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Chapter 241 Silent Resistance

Chapter 241 Silent resistance

Thanks to my family, Xia Xun and An Yuan were drinking tea under the grape trellis with Xie Luchan.

Xia Xun had no objection to Xie Luchan's caring for his brother, but Xia Xun did not agree with Xie Luchan's indulgence in mixing with a group of flattering and profit-seeking villains, so he often invited Xie Luchan to his home, or brought Xie Luchan to his home.

I went to visit his home with three or five friends. He was a royal guard. Ordinary people were quite afraid of people wearing tiger skins. Xia Xun bumped into them several times, but he didn't show any emotion at all. Those people were frightened.

Fewer people came, and as time went by, the friendship naturally faded. Xia Xun quietly cut off the contact between Xie Luchan and those bad friends.

It was the crisp autumn season, and the purple-red grapes on the rack were already ripe. The three of them sat there, drinking fragrant tea and talking happily after having had enough wine and food.

"Speaking of King Zhou this time, the court's punishment was too hasty."

Xie Luchan was a little tipsy, so she put a bean into her mouth, chewed the bean and said: "Wenxuan, you went to Kaifeng, but you found the dragon robe, jade seal, armor and armor from Prince Zhou's palace.


Xia Xun shook his head and said, "No."

Xie Luchan asked again: "So, in addition to the three guards, can the King of Zhou privately store troops and raise dead soldiers secretly?"

Xia Xun shook his head and said, "No."

Xie Luchan slapped the stone table and said: "That's it. There is no evidence. Just based on a word from the second son of King Zhou, a prince was demoted to Yunnan. This matter is absolutely unfair to the court."

Xia Xun smiled and said nothing. Fatty An, like Xia Xun, knew the truth. At this time, he interrupted and said with a smile: "We ordinary people don't know what happens in the court. Even Wenxuan doesn't know."

Don’t discuss the details, these things.”

Xie Luchan said: "That's not what you said. The imperial court ordered the kings to discuss their crimes. The whole world knows about this matter. There are no outsiders here, so why can't we talk about it? Isn't it just me saying that the common people,

There was a lot of discussion about this matter. The king of Zhou was very virtuous among all the kings, but he was convicted for no reason. Everyone felt that this was unfair."

Xia Xun glanced at Fatty An. Fatty An understood it and said quickly: "Ah, Brother Luchan, look at me. After drinking your fine wine, I forgot why I came today. I came today to ask Brother Luchan for a favor."

As for the painting, now is the golden autumn season, and An wants to ask Brother Lu Chan for a painting of lotuses left in the autumn rain. I wonder if Brother Lu Chan would be willing to give it to me?"

When Xie Luchan heard him mention painting, she immediately became energetic and immediately grabbed him with great interest and started discussing the painting.

An Litong pretended to be an idiot for more than half a year, then claimed that he had hired a famous doctor and the treatment was almost perfect. He no longer had to pretend in front of others. After Xia Xun came back from Kaifeng, Luo Qianshi handed over some daily errands of Jinyiwei Yamen.

I left him to take care of things, and my affairs were leisurely. One day I met him again, and invited him out for a drink. After going back and forth, the two became familiar with each other again, and often went out together.

At this time, Xie Xie came over with a plate of grapes that had just been washed with well water. The little beauty rolled up her sleeves, revealing her two wrists, which were as bright as jade. Her big eyes were watery, just like the dewdrops on the plate.

Grape, Fatty An knew that this was Yang Baihu's default wife, who was said to be married in the Mid-Autumn Festival next year, so although he thought the beauty was eye-catching, he didn't dare to be presumptuous, and he just pretended to be attentive and listened to Xie Luchan talk about his painting experience.

"Come on, I just drank wine, eat some grapes to refresh myself."

Thanks to a green scarf tied with a bow on her head, which made her look cute and cute. She put down the fruit plate and said with a genuine smile.

Xia Xun coughed, stood up and said, "Thank you. I see there is a corner missing by the well. Has it been filled in now?" As he said this, he walked away.

Thank you, your eyes flashed brightly, and you followed him naturally.

The two of them walked around the grape trellis and arrived at the well behind the flower garden, avoiding the sight of Xie Luchan and Fatty An. Xie Xie leaned on the windlass beside the well, glanced at him with a half-smile, and asked: "What's wrong with this person?"

What are you going to do?" There was a smile on his face, and his every smile showed an alluring charm.

Xia Xun glanced at the grape trellis, pulled Xie Xie's smooth and cool arm, and whispered: "Come, go to the gable wall of the house."

Xie Yufei was pulled away by him, with a hint of coquettishness in her eyebrows, and she said coquettishly: "What are you doing? My brother is here."

Xia Xun couldn't help but pull her to the gable of the house. The gable was covered with ivy and the greenery was very dense. Xia Xun peeked out from among the branches and leaves, then turned around and said, "Thank you, I have something to do."

, I can’t leave, I have to trouble you to do it.”


Thank you, you thought he pulled her over to be intimate with you, but suddenly you saw his serious look on your face, and you couldn't help but feel a little startled.

When she was washing the grapes, she probably washed her face. Her face was still slightly moist. Her big eyes were watery and charming, and her petal-like lips were moist and tender. She was trembling slightly as she wanted to ask something.

Xia Xun actually had something to say to her, but when he saw the cute look on her face, he couldn't help but move his fingers, so he stretched out his hand, circled her slender waist, and kissed her lips.

"Huh? Well..."

Thank you for your response, you put your hands around his neck, and responded enthusiastically and naively.

Then, Xia Xun's big hand around Xie's waist was seen quietly sliding towards her buttocks.

Then, there was a "pop" sound, which was very clear, as if he was swatting mosquitoes. Xia Xun's voice was dissatisfied: "You are not allowed to look at such a beautiful August 15th, and you are not allowed to touch it?"

Thank you and chuckled: "When August 15th next year, I will come through your door, I will look at you and touch you as you like. Now...it can't be done! Tell me, what do you need from me?

Take action personally?"


According to the imperial edict, the vassals discussed the crimes of the King of Zhou.

The people were talking about this matter a lot, but the princes of the vassals seemed to have suddenly become deaf and mute, and there was no sound at all.

When the rabbit dies and the fox is sad, how can the princes add insult to injury?

But the emperor issued an edict to discuss crimes, so how could he resist the edict?

Therefore, all the princes are staring at King Yan to see what he does. King Yan is the biological brother of King Zhou and the eldest brother of King Zhou's mother. There are more than 20 princes in Ming Dynasty. Now he is the oldest.

The leaders of the kings and all the princes want to know what King Yan will do.

From June to July, from July to August, from August to September, Peking remains silent.

The main hall of Prince Yan's Mansion was completely silent at the moment. Several discussions had yielded no results. The imperial court had repeatedly urged, but Prince Yan could no longer delay the matter. Today, he had to summon the civil servants and generals of the Prince's Palace to discuss the crime again.

Zhu Di pressed his knees and sat upright on the throne. His face was gloomier than the sky above the palace, and the civil and military officials on the left and right were silent.

"Your Majesty has taken action. Your Majesty has really taken action. He is attacking the King of Zhou. This is for me. I have handed over the military power. Are you still worried? How long are you going to bully me? How long are you going to bully me?

What's the point? It's too much to bully others!"

An unknown anger surged up in his heart, and the veins on Zhu Di's forehead suddenly stretched out. After a while, the stretched veins slowly calmed down. Zhu Di exhaled a breath and said: "The imperial court has discussed the fifth brother's matter many times.

Urgent, we can't delay. Today, no matter what, we have to come up with a result. Let's all talk about it. Ge Cheng, you are the chief historian of my palace, you go first!"


Ge Cheng had a bitter look on his face. As mentioned earlier, most of the officials in the royal palace were appointed by the prince himself, but the highest-ranking officials were directly appointed by the court. The first to bear the brunt was the chief minister. The chief minister in the palace was equivalent to the prime minister.

In the imperial court. The problem is that the palace is not a imperial court after all, so the most important responsibility of the long history is not to serve the emperor, manage Yin and Yang, coordinate the four seasons, and adjust everything to suit the needs of the people.

The ministers and ministers all had their own duties, but they took the blame for the prince.

Chang Shi is a professional scapegoat.

When the prince asked, Ge Cheng had to answer hesitantly: "The prince guards Beiping, and the King of Zhou guards Kaifeng. The kings are not allowed to meet each other, and they are not allowed to leave the vassal territory. Since the vassalage, it can be said that the relationship between the prince and the king of Zhou

, and it is difficult to have any contact. Naturally, the prince does not know the details of what the king of Zhou has done. If you make a hasty decision, there will be no evidence whether you are guilty or innocent. In my humble opinion, it is better not to

If you want to comment, please respectfully ask the Holy Judge."

Zhu Di snorted coldly and said: "The emperor has issued an order, can I not comment? Tell me, what crime should be discussed!"

Li Rui, the royal guest of honor, couldn't help it anymore and jumped out and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the King of Zhou deliberately conspired to rebel. Even his son reported it to the court. Can this be wrong? The court only sentenced him to a derogatory sentence for the serious crime of treason.

Being a commoner and being exiled to Yunnan is really too light. Now that the prince is the head of the vassals, he should set an example for the court and suggest that the court reconsider his crime. Even if he is not killed in the whole family, he should also kill the chief culprit and maintain the integrity of the clan.


This guest of honor is not the consort, but the official in charge of etiquette in the palace. Li Rui, nicknamed Jincheng, is a scholar. He is young and energetic. He thought that his words of extreme loyalty to the court were very appropriate, and he did not want to anger him as soon as he said them.

Zhu Gaoxu, the second son of King Yan, had already figured out who the emperor was targeting with this move. Now when he saw Li Rui, a bookworm, turning his elbows outward to support the court, he immediately pointed at his nose and cursed: "

If you report rebellion to the court, does that mean you are really rebelling? You don’t need any evidence? Then if I say you are rebelling, should I have your head chopped off! Even if the court farts, you will treat it as sweet."

Li Rui was so angry that he trembled and said: "Second Prince, you, you... you, the noble prince, how can you imitate that rude warrior and speak rudely? It is... it is really humiliating to your status. I am a guest of honor in the palace, and I want to report you to the prince.

!Sue you!”

Li Yibin's words immediately offended the military commanders on duty. These people were used to being rude and casual in front of King Yan. They immediately cursed: "What's wrong with the warriors? Without us warriors licking blood from the blade of our swords and going through life and death, there would be today's Ming Dynasty."

Country? Are there you guys who show off their pens and show off your words to get high-ranking officials and big salaries? What can you do that you bullshit scholars can do?"

After such a scolding, the general managers, Dianbao, professors and other civil servants quit their jobs, and those who came over one after another also started reasoning. The military generals didn't care what you said about Kong Yue Meng Yue. They just jumped on the street and cursed. Ge Chang, who was professional in taking the blame.

Shi quickly stood up and shouted, but no one listened to him. Ge Changshi had no choice but to roll up his sleeves and go to break up the fight. When he finally separated the civil and military forces, he looked up in embarrassment and saw that King Yan had disappeared.


"Your Highness cannot discuss the sins of King Zhou!"

Dao Yan said decisively: "The vassals are silent and motionless, just watching His Highness's actions. His Highness's every move is of great importance. Not only can His Highness not discuss King Zhou's crimes, but he also has to write to the court to ask for forgiveness for King Zhou."

Zhu Di smiled bitterly and said: "Master, do you think I don't want to save my fifth brother? The imperial court issued a decree to let all the feudal lords discuss the crime, but before the crime was discussed, the fifth brother had been sent to Yunnan. Whether we should discuss this crime or not,

If you can't save your fifth brother, you will only anger the court, so why bother? It's better to downplay and state a few charges to give the court some dignity."

Dao Yan said: "Your Highness's words are wrong. This is the imperial court's plan to ask questions. One is to test the minds of the vassals because of the arrest of King Zhou, and the other is to force the kings to express their stance. King Zhou is your Highness's brother. Today, Your Highness, if

Abandoning the King of Zhou and showing weakness to the court will make the court more determined to weaken the vassals. At the same time, it will also make His Highness abandon himself before the vassals. From then on, the vassals will sweep away the snow in front of them, and it will no longer be possible for them to share the same hatred with the enemy."

Zhu Di was silent for a moment and said lonelyly: "Master, do you think that if Zhu Di did this, all the vassals would be willing to respond? No, although they are all waiting now, as soon as Zhu Di wrote the letter, after all the vassals weighed the pros and cons, they still

There will be people who obey the imperial court and plead guilty to the fifth brother. If all the vassals can really work together, hey..."

Dao Yan smiled and said: "Yes, after weighing the pros and cons, there will still be people who unconscionably discuss the crime of King Zhou for their own selfish interests. However, why can they wait until today? Therefore, even if they discuss the crime of King Zhou

The sin is also done unwillingly. Your Highness is now the head of the vassals. No matter what others do, the prince cannot compromise! You have no shame in heaven and no shame in the earth. Justice is in the heart of the people!"

Zhu Di's eyes flickered, and he savored Dao Yan's words repeatedly. After a long time, Ruoran realized it, and he clasped his hands together and said: "Zhu Di has been taught!"

Yan Fan's criminal memorial has arrived!

The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are watching, the people of the world are watching, and the spies sent to the capital by the Ming vassals are also watching. Everyone is watching, and they all want to know what the leader of the Ming kings has negotiated for the King of Zhou.

The crime, this round, will he surrender to the court?

In Jinshen Hall, Zhu Yunwen was also watching.

"...If what King Zhou did was ambiguous, he was thinking of his close relatives, and he was generous and generous, with the kindness of his whole body and flesh. If the traces are obvious and the ancestors' instructions are still there, how can I dare to comment on it? I am so foolish and sincere, I only hope.

Your majesty, with the heart of our ancestors, upholds the brightness of the sun and moon, and bestows the virtues of heaven and earth..."

The King of Yan did not discuss the crime, and the King of Yan did not convict the King of Zhou of even a small crime, but instead went up to plead for the King of Zhou!

Zhu Yunwen didn't expect that the Fourth Emperor's uncle would react like this, and he was a little at a loss for a moment. He looked at this memorial from left to right, and almost memorized every sentence in the memorial, and then shouted in a very dejected manner: "

Xiao Linzi, Xiao Linzi, please invite Mr. Huang, Mr. Qi, and Mr. Fang to come see me immediately, quickly, immediately!"

In the past seven days, I have updated an average of 8,600 words every day. I have discovered that I am so diligent in updating. Dear heroes, ***, please vote for your recommendation. I don’t know if God rewards hard work, but I know that you will definitely reward me.

You are diligent, right^_^(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation at ***(***.***),***, your support is my greatest


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