doing things. I will definitely reuse you. Do your best."


Xia Xun raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling quite surprised: "Is the emperor going to reuse our royal guards?"

In his memory, Zhu Yunwen had no interest in generals, and he seemed to have no interest in these royal agents. Has history changed?

Luo Kedi gently pushed a handbook with a white silk cover in front of him to Xia Xun, and said with a smile: "Come and take a look, see if you can see any mystery?"

This chapter has been completed!
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